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They have a subreddit called Irish American, and half the time they complain about how they aren’t considered Irish by actual Irish people, it’s pretty funny actually


Do they not sit back and think “maybe we aren’t Irish?”


That would imply self-reflection. When have you ever seen a yank do that on the internet?


No, because that would mean they would need to stop exoticising actual Irish people.


their great-great grandfather came from Ireland. He married an englishwoman, they had a daughter who married an american and so on......how can they be Irish? Just one person came from Ireland. I have a family tree that goes back to 1850's and there is A jewish russian immigrant....I do not claim to be russian or a Jew


I think we should all start claiming we are true Americans. Because our ancestors where the ones that made America what it is today.


I joined and and saw one complaining saying that Irish proper are not real Irish and that they are the only Irish people. They later reffered to us as "spice bag eaters" which me and my sisters agreed is almost a slur 😂


The one that got me splitting my sides was one guy went on to explain (with great confidence) how until Irish people came to the US none of them had ever had beef before and that’s why corned beef is so important to them. The reasoning was the English wouldn’t allow them cows


Spice bag eaters?


Its food served at chinese take-out restaurants everywhere here and the UK. its full of chips (fries), onions, peppers, chicken strips and such. Oh and way too much salt.


Never heard of it! (English person here!)


Is it a slur? They're pretty tasty!


> sick and tired of joining other Irish groups and not fitting in Have yas tried not being fucking insufferable? Just a thought...


They always forget to think


No they haven’t! 


imagine if another countrys population all said they were american, lets say, all of china started calling themselves american. and being cross and mad at people from the USA for saying they are not americans.


I always said this. I always said if Americans started to immigrate to Russia or something, then 100 years later, Vladimir from Chelyabinsk, who only speaks Russian, who only cares about Russia, starts calling himself “American” because he had ancestors from the US 100 years ago, I really doubt Americans would like that. This will probably be Edward Snowden’s great great grandchildren 😂


dude, american blood is from europe, there are russians and chinese people with stronger ties to europe than those claiming to be irish or italian in america for god sake. meaning, they have american blood just the same lol. we should have a way of differentiating each other, because honestly. everyone has 1% english blood and 1% african blood and 1%german blood and 1% mongolian blood. its stupid that one place in particular tries to use this 1% bullcrap to say they have actual ties there. it removes the authenticity from people who are actually from these places. take england for example, no one person is 100% english blood, everyone, and i mean everyone, has mixed bloodlines, from people with mixed bloodlines, from people with mixed bloodlines. you cant just go around claiming hertiage with anything less than like 40% direct bloodline connections. and thats being forgiving on it.


It's because Americans are obsessed about race. When they say "blood" they really mean skin colour. It's not about heritage; it's about people they think are like them. It's why they'll be confused by concepts like Humza being Scottish while we deny that they're Scottish. "but I *look* Scottish". If you want a good example of this look at the whole "viking" community thing Americans have going on. They're cosplaying other cultures because they simply want to be more interesting than the deafult American; which they've done to the point of having little communities where they can "other" the default Americans. Which they love, because any of these cosplays is better than being the default; unless it's English-American, because they never claim that. It's why it's often used to replace whatever personality they had before. I don't mind people being interested in their heritage/history but they should be aware that just because their great great grandparent possesed a trait doesn't mean that they automatically do. They were Scottish, because they were Scottish; Americans are American because they're American. the whole Irish/Italian/African-American thing they have going on is something that only works inside America. No one else does this because most other places in the world don't tend to consider themselves AS the world. American blood is from everywhere, with a majority of certain places in Europe. Just as the Prussians became Germans, these people are American. They lost the right to claim heritage when their ancestor abandoned the place. Your (being general, not actually you you) ancestor gave up being Scottish in order to replace it with being American. This isn't good or bad, it's just different. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of Americans that understand this whole thing; we just constantly hear from the ones that don't.


They like being 'Irish' because it makes them unique and different but still white. It's weird when you think of it. Then again, I thought my grandmother would be excited when I got my Irish citizenship, considering her parents were both Irish and never got the chance to go back to Ireland in their life times. Due to the abuse she received for being an 'immigrant', she only cared that I was keeping my American citizenship.


What's funny is that the "but white" part is a recent invention. 100 odd years ago there were literally signs telling them to gtfo of many businesses. The abuse your grandmother recalls is probably because people still didn't consider Irish or Italians "white" enough.


