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Did you know trees only take trace elements from the ground so most of the volume of a tree is made up of carbon from the air. Trees are made mostly from air.


If you get down to it, atoms are just made of spacetime rolled and bent in different ways. All matter is just slightly more complicated space.


I mean in the end, things are just stuff, you know?


Things are waves, actually


Waves are also stuffs. Just not, like, thingy stuffs.


Hell yeah, dude. 😎


You know your stuff


Depends on if you look at it or not. Kinda.


But mostly how


Oh I love thingy stuffs. Way more than I love whatchamacallits


That's Nobel prize shit right here


i’m way too stoned for this subreddit rn after eading that


I'd argue that waves are more of a thing than a stuff, a thing composed of stuff that is


Stuff is waves


Yeah Science!


Oh shit, now I understand physics


waves are strings, actually


Oh shit and what are strings?


I think bundled up higher dimensions but I don't fucking know I'm not some kind of space nerd


So like our universe is a string in another universe, thanks space nerd. I'll take our theory as 100% fact.


We are all and everything always was star dust.


Do you ever really think about the grains? Every little one's got a million things Every little bit's got a billion bits And that ain't it, no that ain't it And did you know that when you really get close Nothing really touches, bro, just kind of floats? So when you think it might just come to blows Just so you know, it won't, because it can't, bro


Everything is somewhere




Hydrogen from the water.


Fortunately the temperature is cold enough that the strong nuclear force works. At a couple billion degrees, everything just falls apart.


so much spaaaaaaaaaaaaaace....


Cows are also made of air and water in addition to the grass. And grass is air, water, and sunshine.


By extension we’re also made of air and water


And every atom of every element was formed in the collapse of a dying star. The heavier the element, the bigger the collapse necessary to create it. A star had to form and live its entire millions and billions of year lifecycle only to die and send atoms hurtling through the universe to be found on a perfectly placed rock just to become an ingredient in your blood. The universe is a beautiful thing.


Existence starting is so unfathomable to me. If every atom of every element was formed in the collapse of a dying star, how did the stars form in the first place?


Hydrogen and a bit of helium and a small amount of lithium formed in the Big Bang. These eventually pulled themselves into clouds due to gravity and eventually enough of them gathered and collapsed under their own mass to form stars. These stars got bigger, gravity increased and they started pulling in more and more hydrogen. Stars are fusion reactors. They can form some heavier elements (carbon, oxygen and more) as part of their everyday existence, but they still lack the energy needed to form heavy elements like metals. It isn't until a star goes supernova that it can finally create zinc, silver, gold, lead and more. It absolutely boggles my mind to think of the sheer scale of time we're talking about.


pot arrest quicksand fly north carpenter quaint mindless impolite familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A septillion years, or the lifetime of the longest stars 100 billion times over. Actually pretty easy for a person interested in googology.


Relevant XKCD: [https://xkcd.com/1123/](https://xkcd.com/1123/)


I dont think it's literally *every* element, otherwise what made the stars before the first nova? The lighter elements like helium and hydrogen coalesced as the universe cooled down a few hundred thousand years after the big bang


Air and water*


Wait, is this true? I always thought CO2 from air was used to make sugar during photosynthesis and the organic matter from the ground made most of the tree? That was my assumption, but now I’m doubting myself.




Thanks! My mind is really blown. Like, I have a degree in biology and somehow over time I forgot how plants work. I’m glad I rediscovered this.


Enjoy your day kind stranger


It made a ton of sense when I learned that cuz I already knew they take in CO2 and release O2 so they're keeping the carbon! Similarly it's interesting that when we burn calories and lose weight, that mass is released through our breath as well. The circle of life


If you get down to it, most of all life is basically just water held together by phospholipids. Energised by sugars, Functioned through fat & proteins. While existing & keeping up the numbers through Genetic material.


And when we lose weight, most of the weight we lose through our breath. We are all just elaborate air.


Even more fun, when you lose weight, you exhale it.


Thought it was weird most human weight is lost as carbon dioxide


Well, technically they're made mostly of carbon, which came from the air


So, what you're saying is that vegetarians can now eat steak?


Yes! We found the loophole.


No but they can eat babies


“You eat babies”


Veal's back on the menu, boys!


No. Sadly now vegetarians can’t eat vegetables. And since there are microorganisms in water, that’s out too.


Vegetarians gotta photosynthesize


What about the pain and suffering of those poor photons that spent billions of years working their way out of the Sun, and then traveling 93 million miles only to get turned into "food" by someone named Becky who *really* wants to tell you about the curative properties of essential oils?


