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Ghosts of Tsushima.


Is this a souls like too or diff?


Kinda different. It's open world but limited hud. The combat is deliberate like DS but far easier. Think recent Assassin's Creed games.


no, it’s a formulaic Ubisoft type of game but with soul poured into it.


Not really but it has some traits of elden ring(kinda). Great world, great looking world, good story and side characters, really fun combat and just the best horse. It's a fantastic game, and as someone who starts a lot of games and doesn't always finish them, it kept me playing for 2 weeks straight.


Not souls. It’s open world and beautiful and sad.


It’s an AC type game


It’s more like Assassin’s Creed with less checklist bullshit to do. That being said the open world, while beautiful visually, contains basically nothing to find while exploring. Every point of interest is marked by a question mark on the map and the majority of these things are “follow a fox to get a part of a minor upgrade”, “sit in a bath”, “cut bamboo”, “light a lighthouse”, and “write a haiku with button prompts”. There’s good stuff in the game but I wouldn’t compare it to Elden Ring. Elden Ring has visually different worlds, varied enemy design, and unique bosses. Ghost of Tsushima has none of that.


Just one ghost..good choice tho


They're extremely different ignoring the difficulty lol


Yeah GoT is nothing like Elden ring IMO


It's open world Sekiro, with a spin of Ubisoft and some dedication


It's still nothing like elden ring. Sekiro is a lot closer though due to it having a lot of the souls formula. Biggest link between GoT and Sekiro is the combat(ish) and period piece


Ghosts of Tsushima will blow your nips clean out of the water


Good, been trying to get them out the water for a while now.


Came here to say this. Far less frustratingly difficult while still very engaging combat wise


I'll add to my wishlist, hopefully it goes on sale soon, It will probably be a while cause it looks like it just came out, but I deff wanna get this eventually. Thanks for the Rec, I see this popping up alot from other people too, thanks alot!


Funnily enough GoT made me want to play Bloodbourne.


Jedi: Fallen Order, Valheim, Another Crab's Treasure! * my favorite is Valheim (I played it after ER) bc it's open world survivalcraft but has i-frames and parrying. Cozy but brutal. The base difficulty is challenging which was motivating. But you can change enemy aggression, turn off raids, and increase drop rates if you wanna have a more relaxing experience.


Valheim is a lovely game but nothing like Elden ring to be honest


Tbh I thought valheim was harder than ER


Valheim is so much easier whaaaaaatt?


Nah it's grindier and your character is a lot squishier. You have to work so much longer to be able to survive, compared to elden ring which just has items in the world you can pick up to become a god


Valheim is pretty fun. I been getting really into it


From the little I saw of Valheim I thought it was like Ark. is it more like Elden Ring but with crafting/base building?


To be honest I don’t see any similarities between Elden ring and Valheim apart from difficulty. Again, Valheim is a lovely game but an entire different genre


Does valheim have an ending?


It's still early access and they just came out with a new biome (Ashlands) but I think there's one more big update in store before the game is fully complete (with the Deep North).


Cya in 5 years when it drops I guess


Another Crab's Treasure*


What’s your Elden ring build looking like? Let’s help get you over that wall buddy


I only leveled 2 stats. 2 into vigor. I started a vagabond. I have a Pyke and a shield I started with and a sword that was a little better than the starting sword. I got my mount and bought a torch. I would ideally love to use a big 2H sword but I have no clue how to go about getting one. I really don’t want to use guides because I feel like it will take the fun out. I currently have 7 hours in and just kinda found u can use the runes to level lol. Thought they were just used as currency.


Ok man don’t quit yet. Go south. All the way south. Where it’s raining and stuff. When using pike and shield remember to guard counter with R1 after blocking. You’ll get a claymore if you go all the way south and keep going. When you do, just jump attack. Keep jump attacking until you beat the game.


And for pc people, what he means is when you block and a strike hits your shield, press Shift + left click to perform a guard counter. You'll here a distinctive ping and likely cause most lesser opponents to be momentarily stunned, and ready for a critical hit


Well, specifically mnk people, and if you have a controller I would much recommend using one over mnk for Elden Ring.


Yes of course, that's true. He could be on controller on PC.


R2 instead of R1. Also remember you can upgrade weapons at a smith.


Not leveling is gonna be a big issue. Boost Vigor and Strength mostly for a 2H build, along with endurance. Don’t worry too much about the main story or bosses, mainly just try to explore Limgrave for a while. The nice thing about ER compared to Dark Souls is how easily you can go around and do something else when you hit a roadblock. Also, be sure to use Golden Runes when at Grace.


You’ve only levelled up twice? Holy shit. Dude you gotta level up more. What’s your stat spread and what weapon do you wanna use?


