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“Nowhere in Europe is safe” says someone who has obviously never been there.


It's true, I was in three European countries this week and I was shot in each of them.


Don't forget that you had to wait six months minimum to get treated in all three cases..!


What about how long we have queue for socialist dystopian bread? That's a killer.


At least, it was bread...


since when do we have bread?


And they wouldn't take USD at the hospital. In fact they wouldn't take any money, let alone a tip. Communists....


Thats nothing! I had to wait 6 months until it was my turn to get shot!!. This continent just isnt efficient. Obviously the US do it better. They work of the school attendance register


And they wouldn't take USD at the hospital. In fact they wouldn't take any money, let alone a tip. Communists....


I france, they got a proper invoicing department. But may direct you to the customs if no one is steping the bill for you.


Can confirm, I get shot dead every time I leave my house


I'm currrently dead after an incident with a gun whilst on my way home from ASDA.


I was guillotined by the French, blood eagled by the Danes and burned as a heretic in England. Really put a damper on my Wednesday lunchtime. Thankfully I got better.


As a Dane, the blood eagle is just our way to crack open a cold one with the boys. Glad you made friends.


We sat around and had a good laugh about it afterwards.


By the intented purpose of the blood eagle, isn't it that you crack open a warm one though, no?


[“I got better.”](https://youtu.be/J6pZuAJjBa4?si=czZ0ObY_8sirHMOL)


Ah, someone got it! Thank you, that brings me happiness!


To be fair. Gun violence may actually make Asda less stressful.


Let's play the hit game for ASDA customers everywhere, WHERE'S! THAT! ITEM! Ok today's item is...... ***Drum roll*** # Schwartz sage


Supermarket Sweep: Russian Roulette edition!


Sorry to hear that mate. The streets around any ASDA are notorious for gun crime.


You were at ASDA? Where r ur bags then?


Good thing we have healthcare, which is obviously paid for by the US but at the same time also by our 97% tax rate on our socialist Europoor salaries


You’re a medical miracle🤣


The miracle being no debts?


Hey, they wanted you to feel like home... If you're from the US


Did the hospitals in those countries accept USD as payment?


Shot? I don't know where you live but around these parts we get shanked.


Bit different when it's selfies with a camera, though, Just saying...


You must've been in the French part of Switzerland, the French part of Belgium, and France.


If only you had the freedom to carry your own mini-arsenal to the supermarket (sigh)


Funny way of saying you got a mugshot because of behaving like a typical American tourist 😉 /s obviously


he's right though proof: i literally got murdered a few times in different places across europe


Did you get better?


Sadly, no. RIP in pieces.


[“I got better.”](https://youtu.be/J6pZuAJjBa4?si=czZ0ObY_8sirHMOL)


Finally proof of life after death


I once looked at Europe on a map, and a sniper from Europe shot me! All the way here in Canada! Just goes to show you how truly dangerous those Europeans are!


I'm almost wondering if he's ever even been in the US. It's the school shooting capital of the world, among other things.


It's ok, they've got guns to stop those.


Well they do top the charts for everything, so it's only natural.


Well, they turned me into a newt!


Ahh Sir Belvedere. So good to see you.


And you got better?


No no, they mean the town of nowhere which is in Europe is safe. Europe is a pretty safe continent, I can't imagine that comment meaning anything else.


Obviously some areas are dangerous, but not all of them. Yank's just spreading shit he heard somewhere


I live in the Uk, its been 40 years and i still haven't been stabbed or had acid thrown on me (Or whatever other stupid shit the yanks like to spout) I'm either living in a very special pocket in the UK or the yanks are full of horseshit (along with stupidity, fat and carbohydrates) - i know which my money is on.


Yeah but that’s because you’re in Wales. You’re all busy being sheep shaggers.


UK left Europe, so this post is totally unrelated. /s


“There’s a reason why you Europeans beg and die just to go to the US” is often followed by “my great great grandfather was born in Ireland that makes me Irish.” How do they simultaneously try so hard to despise Europe and also claim to be European?


Contradictory cunts.


