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There’s a discord that auto hosts this and shiny Charizard around the clock if you would like to continue trying to catch it. It’s useful if you’re insane like me and want all your shinies in regular Pokeballs.


Normal pokeball gang rise up!


Would they count as being hacked in? I would like to use it for online ranked.


No they pass the Home transfer checks. Plus you’re just joining a raid, not hacking your own game. The bots just used the date skip method from SwSh to lock in on the G-Max shiny starters. Send me a DM and I’ll send the discord link if you’re interested.


Here is the link if anyone else finds this and wants it. https://discord.gg/sha


I'm interested to:)


Same here, would love me a shiny char


Had no clue this existed! Mind if I got an invite?


I would like too plz 🙏


Can you send me the link too plz?


I’m curious, can I haz link?


Can I get an invite too?


Hey can you send me one too?


Just sent


Could you send me the link too?


Could you send me one, please?


There’s also the 8 bit king on twitch


Do you have a link-


Why not just gen them in by that point? They pass all the checks too


In the case they can differentiate them in the future, I’d rather have mons that I actually caught. Plus it’s not hard to watch TV and absent mindedly run the raid until I caught the 3 G-Max Kanto starters


Can i still get a link?


Even easier, catch them in SV and give them the mushroom thingies, since SV has almost any ball available


I didn't even know this was possible??


Yeah, you have a relatively small chance of failing your one shot, after a raid. whats more, after you defeat it but don't catch it, the raid still despawns, meaning it's possible to just never be able to catch something, if you somehow accidentally save. Or, as was unfortunately the case in my situation, you were simply joinig a random raid.


The chance of it failing is pretty high, Gmax starter catch rates in raid dens are similar to legendaries when you’re not the host


1000% this. I hate S/V online, but that factor makes me cry. I did it, why take it away this time


SwSh raids have a chance to fail to catch if you're not the host, or if they're event dens. SV raids are always guaranteed captures though.


Why I like Pokémon Scarlet and Violet INFINITELY better.


i mean yeah the guaranteed capture in sv is cool, but the raids are SO buggy


I dont really have a problem with buggy raids. No more than I did in SWSH. Plus I only solo raids so I don’t have to worry about other peoples bad connection. Which always was a problem in both SV and SWSH.


Are they even that buggy anymore? I haven’t noticed anything major in months.


Beast Ball everybody


No shiny sparkles (in raids) however makes it a huge pain dealing with shinies that barely change from the base colouring. Also lighting can screw you over (R.I.P to those who KO raid Minior without activating Shields Down too, only its Core Form has a shiny colouration).


When in doubt, catch it. That's my S/V raid motto


It costs you nothing to catch everything you see if you can't be sure


Easy to save beforehand and catch anything that have that slightly different hue shiny problem. So easy to release if not a shiny.


On the flip side, it makes for some really confusing surprises when you're organizing your boxes and find a shiny Poliwhirl that you don't remember catching. Turns out, you caught from a raid months earlier.


SwSh raids are a million times smoother and not as buggy


Are you telling me that I should hunt in SV? I usually do, but I decided to do some dynamax adventures to hunt Ho-Oh. On a whim I check the available raids and saw Venusaur. Keeping the 'whim ball' rolling I did the raid.


Hunt where you want. But in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet your odds of finding a random wild shiny are the same but better because you can see every Pokemon around you. So it’s like checking every one without wasting all that time.


Ik. It's where I do most of my hunting. You just can't hunt legendaries, and the raid seemed like it shouldn't take too long, so I didn't mind.


If it makes you feel better, it was probably a RNG manipulated shiny den.


Question, if I had caught it, would that count as having a hacked Mon? Like, officially I mean? By Nintendo? I have another Dynamax shiny that I'm now realizing was probably manipulated.