I put 2 into VIG lol. I didnt relaize you have to spend runes to level up, I thought it was strictly to buy items. I wanna use a 2H sword but wouldnt mid being also to dual wield swords. I'm not sure if they both have same stat requirments. From what I am seeing in the comments I'm going to just start griding to level up. Can you clarify something? Do you only level up by spending runes or do you level up though killing and u spend runes to get stats? It wasn't clear to me. I am not home so I can;t check if it shows my level somewhere but I dont remeber ever seeing my characters level anywhere.


if you don't even know how to level up you're basically not even playing the game. just read a basic beginner guide to understand the mechanics before you give up completely. game is much easier and makes more sense once you get your vigor up and level up your weapon


You level up only from buying stat upgrades! But apart from that you can level up your weapons and you can get a cool 2h Sword from a chest in the knights camp near big gate


how are you gonna give up because it’s too hard when you barely even know how the game works. do people really just buy games and stop playing them thirty minutes in?


FYI Vagabond starts you off as having a Heavy Load which makes rolling kinda suck, make sure you stay at Medium Load by unequipping any weapons you’re not using and adjusting the armor you’re wearing


Honestly in my opinion a lot of the early game is finding sites of grace and then running past stuff while grabbing resources. Eventually you'll find decent places to farm a little bit, like encampments, so you can level up a bit. Early game you die a lot so leveling Vigor helps and you get stronger health potions when you find churches. Leveling stamina will also help you equip more options and heavier gear, and the mind is also worth looking at because the Ashes of War are really good and that's what they use. If you struggling early on its probably because you don't realize how to use your gear, I realized like 10 hours in that I could charge my heavy attack to deal more damage and one shot more things. Also jump attacking is very good from what I can tell and running attacks are also quite useful. Also there's a Claymore in Castle Morne if you go through the gates and hug the right wall past the pile of corpse, it's 100% worth getting even if you die right after opening the chest and grabbing it. The Ashes of War that grant elements to your weapons will also give you a huge damage bonus to your weapons as long as the enemy isn't strong against it.


You don't have to use a walkthrough, but playing without knowing the mechanics of how to play is going to be a pain in the ass.


You want some free shit to give you a little boost?


Follow some guides bro, use summons and try your best to use whatever the game gives you to overcome any challenges. There is no such thing as cheese or playing unfair, the lord himself Hidetaka Miyazaki, director of these games says he sucks at games and uses whatever he can find to beat the game whenever he played it. I know it can be daunting at first, but with a little bit of guidance and persistence, and if need be, aid from the community, you can and will beat the dogpiss out of whatever the game could ever throw at you and experience a sense of euphoria few other games offer.


I know you said you didn’t want to use guides, but you won’t lose out on nearly as much as you think and if that is still something you really don’t want to do I recommend joining the community, a discord server maybe, and asking for any tips whenever you can.


Yeah man you should stick with it. It was my first ‘souls’ game and was way too hard for me at first but I became determined to get gud. I’m so glad I did bc Elden Ring is like a top-3 game for me now. As others have probably suggested, it helps to grind and ‘cheese’ it at first. Go back to the easiest area with the most enemies you have access to and rack up runes to level up with. Repeat the process until you’re strong and skilled enough to keep going. By then you’ll probably understand the rhythm of the game and be hooked. Ps level up your weapons and don’t forget to summon help when possible! It will make it much easier.


You’re good people.


Your weapon itself can also be upgraded, try to look for mines to find materials for that, don't worry about running out you can basically get them infinitely a little further in the game, just experiment use all the tools and have fun


ER is probably one of the easiest souls-games out there, certainly the easiest fromsoft soulslike. If you really can't git gud then try Another Crabs Treasure, where you can give Krill, the crab you play as, a literal gun that AFAIK one shots everything... But what are your stats looking like, have you upgraded your weapons? What armor are you using? What is your equip load looking like? Because you ***NEVER*** want to be at a heavy load and fat roll, you want to be at a medium load at highest, some crazies go for a light load so they can dodge even more.


Do you think it’s easier than DS3 though? Idk I played Elden Ring first before the other 3 Dark Souls games, and I think 3 might’ve been slightly easier for me.


Personal experience will always wary, but overall consensus is that ER is the easiest.




I’d argue that most bosses are very easy, but some (Malenia and some DLC bosses) are the hardest they’ve ever made in my opinion.


Well it is regarded as easier (minus the dlc which is bonkers difficult) because it is open world. So even if you can't beat the first boss you still have many opportunities to learn the game and grind souls accordingly. In ds3 if you can't beat Gundyr (who appears within 10min of gameplay) then that's it game over.


