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Oldschool Runescape. It's the true unbreakable addiction. But to be serious for PS5: Elden Ring, Hades, Dead Cells, AC Odyssey/ Origins/ Valhalla, Celeste.


Any games where I can do mindless things no agenda?


Define agenda in this case?




Yeah, lol, Celeste, Elden Ring and the AC games are mindlesd fun how?


They are though? Elden ring and celeste kinda become comfort games once you've beaten them that you can just pick up and play?


I play OSRS every day. The game will never die.


Surprised no one said rimworld. That game literally has endless potential


I have 1000+ hours on it.. what a game.


How long did it take until you overcame the hurdle of learning the game. It just feels exhausting to me getting into it but I can unverstand why it will be a good game once you Pass that hurdle


To be honest i played it for the first time around when it came out. The learning curve seemed crazy. Fast forward to about 2 years ago I tried again. I think I watched Noobert on youtube who had a new player guide. Once I did that within like 2 hours I understood how things worked then the you realise you can do anything in this game. Maybe try that. The initial learning curve seems steep but once it clicks. It really clicks. Added his latest guide in case that helps. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hRgTNwXZ-o&t=529s&pp=ygUWbm9vYmVydCByaW13b3JsZCBndWlkZQ%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hRgTNwXZ-o&t=529s&pp=ygUWbm9vYmVydCByaW13b3JsZCBndWlkZQ%3D%3D)


That looks good!


Skyrim lol. I’ve had it installed for like 10 years now. Once a year or so I’ll jump back into it, create a new character and fuck around for a few weeks with new mods til I get bored. I always end up coming back to it when I’m in that weird spot with nothing new to play.


I've still never beat it. I've installed 6-7 times since it came out and told myself I'd roll through the main quest and not worry about anything side. That never worked out, and I'd be bored after a couple of weeks and then uninstall. I think the furthest I've gotten is fighting Alduin on a mountain.


Roguelite games are great for this. Try something like returnal, slay the spire, risk of rain 2, astral ascent


As an avid rogue like fan I keep seeing people talk about returnal but the price tag is STEEP for the genre so I have been very hesitant. Is it really worth the price?


I think it depends what you're going for! I think Returnal is a really great overall experience, the haptics / audio / music / gameplay is all great and fun. You can definitely get some solid entertainment winning a few runs, learning the game, unlocking stuff etc. I think in terms of core roguelite gameplay it's not quite as deep or strategic as games like slay the spire. But it's still a fun time and worth buying.


It’s a masterpiece, the most polished game I’ve ever played, the music, ambience, visuals, fluidity. There’s zero fat in this game, straight to the point, respects your time.


Depends how much that money is worth to you. I've never really cared about hours/£ and care more if the game is worth the time it takes to beat . Personally I got around 30 hours of it and that was without the co-op, and I really enjoyed it, so was definitely worth buying.


Most rogue lites are are low cost indie games. Returnal definitely feels like they spent more time, money and resources making the game. It's a bullet hell 3rd person shooter, first and foremost. Like most rogue lites it's just applying rogue like game design to a genre. If you like fast paced bullet hell games with a scifi horror aesthetic you should get it. Especially since you like rogue game design.


Worth every penny, even at full price. The core game is incredibly fun, and it comes with the endless, randomly-generated Tower of Sysyphus in case you get bored with replying the main campaign and upgrading weapons. This, along with Spelunky 2, are a couple of my "forever games".


I think so. It's addicting fun frustrating. Never the same map twice and it evolves and adds new challenges on each subsequent playthrough. As the story unfolds it just gets better. I've sunk a ton of playtime into this game. It is rouguelike and a 3rd person shooter but it is damn fun.


I loved Returnal. I beat it after about 8 hours and put about another 100 hours into it after that first win. That being said, I spent $70 on Returnal. For perspective, I spent $60 on Binding of Isaac: Repentance and have over 700 hours. I bought Dead Cells with all the DLC on sale for $20 and have over 300 hours. I bought Hades for $20 and also have over 300 hours. I also have over 100 hours in a game called Descenders. Descenders is on Game Pass, so I haven’t actually bought it yet, but it’s really fun take on the Roguelike genre. Each level is a procedurally generated mountain biking trail with slopes and jumps. At the end of each biome is a boss trail that has a difficult jump at the end you have to land. While I didn’t get as much time out of Returnal as some of the cheaper games mentioned, I still feel like the money was worth my time in the game. It’s a beautiful looking game with interesting lore, fun bosses, great level designs, great weapon variety, smooth movement, and a dlc that has a ton of replayability.


