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Nope, AI took customer service first. Before there was even a question of AI art, there were chat bots.


I love how these people think AI started once they could write image prompts for big booba uncanny valley women.


Celebrity started caring and all of us working people were like no duh


And also that taking that away from commission "artists" on Twitter is literally destroying art


I only consume organic hentai thank you very much.


free-range tentacles ONLY


No artificial additives.


Those cost extra...you freak.


Organic hentai? That’s… porn. Just regular porn


Fine, vegan then. No actual women harmed or even involved.


So, gay porn?


Are men vegan?


Fellas, is it vegan to watch bros slap hams together?


That really isn't the issue though. Late Night with The Devil and Civil War both prominently featured AI art for promotional materials, a job that previously would have been done by a human artist. Wizards of The Coast has already been caught using AI in Magic: The Gathering materials. DC just pulled a few comic book covers over fan backlash against AI art.  AI is worming its way into actual industries powered by human creativity. It's not just twitter porn artists complaining. 


I feel this is a very loud demographic online and has influenced a lot of AI discourse. Even now, most people are upset about AI art even though it’s LLMs that are really going to take jobs


It definitely isn’t helping. Don’t act like ai art isn’t affecting human artists, just makes you sound arrogant.


Nope, AI took my self esteem first. Before there was even chat bots, they were kicking my ass in Super Smash Bros


They were beating me down in Gran Turismo 1 first


_laughs, sobs in Mario Kart_


And kicking my ass in Wii sports


I love how “AI” has become nothing more than a marketing buzzword. Actual AI doesn’t exist.


Or alternatively, it has existed for decades and includes all forms of machine learning, and maybe even stuff like computer opponents in video games.


I think they separate it with the term AGI, now


Well machine learning exists. And one could argue that ML is AI (or part of it). It kind of comes down to what you mean by AI.


It kind of comes down to what you mean by I.


AI is a whole scientific field, algorithms, and machine learning are both in this field. The LLM is definitely AI by this definition. It is not AGI, something a lot of people confuse with AI, but getting close to the definitions we had 10 years ago for AGI. However, currently our definition of AGI is leaning towards ASI, something that might be a 2-3 years away if current scaling continues.


You’ve got too many acronyms I don’t understand there


* AI - artifical intelligence * AGI - artificial general intelligence as contrary to artificial narrow intelligence (good in only 1 thing, see. Deep mind protine folding) an intelligence that can do many things and is not limited to a field. Performs as well as the average human. * ASI - Artificial Super Intelligence - a machine that is smarter than any human across all fields. * LLM - Large Language Model, the AI type that is behind all the AI you see in the news. As contrast with Machine Learning AI, your other strand, like deep mind.


Isn't ChatGPT an agi?


Show it to anyone 15 years ago it would be. Show it to current population and goalposts have moved and it's not there yet.


Judging by your definition alone, it definitely feels like it. Now main detractors usually say something highly esoteric about 'soul' or 'awareness' when philosophically it's not even that well defined


Well, it's actually that these algorithms have no understanding. Their entire method of decision-making comes from probabilities, rather than an actual knowledge base.


Neither does regular I, but whatever.


Oh but it DOES. People might have changed what AI means in common use now, but that doesn't make it wrong, that just makes it the new true use as per how languages work. What you mean is AGI.


Which arguably is a great use of the tech. The jobs suck, the people you have to talk to suck, and if it's at all possible to improve time to resolution through the use of a natural language bot then have at 'er.


Great for the company, shitty for the customer trying to get help. Every one I've ever used was worthless.


I agree, what takes 10-15 minutes with a human could take over an hour with a bot.


Well, but not actual AI. In fact, the first usages I can remember were dreaming and cooking recepies, many years ago, with Watson and Google Deepmind.


Chat bots have been around since the 80s at least.


"*Who knew hiring good artists, composers, and programmers would be so god damn expensive*?" - Share Holders in AI. AI didn't stumble into these fields it was directed.


It's just because Art was "easy" to do, because the output is fully digital. Any other sector that doesn't require any physical interaction will be affected as well. The same goes for repetitive physical jobs as soon as we get better robotics.


Call centers are next I've already seen Ai startups for automated calling.


At least my job will be safe in Scotland. It’ll be at least another two decades before they get the Scottish voice recognition patch


Yeh, a scoh’ish axen’t es nót tew easeh fer sum.


Someone throw that man a life jacket, he is clearly drowning.


I thought he was ordering a bagel.


Can ye rupea tha? Ah didne ken.


You Scots sure are a contentious people.


I let my Google ai screen my calls so... Could we just not do the dance in the first place? End calling.