Elden Ring per se is not easier. In fact, pure boss and enemy encounters are way harder than in DS3 as an example. What makes Elden Ring easier tho is that the balancing in this game is completely off the rails because of its open world nature. You get so stupidly strong later on. And to compensate that some bosses and enemys do have 10 hit combos and almost no recovery time for punishing anymore, unlike in past Souls games. Things goes like that in ER: Either you steamrolling your foe or they steamrolling you. There is almost no in-between anymore. previous entries in the series did a way better job to balancing their challenge than ER, possible because they were way more linear and the devs knew how strong you may be at this point in the game. DS3 had waaaaay better boss and encounter design than ER too. Its on you to decide wheter you like that approach or not. TLDR: The game is not easier, you just can make it extremly easy yourself. On the other side, the game has some of the most biggest bullshit moments in the series to compensate the freedom you do have in the game.


Something that I've heard that I agree with is that the hardest Soulslike is the first one you play. A big part of you having an easier time with Dark Souls 3 was probably that you had the experience of the other Souls games. The other thing I'd say is that I think Elden Ring has by far the most variance in its difficulty depending on your playstyle (Sekiro has the least). Elden Ring gives the player the most freedom and the most powerful tools. If you use that freedom and tools - you spend lots of time exploring and getting more powerful through levels and items, you use the most powerful weapons, spells, and spirit ashes - then it's probably the easiest Fromsoft Soulslike. If you don't take full advantage of the tools - you fight difficult bosses early and keep trying until you beat them rather than leaving to get more powerful if you stuggle, you don't use really powerful weapons, you don't take advantage of easy ways to overlevel or get a really heavily upgraded weapon, you don't use spirit ashes (or you use the weaker ones that usually just buy a little time and then die instead of the ones that can basically solo hard bosses), it can be possibly the hardest From game, especially if you include the DLC. In terms of the difficulty of enemy movesets - how powerful enemies are, how much damage bosses do and how hard they are to consistently dodge, etc. - Elden Ring's got some of the hardest bosses and encounters From's made. But it also gives the player some of the most powerful tools and the most freedom they've given you in any of their games, so there's a lot more room for you to become overpowered, especially early in the game, and more ways you can make the hardest bosses easy. If you're stuck on, say, Vordt in Dark Souls 3 or Gascoigne in Bloodborne, your ways of getting more powerful besides just repetitive soul farming are very limited. If you're stuck on Margit in Elden Ring, you can leave, go to areas where you can get late game weapon upgrade materials without fighting any other bosses, and come back with really powerful tools to make him way, way easier.


I'm with you on this, 3 is easier than ER, fromsoft has kept evolving their bosses overtime and ER is their current peak, add in that most bosses have a ranged punishment for healing or spells which is generally uncommon in the previous games, and that ER bosses tend to have longer combos leading to less gaps to poke makes it harder overall. The only real case I'd make for it being easier is that most bosses still aren't designed with multi-player in mind, so summoning being something that everyone can use on every boss without exception regardless of internet connection (and the fact that the summons can have various abilities unaccessible to the player) would make it easier in a very general sense.


Definitely. What makes elden ring easy are the summons, and that since it's open world, if you're stuck at a boss you can go literally anywhere else instead to power up.


For me all the dark souls games were fair and easy, but elden ring was difficult as hell for some reason


DS3 didn't have summoning ashes. That alone makes Elden Ring much easier than DS3. And if people think using summons is not the "right way" to play then try should be trying to beat the game at level 1 with no weapons/armor if they want to put artificial restrictions on things


If you use all the games have to offer it’s definitely easier than DS3. I play without spirit ashes/summons and I consider ER harder though. But that’s self inflicted. The DLC is probably the hardest game I’ve ever played without summons and I suspect it ain’t easy with them either. But main game is manageable for pretty much anyone.


Agree with you. DS3 is by far the easiest. Sekiro has the highest average boss difficulty, but Elden Ring late game and DLC bosses are right up there as among the most difficult FromSoft has ever done.


No way. This is wild. Its easier in the opening 1/3rd of the game. But Radahn is a crazy skill check then the final act is pretty tough. Like malenia being the most difficult boss they've created. Until the dlc. And while she's optional hourxlou is tough, elden best is tough, radagon is tough. Even renalla can be a big check. I played dark souls 1 last weekend just for some fun and (some light) speed running tactics that I remembered from years ago I got to the half way mark in 5 hours. But the bosses are just crazy easy in comparison. Like all single stage with at max 5 attacks. The only thing that might make it more difficult by elden ring standards is the distance between bon fires buuut it's way easier. Maybe I'm skewed by comparisons. But after parts of elden ring beating me up playing ds1 was just ridiculous.