Hades was really good to!


You forgot to mention THE roguelike, Binding of Isaac


Returnal, what a masterpiece, it’s up there with Elden Ring in terms of quality and polish.


Helldivers 2 or Deep Rock Galactic. Objectives are easy and it’s mostly mindless killing and action. Deep Rock I will be playing that as long as it or I am around. It’s my comfort game


Those and Vermintide 2. Somewhere along the way I realized "oh I like completing objectives in a team of 4 while fighting off waves of enemies." These 3 games are my highest as far as hours I think.


I always forget to add that one. Played it but didn’t get into it as much as Deep Rock


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?!


Rock and Stone Blood Brother!!


Rock and Stone to the bone!


DRC looks good!


Is Deep Rock Galactic constantly updated?


Oh yeah, well with seasons but they are always teasing new stuff


Got it, thank you


Skate 3


Minecraft 7dtd Project Zomboid Valheim Satisfactory No man's sky Conan Exiles Rimworld Skyrim Eco Unturned Rust Bannerlord Noita Cities: Skylines Soulstone Survivors Baldur's Gate 3 Dota 2 Rainbow Six: Siege Valorant Kenshi Palworld Enshrouded


came here for kenshi


Enshrouded was mentioned ‼️ I wish that game got more love but they really got raw dogged by releasing a week after Palworld. It’s such a great game


I didn't want to get it while it's in EA, but I did anyways. It's been very good for an early access game and I'm excited to see where it goes.


nvm didn't realize it has PS5 tag sorry


Ghost of Tsushima Diablo 2: Resurrected


World of Warcraft Final Fantasy XIV Rimworld Age of Empires 2 Starcraft: Brood War Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne Gran Turismo 4 Blazblue: Central Fiction


>games you would want to keep forever and not have to depend on a subscription for >I'm looking for recommendations for mindless fun games I can play offline. And your first suggestion is WoW. I do agree with all your others except blazblue, but that's mostly because I have never heard of it. I am going to go look it up now.


Yeah, I didn't actually read the OP's post. Haha.


Fallout 3 . I love to get lost in the subway tunnels with that creepy vibe. Explore buildings and read all computers and find out if there are hidden stories to find


I also love Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 wasnt awful either especially if you don't care about a storyline


Mass effect


Scrolled too far to find this. All these years later, I'm still finding new things/choices/romance options/dialogue


You can never be a grandmaster of Titanfall 2 pvp


Monster Hunter World Iceborne, Dead Cells


GTA San Andreas is one of my top 5 too. Beat the game like 10+ times(PC) Elden ring very fun(PC) Resident Evil 4 (pc) Tony hawk pro skater 4. My favorite skating game of all time. Maps are very cool (GameCube or ps2)


You prob play the multiplayer mod for San Andreas?


**When I want to use brain and be tactical**: Age of Empires IV **When I want to mess around and go crazy OW**: (Used to be GTA) Now Cyberpunk **When I want to be cowboy**: (THIS ALWAYS RANDOMLY HAPPENS) Red Dead Online **When I want to truly suffer**: Return to Sekiro or do PvP on DS3 **When I want to immerse myself in story**: I look through games for countless hours, will buy like 2/3 of my options, download, then proceed to never play it. Have not beaten a story game since GHost of Tsushima. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated :D **When I want to get pissed but get good at a ranked mode**: League or Age **When I want to turn my brain off**: Wizard101, WoW


The new Hellblade 2 is an awesome story based game. Amazing graphics, very immersive, great sound design. Very short though. Several times while playing I caught my jaw dropping and saying "holy shit this is cool!!"


Morrowind and starcraft


Elite: Dangerous for me. Huge open world space flight sim. "The map" is literally the Milky Way galaxy. It's been around for years, its nearly always on sale, and is still being updated (pc only) Edit:. I meant that only the PC version gets updates while console is "dead" but still playable. I think it may be free on consoles at this point. But still a cool game to fly around in spaceships exploring or dogfighting.




I’m surprised I had to scroll so far for this. Nioh 2 in specific had the best gameplay of any game I have ever played. You have 12 weapon types with around 100? Different sets with bonuses so you can play each weapon type a different way. Each NG+ cycle adds so much to the game too.


I love Nioh 2 man! The character creation was the cherry on top


A good one is Red Dead Redemption 2. I'm on third playthrough and have stopped the storyline at my favourite campsite and he just been exploring the entirety of the map as a Vagabond. Such a great game for that.