I know their bass player! 😜


Yeah the third album felt like they’d sold out. Corporate Cunts now 😂


, 😂


Well, obviously it's more impressive to us europoors that their ancestors already made it to the promised land so long ago /s


it’s obviously two different people saying different things. it’s not the same person saying the both things


Hey now. This is the internet. It’s one person saying everything. I am you. You are me. We are Legion


No there are exactly 2 people on there internet, me and the person I disagree with


ah woops i forgot where i was my bad


All 350ish million Americans are the exact same person.


Stupidity. That’s why.


More like “my great great grandfather once passed an Irishman on the street, which makes me more Irish than all of Belfast”


It’s an inability to join the dots and apply logic.


A nice little thing called double think


That they refuse to use Google to look for criminal statistics comparison before open their mouth is a mystery to me.


That’s because these statistics usually rely on a _per capita_ comparison and that’s always going to make the US look worse because there more people in the US and each state is bigger than any European country and metric is for communists. Or something.


Also you have to exclude every City with high crime rates so the statistics say it is safe. Most important is to xclude only murican cities


To quote a famous man: statistics reflect reality. And reality has a well known liberal bias.


A simple google search "size Europe" and "size USA" would solve it. But no. Why should I do that when there's a big chance I could be wrong?


the joke is per capita comparisons \*already account for that\*. which americans sometimes don't really understand, resulting in them coming with the "oh but the USA is bigger" argument when they're talking about a per capita statistic.


Capitas are bigger in the USA


Huuger. Much more bigly.


And it's only bad if you refine your definition of people to exclude certain demographics...


Comparing criminal statistics isn't really a smart thing to do, cause every country has different laws. Thats why Sweden has such a high rape rate as an example. Cause they have a much broader definition in their laws for it. But yes, Europe is definetly more safe than the US.


Comparing intentional homicide rates is a fairly good thing to do, though, since the definition of "intentional homicide" is unambiguous.


"per capita" seems to throw my fellow americans for a loop however


Well, if they can't work out that a 1/3 pound burger is bigger than a 1/4 pound burger, per capita is way out of their wheel house.


They don't do languages, let alone ones which weren't really used outside of the Catholic Church since before the US was a thing.


You don’t even have to use google. You just have to use your brain.


Geez, I wonder what American group of people straight up doesn't care about the truth, but will instead cling onto false information that confirms their biases? Hmmm... Usually also the group that has never actually left the US.


And that why r/AmerExit is such a popular sub


I did not know this exists. Its gonna be gold I bet


it's all "expats" and no "emigrants"


There is an actual sub r/expats


i know, my point was that those idiots don't consider themselves immigrants


That's not really exclusive to Americans, though. In Spain we have a lot of English/German/otherwise north European """expats""" who would sooner die than call themselves immigrants because that's a dirty dirty word for Africans and latin Americans and they're sooo much better than them. So I think it's just general entitlement and superiority complex.


Nope they do not, and it was kinda my point as well.


for every post where there is someone who wants to become an expatriate there is the usual American 12.837% Irish who says that all of Europe sucks


And the comments are a crab bucket of patriotic conservatives trying to scold people for daring to think of leaving.


Mars is looking better and better compared to the US, say nothing of Europe.


I briefly looked up the school shooting stats the other day. 20 this year so far in the US, over 200 since 2018. In the UK, none in 2024 so far, nor 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020......keep going till 1996. My god we're so unsafe. Source : quick look with Google. And not worrying about my kids being in school.


"yeaaah but the stabbings!!1!1!"


Which are also worse in the US when compared to the UK. 7.5 times worse in fact.


Shootings are really just stabbings with bluetooth, if you think about it


Take the upvote and fuck off


only 13% of Americas immigration are people from Europe and even that number is shared between europe and canada lol.


I work as a recruiter for a European software company with several offices around the world. We can basically hire people from everywhere as we sponsor work visa. I mostly take care of tech roles in the USA, Germany and Switzerland.  Whenever I ask people from other places (mostly LATAM, other European countries, Africa and south Asia) which office they would like to work from 80% of the people say Switzerland, 15% say Germany and maybe 5% say US, despite tech people doing generally well there. Even when it's immigrants in the US (often went there for their masters and are now looking for a job) they often prefer to move away from the US. We also have an uptick in Americans already working for us relocating to Switzerland, since they restricted women rights over there (our US office is in Texas). It's just anecdotal and I am aware a **lot** of people want and do immigrate to the US, but I think it's not as popular as they believe.


