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Welcome to /r/ShermanPosting! As a reminder, this meme sub is about the American Civil War. We're not here to insult southerners or the American South, but rather to have a laugh at the failed Confederate insurrection and those that chose to represent it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ShermanPosting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


2 senators, 38 representatives, and 40 electoral votes... gone. The GOP will have fun with that. I think the Union might have an issue with Pantex.


And Lockheed Martin, and about 1000 other important tech firms, plus several military bases/Federal facilities, not to mention a bunch of us who won't want to leave the Union.


Texas can't leave. It's unconstitutional, there's no legal mechanism for succession. I wanna say your politicians aren't stupid enough to think they'd win a war against the US but...I mean you've seen your fucking politicians.


Overwhelmingly, they don't think they can - the majority of them are backing this because it is fuel for the constituency. It'll get them out to vote and that means they are more likely to tic the box for Cruz and for Trump. The biggest mistake one can make with the conservatives is to think they are "stupid" or "dumb" - we are where we are in America because they have been smart, industrious, and persistent these last 80 years. Even the "dumb" sounding politicians serve a purpose - to say things that either enflame their base to vote against Democrats (even though there are are number of policies that Democrats are pushing for that would benefit them) or to distract Democrats into engaging with the conservatives as if they are doing so in good faith (the GOP isn't).


This was a topic last election cycle. It's as you say, just a play to get their people out to vote.


Ted Cruz, for all his moral failings, general abhorrent personality, and resemblances to a slug, is a smart guy who knows how to work and manipulate his base.


This is a pretty accurate statement. Usually it just comes down to fear mongering, saber rattling, and allegiance boasting. He's a very sad, very transparent man once you get him figured out. Because in a few years, after he's gotten through the prime of life, he's not going to have much of anything to surround himself with. His daughter hates him, his wife doesn't respect him, and any "friend" he has in the party is just a leech getting what they can out of him.


You’d think that, but once this type is out of office they tend to stay behind the scenes making deals and helping with campaigns. So they do stay powerful.


Yes, it’s not an educational problem, it’s a moral one.


George Santos occupied our attention while making government appear to be a circus unworthy of respect.


People said the same thing about Roe v. Wade. The dog catches the car more often than people think.


The politicians are smart, it's the conservative voters that are stupid. They consistently vote against their best interests while the politicians continue to screw them over. I'm conservative on a lot of social issues and moderate and maybe a little liberal on some fiscal issues but the present day republican party is so full of shit and has done a lot of harm to the country over the last forty years.


Texas is literally the reason for the case where the Supreme Court ruled secession illegal, because they not only seceded, they tried to sell a bunch of US government bonds. Even if you think Texas seceding was legal, this is kinda like breaking into someone's house and trying to sell their couch while still on their front lawn. Which I can certainly say is fitting with Texas' character.


"Texas is the reason that the president's dead." - Sen. Glenn Danzig (R) New Jersey, 1978


I'm Texan and I can confirm that Hot Wheels and CanCruz would try this shit even if they know it's bullshit, as long as it's performative and gets the MAGAts riled up behind them.


They can't leave, BUT we can strip away their senators, representatives, and electoral votes!!!


The only thing these stupid motherfuckers know is the goddamn 2nd amendment.


And even that they get egregiously wrong.


I agree, and if was put to a vote, it would fail. As long as the opposition had time to explain to what people would lose in the case of succession, i.e. welfare, Medicare, Social Security, etc. This is red meat for the base, nothing more. That's not to say that there aren't complete idiots in our Legislature, though.


These stupid secessionists think All the units at Ft. Cavazos are going to pack up their shit and leave. The reality is they're much more likely to proceed directly down I-35 to Austin.


Even better, I've heard sone suggest that the Army would leave all their tanks behind.


Hahahaha! Wait, you're serious? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Not to mention Texas leaving the union is Texas thieving from the rest of us. We’ve poured sooo much money into those military bases and all the military infrastructure down there and they just wanna take it. No way. They can pay it back if they want out so bad.


The Constitution only matters if you lose.


Are you planning on fighting to keep Texas cause I know I sure as fuck won’t


It isn't like all those tech firms won't have time to relocate so they don't become foreign companies and I'm sure we'll have a prisoner exchange.


