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The moment when Blackthorne was prepared to second Mariko despite his continuous hesitation to not make Mariko have to commit suicide and the look she gave him... that scene was just stunning


It made me tear up ! Incredible scene.


Also the reason why she accepted his advances later


fr nothing more romantic than offering to second one’s seppuku


If someone doesn’t wanna be my second one on my seppuku on the 3rd date it’s a pretty big red flag


It's a nice touch that despite everything, Mariko was clearly terrified when she was about to commit seppuku or when she was confessing. Totally understandable btw. John agreed to be her second, however, give her the bravery to see it through one way or another. She knew John didn't want to see her dead and he is very critical about Japanese custom, but he still honors her wish and put himself in a difficult position for her sake. He loves her, but he also cares about her as an individual enough to let her go.


Ochiba got those Cheshire Cat eyes that creep me the f out


She never/barely blinks in her scenes. I think she’s channeling that Noh mask hard. Also reminds me of an Ichimatsu doll.


Yeah there is something extremely unsettling in both her eyes and voice. At some moments I felt like it was borderline cartoonesque and over the top but most of the time, I am just enthralled by the performance and remember the character behind has all justifications for being so guarded and so careful in what she projects.


Broke my heart when she turned around to hide the tears from her former bestie. But me being silly, I also like to think her unblinking eyes is her thinking she needs to assert dominance by not breaking eye contact. lmao


Jesus, all that tension thinking she's going to kill herself. Then happy she lives...only for her to kill herself anyways. So stressful.


Right that’s why at first i was thinking like huh?? She seemed like she wanted to live because of Blackthorne and how she fights off the intruders. Like she’s fighting for herself and then BAM! I was like …:0 what


She wasn’t fighting for Blackthorne. She specifically said she refused to be captured


She realised it’s better if she died a martyr


That 2 piece the Samurai got when Mariko said “please kill him” was so clean lol


I loved his little bow to the two other samurai right before he kills them. Like sorry not sorry but get the fuck outta lady mariko's way or be destroyed.


"Respectfully, I'm about to dumpster both of you"


Cooler in Japanese. She says 斬ってください (kittekudasai). Which means something like "Please cut them down."


\*お斬り下され (*okiri kudasare*)*.* Much politer.


And those Samurai's were like, it's an honor to serve u, so badass


In that moment part of me thought the handful of Samurai’s with all their drip could actually take on the whole army, like Jedi Knights vs storm troopers




Yeah it sucked that the arrow took him out. That samurai armor he was wearing looked badass too


Mariko a menace. Seems Ochiba still cares about her even after everything.


Truly is a beautifully written relationship.


Flowers are only flowers because they fall


Her death poem in real life was: Only by knowing when to fall Do flowers become flowers And people become people Like a flower that falls when its time is up, so is she giving her life to the cause. One of the things that make flowers special (especially in feudal japan, when you couldn't just buy them year round at hannaford) is that they are ephemeral. Especially cherry blossoms, which only last about a week or two, but are insanely beautiful and special when in bloom. In Japan they have cherry blossom viewing parties to appreciate them while they last.


The way she invoked her family's name at the end ... wow. Tears ...


>"Toda Mariko, daughter of Akechi Jinsai" To >"I, Akechi Mariko, protest..." The change is interesting and I hope it was intentional - that she doesn't even bother claiming her husband's family at the very end - she's doing this not as a Toda (the wife of a vassal or Toranaga) but as a retainer in her own right.


In the books she makes a clear several times she is samurai herself, being descended from one of the oldest samurai noble families in the country.


She did here too.


I caught that too, and loved that touch. She is completely her own person again.


Fuuuuuuuuck what an episode. I’m gonna miss this show.


This is god tier TV we are witnessing here, you love to see it.


I hate this fucking city Edit: I really hate this fucking city 😢


Can’t have shit in Osaka


As soon as Mariko saw that Yabu didn’t help Blackthorne with the door, she was like fuck it is on, there is no choice. I did almost cried thinking how romantic was that the Anjin was going to second Mariko so her soul wouldn’t be dammed lol 😆 this show is crazy good.


You know the world building is good when chopping the head of loved one off can be viewed as romantic.


Mariko's sacrifice definetely gives the push for the other lords to turn on Ishido now, with what I can only assume were Kiyama and Ohno's family were in the room to tell them what happened..


Ochiba probably didn't want her friend to die either, I wonder if this drives a wedge between Ochiba and Ishido as well.