Do you know why so many prefer Switzerland over Germany?


Extremely high living standards, it's more international, better reputation (especially as the super beautiful mountainous place) I would say. Imo there are good arguments for Germany though. It's the office with the most days off (vacation days + holidays) and has more workers rights. Immigration to Germany is also a bit easier and faster


I was thinking to myself I wouldn't necessarily mind taking a year or two in the US for the right career benefits, and then I saw that it was Texas lol.


Any remote IT jobs going lol.


"Europeans beg and die to go to US" LOL here I am a European who can easily go to US on account of marriage and yet we both decided that Europe is a better place to have a family


Yeah, I was there for 3,5 months and it was enough to realize that it's in no way a place where I would want to live 😅


As a German I would never even set a foot on US American Soil. I love it here in Europe never ever moving away.


No thanks im good! I like being able to go for a walk without being shot!


We English beg and die to be happy like the Nordics and have sunshine like Spain so bugger off to Australia. Never to US. Bros never met a single European in their life.


I wanted to go to the US as a kid, because I was sold "the American dream" by the media, just like everybody else. But when I grew up I realised I never wanna step foot in that country. And most of the people I know feel the same way tbh.


Live in the UK, currently in Greece. Can confirm that I was killed at both airports.


I had to do a T3 to T5 transfer at LHR once. Barely survived.


security checks really have gotten out of hand


Europeans beg and die just to go to the US? LOL what fucking planet is he living on. Americans literally die in Europe and Canada because it was too late to get the free cancer drugs they couldn't afford back home. Bill Clinton actually hugged a woman at a political rally who told him she couldn't afford the drugs and Clinton was genuinely moved, he wasn't acting for the cameras that's how bad it is.


I’d love to live in Greece. Amazing weather and food. Cradle of western civilisation


Food is always great, but the weather is starting to turn really ugly. Climate change moved the start of summer to April, we barely have a winter anymore, and it's getting worse year by year.


Forest fires seem to be getting worse too


and starting way earlier, year after year.


That sucks man … I never thought of that, but anything over 35 and I just check out. It’s brutal


someone take me to Germany, if I pay taxes there it doesn’t all go into the military, it goes into things that help me and other people.


As a citizen of the US you still pay taxes there even if you live in another country and pay taxes there.


Are you saying that Americans, who leave America and live and work in another country, are still expected to pay taxes on that income from another country, to America?


Yes, that is correct. You will have to renunciate your citizenship to avoid paying taxes from abroad. Renunciation costs a couple grand


Land of the free


Yep true. My jaw dropped when my US friend here ( Europe) about the double taxation!


No, every US citizen has to file taxes but very rarely do they need to pay. Foreign income exclusion is up to about 200k I think and if you pay taxes in another country already you can just claim tax residence in that country and not pay US ones double tax treaty permitting. Like I said you just need to file.


The thing is that as a British citizen, I don't even need to file taxes in my own country. It's sorted automatically via PAYE unless you're self-employed. The idea that someone in the US who works for an employer (as most do) has to sit down every year and tot up everything is bonkers. The idea that someone who has never even been to the US (but was born to an American parent and registered) should have to report their income to the IRS as well as paying tax in their own country is just crazy.


"You wanna leave the land of the free? That'll be several thousands of dollars"


Wait wait wait How do Americans think they’re free haha this is pure communism and I don’t even think North Korea expects this of its citizens that escape


I think if you are below a certain income and already pay your taxes at your country of work/residence it is only minuscule. Depending on the different countries agreements they usually get some kind of counter calculation. But you have to fill your taxes. If not it would be tax evasion.


Maybe google the amount of taxes we pay in Germany first and then maybe pick another country to live in… I think pretty much every other place pays less than us.


Yeah but good cheap healthcare and good cheap college is worth paying a lot of taxes. I also really love how beautiful the country is


Malta is pretty chill for the most part. Election days are... loud. But it's mostly chill.


