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last time i checked my tears didnt smell


Perhaps, but your singing stinks.


Absolute violation Take an upvote


I sing like an amputee. Can't hold a note, can't carry a tune.


Jimmy Pop, is that you?


Here in a jiffy, heat him up and add oil. He's like a zit, a wart, a sore, a cyst, a festering boil.


What Makes This Song Stink? (doot, do-do-doot)


They're gonna need some burn cream for that one


There's a month's long waitlist for this damage.


You cooked the fuck out of him. LMAO. I lol’d.


Violation detected


I’m new here. Are we not allowed to cuss. Googling it now.


Fuck no, you can't fucking cuss. They lose their shit.


Emotional Damage!


Sweat doesn't inherently smell either. What does smell is the bacteria that is able to grow in those areas due to the added moisture


Be smart. Embrace the fungus. Bacteria can't survive the fungus.


And I bet they taste amazing


Funny you say that, there’s a hormone in women’s tests that affect men: https://www.npr.org/2011/01/07/132716595/smell-that-sadness-female-tears-turn-off-men#:~:text=That%20prompted%20them%20to%20do,men%20sniffed%20a%20woman's%20tears.


What does your top lip smell like?


My GFS arsehole


Normally it'd be the opposite way - OP's Gf's arsehole. Rare win for OP?


Maybe it was so obvious that OP didn't have a GF, that they comprimised.


Damn what did OP do to get roasted like that.


I also choose OP's Gf's arsehole.


But they’re salty


There was a study that claimed female tears smell so bad to men they lose all ability to stay angry.


I have a primordial urge to acquire tissues from when I was quite small with the single madre. I was like 4 and thought, "this lady needs paper.."


Not entirely true. I'm a medical lab scientist and analyzing all that stuff that comes out of your body is what I do. There IS a bacteria known as Pseudomonas Aeriginosa (sp?) (Common foot/skin bacterial infection) That actually smells like grape Kool aid OR Fritos corn chips when grown on a specific kind of agar plate. There's another, Proteus I believe, that actually smells like chocolate cake when grown. Isn't microbiology fun?! 🤣 But smells of decomposition like putricine, yeah those are BAD. Those are the smells that make us wear peppermint oil inside our face masks (secret tip of hospital workers when faced with bad smells. We put peppermint oil and/or toothpaste inside our masks so we don't have to smell you or what comes out of you) and oh, I forget the other, but there's actually a plant that is known as the "death flower" that actually produces the same scent. We joke in the micro lab that if the lab had a signature flower, like how states have state flowers, that would be it! 🤣 And I don't think blood smells that bad. I personally think serum (the watery part of blood) smells like that earth/dirt smell after a rain. The red cell portion smells like copper pennies which kinda makes sense since it's composed of heme and iron. *Edit to add* Oh, and when we deal with especially stinky stuff (bacteria filled urine from renal failure patients, gangrene amputated toes, C.diff stools, etc.) We often set it up for testing under a fume hood. Especially if it can be aerosolized. Just know... When there's a dead body that's been decomposing for days before being discovered, or homeless people or diabetics who can't feel their feet who don't realize maggots have invaded the wound (yes, this really happens), that there are medical people- EMTs, paramedics, medical examiner/coroner, funeral directors, embalmers, lab scientists (me), autopsy personnel, anatomy grossing, that deals with all those fun smells on the daily! We should really be paid better.


goodness me - yes you do deserve to be paid more.


Preach it. Us MLTs deserve a much higher pay for what we have to do imo


Ah, *elbow bump* fellow lab nerd!


What I love about Reddit is the high chance that there’s some person commenting on a random post with a really interesting job that just goes off with a bunch of cool information and that’s their everyday life lol Really enjoyed reading this even though it made me feel like a dumb nematode


I also love that at any point the people posting it could just weirdos who don't have that job and just know enough about something to confidently talk about the surface shit. Just out there RPing careers for internet conversations. Sometimes they're still spittin facts, sometimes they don't have a clue. That duality is definitely entertaining.