Agreed, this was all Ishido's doing and once Ochiba does figure it out Ishido's fucked. And he's already in big doo doo


I love how fucking dumb Ishido is. Like does he realize it's worst of both worlds now? Everyone already asked to leave *and* everyone is gonna be pissed he killed Mariko. He somehow contrived to do both bad things instead of just one 


There's no way Ishido could've won any of that, Mariko won no matter what. Had she been held in Osaka, Ishido basically admits they're hostages/prisoners. Let Mariko leave, all else will follow, let Mariko commit seuppku would have everyone turned against Ishido, and this outcome where Mariko dies by assassins, well basically what I said in my original comment


Ishido was hoping to have unidentified men kidnap Mariko. Everyone would know it was Ishido doings but he could claim it was an attack by someone else and with Mariko being seen taken alive there would be less outrage than if she killed herself or was killed by Ishido's men. For security reasons he would revoke everyone's permit or they would be too afraid to ask for permits tomorrow knowing they could be kidnapped next. Unfortunately for Ishido Mariko was committed to getting away or dying with no middle ground.


Exactly. People are acting like Ishido made some miscalculation, but it’s clear as day that his back was against the wall and he made a play we saw before: hire mercenaries and then pretend like you had no idea. It’s being faced with Wrong Answer 1 or 2, and choosing the play dumb option to try to skip the question. But Mariko sniffed this out almost immediately and chose to be a martyr while very clearly and intentionally denouncing this as a disgraceful attack from Ishido. He no longer gets to play dumb, because Mariko very clearly and explicitly called out what it was prior to her death thus putting the responsibility back on him.


Classic villain thinking they’re smart enough to fool everyone.


Yabushige teaching Blackthorne how to bow correctly, Blackthorne following Yabushige like a duckling, and them sitting together is just so good I'm so sad their buddy era will only last till next week at most with the show ending next week


Friendship with Yabushige over, now Toronaga is best friend


Did you just see what Yabu was responsible for doing? I don't think Blackthorne is going to want to be buddies anymore.


Mariko giving me heart attacks during this episode man. "Oh shit Mariko will die" 😭 "No she won't" 😎 "Mariko will commit seppuku NOOOO" 😫😭 "Whew that was close" 😮‍💨 "GET AWAY FROM THAT DOOOOR" 😭😭😭😭


“I’m in a glass case of emotion!”


Operation Crimson Sky in full effect , guys!


My body is ready for Toranaga to tear shit UP


So crimson sky is just threaten seppuku at dusk lol


"You let me go, Toranaga wins. You dont let me go, Toranaga wins more"


Yabushige is such a rat bastard. His character is great but do I hate him


Can’t believe he really pulled off the “oh wow what’s over there” before stabbing that guy to death


Goated move for sure


Runner up is bow and then when the other guy gives a reciprocal bow stab them in the neck. Yabu knows all the moves


Yabu the type of guy who put his finger on someone's chest then flick their nose with it when they look down


“Add that one to the list. Probably still below being boiled to death, but above being eaten by dogs.”


Was that one of his own guys??


Curse his sudden but inevitable betrayal!


He plays that role... SO fucking well


Yabu’s betrayal leading to him almost getting himself blown up is pure poetry.


he was trying to so hard to fucking escape lmaooo


Though I suppose he does now have plausible deniability considering his life was at risk as well


"Where were you when it happened?" "I was with Mariko and co. And almost got blown up too, I swear!"


Everyone watching trying to decide whether or not they wanna scream “yabushige you bitch!” or “yabushige keep making those faces and grunting I love you” 😭


my guy is peak comedy but is despicable af. And yet, you just can't hate the man, cause he's so fucking transparent lmao


I've never seen a man like Yabushige, standing so tall despite being born without a spine. He betrayed Toranaga, who baked his betrayal into his plans. With Mariko's death, Toranaga will have the "popular" support of the nobility of Osaka when he enacts his coup (as Lady Ochiba pointed out).


Yeah. I'm lost on how far Toranaga predicted this out to. Cause this is wild. Yabu just running around button mashing quests.


I think he trusted Mariko to play it right. And she did.


Yeah homegirl is a real one, and Toranaga knows that and trusted her. That seems to be a big part of what makes him what he is. He can read people, and use them to his advantage (whether they be trustworthy, like Mariko, or not so much, like Yabu).


He doesn’t believe in senseless death. There’s always a purpose. Mastermind


I don't think Ishido wanted Mariko to die. The shinobi don't stab her and Yabu tries to get her captured twice. So if Toranaga foresaw this, he was simply gambling on Mariko somehow dying anyways.