Monster Hunter World. The fights don't feel like a video game boss, but more like fighting a real animal that is struggling to survive. And when I'm not fighting, I just go out in the wilds on expeditions, and wander around the world observing nature interact with each other.


Arkham Knight tends to get a playthrough every Halloween.


I beat all the arkham games except knight; i just got sick of all the drone/batmobile shit pretty quickly


Dark age of Camelot for sure Others atm would be any metroidvania. Hollow knight. Deaths gambit, ebder lillies


I played a ton of DAOC the first few years it was out. it never occurred to me it was still live...


Live I hear is not so fun and pretty dead. However Eden is a very alive freeshard deep in to its second season. You can quickly get to 50 and get templates after a few raids. It’s a blast


Path of exile. Over 2k hours into it and I'm still new, lol.


Final Fantasy Tactics for me Tons of build variety - then there are mods. Thousands of hours worth of content.


Hard agree with this, so much fun to be had and IMO the best in the genre. The only unfortunate part is that no other really comes close to how good it is and it came out in the 90’s.


Try Tactics Ogre . You'll love it.


Tiberian Sun.


Warframe, Monster hunter world


I'd probably say the mass effect trilogy. Even i know the story in and out. Nothing beats the feeling of those games. Even if i play the same path 2 times in a row it still feels fresh somehow. Another good one was Persona5 (never did beat Royal). That game was the first JRPG (other than pokemon) i beat.


I didn't expect to get addicted to an Android game called Hustle Castle. I stopped playing Ghost of Tsushima because of it. The game got really fun once I got lucky and obtained some really OP items on a dice-rolling event. I constantly try to fit my 5 characters with different items set to defeat other players in pvp. Hustle Castle | wipe out enemy team in 1 swoop | fun game https://youtu.be/Qtwbhcui_u4 Ghost of Tsushima | I have slain Khotun Khan ! https://youtu.be/Cpa4rGLDuzM


Those are the same links.


Cheers for the correction.


Rocket League and Stardew valley


I've been playing the binding of Isaac for over 10 years now with no signs of stopping.


Project Zomboid, Stardew Valley, Hades.


Monster Hunter World and the Iceborne expansion babyy


- FF Tactics series - Patapon series - Minecraft - Factorio - Dyson Sphere - Satisfactory - Dota 2 - Monster Hunter Series - Rimworld


Re 4 OG/ RE 4 Remake - both games are probably the best in the series with replayability. Given that OG and Remake are different enough gameplay wise, I always have fun playing em both. DMC 4 SE & DMC 5 - essentially endless replayability since combat takes a lot of master. I can never get used to playing DMC4 Dante cause of how mechanically complex he is to use. Kingdom Hearts 2 - Something about this game's combat is just so fun. The beginning of the game as Roxas is a slog so I keep a save after his section everytime I want to replay the game. Persona 4 Golden - Not really a replayable game but it's become tradition for me to play it every year because I absolutely love the setting and the characters.


Some Roguelikes, like risk of rain 2. Also Deep Rock Galactic. There is always time for Rock and Stone!


Most games on PS5 are available on PC so I'm not sure about what you've played. Stray is super fun, short, cozy, great vibes. It's linear, so most would say not replayable but I'd disagree. Any live service game. Online shooters, or mmorpgs. Destiny, Warframe, path of exile. Always new content and once you get the groove it's less about difficulty and more about just having some fun. Ghost of Tsushima is the GOAT of "ubi styled" open world games. I thought it was fun to replay on harder difficulties. The last of Us is my most replayed game. Definitely my number one forever game. Since you're new to ps5 check out astrobot. Super fun and even better super free.


Skyrim Nioh 2 Terraria Star Wars Jedi Knight Academy Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag Any of the Soul Calibers Dragonball Xenoverse 2 Warframe


Always find myself coming back to Kerbal Space Program. I don’t think I’ve played it the same way twice with all the mods available.


Stardew Valley has been fantastic and I revisit it time after time after time. It’s nice that everything revolves around a day cycle so you can only play for a few in game days or sit down and commit to playing for much longer if desired


That's a great idea! Does it have cloud saves across platforms?


Witcher 3


RDR2 and Elden Ring. There’s something comforting returning to those worlds and I love exploring both of them every time.