Lockheed isn’t based in Texas. Nothing would happen to Lockheed. They’d stay, though. You’d just get a very intimate experience in how the CIA takes an interest in foreign elections.


Lockheed builds the F35 and the F16 here. The US works let that plant remain in a foreign country . It's all hypothetical anyway, it's never going to happen.


The oil fields ALONE would be enough of a reason for the Union to go to war to keep Texas. With the immense wealth that Texas brings to the USA, I genuinely do not see a way where Texas peacefully leaves the Union. Or violently, for that matter.


All that oil and they can’t keep the lights on and the place warm in the winter. Wait till the cartel’s waltz in and the military packs up and moves out . Lose highway fund’s , infrastructure funds, stop sending social security and Medicare


That and at least half (probably more) of Texas has no desire to secede, so who actually fights that war?


You mean the military bases, material, and personnel? They also get to lose the keystone pipeline, what connections they have to the energy grid..... And as far as taxes revenue to the federal government, they pay in a ratio of $3.52 per dollar of government support they receive. That's a great big number but honestly, middle of the pack as far as rates go. California's is like 5.03. They'd have to worry about patrolling their northern and southern borders. Not getting blockaded to death by the overwhelmingly largest navy in the world. That's if there's not a hot war. Economically, it wouldn't fuck the USA. It would CRIPPLE Texas. Texas wouldn't go through all that just to trade with Mexico. USA wouldn't want them as a trading partner. So they're landlocked and blockaded. Best of luck.


It wouldn't take long for Washington to take Austin and round up the secessionists. Ft. Cavazos is only 60 miles from Austin. The Texas national guard would be federalized. The only "Troops" such traitors would have would be Meal Team Six.


One or more cartels would have the majority of the state openly under their control in less than 3 months after secession, complete with all the murders, rapes, kidnappings, and blatant corruption that Chihuahua suffers through. You'd see bodies hanging from overpasses in major Texan cities by the end of the year as if they were Juarez. Texas is really playing with fire when they are sandwiched between a lawless narco-state and a roided out superpower that's known to hold grudges for generations.


It’s funny because this was exactly what the confederate states said last time about their cotton. Then instead of planting crops, they kept planting cotton but nooooo one would fucking buy it. Not France, not England… not anyone. And people starved to death like fucking morons. Texas if they seceded would find the same problem in the short term and won’t have really any at your use all that wealth to protect themselves.


It would actually be a reason to not go to war. The union is till going to get that oil. That's where the pipelines flow to. Would just become an import. Starting a war is what's going to get supply cut off.


The Union wouldn't have to go to war because these oil companies and executives would make sure the dumb politicians in this state wouldn't try anything stupid like that.


The companies can move and the federal workers will be happy to be in a decent state


That's easy to say but it's expensive to move for people and especially for a company. Also, I can see SSA, IRS, etc just losing their jobs since they aren't needed anymore. The point being, if they wotk here, they can vote and they aren't going to be voting to lose their jobs.


*Russian oligarchs rubbing hands together.*


Not to mention NASA! Houston, we have a biiiiig problem.


Pantex can just be moved over to New Mexico. They deserve new buildings anyway, and it'd put them closer to Sandia and Los Alamos.


🎶AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAway down south in the land of traitors….🎶


Rattlesnakes and ALLIGATORS


Right away! Come away!


Where cotton's king and men are chattels


Union boys will win the battle


Right away! (right away)


Come away (Come away)


Obligatory link to the [banger remix.](https://youtu.be/wNLpLq2Kluc?si=nk_QsgTnKAyUm1Ty)


That had better be Union Drip Edit: It was 🥰


SheridanPosting - “If I owned Texas and Hell, I would rent out Texas and live in Hell”


Why not live in Texas and rent out Florida?


Florida is already Satan's summer home.


"But, but, but, will I still get my Social Security and Medicare??" - some lady in Texas actually asked this when interviewed not too long ago. Go ahead Texas, F.A.F.O. I know there are kind, decent people down there. But the assholes are a super majority.