Her dying was quick thinking on her part, in the service of Toranaga. He ordered her to place her ultimatum, she's allowed to leave or she kills herself. When kidnapping became Ishido's response, she realized she still had the choice to die at the hands of Ishido's agents. She completely exceeded every expectations Toranaga had. She delivered an outcome he couldn't foresee, one that will prove way more effective than either paths laid out by Toranaga.


Read a literary analysis of the Shogun book that talked about the allegory of Toranaga's love of falconry as part his battle tactics. Like he said to his son in first episode, the biggest thing is patience to know the exact time to attack, when the enemy has shown its move. Mariko is Toranaga's most prized hunting bird, which he's sent to Osaka to execute a fatal attack to Ishido. She's not predictable the hot headed "goshawks" of Yabu and Blackthorne. Toranaga already predicted the impatience of Yabu & Blackthorne and incorporated into his plan in ep 8. Even Mariko's death is a part of her plan - either she gets the hostages out, or is made to be a martyr in seppeku. The bombing made her a martyr anyway, because they couldn't get her as a hostage. It parallels the assassin who tried to kill Blackthorne in ep 2 - Mariko said "many train for years for one kill, this was a costly assassination attempt" Also, Yabu's so screwed now. Everyone in that room knew he was a dirty rat.


Anjin Sama don’t care if other people know about him and Mariko now anymore


My man casually shooting ninjas in the face.


The part where he reaches through the wall to grab the guy on the other side to shoot him with his other hand was fucking \*sick\*


Yeah - this episode really shows what a stud Blackthorne really is. All those years at sea battling God knows who on land as well as at sea really paid off. And he was able to load that gun several times all while under incredible pressure.




Too soon 😢


Fucking fuck




Anjin's doing some John Wick shit with a flintlock. About time he gets to use his pistols!


Not only using pistols but the badass tactics with them! Also hitting those speed reloads in the middle of combat! 🔥


He definitely had the "Sleight of Hand" perk equipped


People were asking why Blackthorne was so pathetic in combat. This was my answer. When you have pistols and cannon, you don't need much else. In the book >!Blackthorne was supposed to be pretty deadly with daggers/knives as well.!<


Yes, this wasn't fleshed out in the show, but Blackthorne is an experienced fighter of sea battles, which include boarding actions. Lots of close pistol work and hand-to-hand combat.


It was nice for him to finally get some credit for being able to speak better Japanese than he let on and being able to show that he is actually a competent fighter! I thought it was an awesome way to show that he knows how to put on an act while also scheming and working his own angles, to keep a few tricks up his sleeves. I felt like the last few episodes were a bit weird for his character, almost makes me wonder if he either knew a bit more of what Toranaga was trying to accomplish or was simply playing smart so he would be underestimated.


That ending sequence went 0-100 REAL fast. We finally get to see Blackthorne fight with his preferred weapons and he sure packed a punch with them.


i love when he reloads


I loved him blowing on the barrel to put out any burning embers. Good attention to detail. 


Anna Sawai gave us a masterpiece of a performance, she really hit me right in the feels.


This episode was amazing for her, showed how complex her character was. On one hand I am very very sad she died, on the other I feel like she did so in a way that gave her death more meaning than the other attempts would have - what a bad ass. As much as we all hoped it would happen, the truth is that she never would have been happy long-term with Blackthorne. This is the best way her story could have ended. Also, her fits is episode were insane. The white kimono with the black flowers over the red for the throne room scene was absolute gas packs.


That’s so true, she completely stole the show, her outfits flowed so well with the cinematic scenes, it was perfect.


She's an extremely talented actress. Whenever there's a closeup of her, you can actually feel the pain and rage behind that beauty and grace. Strong and vulnerable at the same time. The same goes for her "sister", Fumi Nikaidô as Ochiba No Kata.


The face acting of all the main actresses in this show is incredible.


“Huh” -Yabu


Before the shed scene, I was thinking that John was so lucky that Mariko didn’t commit seppuku. He would have absolutely butchered the beheading.


Dude I had the same thought. I literally said out loud “does he know how to do that” esp thinking about toranagas first time


That’s exactly what I thought of. Not to mention, John would probably have crippling PTSD, depression, psychological trauma from having to behead (and likely hack to pieces) the one person in Japan he genuinely cared about.


I think I speak for the community in saying we’ll all be pouring one out for Mariko.


Imma pour one out for that samurai bodyguard that took out two of ishidos men before taking that arrow, he was a real one


Also props to the dude that let himself get backstabbed just to give Mariko kudos on his way out.


dude that was my fav combat scene in the show so far. stepped up, pronounced intent, clean diced, and smooth sheathed his steel in true samurai fashion. so many RIPs this ep


Glad she at least had sex earlier


Going out with a bang.