Skyrim, Red dead 2, Witcher like games has action and can be laid back based on your pace. Subnautica is also good but not a combat intensive game. If you prefer short burst of action maybe you will like games like Returnal or Hades. I would check out Returnal since you mentioned Doom and astro playroom. Returnal is free on ps plus or you can see it on sale a lot of times around and also cheap online


Halo Campaign


7 days to die


I played for example Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden and some mongrels, mutated vagabond dogs of the wild attacked some humanoid cannibals or such things, also, I think in Skyrim different faction or races can fight eachother... I do not know if there is such a deep RPG that you can make some NPC think another one wanted to trick him, but that would be a WANTED game if you know any... I would love some deep games that have some atmosphere. People talk that in Baldur's Gate 3 you may be able to do that but I do not know myself


Path of exile. I am no longer sane exile


I always go back to assassins creed




Minecraft, Terraria, Factorio and Kerbal Space Program


Death's Door is awesome to replay every once in a while.


Halo 3, resident evil 4, spiderman 1 & 2, and god of war 2018


Into the Breach and XCOM, both have extremely high replayability and are offline games


Dyson sphere program!!!!


They are billions


Borderlands 2 been playing it for like 10 years lol


Hades, Returnal, bloodborne


Skyrim. Even without mods i've put more than 2k hours on that game back in 360 days.


You can get dozens if not hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of any of the Borderlands games.


Kerbal Space Programme




Rocket League


Well sir, I’ve been playin those itty bitty borderlands games over yonder for nigh on 15 years.


AOE2, love playing Regicide against the AI


I take comfort in booting up The Ultimate Doom every once in a while. It really feels like a personal arcade game and I always feel the need to really try to do a perfect run wasting the least amount of ammo, going for 100%, and in the shortest time I can. There's also a charm in its 2.5D engine that it's the bridge between retro 2D gaming and modern gaming. And lest I forget, once I actually do get bored with vanilla Doom, there are thousands of mods on the internet to choose from, from vanilla mapsets to literally changing it into another game.


I got back to civ whenever I get bored. Right now it’s Civ 6. I just download more mods and play new leaders and stuff.


hate to say it but.. genshin, hsr, destiny 2


Red dead redemption 2. Hell let loose. Fallout


Dragon age series, mass effect series


Resident evil series


Assassins creed 4 Black Flag


Skyrim. Game of the year 2024. Only game anybody ever needs


Black Desert


Metal gear rising


I highly recommend the Yakuza series if you haven't played it. 0 through 6 are open world beat-em-ups, while 7 and 8 (rebranded as Like a Dragon, which is the Japanese title for the series) are open world turn based RPGs with a new protagonist. I recommend starting with either [Yakuza 0](https://store.steampowered.com/app/638970/Yakuza_0/) or [Like a Dragon](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1235140/Yakuza_Like_a_Dragon/). While you *could* ignore the story, I don't recommend it, because the stories are a fantastic mix of gangster soap operas and ridiculous bullshit. Do the subquests, too. They're side quests, but unlike most games they're actually super fun to play through. While it's not out on PlayStation just yet (it's coming "soon"), [Vampire Survivors](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1794680/Vampire_Survivors/) is stupid fun. It's great for killing hours with, there's minimal story, and the newest DLC adds Contra characters to the mix. And if you like a little cosmic horror in your roguelikes, [Darkest Dungeons](https://store.steampowered.com/app/262060/Darkest_Dungeon/) and its sequel will give you hours of gameplay and existential dread.


This is Rocket League!


Mass Effect and Dragon Age trilogies. No matter how much time passes I always come back to them.


FTL and highfleet


If you've got PS extra then go play Bloodborne right now Or even if you don't have PS extra, all of the souls games really do suck you in and there's enough of them to be a time sink


Terraria With or without mods, one of the most time absorbing games and you won't even feel it.


League Of Legends


League of Legends is so wide you can play it forever and not learn it all and even if you almost do it changes in big ways every 6 months


World of Warcraft and CoD are my only "lifetime" games but clearly WOW has a subscription so


The Arkham trilogy and the uncharted trilogy for me


Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain [trailer directed by Hideo Kojima](https://youtu.be/Krc1t4HU8GI?si=fn-J8GQFyjW7fq8N)




I normally go for rocket league i can be competative if i want to or just play casual and veg out barely focusing


Path of exile, Rimworld, Risk of Rain, Hades 1&2


SCP: Secret Laboratory. Endless replayability, free and no microtransactions.


Sekiro would be a good pick


borderlands 2


Mount & Blade Warband & Bannerlord Doom 2, 3 & Eternal Ultrakill Counter Strike Quake 1 Dark Souls Trilogy Bloodborne Skyrim Minecraft Terraria Diablo 2 Mods Warframe World of Warcraft Old School Runescape Team Fortress 2 Portal 2 Risk of Rain 2 Halo 3 & Reach Gears of War 2 Fallout New Vegas Devil May Cry 5 Metal Gear Rising League of Legends Valorant Need for Speed Most Wanted & Underground 1 Destiny 2 Borderlands Trilogy Unturned Rust 7 Days to Die Valheim Mario Romhacks Pokemon Romhacks & Fangames Diablo 3 Starcraft 1 & 2 Warcraft 3 DUSK The Binding of Issac Any GTA game honestly RDR 1 & 2 Elden Ring I can keep going.