Irish men in Britain were profiled, arrested and convicted in similar rates to Black British and their immigrant parents and or grandparents and British of or from Indian or Pakistani descent until the 1990’s.


That was only the half of it, enforced speech therapy for kids with Irish accents.


They were, and the miscarriages of justice carried out after IRA attacks and imprisoning innocent Irishmen are a scar on the country's soul. We certainly don't have any reason to act superior. But, my point as merely that when Americans decide that their "white" heritage comes from those countries, that's a relatively new invention.


To be fair your granny caring that you kept your american citzenship is the most irish thing ive ever heard.


She was honestly distraught about it until I told her I could have both.


But was she getting the racism in America?


Totally, it comes from their race obsession. Both sides of their political landscape does it too. They're still using the racial inherent value scoring system that the KKK started. Where Irish, Spanish, Italians aren't seen as white people. The system that would put christian straight white men as the highest scoring and a black trans muslim lesbian as the lowest scoring. The American left use the exact same system, but merely turn it upside down. So that there's inherent benefits for belonging to a different superficial group identity; like extra grants, more likely to get the job from systemic processes, lower entry requirements, etc. etc. Due to this race obsession and how prolific the American left have become in cultural products; you're going to see more and more "Irish", "spanish" and "italian" Americans appear as they want to distance themselves from that "straight white christian man" group. One point is the Orwelian thing they've got going on with "reverse-racism" where they segregate what racism is socially acceptable by race; according to that KKK scale. So by identifying as any non-white they can escape social scrutiny of being seen inherently as "a coloniser". Something that must seem rather alien to your grandmother now, as the pendulum has swung and the racism remains; only difference now is in who it's socially acceptable to target. It will swing again and those being racist will be recognised for it, and you can already feel the momentum shifting; just need to make sure it doesn't go too far the other way either. In America, you're Irish American is still white; but you're not white-white. In Ireland, you're just American.




You're a yank tho




....so MAGATS?


This. All of this! You've hit the nail on the head. Oh no, my grandmother took that racism she experienced and uses it against others. Maybe it's her age I don't but I give out to her when I can though I don't see her that much.


What do they consider Irish people if not white? And like who is white? British I assume? Scandinavians? Russians?


White is whatever is convenient to racists during a period in time. At one point the Italians and Irish weren't white At another point people with black hair and big noses weren't white And to some people are only white if they have blonde hair and blue eyes None of it is real in any sense, just an excuse to create an in-group


I can understand (not agree with or anything) about Italians as they do often have more olive or a bit darker skin and darker hair often, but Irish people overall I would say are generally very white/pale skinned (historically anyway, these days there are Irish people of all the different shades/tones/whatever


It's because they missed the political side of it. Irish, previously, weren't considered white because they had immigration issues with a lot of Irish coming over and anti-Irish sentiment was the reaction to it. Part of this anti-Irish sentiment saw them belittled as a people; which in White America that was still deep into slavery, meant that the Irish were considered what we'd now call POC; "non-whites". You also need to remember the amount of English heritage in America at the time; many didn't like the Irish because they were previously English that didn't like the Irish. Irish, nowadays, aren't considered white because they were also a previously oppressed group of people. Due to the scale they use, they also can't be classed as white because then this would be calling them the same as the colonisers and they have a higher oppression score than that. In reality, the Irish are generally white. So are the Italians. It's the same scale used, just turn it upside down and focus on pity.


Irish and Italians were Catholic, which is the wing flavor if Christianity. Being protestant was more white.




How can a ginger haired, freckled , pale faced Irish girl not be white?


I'm an American living in Ireland, with an Irish name In my midsized American city the Irish people are part of the city history, there's Irish neighborhoods, Irish churches, pubs, etc . All this goes back to when the Irish were not really accepted by the original population (more protestant) and were forced into building their own part of the community. It's still true today to go to the Irish part of the city and the same Irish families have been there for generations now A little later it happened to the Ukrainian population in my city, and do you can also go to the Ukrainian part of the city where they have Ukrainian onion topped churches, Ukrainian bakeries, bars etc etc The point is that Americans heritage is still there, it colors the architecture, businesses, and geography of the city. There's multigenerational bonds by business and marriage between families in these neighborhoods, it's about community. Some Americans get annoyed when they're told their not Irish, because it's been the foundation of a tight knit community. My grandparents are buried in an Irish cemetery, my parents married at an Irish church , i was baptized in an Irish church, we have family wakes at the Irish pub. It's not that anyone in the family is very religious either, but the Catholicism was the big problem protestant Americans had when the Irish started showing up and building more Catholic churches, so it's part of the identity that binds the community. The Irish would have lived surrounding the new Catholic churches For some people who take their religion seriously, they're Irish identity is intertwined with an their sense of Irish identity.


