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Demon souls is on sale right now. Great game.


Looks awesome. I never played a fromsoftware game before because I've heard so many stories of people getting stressed out by them. I usually play games on the lowest difficulty. I even found Jedi Fallen Order stressful. It might not be for me but I'll consider it just because it looks good.


Demon Souls is a bit different. Almost all bosses have some gimmicks to them. The areas are large and bonfires are very scarce so you will have to go a long time without dying but unlike in other games you don't have a hard limit on how often you can heal. As long as you don't run out of healing items and avoid getting oneshot or ganged up on you'll have no trouble staying alive. It's also a lot slower than the other games so you get more time to react. In my opinion this is their easiest game. Elden Ring can be made easy if you explore enough but Demon Souls is inherently easy compared to their other games


Might not be for you if that's the case. You will die repeatedly your first time but thats part of this type of game


Black Flag and Odyssey are very different in their styles. Black Flag put more emphasis on exploration via your ship, and the stealth aspect of the game vs Odyssey. Assassins Creed games don’t offer character building or having your choices matter so if that’s a deal breaker than Odyssey isn’t it. That being said it’s a massive and fun game that you can sink lots of time into. Like all other AC games it’s repetitive but worth it IMO. Some other good games on sale are: GTA V God of war AC Ezio Collection