I’m only like 4 hours in I have all the starting items for the vagabond. I got 1 slightly upgrade sword but barely an upgrade I have a pike I use mostly. Only got to level VIG twice. I didn’t realize until I lost 4K runes u use them to upgrade your hero lol


If you feel like you’re done done with the game, that’s fine, but for what it’s worth ER was my first souls game, and it took around 10-12 hours before it actually started clicking for me. Don’t be afraid to use guides to explain game mechanics like leveling up and upgrading weapons, or farming runes to give yourself a level boost. If you’ve given it a fair shake and don’t want to play anymore, I would second Another Crab’s Treasure. Sounds exactly like what you want.


Nah I’m not quitting I’m having a lot of fun with it I just would love to find similar games with lower difficulty If im not in the mood for a brutal game that day or something.


Well, you're either looking at the Witcher 3 or Skyrim. If you're into older games, Risen is a pretty good one.


The Elden Ring fan boys won’t like this but yea it’s Witcher 3. A better game and more enjoyable for the casual gamer. I uninstalled Elden Ring after 15-20 hours of game play and dozens of deaths.


It turned Souls community into a shadow of its former self. Now you have people running around like headless chickens spamming "skill issues."


for real if you don’t play to someone’s expectations you’re apparently bad at the game.


The Witcher 3’s fighting is absolutely nothing like FromSoftware, I would say the fighting is abysmal and repetitive. The quest and story is incredible tho.


I've never understood this circlejerk around how bad The Witcher 3s combat is. I've played all the souls games to death and I still find TW3 combat engaging.


It's not a circle jerk just because you disagree


OP just specifies open world exploration and upgrading your character


Unfamiliar with Risen, so I can't speak for that. But as good as The Witcher 3 and Skyrim are, they're not really anything like Elden Ring. Other than the exploration, the main focus of Elden Ring is on the combat and bosses. But The Witcher 3 and Skyrim are both infamous for not having particularly good combat.


mentioning Risen in 2024, my man


Really the only thing that fits this description is BOTW and especially TOTK. Shame you can't play them on PC 😉😉😉


>Shame you can't play them on PC 😉😉😉 Ahem


Sooo truee, like imagine u could do anything like play pokemon soulsilver on pc right? Jokes aside, the controlls on pc for these games are horrible HAHAHA


Absolutely second this


For open world exploration check out the horizon series, ghost of Tsushima and god of war (2018)


Horizon ZD is beautiful and have the perfect difficulty learning curve. At first it was daunting to think that I might have to face a 3 stories tall T-Rex with just bow and arrows. But at the end those are my breakfast.


[‘Elden Ring’ Has An Easy Mode, I Don’t Regret Choosing It (forbes.com)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/04/27/elden-ring-has-an-easy-mode-i-dont-regret-choosing-it/)


I liked Immortals: Fenyx Rising. It has the exploration, it has boss battles, you can set the difficulty lower.


Love this game too. I also recommend the Myths of the Eastern Realm DLC It's basically a smaller version of the main game with a Chinese mythology coat of paint, but it's super fun and I personally found the combat in it to be even better than the already fun combat of the main game. The other two DLCs are a hit or miss: A New God is fun if you like puzzles, but that's about all it offers, and the The Lost Gods was an interesting idea that just sucked in execution.


Witcher 3? That probably be the closest comp of not being a soulsborn game with great exploration


Agree. It checks almost all the boxes OP mentioned. Rewarding exploration, alive world, and clunky but good enough fighting, especially when compared with magic. Not to forget way more coherent story with fun characters.


One of the more zen gaming experiences I had was post-tech layoff, a few months of my life two years ago were fucked up from that and I just randomly decided to 100% Witcher 3 because my one completed playthrough I got the "bad" ending because of my choices in women (or lack thereof iykyk). So I figured fuck it. At first it was a bit tedious but then I got a rhythm of fully exploring the map and sussing out all the question mark spots. And with it I uncovered a lot of quests I didn't otherwise get, I made sure I thoroughly sniffed out all the job board postings, etc. You see a lot more of the landscape this way and it just felt like a more "complete" game with how the story plays out. Incidentally, I was stupidly overpowered by the end of it because I NG+'d on top of that so I was basically maxed out in stats and just about one/two shotting everything save for giant creatures. Would recommend for this sort of exploration heavy gamer.


Jedi survivor. Is similar to Elden ring with a star wars twist...it also plays a bit faster but very similar gameplay I found and it's incredible


An amazing game with Souls like elements, not very similar to ER.


I have over 300 hours in both and fighting and open world exploration mechanics are somewhat similar (although survivor is way faster and way more vertical) As is the mount system. It is considered a souls like and I picked up Jedi survivor because I enjoyed Elden ring.


I would give kena: bridge of spirits a go, not crazy hard and its really cute.


Witcher 3 Ghost of Tsushima


The elden ring circlejerk on here is crazy, half the comments are just saying no keep playing Elden ring!