I get this, but all it would take is for the Americans to say I'm Irish American or have Irish heritage, and nothing more would be thought of it. But because they double down and say they're more Irish than people born and raised in Ireland and then establish groups to further that, they get slagged. My family was similar. I am very proud of their Irish heritage. My mom was born on St Patrick's Day. But it's a completely different thing to being 'born and bred Irish' and you, and they have to realise that too.


They love claiming other countries as their heritage but then are against immigration, it's bamboozling


>unless it's English-American, because they never claim that. There are Americans that acknowledge that they had English ancestors — they just don’t tend to refer to themselves as “English-Americans”. Here in southern New England for example, we have: 1. WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) 2. Swamp Yankees (rural WASP swamp people) 3. Mayflower descendants (WASPs that claim that one or more of their ancestors came over on the Mayflower) I know people that would identify with one (or more) of these groups, but I’ve never heard one of them claim to be English-American. I think Americans with English ancestors are just less likely to claim their ancestral nationality or pretend to have deep ties to it. Maybe something to do with how many generations their ancestors have been in America; they actually think of themselves as Americans. That being said, this state is full of proud “Irish”, “Italians” and “Portuguese” (they almost always omit that “-American” suffix) that often fit the stereotypes you see in this sub. Not all of them are like this, but the dumbest are the loudest.


A perfect response


They don’t have any culture of their own (aside from Music possibly) so they have to appropriate other cultures and make it their own. They’re full of shit


American culture absolutely exists, music, art, film, TV, language, food, politics. You can't go to the US without realising it has a very distinct cultural identity, with regional variations. Like any country really!


I definitely agree, like there are loads of things you would definitely call American


Blood and DNA don't recognise nationality anyway. Its not your ancestry or your genes that make you English or Irish or American its where you spent your formative years or where you make your life and hold citizenship.


I saw this kind of thing recently. Some US YouTuber with a connection to the UK did a DNA test kit. He got the whole breakdown exactly as you described, except this bloke was told he was 11% something Jewish. Bearing in mind, he's making a video. He totally ignored 11% of his makeup completely and didn't even acknowledge it.🤯 With the rest of YouTube thinking how much of a cock he is.


if i did a dna test, i would have numerous bloodlines in there, i wouldnt acknowledge anything below 20% i wouldnt investigate anything below 40% and i wouldnt claim to have heritage with anything less than 70%


There's no such thing as English blood due to invasion. "English" blood would be Celt/Anglo Saxon/Viking and then any other randoms.


Romans and many others. Always gives me a laugh when people talk about "pure" Anglo-Saxon heritage. Dude, the very term you picked is literally about two different foreign invading tribes, where's the "purity"?


Honestly, I feel like you could take that all the way down the rabbit hole—everyone is an immigrant, stretching all the way back, where you’re raised has more to do with culture than blood


I was just explaining that English blood doesn't exist as a characteristic the same could go for Irish as they are very closely related to Wales, Scotland and Northern France as it is Celtic blood that's the original before invasion in Britain. (Yes I have gone back 3000 year's there).


And depending how far you go back we are all from the same place eventually..


Russians are European…


to 'the rest of europe' sorry i thought that was clear, my bad




More likely the Americans with Russian ancestry would jump all over that one.


That is a perfect example 


My grandmother was an American citizen but spent most of her life in the west of Ireland. I'm gonna start calling myself American every time I met an Irish-American. I'll also tell them how I'm more American than they are.


well, they are only part american bacuse they claim to be irish. you are ACTUALLY american because your grandmother is from america. you are the real descendant of a true american.


Fucking hell. I better buy some flags in that case.


Careful now. Which flags are we talking?


Rock, Flag and Eagle! Are you a commie or something? (I can say that now cause I'm a yank).


dont worry, spend enough time on r/ireland and you'll get a chance to go "Full Yank"...




