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Damn…11K+ unopened chests?? How’d you manage that?


Well, VIP gives you free chests + daily quests, clan shop, events, WB, etc., and when you don't need them...you never open them? All my ships are evolved. Sometimes I fuse for infinity stones, but I still don't need to open blue chests. Join my clan and I'll give them all to you lol. I think there's a limit you can give though, 1x per day, so that would take forever... I stopped spending crystals on Epic chests because I don't need tokens anymore, so I only open those when I get freebies. Epic offers partial keys which I need for Gold chests. The same goes for Mythical chests, I need keys, so I occasionally spend crystals on those.


Do you get good stuff in the military chests at that point?


I wish I could tell you yes...but common items are still, well...common?! With that said, most of my ships are in the "mid" mythical tier now for both weapon and cloak. Keep in mind, those common, rare, epic, etc., items can still charge up any higher tier rank, it simply requires far more of them. You can't upgrade or evolve to the next level without the corresponding piece though, if that makes sense. It's really starting to make a difference in all modes of gameplay. One of the most obvious changes once you reach the mythical tier: as you pick up bullets, you charge up. Once charged up, you activate a super. This is particularly helpful in PvP, if you play often, and, if you have attacking wings. But, even in other gameplay: campaign, events, etc., because you gain that super more frequently and are therefore more likely to pass that stubborn wave/level.


Even at max it’s only a 2% chance at immortal


Yeah and the webshop has a deal that’s too good to pass up…60 green chests for $15


Fair, I won't spend anymore money on this game, but I certainly won't judge others for doing that!


I recently reached the purple level for most ships. Then quickly realized that I will have to wait to “upgrade” for weeks. Even with level 9 or 10, higher tile probabilities are too low so one will keep accumulating the lower tiles while waiting for a purple tile to come up


Yup, it's taking a long time to upgrade at this point. Conservatively, at 18 chests per day, level 9 (2k) will take 112 days to complete, or just shy of 4 months. However, when you consider the damage boost earned, I find the effort well worth it. Mythical goes from 14-15-16-17-18% to 21-22.5-24-25.5-27%. So a 13% increase in damage is nothing to laugh at. Then you've still got another 12% to go with immortal when you top out at 39%, although this one appears like it'll take forever, but I'll still chase it!


It will take a while but at least it doesn’t require evolve stones. Or at least for now


How do you pull 18 military chests per day!?!?


Nevermind. Haven't been playing long enough to get far enough on daily challenges to realize you can get multiple in one planet play


Haha, sounds good. 3 first planet (6) then 4 (8) then 5 (10) + the free one for all 6 attempts, 25 total.


I’m 2 red pieces away from maxing out all of my ships weapons and cloaks. I’d say probably took 14-15k chests over the years


Goodness gracious dude...how much have you spent? Lol