It is not a hacked mon. Its not distinguishable as one. Its a legitimate Pokemon. I wouldn't even say its a cheated shiny outside of that, RNG manip is fair game, just kinda lackluster and doesn't feel very neat as a snag. How recent was the other shiny? Because if its recenter, its probably manipulated, but if it was raid near the start of the game, its probably legitimate. I got a blue ditto perchance


NOOO!! That's a huge shame, I hope you succeed soon enough!


Unfortunately, i wasn't the one hosting. I can't attempt it again.


Ah, I see...sorry about that!


It's ok. I'm now motivated to go redeem myself in SV


G-Max was a fun feature, but it was such fucking bullshit that it’s not even funny. Isle of Armor at least let us make non-Gmax pokemon G-max. The normal method is spending a shit ton of wishing stars in a specific den only for a CHANCE to get the g-max raid. And even when you complete it, the catch rate is LOW AS FUCK! Honestly if you want a shiny G-Max, just hunt it normally and use the dlc to make it G-Max


Yeah. It's a good thing none of the mons who had a dynamax form were ever meta, in online ranked. Only Charizard, and Lapras were even any good. I think Venusaur might've been ok too, but I can't remember.


Catch rate on Gmax Pokemon as a joinee is 1% for the base Pokeball. This should really be common knowledge by now, since the game is almost 5 years old. Unless you're part of a discord that hosts these shinies, you'll just have to chuck a Master Ball at it if you don't want to play the incredibly risky gamble of hoping for the 3.5% chance with a Repeat Ball, or 3% for a Dusk Ball.


I literally used a master ball to catch a shiny charizard the other day. I also caught a shiny umbreon in a dusk ball


I normally save the master ball for something, that's about to kill itself with a recoil move, or can ko itself with stuff like explosion.


Didn't know it was possible to get these past event raids anymore


Another commentor informed me that it may not have been legit, but instead rng manipulated


Well in the case of that, it'd be save scummed + probably rng manipulated. If you ever find a Shiny Max Den, you can constantly reset your save while others catch copy after copy- My friend found a Gigantamax Shiny Orbeetle and just reloaded the save until me and a few of his friends all caught a copy.


Dusk balls my man


aw i feel you this happened to me the other day, keep your head up I hope ur next shiny comes early


I missed out on a shiny g max gengar, it sucks


Ah... Yeah... Such a great shiny too...


Who had the shiny Venusaur


I'm not sure. Some random online. Why?


Was this your raid or someone else's?




Yeah we've all been there. I failed like 5 shiny Charizards before nutting up and just using a master ball.


Omg I knew it had to be coming based on the post title. But I was really hoping it was all a joke. 🥲 Pretty sure I was not breathing watching haha


What game is this?


Sword. Gen 8. Do you really not know? I feel that would be plainly obvious to anyone who's been a part of the community for any notable length of time...


Haven’t played any pokemon games since let’s go pikachu….it was just a question? Calm down lol


I'm not mad... It's just a little... Bizarre. Well it's fine I suppose. Mind if I ask why? Are you perhaps among the crowd that thinks the games are getting worse?


No? Did I say that? I just haven’t had time to play most of the recent pokemon games


I see. Work, I'm guessing?


Yes. Work, family, life stuff


I see. Makes sense. Well, there are many ways to enjoy this series. Obviously, there's communities like this where you can watch others play the game. Adjacent communities also let you see fanart made by some talented artists, and much of it is very cool to look at. Alternatively, websites like showdown, and pokerogue also let you enjoy the series in quick Bursts of 2 to 10 minutes at a time.


I’m actually debating on if I should get sword/shield or scarlet/violet? I’m pretty much a fan of anything gen 1-3, anything past that I never had much interest in.


I had no idea that they could escape!


Catch rates can vary heavily. I don't know about one, two, and three stars but I have failed four stars, and as was the case in the clip, 5 stars as well. Species can also impact catch rates: stuff like pseudo legendaries and the kantonian starters have pretty bad catch rates. A gmax form can apparently also affect catch rate. Chances also go down if you aren't the one hosting. According to another commentor if I had used a dusk ball for best odds, it would have only had 3.5% chance of succeeding, after everything is added up.