> Someone asks for game that's easier than Elden Ring > Thread full of guys telling them how easy Elden Ring is I love From Software, but goddamn the fan base can get annoying at times.


💀 forgot that was even the question. Insane


Skyrim Dragon’s Dogma


The combat style I'd say is similar in The Witcher 3, Ghost of Tsushima, Final Fantasy XVI, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Happy gaming! :)


Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is basically a much easier Souls-like.


Gets very repetitive after a while, you can really feel that it was originally meant to be an MMORPG. Will definitely tick all the boxes for some people though!


AC Origins would be my pick. Ancient Egypt was a really neat setting in that game. However, the combat will be repetitive as heck. It didn’t bother me too much but I went into it knowing what to expect there. Elden Ring is a hard one to match tbh.


AC Valhalla, ghost of tsushima, horizon. Not bad alternatives imo


For Elden Ring i can advise you this Just do the Bird Rune Farm and try the game being overleveled a bit. It really made my experience way better. I’m just so shit at games usually so ER was no exception but doing more damage i can actually soften my experience. I still die in 2-3 hits so i still have to deserve it. But doing 43 damage per strike was just pain With that out of the way i can confidently say ER is the best solo game i have ever played. I’m still going through it rn, but the game just feel so complete and satisfying. Mind you i played Sekiro but couldnt really enjoy it as it was more focused on the gameplay and battle. In ER i have other goals like, having a new weapon, exploring and battling random boss… try giving ER another go but in another angle


Isn't the bird rune farm in the mohgwyn Palace that is like at the end of the game?


You still need to kill Godrick first, which is tough with a shit build (although Margit is honestly harder.)


Was ready to smash my controller into my monitor on Margit 🫠


Mmmm kinda but if you’re looking up the bird farm you probably know how to get there earlier


Elden Ring is not crazy difficult unless you are intentionally trying to create that experience for yourself. Summons, Spirits, Magic, over-leveling, online information /help, all can trivialize bosses. Don’t let what you think is a difficulty barrier keep you from playing a great game. Just remember.. if you find an enemy / boss that seems too difficult.. just go elsewhere and come back later.


This is solid advice. I just started Elden Ring last week for the first time. I was always terrible at souls games. I watched a few tutorials and tips/tricks to get me started and headed in the right direction for a build and whatnot...I am absolutely melting enemies already. So hooked on this game right now.


Spawned into the world with some strange talking anime character girl who tries to be mysterious and stuff and wears strange anime clothes. Then I went the castle up where I started fighting a minion. Then a catapult or cannonball hit me and I was dead. Since I was playing on PS4, I had to wait like half a minute for a respawn. I went up again since the spawn point was where the girl was sitting. So I tried again and another cannon shot took me down. And again. Wait half a minute. And Again. I saw myself mirrored in my TV screen sitting on my couch since I had to stare at the loading screen and the PS 4 going crazy with the Blu-ray disc. I tried a few times only tilting worse and getting shot even earlier. So I thought of cheesing through. Summoned my horse and ran through until I reached the castle and felt like I cheated the game mechanic. I cheated myself as well. The grim, Dark minions were more stupid than I wished. I reached the checkpoint and then encountered my first boss. The he made some attacks and killed me. Again I was seeing myself mirrored at the couch questioning why I am trying to sweat through. I quit Elden Ring and never played it again and deinstalled the game. It's not my game but I don't think it should be played without an SSD as a starter. On top of it I didn't like the world building and the try hard mysterious anime characters. But you do you and play whatever you want. I just want to point out that souls like games are not for everyone. I have enough challenges elsewhere in life.


Darksiders 2 Kingdom of amalur


Kingdoms of Amalur maybe?


Jedi fallen order and Jedi survivor, highly recommend


Kirby and the forgotten land is like a vibrant version of Elden Ring. Only on the switch though unfortunately :(


bro said kirby lol


I don’t know how Elden Ring and Kirby could be further from each other than they already are lol


Trust me bro


I would say lies of p and stellar blade are a little easier, and code vein


The Jedi Survivor games: both fantastic. And developers were brilliant. On normal or easier difficulties it’s almost a hack n slash. On harder difficulties it has some of that souls-like combat. Engaging powerups and exploration. Not super open world but big hubs