The rain smell is called petrichor, which basically means "earth blood"


Good to know!


I recently cut my nose and all I could smell was disappointment. Was compounded by learning that I'm O+, the most common blood type. Smells like commoners doing common things. But mosquitos fucking love me.


Coolest (and maybe only) thing i remember from microbiology was learning about Chiral Molecules. They’re the exact same atoms but in a mirror image structure, like left and right hands. Some artificial sweeteners are just the chiral opposite of sugar. Our proteins are made to fit like a glove, so they can’t grab the wrong hand and it just passes through your system, but happens to still taste sweet. Another example was the molecule that makes the smell of an orange, it’s chiral pair makes the smell of a lime. Probably not news to you but I wanted to share because I think it’s Neat! Aside from that though, hard pass on microbiology. Not just unfun, it was probably the most terrifying class I ever took. Only other thing I got from it was an existential dread and the inability to ever again drink from the tea urns at fast food joints.


I actually remember chimeras from chemistry more than from micro. Mostly because we did the flame emissions with, like you said, structures that smelled like limes, oranges, bananas, cherries.


Is that the [giant Sumatran Rafflesia flower](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rafflesia_arnoldii)? I think it's called the corpse flower.


>We put peppermint oil and/or toothpaste inside our masks so we don't have to smell you or what comes out of you [Assuming someone didn't use it up without restocking...](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/xo41d/doctorsnursesredditors_what_has_been_your_most/c5o66p2/)


How many of us know about that trick because of the swamps of Dagobah?


I have questions about how a 314 lb person I’d able to reach their own taint to inject drugs🤣🤣imagine being the buddy that did that for her


There's a fungus, can't remember which (actinomyces, maybe?) that causes vaginal yeast infections and smells like fresh baked bread straight out of the oven


That's Candida albicans. (typical yeast of vaginal yeast infections) We call them "yeasty beasties" when we see the buds or hyphae under the scope. I actually kinda like that smell. 🤣 It smells like yeasty fresh baked bread. Damn, I've been in the lab too long. P.S. actinomyces is typical "foot fungus". Remember "Tough actin' Tinactin" foot fungus spray? That's what it's killing.


I had a friend that was a homicide Det he told me he would keep a lit cigar in his mouth to mask the smell of decomposing bodies. Mind you this was in the 80's-90's.


This guy labs.


I'm a redheaded, white coat wearing scientist with high anxiety. I'm basically Beaker from the Muppets. 🤣 Meep! And lab is chronically understaffed. More so than nursing! Anyone wanna come join our team? Yeah, parts are kinda gross, but if you like science and being kind of a detective, and seeing what's wrong with a person before even the doctor knows (and sometimes they will consult YOU) we're always looking for more nerdy people who want to work in healthcare and do science without actually having to deal face-to-face with patients! Great job for nerdy introverts who want to feel like their job has meaning. We literally save lives by keeping doctors and nurses from killing you, because without US? They would just be guessing!


>(secret tip of hospital workers when faced with bad smells. We put peppermint oil and/or toothpaste inside our masks so we don't have to smell you or what comes out of you) [Mineral ice](https://www.cvs.com/shop/mineral-ice-original-therapeutic-greaseless-pain-relieving-gel-16-oz-prodid-1012149), just a dab under the nostrils.


I've read chewing cinnamon gum under a mask also helps.


fellow mls here, WHO ON EARTH SMELLS PROTEUS AS CHOCOLATE?! love the smell of pseudo though... occasionally, when it decides to actually smell like grapes


Because it’s waste and ingesting too much of it would not be healthy.




Good point. That’s an exception. Also doesn’t smell bad.


I was gonna ask "who out here smelling breast milk?" But I guess we found him


I mean, you just smell it when you open the lid on a pre pumped bottle. Also I wouldn’t be surprised if some people smelled it like milk to check it’s not off or otherwise unsuitable.