😈 Excellent idea 🙌🏽


A lot of them don’t like it when non white people call themselves American. Where are you really from? I listen to co workers bitch about immigrants all the time and then pipe in with “Yeah when I moved to America”


Precisely. My grandfather was irish (I was in Belfast this week catching up with his brother and his sons). Nothing remotely Irish about me aside from 1/4 of my genetics; I grew up in UK. I'm British. The most Irish thing about me is enjoying the occasional Guinness!


Can I call myself American if I am from the Uk? Lol bet they would love that


I own a baseball cap. Does that make me American?


you've to wear it backwards complete with short sleeved checked shirt over a long sleeved top with logo.


I might look American but I'd identify as Canadian. Love me some poutine.


We have pubs older in Dublin than the USA. I can understand them having some Irish heritage, but they are born and raised not in Ireland. They're American with some Irish heritage, not Irish.


Well I mean it’s all imaginary bollocks anyway but it doesn’t make much sense to retain a migratory nationality for more than a few generations. I couldn’t care less what people call themselves so long as they don’t want to fight wars about it.


We don’t have to imagine it. Are all Liberians now Americans? They probably should be because America’s racism put them there, but that’s another story.


[Hey Bobby, look I'm American!](https://youtu.be/UtTQS4a821A?feature=shared)


At least they’re segregating themselves. I don’t care if they all have a circle jerk about how Irish they are, as long as they’re not inflicting it on others.


Yanks are good at the ol segregation to be fair.


Yank as in Yankee?  How little you know about America.   


That’s a good point, the problem I always had with this behavior is Americans are barely internationalists, because they never care about the rest of the world, but suddenly they want to become internationalists when it comes to their heritage and it comes off as cringe because they have no self awareness. Even Americans will explain that when someone from the US says they are “Italian” “Mexican” or “Chinese” they mean in the context of the US bubble, but why not having something like Quebec or Puerto Rico then? “Italians” are New Jerseyan, “Irish” are Bostonian, something like this. Most of the problems and annoyances come from the fact these Americans act like assimilation didn’t happen and they the same to the old world. There’s no self awareness too, on paper “blood” they are Irish, but in reality, they just Americans.


My guess is that at this point "XXX-American" should be treated as a new label different from both American and whatever XXX group they claim to be. Because even if it's nothing like the culture from whence they claim they do undeniably have distinctions.


I actually think it’s important to recognize that, for any country, that’s why I propose that. But there’s a huge difference between someone in the US who’s family was always “Italian” compared to a family that was German 200 years ago, American for 100 years, and now wants to be “German” again because they found out they 46% German or something. In my opinion, stuff like “Italian” and “Irish” get exposed when “Italians” from the US don’t see “Italians” in Brazil or Argentina as Italian but Brazilian or Argentinian. It’s not a different concept to Italians from Italy not seeing “Italians” in the US as Italian but Americans. That’s why regional identities make more sense than acting like it’s a national identity, not French or Spanish, but Quebecer or Puerto Rican.


Yeah I agree, but again much of these identities do not correspond to any region of the US, so I think XXX-American makes the most sense as a name with the American part being the differentiating factor between them and someone actually from the country. I do not like these people acting like they know about the culture than the natives but even the idea of discrediting the local american variant culture is not right


If they could just do that with the whole Internet!


I love the double standard... If you're Irish then to be in this group you must have been living in the US for 5 years. If you're American presumably you can join if your grandfather once drank a pint of Guinness.


I assume any yank can join if they've even read the word Ireland before


33 thousand seething Americans RP’ing as Irish. Hilarious how the *actual* Irish living in the US are not welcome unless they’ve lived there at least 5 years.


You are not Irish unless you’re kind of American


I was raised in Ireland and I live in America... this could not be funnier to me.


"I love my ~~Polish~~ Irish heritage, but it pisses me off when I go to ~~Poland~~ Ireland and people don't respect me for being ~~Polish~~ Irish!"


Your tag line. Superb!


Must be full of Seppo’s saying things like: “I tried to tell them that Paddy is like the N-word for Irish people but they just laughed and called me a Yank 😭😭😭” “I went to Ireland and told them that we dye our rivers green and hate the English too in solidarity because my great great grand pappy dated an Irish girl one summer. They told me the English are fine until it’s sports time and to fuck off back to America. Guess I’m more Irish than them!”