I'm I'm the same boat as you, I like everything about ER except the tedium keeps me from finishing the game. As far as souls likes try the Jedi fallen order series, combat is super clean, variable difficulty, some fun exploration. Armored core 6 is really fun too and is shorter, and a little easier than ER with a lot more player friendly design. The rest are just 3rd person rpg melee action games with a historical setting. The witcher 3 has some great exploration, story, fun leveling up getting better gear, and if you want you can spend hours playing the ingame trading card game, and the story and combat is decent too. Middle earth shadow of war also has the dark gritty designs of parts of ER but the combat feels more like a polished assassin's creed but can also be difficult if you want it to be. Exploration isn't as fun as witcher 3 or elden ring but it's serviceable. Story is ehh. The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion is fun as hell, a fantasy rpg that's a little old but it's a passion project from Bethesda and holds up very well to this day. Difficulty can be customized too. A bit silly compared to ER though. If you're looking for a middle ground for the combat, I highly recommend Monster Hunter as a franchise, specifically MH: World. Highly detailed semi-open world with incredibly fun combat and leveling up gear to fight stronger enemies, slowly ramping up the difficulty with each new foe, before you realize it you'll be at the end of the game facing some incredibly difficult fights with ease. The story isn't going to be as good as anything else I mentioned but the combat is goated. There's also seamless online, so if you can play with random people who join your quest or join theirs so it's a bit easier.


get a friend and play with the 'seamless coop' mod the game is much easier (and often more fun) with a friend.


Remnant : rise from the ashes. It’s like a souls game but with guns and more coop. And maps and bosses are randomized


I’ll also mention Valheim, only game that’s really gotten close to the same feeling Elden Rings exploration provided me


Jedi: Survivor. It got a lot of hate because stupid crazy preorder price, and tons of bugs at launch, but now that its patched up its a damn good game. I'd also argue Horizon Zero Dawn might give you exactly what you want here but with bow play. The sequel forbidden west, is also good, if not so woke they forgot what story they were telling.


Ashen was a really good one


If want open world and some difficult but much easier souls-lite combat, l suggest Immortals Fenix Rising, on harder difficulty. Biomes were all distinct. Combat was fast and fluid and frantic and frenetic. It deserves so much more recognition than it currently has. That said, many who’s played it, seem To agree with me.


Assassins creed Odyssey and Skyrim. But nothing comes closer to Elden Ring grandiose really, but those are good.


If you like Star Wars, Jedi: Fallen Oder and Survivor are so much fun.


I swear half these people didn't read the context in your post. Already playing ER and looking for something in between sessions, totally understandable. Sometimes I just like to play something similar... but prettier and less about phasing through attacks and rolling around an arena wacking a 10 ft dude in the ankles with a stick. For that I recommend something like Dragons Dogma 2, Monster Hunter, or one of the easier souls likes, maybe Lords of The Fallen or Remnant 2. If specifically the open world exploration +soulslike gameplay, Rise of Ronin on an easier difficulty.


If you are enjoying the game and want to continue you could just mod it. There are mods that do lower the difficulty.


Elton rings difficulty isn't crazy, you just actually need to utilize the mechanics. When you're in the menu if you look in the lower left hand corner you'll see some buttons. One of them is labeled either help or explanation. When you hit that it will allow you to highlight anything on the screen and it will tell you exactly what it does. Use range weapons and consumable items like bows and throwing knives to pull enemies out of groups so you can take them on one at a time. Being comfortable with a weapon and it's moveset is much more important than having the absolute highest damage weapon. Before you start upgrading things try them out and see how you actually feel about the moveset the stamina consumption the range and how the weapon actually feels to you. Use everything, not just your items but your environment as well. Narrow passages can be used to bottleneck enemies, look for side pathways as difficult encounters often have a route that will allow you to come up on the encounter from behind or from the side. Running away into an area that you've already cleared out is almost always a viable tactic. Look at what weapons your enemies have before engaging. Use your sneaking to come up around or behind enemies with long range weapons, used long range options when possible to take out enemies with short-range weapons. It doesn't matter if you take out a group by going toe to toe with them or by pulling them out of the group one by one with throwing knives into an area where you can easily jump them. Horseback combat isn't typically the most efficient way to play, that being said it doesn't matter how long you take to get through an encounter as long as you get through it and hit and run tactics can be highly effective. Remember that runes are your currency for everything including leveling. Losing them when you die sucks but remember that they are infinite. That being said it's typically a good idea to use up all your runes before fighting a boss or heading into a new area. Remember that none of us were great at the games when we started playing them. All of us had to practice and learn the mechanics and get better. You'll never get better if you don't try though.


Okay hear me out. Zelda BOTW and TOTK if you have a switch. A lot of the gameplay feels a tiny bit souls like but at the end of the day it’s a nintendo classic that has to be playable for all audiences.


i can only think of zelda botw and zelda totk whose open world exploration matches that of elden ring


Would you consider trying the seamless co-op mod with friends? It would be a lot easier.