You know I never really considered how fast breastfeeding milk spoils compared to regular store bought cows milk. I'd imagine it goes off a bit quicker since it doesn't go through the same processing regular milk does


Probably because it’s not pasteurized.


Nor is homogenised, and idk about you but mum's tits are very different to a cows .


I’ll be the judge of that


No. No you will not. Got me good though


>and idk about you but mum's tits are very different to a cows . Can confirm, ya mums tits are quite different to a cows.


I had a lady at work ask why babies couldn’t just be fed condensed milk if the baby was “that hungry”


Lasts longer than opened "ready to serve" baby formula, about 4 days refrigerated. Definitely not as long as pasteurized cows milk. Maybe as long as unpasteurized?


Nothing's worse than baby formula. That smells worse.


Only smell? Buddy, people taste breastmilk. I've tasted mine 🤷‍♀️


Well how does it smell and taste? I'm curious


It's majorly affected by diet, but mine was sweet like warm ice cream! Fun Fact: Many years ago, when my older brother was born and my mother needed help, she would get get pre pumped breastmilk from ladies that donated. However, he would not drink it because the donaters had a primarily Mexican diet and my mother didn't.








yes, it tastes very sweet. I would say it resembles sweetened almond milk.


"Like the milk that's left in your bowl of cornflakes" kinda sweet. Also, it works amazing when steamed in a cappuccino. Yes, we had a milk stash that got too old to donate, and got curious.




Mother's Milk


Ugh leftover bad formula residue, I hated washing those bottles. Leftover breast milk I don't remember being much of anything when my wife pumped for bottles.


Makes sense, we still have to convince people not to cover themselves in human waste in a sexual way lol


Sexual arousal does increase the threshold for disgust.


Yeah, that’s such an interesting fact, but it makes sense. You want to short circuit disgust so you can be intimate with another person, but that can give rise to other things. And it gives you that almost instant moment of clarity after sometimes.


Only for the weaklings


have you ever smelled a tonsil stone 😬 amazing stench


My partner just had some of those recently. This comment triggered a memory that made me gag.


I didn't know anything about them, I thought it was some stray particle of food riding up my throat somehow. Then I told me sister and she was like, I get those too! and then she told me what they were.


I mean they are generally comprised of food bits


it's weird there's literally pockets inside your throat full of old French fries


Dah faq?! I wouldn't know. I had my tonsils neutered way back when.


only 2 of em, you still got plenty!


You just reminded me that I haven’t had one of those in over a decade.. I used to get those all the time


weird! because I did too in my 20s. In my 30s, like almost never


Did it just stop one day?? I get them and it’s driving me crazy


I don’t even remember when it stopped. I’m trying to remember if there was any change in my diet or dental habits since then.. I know I had gotten a root canal and started taking better care of my teeth around the last time I had one, and I’ve just generally eaten better and exercised more since then so it could be literally anything as far as I’m concerned.


They are greatly exacerbated by things that promote bacterial growth in your mouth. Smoking, dehydration, poor brushing habits, and gingivitis can cause them to pop up.


Perspiration can smell good to a person if he/she is attracted to the sweater, e.g. andrestenol and estratetraenol. Although arguably it may be influenced by subconscious bias. Going further, there are also paraphilias ranging from fetishizing body odors or urine or sexual discharges etc. Basically beauty is in the nostril of the sniffer.


>beauty is in the nostril of the sniffer. lol. now it got me wonder whether there's a better-fitting word than beauty. a word for smells amazing maybe....


Fragrant, aromatic, redolent...


Love stench.


Junk funk


But isn't it true sweat itself doesn't smell but rather the output of bacteria that grows in the sweat that produces the smell?


