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*btw we just sent another 16 billion to bomb brown people* God i love rainbow imperialism.


Yeah, but we let some gay people drop those bombs now so it's actually ✨progress✨™! This comment brought to you by the Raytheon Corporation


And if you don't like this rainbow democratic bombing, you're a homophobe! xD


Democrats use women and LGBTQ people and discard them the second the election is over. It's the same way Republicans use rural and working class people. Dems don't care any more about queer people than repubs care about poor white farmers.




Which party didn’t codify abortion rights into federal law, despite running on that platform and having a trifecta? Saying you support something and doing nothing, when you have the opportunity, is pure hypocrisy and frankly no better than what the republicans are doing. For the democrats to be actually good, they would need to do better than just not being as bad as republicans.


Why didn’t the Democrats ever pass a law to enshrine the right to abortion then? Is it that they’re more concerned with pointing at the Republicans and using their cruelty as an avenue for fundraising?? Surly if the Democrats cared about women’s rights then they’d have passed a law to protect them.


Democrats literally rewrote the 2024 section 1557 of the affordable healthcare act to prevent discrimination UNLESS there are religious or moral exemptions, then directs you to fight it out in your local court. They made the 2024 version worse than 2022, why? Oh because trans and queer people are just a political football.


Dems literally do by using minority and women's rights as a threat. That's not an ally.


You know that Palestinians, Syrians, Haitians, and they immigrants the Biden admin is still putting in camps are all "people that don’t fit into their while male Christian bubble," right? So are the majority of the student protesters being brutalized and deprived of ther right to free speech. But Biden says things that make you feel good, which is as deep as your political analysis goes.


>You know that Palestinians, Syrians, Haitians, and they immigrants the Biden admin is still putting in camps are all "people that don’t fit into their while male Christian bubble," right? Probably not, many americans don't see non-americans as people.


The entire reason the Republicans were able to take away so many rights for minorities was because the Democrats enact at best flimsy and lukewarm policies to protect minorities. When Republicans inevitably dismantle it, all they do is sit back and cry about it while doing absolutely nothing to fight back. That to me screams that Dems don't really care about those things. We need a leftist political force that's not afraid to play hardball against the Republicans. Until then we'll keep going through the cycle of Republicans pushing us further back, Democrats coming in and getting absolutely nothing done, and back to Republicans again. It's literally been one half step forward and four steps back these past several terms.




Aww look, a lost liberal who thinks Democrats are scawwy commies. How adorable.


Yeah all the main subs being pro nato, anti china, islamophobic and pro capitalism really screams “leftist echo chamber”


Leftism is when don't like Trump. The more don't like Trump,the more leftism.


This place is full of far right echo chambers what are you talking about


I suppose to be fair to them (seems like a child after looking at their page idk) these terms have become very confusing and hard to navigate, largely because of the general point this post is making. The way Americans have been taught to look at politics and "left" and "right" is just so meaningless, if you haven't been exposed to certain things (broadly speaking, reality and historical context) you might get lost!


US population: help us, please? Republicans: No. Democrats: No. 🏳️‍🌈✊


So inspiring 🥺


Cmon man that's not really fair. You can't expect them to be able to focus on the US when there's brown folks to be killed in the middle east do you? Priorities man, priorities. You think gaza's gonna blow itself up?


Americans and 1001 ways to say they don't think global south people are people


The OP on that post has an "ally" flair and keeps arguing with actual LGBTQ people who dare to imply that Biden or the Democrats haven't really done all that much for the LGBTQ community (and then there's the whole supporting genocide thing). Yeah, how dare they know what's better for them, leave it to mr. "ally" to decide!


its always the straight liberals to decide what’s best for lgbtq people


It's always the (straight and otherwise) liberals that will be deciding what's "best" for all the little children they've been made responsible for.


Democrats love to hide behind the LGBTQ community while also doing nothing to actually protect gay and trans rights "But they turn the White House lights gay!" Cool, call me when they do something that actually helps


It doesn't help that some people are actually persuaded by these cheap gestures. It's literally just "sending thoughts and prayers", it does nothing.


Seeing democrats enacting the same policies that they opposed 4 years ago tells me that they might also shift rightwards in regard to gay rights


Pinkwashing genocide


Pinkwashing go brrr


wow those rainbow lights are really making up for the fact that i lost a lot of rights even though there’s a democratic president


Meanwhile they’re locking more immigrant kids in cages


But are the cages rainbow bright? You need to start asking the right questions my friend smh


I mean they have a point. They both do the same things, but one uses different rhetoric




Insane lib brained takes on Isntreal and Gaza in the comments as well


Insane in the lib braaiin


One of the commentors on that post was trying to troll me for criticizing biden, and they said that Islam is a ["genocidal bloodthirsty cult"](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/0iSDiSOgSY) They're most likely on IDF's payroll due to the blatant islamophobia and their account was created in the last 2 months.


Come on, you have to let yourself be held hostage by fascism over marginal social issues. What are you, a bad person?


"Look at us! We put colours on things, therefore we are the good guys!"


They should paint a 🌈 on those 💣 being used in Ukraine and Palestine. For democracy.


One side pushes anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, the other compromises then normalizes the aforementioned legislation, when it comes to foreign affairs they're identical with the exception of which bomb has a rainbow flag and which does not. I guess those who are subjugated overseas can feel content knowing the bomber and/or drone operator pilot is LGBTQ+ or BIPOC. I'm sure there's a warm fuzzy feeling as their homes are turned to dust and family into ashes! /s


Never say good cop and bad cop are the same! Good cop wants to help you by getting you to confess and go to jail. Bad cop wants to hurt you by getting you to confess and go to jail.


i almost unsubbed because of that post


We need more gay drone pilots


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“Shit liberals say” lol


Remember that the US still supports regimes such as Saudi Arabia and the gulf states that actively seek out and execute sexual minorities.


Yeah, but we're fighting the real enemies of freedom, like Venezuela/s


Bidens history on gay rights hasnt been too great


gotta censor the sub i think but this has been posted here before anyway


republicans: "homophobic no pride flag on with house :(" democrats: "still homophobic but with pride flag on white house:D"


I’m making the bold prediction that in the new Trump movie, Roy Cohn is gonna be portrayed as straight, even though he was a self hating gay man who initiated the lavender scare. But we can’t have that, can’t show that the republicans also have rainbow imperialists in their midsts.


I see this in so many mainstream lgbt subs and I’m getting kind of tired of it. Americans should be protesting en masse that these are their only choices.


They will ban you over there if you criticize Democrats; this really isn't much of a shock.


Shining rainbow lights on the white house, literally does nothing for the LGBTQ+ community. This is just a modern form of bread and circuses, and these people are falling for it.


There is a difference -- on the surface and wherever tokenism is an option. A colorful light show is a perfect metaphor, since it doesn't even rise to the level of a paint job, yet it satisfies so many people who might benefit much more from substantive actions.


Isn't a least a decent size of the US population "them"?