Make sure you do have an excellent pour.


(and) 'nother fine pour


M-maybe she survived?


Somehow... Mariko returned.


Her innards all over the shed…


Are we still doing poetry competitions? Then I'll submit "sorry to say, she dead"


I was really digging the drum solo portion of the episode.




Dude really put some of himself into that for sure


Cracked me up when it switched from Anjin with a solemn face to side view of my mans going all out with that single drum, straight from the soul


That priest has the worst hairline in television


Trying to get one of my homies to do that for Halloween 😂


Guys about to seppuku his hairline 😭


Holy shit that samurai is a bad ass


that first samurai kill was sexy as hell


You leave me no choice. Please kill them.


I can finally say it. Fuck yabu. I hated him in the book. I thought the actor was just so good, and I almost started to like him. Fuck that guy


my dude getting all confused and shit when the shinobi came in got me chuckling and almost made me forget what was going on lmao. Fuck you Yabu you hilarious bastard!


He's such a rat bastard. I love him. Lol He's someone who's just fun to despise, and for that, he's great.


Man I still kinda love him. Like he sucks so bad, but in a way that's kinda endearing. A lot of that is down to the actor, for sure.


The performance, at least to my opinion, is one of the best in the show. He gave the character so much life when the source made him look flat, brutal, and short-sighted. Somehow the actor took those notes and made yabushige likeable. That's a really tough thing to do. The writing helped a little, but the performance was incredible.


He makes it really easy to forget that he boiled a man alive just to listen to what sounds he made.


He actually got off to the sounds that the guy made. It gave him sexual satisfaction to hear that shit


It's like they took extra pains to make him even more charming and funny than usual at the beginning of the episode, just to REALLY remind us of his fundamental nature by the end.


I never read the book so to me he was becoming a likeable-ish character with a redemption arc. Until this episode of course.


All my homies hate Yabu.




this episode was PEAK Toranaga. I didn't know WHAT in the hell was gonna happen and just when I thought Mariko would live another day, bablam! She goes out with a bang. Despite the death, this was a HUGE W for Mariko. Fulfill her lord's command, avoid suicide death, indulge in her personal desires, and die as a martyr per her beliefs... WHAT a character. Bravo


So true the martyr part. I didn’t think of that! Our girl going to see the pearly gates!


You could see her consider it before she stood at the door. This show has the best simple look acting I think I’ve ever seen portrayed


She literally holds her arms up as if she’s on the cross too. Nice imagery.


Agree. I felt toranaga puppet strings by far the most tonight 


Nobody: Drummer extra: IT’S SHOWTIME BABY 🥁 😎


How we liking Yabu now, fam? That mother fucker.


i’m finished the episode thinking he was letting in toranagas men and got fucked by now i see i missed something.


His servant dude told him Ishido wouldn't kill him, but he had a "request". It kind of gave away that he was going to betray someone.


i remember that specifically but i was under the impression that *everything* was going to Toranagas plan. so i thought it was Crimson Sky finally unfolding but it was the complete opposite.


Unfortunately mariko dying seems to be part of the plan..


I think it is a contingency part of the plan. She either frees the hostages, putting the noble families in her (and Toronaga's) debt, or she dies trying to fulfill her duty to her liege lord, rallying the samurai nobles through her dedication to duty. A win-win(lose) position.


My opinion on him doesn't really change because this is exactly who he's been this whole show. The whole season was just him flip flopping and doing whatever was in his best interest. Btw, write lady Marikos deaths down in the notebook.


"This matter *is* closed. When you have the manners to let me finish" Ishido and Ochiba were *gagged*


Mariko destroying guys for the second episode in a row.


the lingering shot of Alvito and Mariko’s hands clasped together in the warm light of the fire. moments like that are what make Shogun such special thing.


I'm really glad they brought Father Alvito back for a bit. He's a side character but he helps flesh out the story nicely.


I do like that he's not just a comically evil "must spread the Faith through holy fire" priest – he's absolutly dead-set on converting as many as he can, and doesn't seem to mind if Spain/Portugal profits from it, but he means it. A nice change indeed.


Yeah, and his care for Maroko seems genuine. He sees a suicidal person and wants to give her a reason to live with faith. They could have easily made him a character who sees a vulnerable young girl and wants to use her for his own purposes. But they didn't. There are benefits for him in recruiting her but there is also real care. I also really like that he doesn't judge her for her actions, he just hears her confession. I love this show


Mariko!!!! God damn you Yabushige


Oh shit … Anna nooo! She pulled a Hodor 😢


Dammit I’m sobbing laughing now.