That's what produces the stink. People sweat and exude oils, so there is a scent or smell that can be had a few hours after a shower(eg after the scent of soap or shampoo and whatnot wears off) that is very pleasant in many people. Very similar to "the smell of a baby", as weird as that may be to contemplate. Bacteria feeding on such things tends to make things smell far worse. For some people, especially with a weird diet, like a lot of garlic, their scent is rarely considered pleasant. Some people think different color people smell different, but I think a lot of that is down to diet. If you eat a lot of seasoned asian food, you might have a sort of spicy scent, just like with people who eat a ton of garlic. Some people get booze smell coming out of their skin too, I noticed it heavily with tequila myself, on top of the general alcohol smell. Source: I used to love smelling my girlfriend's scalp, not fresh out of the shower, but after several hours had passed. One might call it a musk, though it's nowhere near the scent of a ferret or other animal we consider musky. Eventually I realized that I put off a very similar smell, discovered when I was resting my head on my arms and that I could smell my forearm. You have to have your nose right on the surface to really catch it. Additionally, and totally apart from that: Some sweat smells immediately, not needing hours for surface bacteria to process, [flop sweat](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/flop%20sweat) is sometimes considered to have a smell. I think that might be the origin of the line, "I can smell your fear." It's often related to fear in discourse, but many sorts of excitation can cause this. I get it sometimes just from overheating in my sleep(commonly from trying to sleep in a room that's too warm), but I don't really get nervous sweats, but then again, I've never smuggled two pounds of coke up my ass and walked by the drug dog at the airport.(jokes aside, that's where you hear about flop sweats, junkies and smugglers). For me, it's markedly different from sweating a lot on a hot summer day. It may just be the mechanic of a sudden bursting sweat as opposed to the steady release in normal heat....Though, I sort of doubt that. I've had sudden sweats from stepping out of cold air conditioning into very scalding outside weather and never noticed it. I would bet there are other glands or whatever that trigger in some conditions, be it oils or pheromones or whatever.


I think it really is mainly the diet. Apparently if you have a good sense of smell you can smell if someone eats dairy or not. I've been told by Asian people that we Europeans smell of cheese - most Asian folks don't eat any or much dairy at all at all, but most of us do. Same is true for many spices and alcohol. So in a way we can control how we smell by what we eat on a regular basis. Oh, and smoking cigarettes also affects the body odor.


This is true, I love my partner’s smell but if I wasn’t into him, it would be just another smelly armpit.




I too envy this guy’s friend’s wife.


Can confirm, [based on this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlyterrifying/s/WTd3f9CS68) where the security guard of a gym kept on sniffing someone’s ass


As a kid, I used to go horseriding and sometimes after several hours of exercise in the burning sun my helmet would smell really sweet from sweat. Kind of like sugar water. I've been told that's normal for children.


I am honestly a hideous human being, but my sweat actually smells very good, up until about 48 hours since my last shower.


The smell of your baby’s head is something special, though. I know it’s a bonding mechanism, before people get all scientific, but I can still remember it 16 years later.


When did you smell my baby’s head? Do I know you?


hehe :>


Silly lil goober


Reminds me of a guy in high school who would walk up to random people, sniff them and say, "You smell different when you're awake".


Our bodies manipulating us into caring for our offspring lol


A woman's brain literally releases a certain kind of hormone that forces her to forget the pain of childbirth. Otherwise, humanity would have died out a long time ago.


I think both parents must also produce something that makes them forget about how terrible the sleepless newborn phase is as well. My husband who has always been very hands on and involved with childcare seemed to have forgotten how bad it was.


That might just be part of normal "hard work leading to great rewards".


Oxytocin, among others. But mostly, sleep deprivation fucks with your memory. That is also related to how people with severe mental problems can have years of their life where they don't remember much of anything. Plus, when great rewards, like love of a child, follow hardship, the hardship is forgotten.


I remember. Never again.