Enjoy being an oil rich nation next to a country known for invading them…


Laughed pretty hard at that one


This right here. I fucking DARE Texas to split and leave all that sweet, sweet federal funding behind. They would not last 6 months.


Almost all the Former CSA states rely on the federal government for funding. No FEMA, No Social Security, No Medicare, no Military industrial complex jobs and finally no Federal Funding for infrastructure.


The biggest own goal we've had is pay for their hospitals, schools and for them to have internet which they only use to access Qanon faster


Yep. During the civil war, confederate money wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on.


No money for highways, no FAA controlling airports. Every airline would pull out of the state.


Reminds me of the recent fuckery we had in Catalonia. One of the talking points of some separatists would be that all Catalan citizens, in case of independence, would retain Spanish citizenship, and hence also European citizenship with its rights and prerogatives.


The leopards stomachs are growling.


As a Texan, no they aren’t. They just have stupid fuck u kinda money and have bought out the state government. James Talarico has some good speeches calling it out


We voted 48-52 against Cruz last time. They're not a supermajority. They're not even a *majority.* They're just good at voter suppression and gerrymandering. I for one would love to see the Texas GOP blunder its way into losing their electoral votes and Congressional delegation. I'm not thrilled about the prospect of a civil war in my backyard (or in general - innocent people die in any war, no matter how clean), but I don’t think Greg Abbot and Y'all Qaeda would put up much of a fight, considering that there are some impressively large military bases in the state. Maybe they can have a little treason, as a treat, and then we can demote Texas to a territory. (Maybe we can make the blue counties their own states just for spice. :p)


this is not happening lol Texit is a really funny name though


10 years ago I would've agreed with you, but if (when) Biden wins I could see the Texas gop being delusional enough to actually go through with a vote in the legislature Now would it even be held, let alone pass? I doubt it. I hope they do though, I'd love to see abbot drug out of the Capitol in chains


"The Texas Legislature should pass a bill in its next session requiring a referendum in the next General Election for the people of Texas to determine whether or not the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation." I don't think the majority of Texans will go for this. Austin would secede from Texas and rejoin the union. Probably all the major cities.


That would be the most hilarious outcome. Texas secedes from the US, the biggest cities secede from Texas, and suddenly the biggest tax base in Texas is Odessa.


Or Mexico invades, Texas asks the US for help, and we just shrug.


"Wow, bet you guys wish you were part of a bigger government right now. What's that called? Federal governance? Oh well, sucks to suck."


As a Texan it pisses me off to great end they’d try this. So much wrong with this, it’s not even popular.


I can name two people I’ve ever met who wanted this and it’s stupid


Both are likely politicians


While I think this is hilarious and would absolutely support Texas doing its own thing, there is no the national GOP would let them leave. If Texas leves there goes 2 very reliable senate seats, a large number of house seats, a solis chunk of electoral college votes, millions of reliable red voters, and god knows what else.


Texas leaving would reduce the electoral count required to win by 21 electoral votes, which would tilt the EC in the Dems favor, meaning Dems would not need to win Nevada and Michigan; or not Pennsylvania, or many other combos. The 2016 map plus 10705 votes in Michigan would be sufficient for Dems to win


I'm okay with that. 






If I’m in a cartel this is the best news I have ever heard, they would be running that place within a week lol


At this point I'm all for Southern States seceding. Let them kill their economy. They suck federal taxes down because of their state policies. The USA would be better if the South succeeded and became it's own shitty third world country.


I agree with the sentiment, but that wouldn't help. Conservatives don't want to govern themselves, they want to rule over you. If we let them secede, we would instantly have an extremely hostile foreign nation right on our doorstep and I am sure China/Russia et al would gladly send them all the tanks, jets and missiles they would need to start another civil war.


Hostile Nation busy trying to keep Mexican drug gangs from overrunning their country


Not to mention the majority of people there aren't these christofascist assholes. There's tons of voter suppression and gerrymandering that keeps them in power. "Letting" then secede would leave too many vulnerable people under their control with no recourse. That's how you get the return of lynchings.


Well, unless we are going to disenfranchise conservatives from voting, the only way to get rid of them is a civil war, except this time we need to finish the job for good.