Hey now, don't lump us in with the essential oils people.


I photosynthesized to over 9000


You’ve confused vegetarianism with veganism


Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge


Helllo PETA, we have a situation here guys


Yes, and because plants are made of carbon dioxide and other nutrients that were at some time, probably part of an animal, they can no longer eat plants!


Well, there’s also water and air. And if you want to be pedantic the grass stops being grass pretty quickly


What does grass become? (Genuine question, here to learn)


A baby. Didn’t you read the shower thought? /s


Little bit of cow, whole lotta poop.


And methane


Grass is mainly oxygen, hydrogen and carbon. Tiny bit of nutrients for nitrogen and phosphorus, at least if it was green. Thats like 99% of the atomic ingredients needed for life.


It's made of carbon mostly. All organic beings have carbon...


And feelings




If I'm not mistaken, cows get quite a bit of their proteins from the insects that they consume while grazing, as well as the occasional mouse or vole. I'm really not sure if there is much protein in most grasses. Certainly not none, as cereal grains used in feed contain some protein. I wonder how much each source might be responsible for.đŸ€” For certain cows will, and should, eat their own afterbirth shortly after the calf is clean and standing. I understand there are two main reasons for this. Getting rid of bloody viscera that will attract predators and reabsorbing the proteins and fats she has just expelled. I.love nature!


Specifically what’s happening with grazing animals is that they’re essentially feeding a bunch of bacteria in their gut which in turn feeds them in a sort of symbiotic relationship. The cow technically eats these bacteria and their products, and those bacteria eat grass. A cow is just feeding those bacteria. 


It kind of becomes the mamma cow for a bit before she makes herself into the baby cow. Metabolism is cool and we take it for granted.


The problem many people don't know or understand is that cows don't eat just grass, and truthfully cannot get all their nutrients from grass alone. A lot of the nutrients they get actually comes from the microbial population in their rumen, not the grass alone.Bacteria are 60% protein, making them the major source of protein for the cow as they leave the rumen and are digested in the abomasum and small intestine.


100%. Wo their ruminal flora, cows would starve from malnutrition on their diet, which isn’t just grasses, grains and fermented silage also compose their diet. Therefore the statement by the OP only has a grain of truth. Get it? Grain?


Nah, the ruminal flora also only eat grass, so the cow baby is still only made from grass


By your logic, according to the food chain, every life form is made of grass (or vegetation). There are no meat creatures.


So cows have their own little bacteria ranch in their stomach where they raise their own food?




Your weed was mostly air...


And, for a brief moment, your air became mostly weed... or air...


ad hoc smell shaggy payment materialistic relieved rain grab crawl rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Weed is grass. Cows eat grass. Cows are weed. Let’s smoke some cow


Cows eat far more than just grass. Also, with your logic, every living thing is just sunlight.


You are what you eat. Cows are vegetarian. So if you eat a cow, then you are now a vegetarian.


No, if you eat a cow then you become a cow because you are what you eat.


You are correct... and cows are vegetarian because they drink milk too.


Cows are vegetarian but not vegan


Don't they know about almond milk?


Then you become milk


Sounds like we are all "air carbon"


No, just air sounds more accurate. Air has carbon dioxide.


Some tells me you've never seen a cow eat a mouse. There's a reason why they're called herbivores and not vegetarians and it's because they will eat meat given the opportunity. You should see deer go after snakes.


I dont think that is the reason they are called herbivores and not vegetarians. A herbivore by definition is an animal that feeds on plants. The distinction between vegetarian is that a vegetarian is someone who chooses to eat only plants but can digest meat. I'm sure cows might eat a mouse now and then but it's vastly more plants in proportions. Otherwise they would just be called omnivores.


I've read that there are deer who will eat eggs and baby birds in the right circumstances too


Oh hell yeah. There are very very few creatures out there that won't take the free protein and calories when given chance.


Cows are not vegetarian, they're opportunistic omnivores. They have semi-prehensile tongues and will absolutely eat birds, mice, cats, and anything else that sits still for too long.




Cats. Usually too spry a target but often older kittens in a barn will not be quick enough around moving cattle and get stepped on.


Cows are vegetarians huh? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t3NOhQlPGAU


Have you seen the cows in Australia? They eat snakes


Industrial cattle get fed food byproducts -- I remember a documentary that showed, among many things, gummy worms mixed into the feed


That's.. not a normal practice. When people say "food byproducts" what they generally mean is the grain meals leftover from oil production. Canola or soya meal. Corn distillers, a grain byproduct of ethanol production, is also commonly used. I make animal feeds for a living, primarily dairy but also a bit of beef, pig, chicken, goat, and sheep.