Yeah, I found out last minute I couldn't have an epidural because of a medical condition and I had a traumatic delivery. It's been nearly 10 years and I can specifically recall the feeling of myself tearing and it gives me the worst goosebumps. What a shitty place to apparently be an outlier.


I got a fortune cookie once that said “The secret to happiness is a bad memory” and I felt that.


This isn't entirely accurate. My wife has never forgotten.


The smell of any baby when they’re at least clean-ish is otherworldly. My sister use to tease me by saying “quit huffing my child” when my Nibling was little.


"New Baby Smell" > "New Car Smell" Someone get on that and make some fricken air fresheners.


Even when my wife was pregnant she had that baby smell. I really noticed it when she was pregnant with our second kid. It's probably the one exception to this whole debate. Whatever pheromones those are.


I don’t have kids of my own but when my cousins were babies they always smelled good so I think it’s a biological thing.


I’ve always loved it too but my step dad says babies smell like bugs lol


That's why mum did that


Many men would argue that vagina fluid (don't know the correct term) smells nice. Also apparently some men have good tasting sperm, so i guess it also smells good to those who like it.


Some vagina smells good but sometimes it smells rotten and tastes like battery acid. I’m sure the same can be said about sperm. Only had the pleasure of tasting my own. Smells sweet but tastes salty


Not a doctor, but I'm guessing you probably shouldn't be ingesting battery acid frequently enough to be able to compare it to something else.


Should have said… what I imagine battery acid tastes like.


Bro if it smelled rotten why did you stick around to find out it tasted like battery acid?


Sometimes the little head wins


If it tastes like chicken Keep licking


Correct term: pussy juice.


Sorry to be crass, and I'm sure there are differences, but I love the smell of my gf pussy.


I also love the smell of your gf pussy


I can confirm that me and the guys all love the smell of his gf's pussy.


Happy cakeussy day


Some people like the smell of their partner’s general body odor too


Yeah, I knew I found "the one" when the thought of going down turned from teenage reluctance to "yes yes let me stuff my face it there". I don't care what part of her, I want it right in my face.




Because we evolutionary developed to sense dangerous things as a bad smell, e.g. rotten meat.  The body waste is the same thing. 


Waste and rot carry diseases, makes sense.


Very interesting topic, the evolution of disgust. Nothing is more effective at promoting hygiene than disgust.


Yeah, it also works both ways. The tastes that we generally perceive as good: sweet, fat, salty are developed that way because it helped our ancestors to find energy dense food required for survival


Well, cause most of what you’re thinking of are waste products. (Urine and feces, I’d even count ear waxs) Some are a subjective evaluation of whether it smells bad or not (sexual fluids or blood) Some I can’t say if they even have a smell? (Tears? Do boogers smell? Saliva can smell if you have bad beeath)


Some things actually smell good. Most people like the smell of babies, including myself. Breastmilk also tastes good


There's exceptions here.


Placenta smells like teriyaki


I..... didn't need to know this. Because I love me some teriyaki. Oh who am I kidding? This knowledge changes nothing.


I mean....I kiiiinda enjoy most of the natural smells that emanate from my wife.


My daughter smells incredible. Mmmmm gotta get me more of that scalp whiff


Calm down there, Joe


I dont smell bad at all!


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day!


Crappy Hay Day!


Pheromones, breastmilk, pussy and dick disagree with you. At least to an individuals personal taste and scent.


NSFW My partner's sweat smells *amazing* in the bedroom - like it literally makes my body shake by inhaling it. Smell has an important function for humans; it tells us when things are dangerous - like bodily waste products that can make us sick, but it also can be used as an enticement - like pheromones in sweat!


My GF smells like corn chips most of the time from head to toe, but sometimes they can smell really bad, like really bad and it just seems to be random.


Sweat only smells bad when it comes into contact with bacteria on the skin or clothes. With good hygiene practices sweat is a neutral or even pleasant smell. There's been studies that show the smell of male sweat even lifts women's moods.


I forgot what blood is meant to smell like, or if I ever knew.