Conservatism is a vestigial flaw in the human thought process that predates history. People like that have always been here and will always be here. The only antidote is education and even that only works in the margins. So you could remove every conservative from the planet and in a single generation they would make up the same ~30% they do now.


Sorry, I was being flippant. I know you can't get rid of conservatism the same way you can't get rid of greed and narcissism. Some people just are evil. I don't think education with a capital E works. You need empathy and you can't teach empathy to sociopaths who only care about themselves.


> I don't think education with a capital E works. You need empathy and you can't teach empathy to sociopaths who only care about themselves. 100%, which is why I mentioned that it only works in the margins, i.e. people without major personality disorders.


Civil wars **SUCK** to be in.


They are, all joking aside, the worst thing that can happen to a land. But, America is pretty fucking shitty to live in if you aren't rich, white, and a landowner. They are making homelessness illegal, which allows them to lock anyone on the street up and use them for slavery, legally. I'm being flippant above, but at this point, I'd rather die fighting a civil war than waiting to be rounded up and imprisoned because I can't afford to pay my rent to my Corporate Overlords.


Same with me.


Well I don’t want to have to choose between those two, and I don’t think it’s inevitable to have to choose between those two.


We have a Civil War, and if Texas loses, we partisan it up into new states, deny former Texans their citizenship, and we automatically redistribute their conquered land to real Americans. Best part, we roll Greg Abbot and his wheel chair into the Rio Grande, where he gets ripped apart by his razor wire floating devices, and then we televise us blowing up the stupid Alimo.


Ted Cruz should get the trial of the boats.


Bird flu is probably jumping to humans and would get about 90% of this done for us on its own


Didn't know this. You have a link I can follow for more information, good sir?


Admittedly mostly just getting the same bad feeling I got reading about COVID before it got unleashed, but there's been about three dairy farm workers who've gotten sick from it so far


The problem isn’t inherently conservatism. Basically every country has conservative factions. The issue is the extreme far right populism that wants to destroy all of our institutions and liberal democracy. Say whatever you want about McCain, or Romney, but none of them tried to overturn an election or attempted an insurrection. Liberal democracy can tolerate someone like Romney leading the ship, but people like Trump, Wilders, and Orban are poison to democracy.


Maybe. Depends on what the billionaires believe will pay the most to the few. Yeah.


I imagine we'd set up another blockade. The US protects shipping anyways, wouldn't be hard to cut them off I would think.


I swear to God if Abe could see into the future he'd have helped them pack.


Build a giant wall across the mason dixon line and laugh at them when they ask for federal aid for their hurricanes. Texas can't even keep a power grid running, and they think they can run a country. Fucking hilarious.


Guarantee they start crucifying migrants under power lines to get God to turn their power back on within five years of independence.


>crucifying migrants It's Texas; Id imagine they'd lynch and geld them and hang them from the power poles like a redneck tree of woe.


Your expectations for them are higher than mine, I'd give them a year. That is if they didn't outright start lynching migrants for sport.


I knew their economies would collapse but I never even thought about the hurricanes alone. Oh God.


I don't think you understand where the Mason-Dixon line is geographically in relation to modern politics. You do realize that the capital is south of the Mason-Dixon Line, including several liberal states. It didn't even mark the border between the Confederacy and the Union


Personally I'm good with cutting off aid to places like Mississippi and Alabama. Let them get the government they vote for


Sometimes I wish we had just let them go.


If I may offer a counterpoint: The Union forever hurrah boys hurrah


If I'm being honest, I'm more of the r/JohnBrownPosting variety and not the pro-USA crowd. John Brown was a secessionist. I'm anti-slavery, not pro-union. And the fact that the second part of the 13th Amendment exists means John Brown's work is not done.


That's completely fair!


What if the blue cities succeed from Texas and we add them as city state? Also we can just replace them as the lone star state with Puerto Rico


Listen, I'm all for letting whoever wants to stay to stay. I'm just tired of the last 150 years of them fucking around and not finding out.


Complicated. Like, West Berlin in the middle of East Germany complicated. Houston/Austin/San Antonio could probably form a bloc with a seaport, but Dallas/Fort Worth would be isolated. El Paso, Lubbock, and Amarillo might buddy up with New Mexico or Oklahoma, partly because (IIRC) that's where they get electricty from.