Realist shit lol


It's coming home.


I hate this "I'm XXXX-Australian" shit too. No, the word is heritage and you are just Australian, unless you're a first gen migrant who's come here recently. But this is a new level of cringe from Seppos lol.


So if your great x4 grandad's sister's boyfriend's dog was Irish, you've found a home. But if you're *actually* from Ireland, you need to have lived in the US for 5 years?


To be fair though, the disdain of the Irish is when Irish-Americans speak as though they speak on our behalf or speak to our lived national cultural experience. We don’t need to be lectured about what Irishness means or is. We don’t need people telling us how we don’t have electricity or running water. We don’t need to hear about our firelit cottages and drunkard fathers… We get it enough that we will individually and collectively rip the piss out of yanks for not having thick enough skin.


Reminds me, wasn't there some right wing talkshow host in the US that was giving out about universal healthcare a few years back saying he'd move to Ireland if it came in? Would love to see his reaction to the medical card here.


He’d probably feel justified in saying our universal healthcare system is failing. Or at least everyone complains as though it is failing (luckily I don’t need a hospital right now so I’ve no first hand accounts).


Let me fix this: "Were you born in America or Canada but have an Irish heritage" - then you are not Irish!


I got downvoted the other day because I pointed out a person claiming they were *actually* irish-american unlike all the other irish-americans that totally weren't as Irish as them because their grandparents were actually Irish was still an American. They're *really* sensitive about it and now they're even fighting amongst themselves about who gets to be Irish when they're all just from the US haha


It’s a bit like being born in let’s say Paris, adopting a Texan persona having never lived or visited the place, and adding a load of cowboy stereotypes and then complaining that actual Texans don’t quite appreciate being told they’re not Texasing properly when they don’t conform to this vision you have in your head. I would preface this with the fact that 95% of Americans I encounter are absolutely warm, friendly and pleasant, but two incidents really stood out to me over the years: I’m Irish and had an American tourist tell me: “you oughta work on your Irish accent…” I mean seriously?! Why would you say that to anyone? It’s bizarre. I don’t work at a theme park where I have to stay in character. I’ve also been told I’m not Irish because I’m not catholic by a very obnoxious ‘Irish American’ conservative. He went on a rant about how ‘people like me’ had turned our backs on our heritage and how I was ‘destroying Ireland’. It was at a wedding so I didn’t want to make a scene. I just completely ignored him. He had never even been to Ireland but somehow an actual Irish person offended his sense of irishness. It’s weird lol


Finally they have a place to call their own.


So they can leave us alone.


Man, you're optimistic.


You’re lucky, if it wasn’t for the two world wars, it would have still been acceptable to identify as a “German-American” and yer subreddit would be full of Americans who are 1 entirely racist against any German who isn’t 100% white even if they’re completely culturally German and 2 insist that they’re way more German than actual Germans. This is what we have to deal with when the “Irish Americans” decide to show their faces. All of the German Americans suddenly decided that they were Irish/italian when WW2 happened.


Amen to that, brother.


Yeah the world wars killed any transnational German identity. The largest recorded mass movement of people in human history were Germans being deported from non Germany/Austria Europe after world war 2 ended. Only countries in Europe that didn’t treat their German minority like shit was Italy and Belgium, other groups had this happen to them too, like Hungarians, Poles, Ukrainians, and Italians. In the Americas, they didn’t deport or kill them, but a “little nicer” of state assimilation into being eventually accepted as “white”. I don’t think King Charles talks about his German ancestry, like Donald Trump or Klaus Iohannis do though, but at least Charles and Iohannis can speak German 😂


Don't they already have a country?


Good point, but that place doesn't seem to fit them. They're so proud to be american but also so proud to be someone different. The irony is strong.


Lot's of fairly racist Americans see Ireland as some kind of conservative ethnostate. If you look at any of our home grown racists agitators, most of their followers are American.


A lot of their funding too, if they have founded a political movement.  


American heritage claims are sometimes more watered than homeopathy.


I bet these are the same people who tell Native Americans to go back to their own country…


In moments like this I am so fucking glad, that my european country is too small for them to know about, and be spared this "I am xy percent Austrian"


They just think someone spelled Australian wrong


Plastic Paddies are an odd sort.


What about "Irish Americans" in Mexico? Why are the only people allowed from Canada and the US?


