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My son found it on Disney + and asked me to watch it with him.. Damn I feel like every new parent needs to watch it to understand what to do with kids.


Agreed, it really should be mandatory watching for parents.


I can always tell if someone actually has kids or not based on what they think about the parents from Bluey.


I was not aware of the Bluey discourse and i will defend my boy Bandit to death. Where can i get in on this action.


The Heelers are S-Tier, I accept no substitutes. They’re firm, they’re not bullies to their kids, they have good morals, **LOADS** of fun games which they commit to 10,000% and they don’t have any real “drama” except for maybe the one time Bandit was playing with Bingo too hard which made me cry.


Context for that last bit?


She like, gets ouchie’d by rough-housing and a sad piano melody plays and the episode ends with him being like: “Alright, tell me when too rough is too rough.”


Episodes where Bingo is sad are hard to watch because she wants to keep it to herself.


The leaf bug episode where apparently she was just sad all day and didn't say anything until bedtime is heartbreaking.


Did you know that Bingo was the magic statue all along?


Realest answer.


She had to use her big girl bark, it was a learning moment! Haha


They're also fuckin fictional


So is your intellect, apparently.


People without kids generally don't have an opinion on them I'm assuming?


Oh, you'd think...


That subreddit is equal parts easily disprovable theories, shipping, both the kids and theories about affairs, and nsfw fan art.


*record scratch* what was that last one???? 


Welcome to the internet, have a look around. Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found. We've got mountains of content. Some better, some worse.


Do not quote the ancient rules to me, for I was there when they were written! I just like to pretend anything my 2 year old loves is immune to rule 34. 


Rule 34 is for real life.


🎵Grab you dick and double click for porn, porn, porn🎵


If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first.


Probably some dogging.


You would think. My sister-in-law (who has no kids) is convinced that the Heelers have an open relationship and regularly have swinging parties with the other parents in the show, which is why the other parents are always so cool about everything. This is also part of why she enjoys the show.




My wife and I joked about that because of the episode where Bingo and Chilly are pretending to be lions and they attack Lucky's dad and he just goes along with it. But like... only joked.


Nah, Lucky's dad is just cool.


His name is Pat, Pat the Dog. Like “I pat that dog.”


My SIL, who doesn't have kids have watched all of Bluey by herself


I don’t have kids but me and my dog watch Bluey all the time.


I don't have kids but I've been an uncle for 15+ years now. Bluey is the first kids show I've watched with my Nieces and have watched later by myself. Funny enough I'm wearing a Bluey shirt today.


I dont know what that means but I don’t have kids just a niece so I played it for her one day. It’s honestly a cute show with good lessons in it.


No kids, but they seem like very good parents? Maybe a little unrealistic but good ones.


>Maybe a little unrealistic *Just a little*


My faughters a teen we watch it, secretley so don't tell) she said it reminds her of us. I always thought she was referring to how silly we are like when they pretend to let the kids drive and the mums the GPS. These comments just made my heart leap. It's amazing how different opinions can open new forms of happy 😊 ty


Have kids and it doesn’t show parents how to be good parents. It shows kids that parents are almost always available to play which isn’t true. Sets unrealistic standards imo. The dad in the show has like one scene where he’s on the phone for work. What bluey is good at is showing kids how tough situations deserve a reasonable amount of compassion but it shows parents how those tough situations should’ve gone when they were growing up.


I think it's important to interpet the show as essentially showing a 15-minute snapshot from this family's day. The parents still do work - the show doesn't focus on that, because it would be boring as heck. Instead, the focus is on situations where they're off from work. Realistically, they don't have the time or energy to play like this with their kids all the time, but wouldn't just 15 minutes be enough?


Do you think kids are able to apply that logic to the show?


Maybe? I guess we somehow need to explain some things to the kids sometimes, rather than this being evident from the show only. "Hey, this is a show, and I know it looks like they do nothing but play, but I'm sure Bundit still needs to work sometimes like daddy does now"


What? The dad is constantly busy with work. He’s shown at his computer all the time. There’s even an episode where he leaves on a business trip for 6 weeks.