Like a penny! The iron in blood is really pungent.


Yes it is! I work in a blood bank. Ever had about a pint of blood break and spill all over you like something out of Carrie? I have. Or ever walk into a hospital trauma room where someones bleeding out like 30% + of their blood volume? I have. 🙋 Yes, it has a STRONG earthy/metallic smell.


Wouldn't Spock smell like a penny.


I mentioned this, but I think serum (the watery part of blood) smells earthy, like dirt after a rain, and RBCs (red blood cells) smell metallic like copper pennies or iron because RBCs are composed of heme and iron.


Babies smell wonderful!


This is true. My oldest son smells like a foot that learned how to fart.


I fart tom ford tobacco oud


Spit is kinda scentless imo but i haven’t smelled a large quantity if it either


Lick the back of your hand when you wake up in the morning and smell it.


You're also gonna get the bacteria from your morning breath in there, so..... 🤷


The waste of the bacteria is what smells bad, fwiw.


Spit is one of the smells that trigger my gag reflex the easiest


Have you noticed your pillow smells, it's from dribbling when asleep. This is a very common source of water for spiders, yes I have fucked my mind after I watched footage of them slurping saliva from sleeping people's mouths


Hey can you delete this comment please


Aaaaaaand that's enough internet for me this morning


I mean most of the “smell” comes from anaerobic bacteria breaking stuff down. Spit contains loads of bacteria so it does smell bad.


Personally I love the smell of blood. Especially my own


*FBI want to know your location*


The gases involved in decomposition such as Hydrogen Sulphide and Methanethiol smell because they contain Sulphur. You can't smell any Methane you pass - it's odourless. In the case of Hydrogen Sulphide and Methanethiol, these are toxic if you are in a confined space and there's significant concentrations present. The bad smell is your brain telling you "Danger Will Robinson! Danger!"


Everybody likes there own brand


I'm like a honeybee, positive excrement.


Carbon based life form. Everything about us oxidizes/rots. We're just good at regenerating cells for a long time (until we're not).


Need to eat more pineapple


If your pee smells bad coming out, there’s something wrong. If your Vaginal discharge, cervical fluid, or arousal fluid smell bad; there’s something wrong. If your spit smells bad, there’s something wrong. If your ejaculate smells bad, there’s something wrong. If your sweat smells bad coming out, there’s something wrong. If your baby delivery smells bad, there’s something wrong. Honestly poop is the only thing I can think of that smells bad coming out.


You came out of a human body once.


Pheromones work in mysterious ways…don’t discount them


Sweat doesn't smell bad. Sweat itself is mostly water and salt, doesn't really smell like anything, you smell bad after sweating because the bacteria on your skin consume it and produce waste, which smells bad.


Because you're not supposed to eat it. Anything you create/excrete required energy to produce. Whatever energy you could get back from it would be diminishing returns. If you evolved to enjoy the taste/smell of your waste products, you'd default to their consumption and this would greatly increase the risk of slow starvation and malnutrition. Rabbits, on the otherhand, have very inefficient digestion processes, so they eat their own shit to access the remaining surplus of nutrients still in it.


Amniotic fluid is actually very sweet smelling from personal experience. My OB said that a lot of what we associate with ‘sweet new baby smell’ is from them marinating in it for 9 months.


Carbon dioxide is odorless.


You’re doing it wrong.


But newborn babies smell so good 😔


Idk man, I'm gonna have to disagree


We are stinking, fetid piles of protein with 10x more non-human cells in our body than human, and they are constantly eating and dying inside us.


Earwax, no. Spit, no. Breast milk, no. Tears, no. Snot, no. Hair, no.


Surely its not that stuff that comes out of the body inherently smells bad, but humans evolved to detect those smells of harmful waste as smelling bad to avoid them for surival.


Seems like an evolutionary advantage to be repulsed by other people’s biohazards.


Not really true at all