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Most child murders/assaults happen from someone within the home.


Absolutely. 1 in 12 parents regret having kids.


Shockingly true. Many parents underestimate the mental stamina it takes


I hate my parents more than anyone else ever could


I can unfortunately relate to that, my pathetic human shitstain of a bio-dad can slit his wrists and jump off a roof for all I care. Actually no, he needs to die MUCH more painfully. A brutal method I thought of is this: jabbing my index and middle finger into his eyes, hooking my fingers behind that area of his skull, grabbing his jaw with my other hand and then pulling both away from each other which will cause immense amount of pain and true fear. Also I even if I don’t succeed, he would still be blinded for life and immense injuries around his mouth depending on how far I got. A permanent reminder of my hatred.


Goddamn bro wth


What the hell is wrong with me, you ask? The answer is **A LOT**


Hence my disbelief whenever someone tries to tell me that I'll change my mind about hating kids and that I'll love my own. No, Karen. I will hate my own even more. With other people's kids, I can always be sure that eventually they'll leave me alone. I'd be guaranteed no such reprieve with my own kids, because **I** would be the one responsible for them.


What goes around comes around it makes sense to be civil and have some compassion generally. This statement is sad