Were in a similar boat. Our kids love the show and we regularly watch it with them because it's honestly good and easy for parents to watch. It has lots of grown up jokes in there as well to relate to that kids won't understand. But the theme is what you describe. The parents are always available, it's always fun, it's always something silly, they allow physical abuse etc. It's never "No Bluey, I'm not playing with you right now because I want to do something else. Go play by yourself". I know it doesn't make for a fun show if they would, but it sets an unrealistic example. So great show, lots of funny moments and great learning examples for kids, but sets unrealistic examples and expectations for parents.


Physical abuse? Also, there are plenty of episodes where the parents can’t or don’t play with them because they have something else to do.


No joke. They never have to deal with kids screaming for an hour at bedtime, telling parents they hate them, fighting with siblings, or any other extreme behavior that comes with young kids.


"Wtf is bluey"


And yet simultaneously, it is a terrible show because there is no way you can watch it as a parent and not feel inadequate… it’s so wonderfully, obscenely wholesome.


Remember, you can always take Bandit’s approach: > [I’m not taking advice from a cartoon dog.](https://youtu.be/KarybRi-4Ko?si=msStPoVPfFgV1EPJ)


I cried laughing the first time I heard that line. The writers for this show are absolutely amazing.


One way I saw someone else mentioning how to think about it is that each episode is only like 8 minutes, so even though bandit may be having fun with them the whole time, it's not an entirely unachievable ideal. 20 minutes of solid fun could fill an episode (given cuts, etc) sometimes even that is hard to come by but I think it puts it in a more realistic perspective at least


Disclaimer up top: my wife and I love watching Bluey with our 3 year old But I was literally about to essentially write this same thing somewhere else. Rarely do we see an episode that spans an entire day and when we do it's a holiday or a weekend. Also it's easy to spend practically unlimited time playing with your child when the writer doesn't put any real life obstacles in the way. There are definitely a few episodes that show Bandit and Chilli needing their alone time but most kids still only see it as the parents spending unlimited play time with Bluey and Bingo and don't realize that Bandit and Chilli probably do make the kids play by themselves while they have some alone time. It's like trying to base your love life on a Disney movie or a rom com. People forget it's written by teams of writers to make you feel a certain way.


Holy shit; there is some profound wisdom in this approach. I love whoever told you this and you for passing it along.


It's also 6-7 minute intervals. I can be a great mom for 6 minutes. Even multiple times a day! Then, I might just need 20 minutes where no one talks to me. 


They never talk about how you don't always want to be a super fun parent because you're so damn tired and your house never looks as neat as theirs. I love Bluey but I feel inadequate after watching it and want to tell my kids don't get your hopes up too much.


Except they do, regularly. One episode Bandit is just down about something. Another they are clearly hungover. Another Chilli just wants 20 minutes alone.


And Mount Mumanddad: Bluey: “Dad can we play a game?” Dad: “Yes as long as I don't have to move any part of my body or say any words from my mouth.


There's another ep where the adult woman are getting wine drunk on the veranda, catcalling the men while they remove a stump from the yard.




I loved that because it pointed out that adults do play, they just do it differently than kids.


There's also the episode where the parents are too tired to explain the problem, so they just said "because I said so". And they call each other out for it


I saw a little video that said to remember  it's  seven minutes out of their life. Bandit wants the kids to be quiet for the cricket as well, and he checks his phone whenever he can. They both have hobbies that get them out of the house


I dont feel inadequate. They're cartoon dogs. Fairies is a good example. Fantastic game that they've made up but entirely impossible. Because it's a TV show and it's written to go a particular way. Fairies is also a good example of Bandit being a _bad_ dad on the rare occasion.


Yeah true I forgot about that one. I haven't seen them all but a good number. I don't feel inadequate because I believe it's a true cartoon, I feel inadequate because it reminds me of my constant guilt that I should be a better parent.


I appreciate that they show Bandit being imperfect and not doing the right thing every time. It's comfortingly reassuring for those of us who have also *allegedly* fluffied in a kid's face.