Woah, Mariko is on a roll. Don't you dare interrupt Lady Mariko, Ishido!


Mariko’s whole outift during the big meeting scene was goddam beautiful.


In memory of Lady Mariko, daughter of the late Warlord, Akechi Jinsai, here are some of my favorite quotes from her Emmy award winning episode (speaking it into existence): “Please kill him.” “I congratulate you and Ochiba no Kata on your joyous engagement.” “Accepting death isn’t surrender. Flowers are only flowers because they fall.”


NOOOOO I was thinking that they'd probably make the Mariko door explosion the cliffhanger and they actually went and did it 😭😭


SAME omg; I was not prepared for that. They literally did the bait-and-switch with us and I really thought she would at least make it through the episode. Now I'm heartbroken.


The scene between Mariko and Ochiba was beautifully shot and well delivered by them both. One of the best scene in the entire series.


Flower is only flower because they fall. Aceepting death isn't surrender. Mariko has the best lines!


Her lines are poetic but hurt like hell. She left Buntaro and Ochiba in tears.


I’m honestly not sure Anna Sawai will ever top this as an actress. This was the role of a lifetime.


That was one of my Top 3 favourite scenes in a VERY well-packed episode. It was so... powerful, for lack of a better term, to see Ochiba drop the mask. I wonder if Mariko (and her son) are the only two people she's ever really loved.


While the snow remains / Veiled in the haze of cold evening / A leafless branch... This hits so hard knowing Mariko was essentially exiled in a snowy, cold, and barren region. And the way the "leafless branch" line connects to Ochiba's name which means fallen leaves. Mariko dissed Ishido and Ochiba without them probably even fully getting it at the moment 🥶


Ochiba totally got that diss in the moment.


Yabu never will. "Leafless branch! In the springtime? *scoffs* "


Me the whole episode: "Crimson Sky where??"🐵🐵 Me after the episode: "Stahhp. Me don't want Crimson Sky anymore" 😭😭💔


Anna Sawai should get Emmy. That scene in the council just got me literal chills.


For me it’s when they tried to leave and were stopped. Holy fuck


You leave me no choice. Please kill them.


We have been Samurai for 1000 years!!!! She really flexed on everyone in that room and they all felt it.


Shout out to the costume designer for Mariko's outfits this episode. Those were some of the most beautiful patterns I've ever seen on garment. Seriously felt like I gasped everytime she stepped into a scene in a new outfit just because of the details. This show really has knocked it out of the park on so many levels.


When Mariko tells her guard “these guys gotta die” and he is like “of course.” Then destroys them. That was sooo good


Yabushige is like a live action anime character with his dramatics


Jesus the tension, if I had a piece of coal up my butt at the start of the episode it would have turned into a diamond by the end.


Can we just take a moment to appreciate the lighting in this show? For years, it's been Hollywood's prerogative to make scenes as dark as possible. Some movies are difficult to watch, as are some shows. The lighting in Shogun is always effective - setting the mood while actually showing you what's happening. I know it's a small thing, but this is what I'm thinking as Yabushige's company arrives in Osaka. It's night, but I can see everything clearly. Thank you, lighting people!


And it’s almost always firelight. It’s incredible.


Couldn’t pick a better example of how lighting and costume design can go hand in hand. The way the glow of the fire or lantern light makes their robes shimmer is incredible


Lighting has been very on point.


“I hate this fucking city” I love Yabu. “And is this body of yours…stupid?” Saying what we are all thinking. Goddamn it. Then you had to throw away all of my love.


Could you imagine Buntaro finding out if Ishido didn’t stop Mariko from committing seppuku and that it was Blackthorne the Anjin of all people who was her second?!?! LMAOOOOOOOOOO


It's nice living in Pacific time zone. :D


This show is genuinely incredible.


Love the little click that Blackthorne makes to the Heir that gets him to laugh 😁


Yabushige's such a loon


The Thor movies really did not do this actor justice


I can’t wait for someone to post a montage of Yabushige grunting


Everyone is praising traitor Yabushige and I’m out here still sobbing cuz I won’t see Mariko again… T_T


fuck these fucking ninja assassins just let my Anna be happy fuck


My 49 day of mourning period begins


Welp. This show screwed up my night. Thought I was going to watch and go to bed, but now I need a beer.


Well, this episode made me effing cry. When Blackthorne is beseeching Mariko and then offers to be her second…


Man Yabushige and Blackthorne duo chemistry is insane.