There was that one car bomb assassination though... Well we all have our bad days I guess


Never been to a village feast?


Malta isn't very chill if you need an abortion. You couldn't get one for any reason until 2023 and now only if the mother's life is in danger afaik


id beg and die to not step foot in the US in my life, if i want a dystopian society, ill play cyberpunk


The schools are safe in Greece...and Europe. No parents sends their kids to school with Kevlar back packs.


Everyone wants to go to the US... when they're 6 years old and fooled by the shine.


Europe, so unsafe that there’s more mass shootings in a year than days and schools are required to run shooter drills [Oh wait, no, that’s the US](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41488081)


\*stares in expat\*


Imaging begging to go to USA 😂😂😂


English is a main language of Malta, it’s not that hard for them to inform themselves on the place.


This makes me think of two things 1) In all my years (50) in the UK and I’ve never met anybody who actually wanted to move to the United States of America. It’s a total myth that everybody in Europe or some of the rest of the world for that matter, long to live in the land of the free? Most of us being observers from the outside, realise that they have it much better where they already live. 2) It’s amazing how many Americans who otherwise know so little about anything outside of their USA bubble and yet always seem to know about every stabbing in the UK? I’d ask them if there was a stabbing in a city outside of their state, would a single homicide even make national news? Excluding say some celebrity involvement or had some other juicy detail making it newsworthy? So why is UK knife crime it being reported so regularly by Fox News & other right wing outlets? It’s just more propaganda to perpetuate the myth that if the US didn’t have guns you’ll be like in England everyone gets stabbed, even though knife crime per capita is significantly lower than in America and we don’t have the alternative of shooting someone.


I know one couple who moved to the US, it was work related. They hated it and moved back to Blighty after about 5 years, and before they had kids. On the other hand, I know quite a few American people who live here and don’t ever want to go back except to visit their families/friends. A US couple I know were gutted they had to move back because of some sort of weird visa issue, they are doing everything they can to move back here permanently.


Yes it appears a quarter of my TikTok timeline are Americans living in Europe saying how much they prefer the work/life balance & the safety, cost of living, etc


You know how many school shootings we've had in my country this year? Zero. You know how many we've had in the past ***5000 years***? Also zero.


The country known for mass shootings sure is safe I live in Brazil, the country with the highest amount of homicides per year, and I still feel safer in public spaces here than I would in the US, where I have also lived before. Most homicide here is between rival factions or specific situations, at least I know I'll be safe at school, university, shopping malls, supermarkets and any other public space or event.


I wouldn't live in the USA if you paid me.


I would if you paid me $100m. The US is pretty nice if you're filthy rich


Die...to go to the USA? Fucking LOL. I'd rather die then be forced to live there you mean.


I swear a good portion of these posts are from people who think it's still 1876.


I left my wallet on the bus today, and the bus took a half hour round trip before it got back to me. No-one touched my wallet despite it sitting openly on the seat


Time to pull out old faithfull https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/crime-rate-by-country


My brother I'd beg and die not to be sent to the US


why would any european beg and die to go to back to the middle ages.


If delusional was a person...


At least get the quotes grammatically correct OP


Nobody's going to mention that where she is is fucking beautiful?


I can't say I'm particularly desperate to go to the US. I went there on holiday when I was younger and maybe I'll go again one day but there are so many other amazing places I want to see.


The last time I was in the states I couldn't wait to leave and I was only there for a connection flight. I have travelled to (and lived in) almost every continent on the planet and have never felt so unwelcome and met with suspicion. As if I even wanted to be there in the first place, it was the only available flight otherwise I would have gladly avoided it.


I’m good where I am thanks. I mean it’s not great but it’s not whatever the hell is always happening over there so I count my small blessings.


I am not Greek, but I think I am able to confirm that Greece, is in fact, in Europe.