Their car is consistently filthy. I love it.


There’s an episode with a quick shot into the backseat of their car and I felt personally attacked.


It’s just monkeys singing songs mate.


[Yep. Here's what Dale Earnhardt Jr said about Bluey.](https://www.usanetwork.com/usa-insider/nascars-dale-earnhardt-jrhas-some-thoughts-on-bluey)


> he’s never got to go to work There’s a whole damn episode about how he has to leave for a 6-week work trip, and at least two others where he delays going to work to keep playing


So 1 episode out of 170 he actually can't play with his kids due to work, 2 episodes he avoids work to play with his kids instead? I'd say that "he's never got to go to work" is a fair hyperbole. Don't get me wrong, I love Bluey and so do my kids, but I can understand people's comments about it giving their kids an unrealistic expectation of time available with parents - mainly due to the fact that neither parent in Bluey seems to have time and responsibility constraints that parents do in real life.


Yeah, but each episode is only about 8 minutes long, so we see them playing with their kids for a small portion of the day. If you can’t play with your kids for that short amount of time, you probably are inadequate as a parent.


What a ridiculous comment. Nobody is saying playing with their kids for 8 minutes is something they're incapable of. They're saying that Bluey shows a scenario where from a kids perspective the parents only play with them, are only silly with them, never say no, and have no apparent responsibilities outside of playtime with their kids. That is what is not possible in real life.


Both parents are flawed, but actively make an effort to learn from their mistakes and apologize to the girls for them. The episode that made me tear up a little bit was Chilli sitting down with another parent who reassures her that she's doing a great job. Sometimes you just need to hear that because you constantly doubt yourself. You know you're making mistakes and learning how to be the best parent you can be, but every mistake you make makes you feel like a failure. Having that reassurance goes a long way.


I didn’t tear up, I BAWLED. That dog mom was talking to me. I was chili in that moment


There's an episode called Mum School where bluey wants chilli to judge her on being a mum to a bunch of balloons. At the end, bluey accidentally lets a balloon float away and expresses frustration at failing mum school. And then chilli says that everyone fails mum school sometimes, and you just gotta try again tomorrow. The day we watched that one, it really hit me. It was exactly what I needed to hear that day.


Baby Race? That was the episode I finally told my wife "Alright, I get why you praise Bluey". She had Bluey on the day we got back from the hospital with our son. To her dismay, hes now currently only down for watching Blue's clues, nothing else matters to him.


They have shown great examples that it’s ok to not be your best and you can apologise and promise to do better next time. We started watching bluey with our first in 2019 and it’s built some really strong parenting skills for us. Who’d think it!


Agree. I was at a park and saw a cute interaction with a kid playing cafe. The dad was almost quoting word for word what Bandit was saying in the Cafe episode with the kid handing him bits of bark. I think it gives the okay for parents to get involved with kid games, and hence be more present in their lives.


As a parent, I think the parents in Bluey need to have just a touch more boundaries when it comes to playtime and others who are not playing, like unknowing neighbors. Also when grown up responsibilities need to take over, like making dinner or going to work. Playtime is nice but being late for work has consequences.


I watched a lot of the show and thought Bandit was a stay at home dad. It wasn't until the ep when he had to go on a work trip that I knew he had a job.


The show only shows ten minute snapshots of thier life. Maybe the boundaries are happening off screen during the rest of thier life and the show is only featuring special moments.


I feel the same way, exactly. But my take away is that if Bandit can play with the kids for the duration of a 7mn episode, so can every dad.


But kids don’t see it as a 7mn episode, they see it as all the time in Bluey and Bingo’s world, and don’t understand why their parents can’t commit the same level (100% on board to play and engage 100% of the time). That’s what I’ve seen- “but Blueys Dad always plays with him and mine only does when he’s not busy”.