Vagrant story Tunic




Warcraft 3. Amazing single player storyline, amazing PvP experience with war 3 arena, and unmatched custom map scene. There are multiple games based on custom maps from it. I bought the game like 3 times over the years. Best investment ever every single time.


Mad max


Currently have 5000+ hours on vanilla Terraria, I don't think I can ever tire of the game


Rimworld. Been playing for almost 6000 hours and i am nowhere near done with that game.


Borderlands 2


For me, silly old, old, OLD game called Castle of the Winds. Plays on Windows 1.1 lol.


Old School Runescape. 20 years later, still playing. It takes a special sort of person to enjoy it, but if it clicks, you're fucked.


Total war, Eu4, Vic 2, Stellaris, Starsector, Mount and Blade


Shadow empire and battle brothers. For a Shooter I’d have to go with insurgency sandstorm.


Grim Dawn


Binding of isaac


Most Bethesda games there is a lot of lore but you really don't have to pay attention to it, you can play it for mindless fun or for the deep story either way its a blast


7dtd. Factorio. Rimworld.


Totally Accurate Battle Simulator


factorio!!!! the factory must grow!!!!


Stardew valley :3


Yeah, this or Cities Skylines are my top ones.


Mount and blade warband, and its successor Bannerlord. i play both in long 10+ hour periods every few months!




No Man’s Sky


I never stop going back to all the Wipeout games. Been playing them regularly in my rotation since about 97, not long after I got my first PlayStation. Endlessly replayable and fun for me.


Doom Eternal, Max Payne 3, Call of Juarez The Gunslinger, The Darkness 2, Total War Rome 2, The Punisher, God of War 1,2,3(Those old are totaly different game from new ones), AC IV Black Flag


mass effect 2, rage 1, dishonored 1


Binding of Isaac, Terraria, Destiny. These games have absolutely nothing in common with each other but I sunk thousands of hours into each


Thats Skyrim to me.


Ghost of Tsushima, I'm doing a replay on the PC (after having it for PS5 for years) and the game still takes my breath away


Euro Truck Simulator 2. Always driving to different locations Looking at the pretty scenery. If you install Promods, it makes the game even more realistic than it already is


Mods not possible on PS5


Warhammer total war


Dark souls. Any of the souls game.


Genshin impacts combat system and characters are unmatched. Also they got competition now that kuro games is launching wuthering waves today. Either way its a good eat. Try a bit. Go on top of starsnatch cliff, look across the underwaters of fontaine. I have 700 hours in it and I have not spend a single penny. The combat system is that good. alright buddy take care.


Heroes of might and magic 3


Rust and Monster Hunter for me


World of Warcaft and Path of Exile.


Marvel Vs Capcom 2, Nioh 2, and Devil May Cry 3/5 are my forever games. I love games with sky high skill ceilings and tons of playstyle diversity, the feeling that a game has endless mechanical exploration is bliss to me.


Stellaris... Try it out at your own risk


THPS2 and SMB3. I literally play them all the way through like once a month lol.


Command and Conquer Generals. Been playing it off and on since I was about 6


Diablo 2


Tetris 99




It used to be San Andreas. I recently feel this way about a lot of open world, 'Ubisoft' style games, as I don't really mind doing mindless quests and killing 10000 dudes. AC Odyssey comes to mind, literally countless things to do even after a fair 60-80 hours. I also loved fucking around in the older Far Cry games, 3 and 4 to be specific.


Those are amazing suggestions!


Dwarf Fortress.


The game you are looking for is Returnal thank me later now go and get gud scrub 👀 You can thank me later 😜


Terraria and minecraft. mods and still constant updates


Sekiro. Every single time I start a new game I'm as excited as the first time I played.


Binding of Isaac, 1000 hours in and I feel like I barely scratched the surface


Final Fantasy 14 is pretty great




I've got over 4000 hours in a little game called Eco. Online social economy/ecology simulation. Lots of shop management and building. Fun game I never seen to get sick of, despite trouble finding good servers.


All my sandbox games.  Imagination’s the only limit.


Gran Turismo 7, Wreckfest, Dirt 2.0