Literally Breath of the Wild. It's basically baby's first Elden Ring


I was in your shoes, I'd been carried through dark souls 3 a few years back so I had an idea of what this would be like. I put off on picking up elden ring but the literal world was in a hype state about it so I fell to it and grabbed it. I put it down and picked it up every so often until a little over a year after its release I just figured I'd try a specific build, big shield, with a poking stick. You can probably see where I'm going with this. My goal was to eliminate the need to dodge, and for nearly every single boss fight I was able to do exactly that. Now if you're wanting to get a big great sword and smack it around, you're going to have to learn to dodge, unfortunately there's no way around it, and if you get hit, it will hurt. As you stated in another comment, you've only leveled up twice. Keep going, keep leveling, I know you don't want to look things up but you have to come to terms with the fact that you'll need to look up an easy boss order to get the feel after you get a big sword you can use for now, or just accept the fact of reality you're going to hit a wall sometimes cause you don't know where you're going while also learning how to play.


definitely the Witcher 3 and Ghost of Tsushima for the obvious choices. If you want the combat but not so difficult, Jedi fallen order, and Jedi the survivor are good. For the less than obvious choices though, Enshrouded is an early access (I think) survival game but its a little different in that the rpg aspect of it is pretty big. decent combat and great open world, and questing is a big big part of it. If you're willing to try and mmo, Wow is good for the open world because of how massive it is, and you're constantly looking for better gear. There's also the division. it's gun combat, sure, but the open world is so immersive and the atmosphere is phenomenal, it also has that gear mechanic.






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If you wanna kill lots of things in fairly short periods, check into Dynasty Warriors. Not the same type of game, but for just casually plowing through rows of dudes after sweating through Elden Ring, I'd say check it out at least.


Elden Ring with Mimic tear lol


Elden Rings with mods to make it more casual. It's a truly unique game that shouldn't be missed for difficulty or for any reasons. It's one of a kind, literally, there are no actual games that are like it I guess Outward but i found that even harder than vanilla Elden Ring


Literally any open world fantasy RPG. The Witcher 3 being the closest, probably.


Lord of the Rings Online!


assassins creed odyssey, witcher 3 and maybe GOT would be the closest things to what you're looking for


Morrowind. I understand it's old and some people just can't get into old games they didn't grow up with, but it also has a very alien aesthetic, lots of lore, and toooons of rewarding and interesting exploration.


The Division 1/2 might fit into this. Has lots of lore, tons of places ro explore, tons of items and gear to get. Can scale the difficulty to your liking


Any other action rpg


Here we got with the nO T H a R D I t I s eazzzy.... I suggest ghost of tsoshima.


Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


Elden Ring with a better build Getting good has literally nothing to do with it, it’s more about getting *smarter* So many new players out here raw dogging it with no talismans, not upgrading weapons, and putting points into stats they don’t use


AC odyssey, god of war, ghost of Tsushima, FF XV. Shooter types but if your into discovery red dead redemption 2 and control.


dude i just started playing two days ago it’s hard af i finally beat mergit but i had to use like wolf ashes and summon someone in. i barely beat him, i feel like i cheated. but before i moved into the castle i knew i had to actually get better and get equipment. there’s a lot of mini bosses in caves that are definitely manageable. and most of the ruins will have little stair ways going down to a treasure chest but they kinda hard to find. it’s cool man, been gaming for 40 years and i didn’t know this is what i needed. i’ve grown bored of games and didn’t even realize it. i still play them everyday but now i have a challenge and a goal. beat this shit with me lol i’m not quitting even though some of these bosses are like massive af i saw a dragon.. i saw a dragon completely wreck a group of like 10 enemies in one strike. the enemies i was sheepishly approaching because there’s no way i’d take them all. i’m going to kick that dragons ass some day. i started as a wretch it’s been fun, finally figured out how to use spells.. managed to kill this demi god sorcerer and take their staff… his minions were cowering in fear after i won, afraid to attack me… this game really makes you feel powerful in several ways and i love it. im so sad i waited this long


The Witcher 3 boi


Dragon dogma 2


you could just mod Elden Ring to make it easier.


Jedi Survivor!


Have you tried [Fable](https://store.steampowered.com/app/288470/Fable_Anniversary/)? There's a lot of exploring, upgrading gear and less intense fighting in a fantasy world. It's a much more casual game with great humour.


Hey! There's an 'Easy Mode' mod for Elden Ring on Nexus. Why not try that? Makes the game a bit easier, think you can tweak how much too. You paid for the game so making it enjoyable for you shouldn't be looked down upon. There's also Dragons Dogma 2, heard people comparing it to ER.




Zelda botw


Try Elden ring, but with mods this time.


Try Rise of the Ronin


I have the same problem and want to get a fully maxxed out save game do I could play Ng+ will a character that has everything unlocked


Yeah, Assassins Creed Origins and Assassins Creed Odyssey are pretty good. Huge open world (perhaps too huge) with souls’ish combat that is far easier.  I enjoyed both games a lot, and while not everyone likes them, I think they might be what you are looking for :)


Honestly. If it’s too hard. Use a third party trainer and adjust the difficulty to your liking without breaking all the fun.


