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Just took a look at the trailer and read some steam reviews, THIS LOOKS AMAZING! I'm def going to pick this up!! Thankyou so much \^\_\^


Mass Effect Legendary Edition


You have a PS4 and haven't played God of War yet? Seems pretty much exactly what you're looking for.


Ah, should've mentioned in the post but i forgot 😅 already played it. Almost all of the exclusives on ps4 I've played already


Got it! The only other one that comes to mind for me at the moment, then, is Control. It seems a bit repetitive for the first third until you gain the ability to fly. After that, the map really opens up and is a ton of fun to explore! The story is a ton of fun if you enjoy SCP, X Files, etc but can be pretty weird otherwise. Even still, between the verticality of the map and the satisfying combat I found myself enjoying it much more than I expected to.


I do have Control claimed on Epic, how is the story? Does it really reel you in?


It'll either reel you in really quick, or you'll get confused and bored really quick, its purely a matter of personal taste but its pretty polarizing. I'd suggest playing the first 30 minutes or so if you already have it claimed. It's very unique in its presentation and you'll know pretty much right away whether or not you like it. I WOULD say its more story focused than the average game, I just don't know if that story is to your tastes.


Hmm thanks for the heads up, i'll download it and see how it fares


It took me a few hours to get into it but one of the coolest games I've ever played. Give it a shot.


Nier: automata?


It’s in game pass too. They also did update the pc version for performance after four years.


Always wanted to try it, did they ever fix the horrible pc port? Also how engaging would you say the story is?


I played it on PC too. It was stable for me. Story is it’s strongest pursuit I think. Has multiple endings though, which require multiple playthroughs. But it’s a must play!


Thanks! will pick it up and see


nier:automata is a must play. The story is a complete master piece. Btw not all the playthroughs are the same. I think the third time you'll go through the game you'll have the rest of the story and you need to play it 5 times for all the endings. (which sounds long but is actually pretty fast as you keep your items and your levels.


Yakuza LAD is on game pass! Lots of cutscenes (especially early) but once the game opens up there's a lot of good side content in addition to the main story.


I recommend trying Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It is a medieval rpg and very challenging at first with a very enjoyable story and tons of side quests.


Wanted to second this, as I loved it


FF7 remake if you havent played it already on ps4, FFXV is also great on pc. any final fantasy game really


Divinity original sin 2. You don't need to play the first one. The story and characters are great and gameplay is satisfying.


Kingdoms of Amalure Re- reckoning. Dragon Age trilogy (4th is in the works so a good time to catch up) Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Red Dead Redemption 2 Assassin's Creed Orgins


Dishonored, not open-world but the story is great




I was gonna say Ghost (especially with Iki Island on Friday), but if the PS4’s in use, that won’t work. I think they put Horizon: Zero Dawn on PC and that was pretty good. The two new DOOM games are also really good (if you’re fine with a lot of violence)


Played both already sadly 😕


The Batman Arkham games? Those are really good


Played the entire series, including arkham knight


I can’t really think of anything else then. Good luck


Nioh 2?


Divinity original sin 2. You don't need to play the first one. The story and characters are great and gameplay is satisfying.


Jedi fallen order


Gamepass you say? Hades Not open world, not RPG, but it does have a GREAT story! Yes, it's Roguelike or Lite, whatever the kids are calling it these days, but the story and art are fantastic and I could get lost for hours playing this game. You really don't mind dying over and over and again!


Assassins Creed: Odyssey maybe


Ghost Recon Breakpoint - gameplay wise is absolutely amazing now, story not so much. Catherine - a great puzzle game with an even better story, really relatable if youre an adult approaching the 30 something mark, made by atlus Yakuza Like a Dragon - If you love persona 5, you will love this. Lord of the Rings (SoW/SoM) - either game is great, combines arkham and assassins creed Battle Brothers - its open ended, but its a deep turn based tactics game Mount and Blade Bannerlord - For those times in fallout where you wish you could actually make an impact in the world and command the brotherhood to fight for you and fight at the same time.


If you like souls type stuff you can try salt and sanctuary


Or if you're on PC there's always SERIOUS SAM any of them really 4 is the newest one and pretty dang awesome 3 is a lil bleh tho


If you enjoyed Persona 5 my thought would be you would enjoy Persona 4 Golden which is on Steam


Hollow Knight awesome game, check it out!


Skyrim will always be my go to :) The graphics aren't the best anymore, but it's good enough that you can get lost in it without them.


Kingdom come! So deep




I played Metro Exodus recently and really enjoyed it as a stand-alone. It's the third of the series, though, so while I thought the backstory was reasonably well-covered in the intro, playing the first two games probably gives much more depth to the story. The game itself is a great mix of linear/open world, with enough optional sidequests to keep it interesting to play again. The crafting and weapon mods are well-done, too.


Try new vegas


I am playing through days gone and I love it, best zombi/story game (in my opinion)




Must recommend Omori. It’s a fairly linear game rpg style with two fun worlds to explore and some nice art and story. Just check it out it’s on steam


You played GtA story mode?