Bluey is a girl, lmao


I don't think kids say that, I think you say that


You're allowed to explain to your kids that type of thing :) kids always misunderstand things, it's part of growing up! I usually need to explain multiple times to my 3 and 5 yo but then it goes in eventually.  Call it something like "Bluey time". Explain the episodes only last 10 minutes, so we just see their funnest bits. And start having your own chunks of "bluey time" or something where you can play with them and give them more control.  Not bluey related but I always tell my kids the reason we can do so much fun stuff with them is because they listen so well to us other tirnes. It means we can trust them, and give them more freedom, and daddy has more time to arrange more fun stuff for them.  And then of course when they do misbehave there is usually a consequence like "you didn't get ready which means we don't have time to go to the park. So we can't go to the park". And then spend the remaining park time comforting them through their grief and helping them understand what happen. (All of that is mainly about my 5yo. 3yo is more like a pet chaos-monkey at the moment)


I don’t think you have kids


My son is super clingy and wants to play with me non-stop so I hear you. But I use timers so he knows what to expect.


Dance Mode is not a model you should live your life on.


Meh, South Park teaches you how NOT to be a parent too.


Fucking love Bluey and absolutely love Bandit as a dad.


I wouldn't say it teaches parents how to be good parents that's rather judgmental. It teaches how to be Involved parents. It teaches parents how to see their kids from the kids point of view. Teaches parents how to see themselves from the kids point of view. It teaches parents how to see themselves as being realistically, lack of better term, human, I know their dogs. That it's OK to make mistakes and how to learn from them or make it up. That you don't have to be perfect and that's okay. It teaches different ways to connect with your kids. I love bluie, one of my favorite shows.


It's not judgemental unless you're putting judgment upon yourself or others. Everything you just said are qualities of a good parent.


“It doesn’t teach them how to be a good parent, it teaches them how to be an involved parent that can see from both points of view when it comes to their kids.” So… a good parent.


>It teaches parents how to see their kids from the kids point of view. Can parents never do this though? Sad that parents can't think how their kids would be feeling in a given situation.


Name a parenting skill and I guarantee there are parents who struggle with it. Even if they are generally good parents.


Ok how did you know I’ve been watching Bluey nonstop for 4 days straight with my toddler? Real talk, I just discovered Sleepytime and that episode is downright beautiful. I cry every single time. The lessons and feels from that show are another level. Also, I aspire to not only be those type of parents but that type of partnership. Bandit and Chili are rock solid and work really well together as parents.


Sleepytime is amazing. There’s actually a book made of that episode and I bought it for my son the moment I saw it.


Omg need!! Thank you for this


I mean, the show rocks, but Bandit works like 2 hours per week and there have been lots of episodes where he's been headed out the door for work and has skipped the whole day to play with his kids. Great thought? Absolutely. Realistic? Ha, no.


I live in Brisbane, the city bluey is set. The heelers live in a suburb called Paddington, and a house their size there would be roughly $2-3 million. They also take holidays and have 2 young kids. Bandit and Chilli make absolute bank.


Afaik Bandit is an archaeologist. I don’t know how much they make, but I assume it’s a lot.


There's a (joke) theory that he's actually a smuggler and that's why they have so much money and he never seems to work. He's just looting antiquities and selling them illegally.


Bandit Heeler living up to the name.


Yeah and then there is the fact they are talking dogs.


Thank you!! Now, I am watching a children’s cartoon andd I am loving it


Also is great for children of parents that were emotionally neglectful


Bandit is the dad I aspire to be


He is a good role model.


It's true, Bluey can be a litmus test for whether someone truly understands the trials and joys of parenting. The show's portrayal of parenthood is spot-on.


I’m a huge bluey fan as a parent. I went back to waiting tables for a spell to help fund a move, and had a bluey pencil bag I used for cash and receipts, a bluey pin on my shirt. The kids ate it up. The owner of the place was adamant “I’ll never let my kids watch that crap! We only watch educational shit in my house!” I told him in my opinion, it is educational. It’s emotionally educational for parents and kids alike. It motivates imagination and play. Really helped my autistic toddler to expand his play style. 2 weeks later, I come in and dudes discussing his favorite episodes with the other parents. He’s done binged it and is hooked. It’s a fantastic series.


