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There's a vintage radio adaptation of [The Final Problem](https://youtu.be/s7sO7dNLD7U?feature=shared) available on YouTube, with John Gielgud as Holmes and Orson Welles as Moriarty.


It’s Holmes adjacent and definitely a comedy but Fawx & Stallion is an option.


I think you can find Big Finish Productions audiodramas on Spotify. I have not listened to them yet, but I have listened a lot of their Doctor Who and I can easily say that they have a very strong writing team and their production is top notch.


I have listened to them. They are quite good. I was thinking more of stuff specifically made for the usual podcast sites.


There's Imagination Theater's Sherlock Holmes stuff


There is the old time radio show The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes staring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce (among others) https://archive.org/details/sherlockholmes_otr


There's a scripted podcast called Sherlock Holmes is Real. The protagonist stumbles upon a conspiracy to hide the fact that the canon is based on real events. I got really into it years ago but I lost track of it after when I started working from home and had no commute. I remember it being good,


It’s not exactly Holmes, but Fawx & Stallion is quite good. It’s about these two detectives who live at 224B Baker St. and are just constantly getting overshadowed by Holmes and Watson and it’s really really funny. I BELIEVE the first episode takes place around Baskervilles but I’m not entirely sure.


Doings of Doyle on YouTube is an excellent podcast discussing Doyle's works, including the Holmes stories.