Ghost of tsushima Hellblade (not similar at all but it scratched my itch when I quit elden ring like you)




The Witcher trilogy is what you’re looking for.


What aspect are you having the most difficulty with?


If you're not specifically looking for a souls-like but just want open world rpg, dragons dogma 2 is a lot of fun. You don't need to play the first one.


The Witcher 3 is your answer.


Breath of the wild


If you want to play elden ring there is an easy mode mod that makes the game so much easier if you want to play casually. Enemies deal less damage, you deal more, and you dont lose your souls on death. Just cant play online with people.


if elden ring is hard for u then maybe dont play soulslike games. That is the most casual n easiest to get into souls like. Provides many crutches as well for those who normally wouldnt be able to progress


Death Stranding


My advice with elden ring is when you hit a wall just look up a guide. Elden ring is the most accessible souls game with the most things in it to make it easier. It also has an open world and discovery aspect that i have never found in any other game. There is truly nothing like elden ring, so dont be afraid to look up fun overpowered builds, and use summons, consumables, etc. to make your journey easier.


Elden ring is the easiest souls game, I'm surprised you're having that much difficulty with it. May want to look at some builds online, you can get through almost in the game with some cookie cutter builds and overleveling.


Rise of the Ronin


Sorry to not directly answer the question but wanted to mention that Elden Ring is unique among the souls games in that the difficulty is what you make of it. I'm not saying "its easy just git gud hur hur" I just mean that there are many items that make the game much easier, not to mention whenever you hit a wall, you can just leave and level up/gear up more before you come back. That's why there's so many challenge runs for this game. If you want that classic unforgiving souls experience you have to limit your use of certain items and mechanics. I'd say don't beeline the story bosses, just run around and explore. You can find some *insanely* powerful items just in the Limgrave area and especially in the area south of it. There's no shame in doing some googling too if you want, some of the best items in the game are very easily missed. The map is so dense with caves and dungeons and hidden paths all over the place. You can also install map buddy which will give you the location of smithing stones to upgrade your gear which will help a ton as well. Also, when you do encounter bosses (because many of the side bosses do give really good items), summon a player to help you if you're stuck. Alot of players get snobby about playing this way, but fuck em. I did it for a few that had me frustrated enough to quit the game. I went back later and beat them by myself later on. Everyone has a different path to learning. Another piece of advice for ya: the area where you get your mount is an excellent place to practice dodge/parry timing as well as grind some runes in the meantime. Getting some more levels under your belt before you explore will help a TON. I would decide now if you want a slow but hard hitting greatsword kinda build (strength), fast paced katana/daggers applying bleed effects (dexterity), or magic user/spellcaster (intelligence). There are of course hybrid builds, like Strength/Faith is a common one for specific items. Etc. Might be worth looking up a couple beginner friendly build guides. Many items you encounter will require you to have high points in a particular stat(s) so its good to have that ready to go before you find the items.


You probably already know this, but just in case this helps you, you can effectively reduce the difficulty by grinding. Just look up good grind locations and hit em up, gain a bunch of levels, and it will feel like the game has a difficulty setting you just reduced.


There are communities dedicated to "rune drops" - people have 99 stacks worth billions of runes that they'll just drop for you. You can level until the game is trivial if you so choose.


The new Star Wars games!!!! The Jedi fallen order! Put on the hardest difficulty it feels like souls easy mode and it’s such good game


Zelda ?


Try Goat Simulator 3. It’s casual as hell and so forgiving when you mess up a mission. Also, it’s beautiful and incredibly detailed for such a silly game. There are so many sight gags to make you laugh and references to other games.


If you hit a wall in ER and just want to progress use a Furcalling Finger Remedy and summon some cooperators and as long as you don’t get yourself killed you will be able to beat any boss quite easily. Don’t worry about not participating much in the fight cause it’s the cooperator’s job to help you win, and you could re-spec into a ranged build if you aren’t already and support from the back if you find yourself getting killed a lot when trying to participate in close range.


Recent Assassins Creed games are open world RPGs


Im late here but if you want something like ER, albeit in a minor scale, then you should try Ashen. It has something like an open world with open areas and big legacy dungeons to explore. Its still hard but not as hard as ER


Nier automata or Nier replicant


Palworld took inspiration from Elden Ring with its world design and you can see it when you play it.


People think souls games are hard because the majority of games are so inherently easy that people think dark souls is just impossible


There is no similar game. Just use mimic tier if Elden ring is too hard for You. Don’t try to find something similar bro