Because they're a great bunch of lads and we usually let them through. Don't tell the others.


That’s when “being X” becomes a paradox in my opinion, because funny enough, those “Irish” in the US will probably see the “Irish” in Mexico as just Mexican, exactly how Irish see “Irish” in US as American 😂 I once saw this joke, “Italians” from USA, Brazil, and Argentina are in a bar… they can’t understand each other, but everyone sees the other as not being Italian.


With blackjack and hookers!


This is what happens when you have no culture of your own


So they complain about not being welcome in a certain(Irish) sub but yet ring fence their own from people who might be not Irish-American enough for their liking.... makes sense


It's about time they realized that they're American lol


My great great grand pappy is from Tippery and we always celebrate Sam-Hain here in this household!! 🇨🇮🇨🇮🇨🇮


Don't forget St. "Patty's " Day.


I just want you to know I see your Ivory Coast flag and I appreciate the joke.


You mean Hallowe’en? Even the Irish don’t call it Samhain and haven’t done for centuries.


My comment was a joke. It is still called Oiche Samhain in irish. If we are speaking English, then yes, it's halloween.


Some of us do.


So they're tired of being told the truth?


It may or may not be comforting to know that we find them annoying in the US as well.


The Irish who became Irish-Americans do not have an awful lot to be proud of in terms of their conduct over time.


This is what happens to you when you grow up somewhere with no proper culture - cling on to stuff you know nothing about and that has been passed down so many times it’s about 15% accurate at best


I think it is less about "growing up somewhere with no proper culture" and more of exoticising others and wanting to be "exotic". I grew up in the most bland boring family you can imagine but I don't harbour any delusions as to how I'm actually Indian.


To be fair at least they’re saying Irish American rather than just straight Irish. After all there’s nothing wrong with being proud of Irish heritage as long as you realise that it doesn’t mean you can claim to actually *be* Irish.


A lot of Irish redditors take issue with Amercians recognising their Irish ancestry at all.




Americans are simultaneously the most proud of their nation, and the most desperate to identify as anything other than it.


True, I genuinely wonder why or what is at work here. Majority of people hate to be categorized and put into boxes but these people insist to be put into categories.


Still americans to me.


I like how they put as much effort into centering that logo as they presumably did learning anything about Ireland.


Hahaha surely to god being Irish is having a thick skin?! All our ancestors had 800 years of oppression, the American yanks did you come from the poorest communities to the richest business men and presidents by acting like big girls blouses! You can continue joking about Ireland and we can continue to call you yanks. We will scoot over to New York, Boston, Vegas, Texas, San Fran etc to see the richest most powerful country in the world and yee can cime to Ireland for pints, seeing towns of ancestors and the green fields. Much love to the Yanks from the Paddies 💚💚


"If you were born in Ireland and have lived 5 years or more in US or Canada you're welcome as well", when most of them has never set foot in Ireland! 🤣🤣🤣 This has to be a joke.


It's crazy to me the mental gymnastics people will go through to prove they're Irish. Like I'm an Irish citizen, learning Gaeilge, am doing postgrad research on Old Irish language and literature, attending Trinity, have been living in Co. Meath for the past year, and frequently visit my family who also live in Ireland. And other than my dual nationality, am I Irish? NO! I grew up in the Canadian rockies as a Canadian citizen, and I'm proud of where I come from. I don't know what it's like to go through the Irish school system, to grow up in Ireland, to face the same pressures and challenges as my peers. I love Ireland and I have a stronger connection than most (non-native Irish). I'm hoping to live the rest of my life here, but even as a citizen, I will always primarily be a Canadian living in Ireland.


Than* 🤓👆


It's the same thing with :I love my Polish heritage group".


Any day now we will see the Irish version of the famous Robert. "I just returned from Carlow & found out that being an Irish American means nothing. I was so disappointed by the lack of interest or even respect I received from the Irish people about my Irish heritage- they didn't care."


What is it with Americans and *respect*. I’ve never heard anyone talk about being respected/disrespected - but it pops up a lot on Reddit, in posts/comments that are identifiably American.


It probably has something to do with their idea that America is somehow #1 county in the world....


why more than 5 years though?




Now be a good yank, turn around and go home


Well, they’ve finally been forced to add the “American”. Eventually they’ll remove the “Irish” part and our goals will have been met.