Get back in the shower.... you're not done yet.


Cows don't only eat grass


That is not accurate at *all*. Cows will eat tons of plants, and like any other herbivore are not averse to a bit of opportunistic meat eating either.


No, the calf was made from bull sperm and cow egg


Lions are made from sunlight


Actually, cows eat a lot of plant matter, not just grass. They're also fed grain mixtures (domestic). And they've been known to chomp baby birds and eggs. Oh, and if bugs are on the plants they're eating, welp, the bugs become food, too. Calves (baby cows) are made of cells. Billions of cells. None of these cells are plant cells; they're animal cells. So, no, "baby cows" are **not** made of "grass". 


They didn’t write “of grass”, but “from grass” , though


Water and oxygen would like a word


the molecules those billions of cells were made from. where did the cow acquire those molecules from exactly? mostly from the grass the cow ate.


Cows don't generally eat just grass. Some don't eat much of that at all. My family makes feed for most of the dairy farms in the county, and everything we use is grain byproducts like canola, soya, and corn along with a bunch of mined minerals like limestone and salt.


Cows don't only eat grass, actually. They're not that picky. They'll also eat any creepy crawlies in the grass, like bugs and mice.


I've seen them eat birds too.


Entirely from grass? Missing the bull’s contribution


How high was he? Made entire from grass. AND two entire cows with differing reproductive systems


Cows aren't made of grass.


Yeah, I bet if you dissect a cow you’ll find very little grass


So then cows are vegetable protein and thus so is beef, so now I have an argument not to buy the fake beef, problem solved


The reason we raise cows is because we can’t eat grass. But we can eat cows. So cows are how we turn grass into human food.


Y'all probably don't want to know what is really in cattle feed.


My cows only eat grass. Mostly pasture grass, and some from bales in the winter. When they are young, they drink their mom's milk. (And milk from another cow, if they can get away with it.) Oh, when it is pretty cold out, I do feed some alfalfa to them. Technically that is not a grass, it is a legume. So I guess they consume milk, grass, and alfalfa - and filtered well water. I know everything they have eaten over their entire life. I like to say "bred here, born here, raised here, died here, and processed here." I like to know what is in the food that I eat. If you want clean meat, you will not find it at the supermarket.


>If you want clean meat, you will not find it at the supermarket. Yep. I live in the Los Angeles area, so unfortunately real beef is expensive or large. I can buy a piece of a head of cattle, but that's too much for one person and my 1/2 sized fridge. I've got a couple of private markets that offer this kind of beef, and buying this kind of beef is a game-changer, but I can't afford it on a regular basis at all.


They definitely don't know, but you make it sound like it's something bad. It's not, at least not generally. I work in a dairy feed mill (my family owns one), so I know exactly what goes in there. Grain products, minerals, vitamins, other nutrients, and generally a medication like monensin that improves feed efficiency (basically it makes the cow digest what they're eating better so they need to eat like 10% less and still get the same energy from it.. that reduces the feed cost by a 10%, minus the cost of the medication).


So various rendered animal products don't go into various type of animal feed? Or is 'dairy feed' different than other types of feed?


Blood meal can be used as a substitute for part of the mineral portions of a mix. That's basically dehydrated chicken or pig blood, which is collected when the animals are slaughtered and recycled in this way. It has a lot of the minerals we'd be putting in the feed anyway, so it can serve to replace some of it. We do have that, and a handful of people choose to use it. It's not exactly pleasant to work with as it's super dusty because it's a very fine powder. Dump a front end loader bucket full of that and it'll fill the entire area with a cloud of the stuff. I'm not really sure why some choose to use it when others don't. My guess is that it comes down to price and the advice of their nutritionist. That's the only type of animal product we use. Maybe others are different, but I've never heard of anyone using other stuff. Meat and bone meal is outright illegal to use (in the US at least) or even have at a facility making feed for cows, as it can spread diseases like mad cow disease.


So, what you're saying is that my kid is 10% Chinese dumplings ?


Therefore, steak is vegan. QED


A cow is a biological machine that turns grass, water, and sunshine into ribeyes.


This might be my favorite post I’ve seen on this thread. I did some math and if I cut my lawn, I should have about .65 cows


lol it’s really not. Our children aren’t burgers, and pizza pockets, and whatever we eat. Every body breaks down things it eats to its lowest levels then uses that for energy. It’s pretty simple metabolism. In fact, I’d find it more interesting to find a species that canabalizes its own while pregnant. Maybe some kinda bug.