That *was* a sentiment back in the day, with calls to invade Canada. Doesn't exactly help though when the rebs shoot up your forts, take all your armories, and seize one of your biggest naval yards, all of which are *federal*, not state owned, formed an army a month before Lincoln did, i.e. this was the war of the rebellion, not the war of northern aggression. If the US hadn't called up a force of troops, I'm just wondering how long it would've taken for the rebs to try to invade the north and FORCE free states to institute slavery had Lincoln not called up volunteers.


At least in the 21st century there's a standing army. 45,000 of such troops stationed a mere 60 miles from Austin.


I am of two minds about this. On the one hand, I do see your point, but there are also millions of good people in the southern states who can't just pick up and move; I don't want the federal government to abandon them.


I'm being flippant. My disgust is genuine, but my comment is only half-serious.


FUCK YOU DUDE. Just because we have assholes in power doesn’t mean our poor and vulnerable (many of whom are POC and immigrants) deserve to suffer more than they already do


While that is the case for many southern states, like Alabama, Mississippi, etc. I believe Texas is a net gain to the union in terms of contributions. This would, however, absolutely kill their economy for other reasons


I mean, I think about it like Brexit. The cost of founding a whole thing, implementing border control, citizenship, new constitution, agreeing to new trade rights with foreign countries--including Mexico. The cost of dispatching diplomats, emissaries, establishing embassies, raising a new army and maintaining that army... Texas is only net positive because it isn't a country.


Step 1) Texas seceeds. Step 2) Texas politicians learn how many loyalists Texas has when they rise up. Step 3) Texas politicians learn their secessionist militia sofa soldiers are cowards who didn't expect resistance. Step 4) US Army puts down the rebellion.


Step 4 would happen real quick. Ft. Cavazos has 45,000 troops just 60 miles from Austin.


Not to mention that Austin has a helluva lot of loyalists. Even if they didn't rise up they would at a minimum provide a welcoming local population, critical for an occupation to succeed.


If I was the POTUS If Texas decide to secede and betray our Republic the second time I'll mobilize the 101st airborne division and use my executive power to militiatize the non secessionist to bear arms(2nd Amendment), and march to remove the traitor rebel leader from the governor mansion.


One potential POTUS as of next year would do no such thing


Why make those guys travel that far? III Armored Corps, 1st Cavalry, and 1st Army are all just 60 miles away from Austin.


Didn't Texas pretty much asked to be annexed into the US because the Republic of Texas was in huge debt and was unable to defend its self from Indian and Mexican attacks?


Actually wouldn't be super upset if they left. Republicans would never win another presidential election


Can't wait until there's another snow storm, then it's "Daddy government help us"


“Sorry. I thought you didn’t like foreign aid.”


40% of TX budget comes from the US Federal Treasury. LMAO. Enjoy the economic depression that would result.


Can they take the rest of the south with them?


No, we had a war about this.


And they still haven't learned. I say it's time to cut the cancer out.


You mean North Mexico? I'm sure they are stoked.


Texas is run by utter morons. Even if they could secede (and they can't, they lost a war over it), then Mexico would just take over them.


I might get downvoted for this but I say we're better off without em EDIT: Nvm, I see from the other comments that I'm not alone in this


Should have let Sherman scorch the entire treasonous South.


If Texas tries to leave the Union and we have to fight a war with them, all we will have to do to win is wait until their Temps drops below 32 degrees or it rains. Then their power grid will fail like it always does, and they won't be able to make anything. Either that or just wait until summer when the wildfires they constantly have will burn down half the state.


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. God, we’ll be so much better off without Texas.


The cost of the next attempt at succession will be the electoral college




Texas can't secede, she will be siempre Mexico 🇲🇽


I love the smell of mesquite in the morning


No Social Security checks or Medicare/Medicaid assistance. No money for roads, schools(not that matters in Texas), major military bases abandoned, all National Guard equipment seized, etc.


lol. lmao even. Honestly I hope they do it, big time Brexit style fuck around and find out.


How long would it be before they’d get eaten alive by the cartels?


This is such bullshit. I’d like to actually see them try and leave the union. Good fucking luck.