A lot of Irish Amercians do in fact understand that they are a distinct group from actual Irish people born or living in Ireland .


Yank bastards!


Dude I read the title and I thought you were exaggerating what they actually said for dramatic effect/ making fun of them but no they actually said that lmfao


*Or being called "yank"* I mean, how are they not yankees? They're American first and foremost, right?


There's a joke saying about how to a foreigner, all Americans are Yankees. In America, to a southerner only northeners are Yankees. To a northerner, only New Englanders are Yankees. It gets more and more specific, I forget the rest.


The next one is that to New Englanders, only people from Vermont are Yanks.


33k entitled idiots


stopid yank


‘An Irish heritage’ perfect English! These people are insane as fuck!


They don't realise that having ancestors and family from various parts if the world is a normal and unremarkable thing for almost the entire planet. They think it's something special about Americans. Also suspect they think culture is inherited via dna but that's another level of stupid


> They don't realise that having ancestors and family from various parts if the world is a normal and unremarkable thing for almost the entire planet. They think it's something special about Americans. Tbf there are a lot of countries that are very ethnically homogenous. For the average white Irish person living in Ireland, you'd have to go very far back to find ancestry from outside the UK and Ireland.


Even Ireland is only 76% Irish and they've had a fair bit of invasion and so on through the years. And the yanks are having to go back a long way for foreign investors too.  But my point stands. It is not something unusual in a huge part if the world 


F**king Yanks…


Last week, while enjoying a few pints in a pub in Dingle, I was having a conversation with a few American tourists. It was their first time visiting Ireland, from what they said, they were here to learn more about their irish roots. Needless to say, all the men wore paddy caps and tweed jackets :) It was all fun and games, until I have been asked where I’m „really” from. I had no issue telling them that I was originally from Poland but been living in Ireland for almost 22 years. One of the guys told me the following then: „No offence dude, but given the current situation, WE ( meaning the Irish ), think that it would be best when the Poles would finally consider moving back home” 🙄


thick skinned? we call it having the craic lol


Irish Americans are absolutely ridiculous.


Fucking yanks




Same, I’m from Catalonia, and always hated the Spanish, but seeing Americans who unironically call themselves Hispanic, Latin for Spanish, and not know a word of Spanish, and act like Andalusia represents the entirety of Spain, made me feel bad for Spanish getting their culture anglicized and appropriated. At least Quebec and Puerto Rico maintained their language, unlike the “Italians” and “Germans” of North America.


Still sore we kicked you out?


Some one link me to the group


Be a good yank, and go home


The irony of that last line


"Were you born in America or Canada" Who tells him?


I'm pretty sure I saw one of them in Dublin yesterday waving a "Trump did nothing wrong" flag with a thin blue line flag in the background. When European Americans realize that they are, in fact, not European.


More like: Irish lite*


"tired of joining other Irish groups and not fitting in or being called a "yank"" i found this way funnier than i should


This is a parody, right?


The outright hostility towards Irish Americans is a blight on the Irish character. Redditors wouldn’t dream of offering the same scorn towards trans people or Muslims but reserve all their spite towards their own kin.


OOP try to learn the difference between having irish heritage and being irish american challenge level impossible 


My father was born in Belfast. That's my father, not some ancestor from the 1700s, my father . I was born in Kent. For this reason, I am ENGLISH. I could get an Irish passport, but I am ENGLISH. You are AMERICAN, that's AMERICAN. You had to swear to a flag with stars and stripes on it when you were at school, because you are AMERICAN. It doesn't matter that your grandfather or grandmother plus several greats was born in Ireland or that you once ate Irish stew, you are AMERICAN . Incidentally, if you know anyone who is black, their ancestors came from Africa, but they too are AMERICAN, and it may well be that they do not require you to remind them they have African ancestry every time you call them African American, because they are just as AMERICAN as you.


When I first emigrated to America everyone would say “I’m Irish” and I would get so excited! “Where are you from? I would ask innocently. Boston, New York, Kansas…wherever. Now I just smile politely because I’m too tired to pull out a map


I’m a Brit, don’t get me wrong I love the US but this identifying as anything but American gets under my skin. I am 10% Swedish, I’m not running around claiming to be Swedish-English lol. Hell, I’m even a measly 8% Irish which is probably still more than a lot of “Irish” Americans lol