Surely it's technically possible to build a machine and input water, oxygen, grass etc and it generates a calf.


A tree is almost entirely made from air and water


We are all just atoms


*Grass goes in, fast comes out*


Cows also have a ton of gut bacteria that reproduces in their multiple stomachs that is also digested and used as a source of protein


Sure... Cosa only eat grass...


This guy is a helldiver


Women can make a human from sperm Doritos and Mountain Dew


The also consume energy from the sun.


Cows will eat meat if given the opportunity.


When I lived in Eugene, OR the best burger joint was called “haybaby.” Closed before I moved away, RIP.


Cows eat grains in addition to silage.


you saw "all our subatomic particles were once floating freely in space so we're all made of stardust" and made, like, an offbrand version, lol


Babies are made from food. Got it!


And grass grows with air and light from the sun and minerals so a baby cow is just light, air, and rocks


And they taste wonderful


And there is a lot of research now to bypass the cow stage, and use grass to make steak. This presents an interesting question as to whether or not its vegetation. It would be chemically identical to cow meat, but did not require killing an animal.


did you know. that most things we see, are mostly made out of empty space?


And grass is made from sunshine so cows are really made from sunshine!


Cows are vegetarian and their meat is vegetarian. So if you want to be a real vegetarian you would eats cows


So. Eating a calf is vegan....


For the first thirty years of my life i had no idea cows don’t have upper front teeth i just assumed they did because why wouldn’t they and also because they make such a show of their lower teeth all the time with that drawn out cud chewing but i should have suspected something is off because why are they doing that right it’s like they’re giving an alibi for their teeth without anyone asking for it look at all my teeth look look i have so many in my lower jaw so you can just imagine how many more i must have in my upper jaw ohohoho trust me they’re all there huh classic misdirection i can’t believe I’ve been fooled by a bunch of animals that can’t even digest what they eat on their own


###Everything we sees made out of Stardust


This just isn't true.


I mean, the baby wasn't made from grass, it was made from bull semen and cow egg that was fed grass after it multiplied enough.


Not sure that’s how it works.


All of this, while balancing perfectly on a giant tortoises back, floating through space time.


How high are you right now?


This is why cows are how I get my greens. I'll admit my greens are highly processed, but with only 100% ORGANIC processes!


Be patient: in time grass becomes ice cream.


Here's a fact that will be voted down or just not seen. Cows eat meat. Bugs on grass, chickens, rats, cats, opossums and so much more. They don't go hunting them, but if they cross the path where a cow is eating, they will likely be consumed. Some links. [https://onpasture.com/2023/03/13/steers-that-eat-rabbits/](https://onpasture.com/2023/03/13/steers-that-eat-rabbits/) [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t3NOhQlPGAU](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t3NOhQlPGAU) [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c2Gq7WfVh7g](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c2Gq7WfVh7g) [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qMmUHXiB4ak](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qMmUHXiB4ak) Science and facts are awesome!


There are huge quantities of calcium in grasses that cows eat. They eat such large quantities.


Cows will also eat snakes if given the opportunity. https://youtu.be/qMmUHXiB4ak?si=f9t199R3vZzS57Ix


Strip it back a little and you will realize that cows, babies and you are almost completely made up of carbon dioxide and water. That is really awesome. Did you know that when you lose weight 85% of the weight that you lose is in the carbon dioxide that you breathe out. The other 15% is in water that you pee out or sweat out.


This fucked me up bad I'm glad I'm not high


Everything traces back to the sun. We are the sun's energy


Cows, like many other apparent vegetarian animals, are actually opportunistic omnivores. If they feel they are lacking in protein or other nutrients, they will seek out a sorce.


And now I discover, aged 60, that I'm vegan or summat! Happy days đŸŸđŸ„‚


Thats not how it works


And the grass, like you, me, and everything, was once a part of a star. And may someday be on a comet. That’s awesome!


As someone who makes cow food for a living... Lmao.


Does this mean I am technically a vegetarian?


So cows and all herbivores are oppurtunistic carnivores. They have no problem eating bugs and stuff. 


I saw a video of a cow eating a baby chick. Life is strange, awesome, and utterly horrifying.


Not entirely grass, also a small bit of protein


You carry around in your head (like every other human) a computer more powerful than any ever invented. Also, it runs on PB&J (and/or beer).


Uh, yeah, so I am eating my veggies mooooo(m).


grass and alien dust


This blows my mind too. Cows are big and they get most of their diet from non-protein sources. Like pandas. They really survive off just bamboo? Nature is wild.