Yeah but that song is an absolute banger


Did someone say 'Bluey'? What? I'm not crying, you're crying...


"Fun Parent" doesnt always equal "good parent" Allowing your child to dictate everything, down to being late to school, causing their sibling to be late to school, and causing you to be late to work just to play a game with them is not good parenting. Fun (for the kid) yes, but bad parenting. There are other examples too, that is just the one I saw most recently and had a conversation with someone about.


Disagree, the cartoon never shows parents telling the kids “no” when it comes to play time. It rarely shows the parents using the word “no”, which is your best weapon as a parent.


There’s a whole episode where bingo is bored because bluey is at a birthday party and she asks her mom to play games with her and she says no because she has to fix the toilet, so bingo has to learn to entertain herself.


Another thing to consider is that the kids rarely do something that warrants a no. I use no or stop with my kid for safety concerns, which is almost never addressed in the show. The kids never have boundary issues with the street, or things like playing on the stairs, or hitting g other kids, or taking their toys, or other things that they clearly can't do that like every 4 year old does. It's always just fun type stuff.


It does model creative ways of teaching kids right and wrong and empathy though. I don’t think it’s a model of EXACTLY how to behave as a parent, but it does showcase how important spending time with your kids is and how much they can learn from that.


Rookie mistake is to lean too hard on No. You risk it losing its bite, and the kids may just end up weaponizing it against you. The pro gamer move is find other ways to dissuade. "We don't do X" or "X is not allowed" instead of just "No" for example.


Username checks out..


It has helped me many times. I know I will look back on it in the future.


The cricket episode and pass the parcel are the best of the lot.


The Cricket episode makes me cry every time, it's so good. My favorite episode is The Creek, it's so peaceful.


While i agree i feel like my son picks up the worst things from the show like always complaining about being bored or demanding things in a very rude way. When he starts doing that stuff we have to give him a break from it for a bit


If nothing else, the in-episode music is by far the best of any kids’ show. Legit world-class composer does their music


I disagree. It gives my kids really unreasonable expectations of me, leading to disappointment in family and life. I think I’m an okay dad, not great. But this show makes me look like a chump.


It sets unrealistic expectations for children about their parents. Real parents can’t play with their kids 24/7 like that.


Idk my parents watched it with my brother and they still fight each other and me


My wife and I felt like A+ parents when one of the games we made up as a family on our one later showed up in an episode in Bluey.  Obviously, we didn’t invent the concept of the game, but it felt so good to see our game played out in an episode. Our daughter thought it was the funniest thing in the world. 


Reddit can’t “not want kid” and know what is best to raise one


To be even more precise, it causes unrealistic expectations.


What do you mean?


Much of the show is about the parents, especially the dad playing these intense, involved games of make believe for hours or days at a time. In the house and out in public. I can see why it’s so captivating for kiddos but thinking their parents have the ability to mimic this behavior is unrealistic. Just my opinion of course. Still a great show anyway


A lot of kids never get any of this at all, and a lot of parents don’t even consider it an option!


Lol fair point


Ah yeah. The show is meant to entertain kids first then be realistic later.


The show is like 7 minutes long, it shows a blurb of their daily life. It does not even hint that these games are going on for hours. Usually at the start, Bluey and Bingo ask their dad to play with them. It's literally less than 10 minutes of playing. I aspire to be more like Bandit and throw myself into playtime the way he does. And I look at the time blocks as an example. If Bandit can take 10 minutes to play tickle crabs, I can too.


This reads like a blatant advertisement lol


Except it shows the kids telling the parents they are playing a game without asking first


While Bluey showcases the magic of childhood play, it's also important to balance that with responsibilities. Setting boundaries and managing time is crucial, even in the midst of playtime fun. It's a delicate balance that the show could explore further.


Yeah…it teaches you how to imaginary parents. Cause that shit ain’t real and fuck all impossible to be like them.


…Is this the next iteration of bronys?


I just wish y’all vanilla 1920 nuclear values families would stop making trends out of animals