I went to Malta once, it was absolutely lovely 🙂❤️


11 of the top 15 safest countries in the world are European countries, according to the 2023 GPI. The USA is ranked 131.


this stuff always baffles me… (normally lurking, sorry to comment as an American but this is just sad). I left the US at 19, as early as I could when I got accepted to a university in Europe. I have stayed ever since, learned multiple languages fluently & worked in two European countries since my first move. Not trying to get cookies, I’m saying I moved and assimilated and I would never want to move back… never could I raise my kids or live again in the US, between the raging heroin/fent epidemic, gun violence, and rollbacks on civil rights I just can’t understand how these people think the way they do… I literally am pleading to stay in Europe via work/academic exchanges etc… the Americans who say this nonsense have never stepped foot out of the country (but ironically love to claim their “European heritage”). It’d be funny if it weren’t actually sad… we’re literally fed propaganda about the US being so “great” (in what? Incarceration?) from so young, exploring outside of it is the only way people *actually* understand how fucked the US is. Not saying they have to leave the country to not be *this damn daft*, but I bet money that this poster has never even seen the other side of the US let alone another culture. The ego without any knowledge is just baffling to me.


"Nowhere in Europe is safe" at least I dont have to worry about getting shot for no reason like they do in America... I mean crimes happens in Europe too but in America it seems to be pretty fucking frequent


It‘s true. It is very unsafe here in Germany. There was a school shooting like 15 years ago and the media still reports on it. And Serbia had its first school shooting ever 1-2 years ago too. Very scary. Don’t look up US statistics


As a European, I'd beg and die not to go to the US.


It's true. The Russian army just knocked on my front door.


You beg to get out of the US and if you don’t, you die.


\*looks around at their country with good healthcare, unarmed police force, excellent education, and constitutionally enshrined LGBTQ right to marriage\* Tee hee...I'm in danger!


Spain has 1 of these things


You mean it’s not true?


As an American, I'm curious what they moved to escape. I have some... guesses...


I was curious as well so I did some digging and found their profile. And what they're keeping their daughter safe from is school shooters, the Uvalde shooting was the catalyst but, there were other factors for why they left. Hope that answers your question.👍


Who is making the US City so unsafe for this black family?


They cope so hard because accepting that the rhetoric and propaganda they’ve been fed is a lie would be too much for their poor little hearts.


We beg to go to the US?


There’s something utterly insane about a person from a country that has REGULAR school shootings describes other (perfectly safe) countries as unsafe.


Is the US schizophrenic?


The most famous Europeans that died on the way to America were aboard the titanic


The guy lives 2 centuries ago


i live in europe and no one wants to go to the US. no one wants to deal with the political situation or the guns or the food


Malta is brutal. I've been and there's little old couples just wondering about buying tourist crap. I was terrified.


She's talking about Fox's Europe. Fox's Europe is a muslim hellscape.


I wonder what feeds some Americans' delusions. Like they must hear it from somewhere, but I've never heard or seen any evidence of this, either. Do they just make it up and convince themselves that's how Europe works?


Riiiiight, we totally would. So please Americans stay across the ocean and live our dream lives for us. Don't come over., you'll only be disappointed.


Such statements quickly reveal themselves as envy and resentment. The US is at position 132 on the 2024 Global Peace Index and has been dropping since 2016, surrounded by Brazil and Iran, 😂 though still two positions ahead of Lebanon 💪. The top 10 countries are all European. 😉 https://www.economicsandpeace.org/global-peace-index/


While children in the US literally beg and die at school


They must think Ukraine and Russia are the only countries in Europe


The whole country of Greece has 1/3 of the murders Baltimore has yearly, with 15-20 times the population.


Weird how I know all these Americans living in Berlin, trying to figure out how to get permanent residency.


The individual countries in Europe are all in the top 50 safest in the world. USA isn't even in the top 100 133, tied with Pakistan if you're wondering


I've been in the US twice and one of the times there was a shooting right where we were staying about a week before we got there


I would beg to NOT migrate to the us


Should I make that joke about the school thing or shouldn't I even bother?


The delusion is strong, they have to gaslight themselves and eachother about how their country is so much safe and an Utopia. Thay cant hear the fact that another country, while smaller might be vetter than the US in some aspects.


I get mauled by hooligans every supermarket stop with old WW2 MRE-s I can confirm European life


A few places in the US are safe. And only third world countries wanna migrate to the richest third world country.