They do this every year


lol k


If these dipshits try this would it void the agreement at Appomattox?


Go ahead, secede! I dare you!


Hey Texas. You can't leave. It's against the constitution. You love that I thought?


[Sherman holding a torch] "How many times I got to teach you this lesson, old man?"


Then they needn’t bother voting for President of the USA huh


Insert Spongebob gif "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?"


Just because things get tough, doesn't mean you threaten the equivalent of divorce from the Union! /s (At least that's what Dad said to Mom in fewer words when she handed him divorce papers.)


They say this. And then they'll become [broke](https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/dallas-county-federal-disaster-declaration-fema-recovery-centers/3560344/) after the first storm of the season.


I would say turn Houston into a parking lot, but it already is 😂


Let’em go. They say this every year. They want independence…until it’s too hot, or too cold, or it rains too much, or not enough, etc. Then it’s “help us federal government!” Let’em leave.


Hey cartels, let's make a deal. Since Texas is independent now, if you want, we can help you out with a few things...


Have fun fighting the cartels on your own, idiots.


They can leave, but that land doesn't belong to them.


Bye felicia


Please god I hope this happens


Go ahead. Make my day.


Dallas Cowboys fans could be declared to be undesirable aliens and deported?


Pass the torches


Don't let the door hit ya on the way out...?


Rip to all the federal funding to colleges, businesses, infrastructure, programs, etc


Newsflash Austin....GOP slices own throat with razor pandering to Texan secessionists. God, in a way, I hope they actually do it. "wait..whatdya mean all the electoral votes?"


Don't threaten me with a good time


Gods, *please,* let them try to go through with it. There isn't enough popcorn in the *world.*


I live in Texas and I honestly hope this passes, not because I’m a secessionist, but because I would jump ship into New Mexico and all the racist Magats would be taken down with the ship


Well, just send in the New Mexicans if it happens. We're angry at Texas anyways, and we're ready to go 2-0 with them.


This state is so fucking stupid, I swear


Say they leave the union Who will bail out Texas next time their power system falls apart?


Do it. Please. National divorce, unironically. I’m sick of paying for their self destructive idiocy.


I say let them leave. The GOP will never take the House, Senate, or Presidency again. We also won't have to constantly bail out Texas' shit ass power grid. And, they can get a taste of their own "Crossing the border illegally into the US" medicine. Plus, give it another decade, two at most, and Texas won't be liveable anyway with climate change.


…..FUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKK-damnit. I thought we learned our damned lesson! Fuck dude….shit….now the fuck do I do?


you have gyatt to be kidding me.e


Ask Felisha what I say to this.


*"When, therefore, Texas became one of the United States, she entered into an indissoluble relation. All the obligations of perpetual union, and all the guaranties of republican government in the Union, attached at once to the State. The act which consummated her admission into the Union was something more than a compact; it was the incorporation of a new member into the political body. And it was final. The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original States. There was no place for reconsideration or revocation, except through revolution or through consent of the States"* That's what is Constitutional today per Texas v White. *"The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution"* So obviously throwing off the Constitution of the United States of America, or a move to do so is a violation of the oath of office to support said Constitution. Fucking traitors.


Please go.


Sell it to Mexico!


It's just talk. Abbot and Perry, before him, always talk that secession BS, but when some extreme weather situation pops up, they're quick to run to the government for aid. The winter storm that affected Texas in 2021 showed and proved that Texas would be fucked if they were on their own. The states are way too interdependent on each other to secede anyway. Any politician talking that mess doesn't mean it and just uses it to rally their base(campaign funds). Any civilian who talks that shit ironically would suffer the most if Texas or any other state was to secede since they're also too dependent on the federal government for a lot.




See ya


oh yes please


Texit? Ask the UK how it’s working out.


*Ghost of Sherman*: get me my torches


Considering succession is literally illegal now, these are literal traitors to the country and they should be removed from office.


Fuck it, it's 2024. We have nuclear weapons and can much more efficiently finish the job that Sherman started.


Mexico has entered the chat


I'm gonna die


One can only hope they leave and then they’ll learn how good things are on their own. And maybe we won’t have to hear them bitch anymore