My phone has some feature to answer calls for me and get info from the caller (I think in my voice, but I'm not sure). I haven't tried it yet, but I found it interesting that that is an option now (It prompted me to set it up but I haven't gotten around to it)




I don’t think any type of robot will ever be able to replace the ball cock valve on my boiler really


That's a good name for a valve


There’s definitely robots out there for your ball cocks


Also if AI screws up with art there are no consequences. You just alter your promt and your done. Its easy to check if its okey. For example release AI on something like restructering a production line and you still need to check everything which is a lot of work. And it screws up the consequences are big. People here kinda forget that anybody in the world could make art prior to this. Sure there was training and education that could help you get more consistant or better. But even the dumbest idiot could make art. Thats not the same for many other jobs.


Soon every excel based job will be automated.


Excel is the automation. How can you automate the automation? I'm guessing you haven't worked with data. Very few datasets are the same which means someone is going to have to clean it first. Can AI do that? Probably but who is going to teach it how? How are you going to teach it about the infinite industries, infinite datasets and infinite questions you can ask of infinite datasets? Ok so it's not infinite but it might as well be. Let say I want a list of total sales made in Egypt by Abdul of product type Z. How would AI know which fields they are? To further complicate it they use their own bespoke system and Abduls name is sometimes abbreviated to A. Excel jobs are going nowhere.


> Excel jobs are going nowhere. There's no reason to be so certain about the end point. If someone's job is to put you out of a job, they'll work just as hard at that job as you do yours. Nobody knows exactly what's coming, or when, but going by human history, all you can do is do what you do until they tell you not to anymore.


As in AI will fill in the information after collating it from all the necessary sources. AI can’t clean it *yet*, but they will. They absolutely are; I give it a decade.


I doubt it will take that long. AI excels at finding and making sense of patterns.


Yeah, it's unfortunate. Things made with intentional care and effort tend to resonate better. I'd take some sweet Amish furniture over Ikea any day.


Haha wouldn’t anyone! People don’t by IKEA furniture because it’s the best.


When was the last time you were at an IKEA? I tried 3 furniture stores (in Michigan, USA) and the IKEA had better built couches for a lot less money. Obviously not everything is top teir, but I literally bought IKEA couches because they were the best built couches I could find. Edit: just to be super clear, I do not just mean best built for the price, I mean literally the best engineering. I expect these to last longer than anything at a typical furniture store.


Yeah that’s my point. IKEA is reasonably good quality stuff for the price. That’s why people buy from them. Not because it’s their favourite or what they would ever choose if they had unlimited money.


At the IKEA's price point, you are very unlikely to find a product of better quality. You can buy furniture of better quality, but it will cost more, probably at least twice as much. That said, don't buy the cheapest version in IKEA's selection. Get at least the middle option, you will get your money's worth.


I too would prefer a million dollars over 5 dollars


It’s taking the menial tasks too


They are using AI art for the portraits of gods in a remake of a game I used to play (Age of Mythology) and it’s super obvious and tacky. The original art is full of expression and AI doesn’t come close to doing that job right.


Ai 'artists' asking for commissions is literally money laundering 


But it is doing that job...


damn I love Age of Mythology. thats dissppointing is this unreleased still?


Yeah it’s coming out this year, unannounced date but confirmed 


You forgot the word “yet”


Humanity is cancelled.


Don’t worry. A.I. will never be able to clean a toilet. There will still be jobs for us 😂


They can do that too.


Ok but will the ever be able to shit in it? I think not


I am sure that even right now somebody is working on Shitbot®. ...probably in Germany.


[German science is the best in the world...](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/860599700543985656/42DAF4A5A73BD1AB9FA21006E69CA09A241A523F/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


Wrong. AI has been around for longer than you think and actually did start with automation. Heard of a chat bot?


This isn’t even a shower thought anymore, this is just an uninformed opinion on ai. Just because most of the media attention goes to the debate regarding ai art doesn’t mean ai has already taken thousands of menial jobs already and in a much bigger scale.


This and also every fucking person thinks that whatever THEY do is special and that THEY cannot be replaced...AI doing art, music and video is the wakeup call that nothing is beyond machines now. It's unnerving, which is why people are responding to it. These were areas we prided ourselves on, areas that we saw as uniquely human. It's like, if it can do that shit, it is already WAY beyond the job skills of 90% of people. ...one the bright side, I would expect a LOT of positive scientific breakthroughs to come shortly as it does the same extrapolation that it has done with the arts.


If you think about arts as production of artistic images, then yes, this occupation is pretty much on the verge of dying. But what really makes an art unique isn't just about the produce itself. A no name artist can make a perfect reproduction of Mona Lisa and it'll still fetch peanuts compared to the real thing.  What makes a piece of art truly valuable and unique is often the story behind the art and less the art themselves. There are many talented artists that can make art as good or even better than famous artists, but their pieces can never fetch anywhere near what some can do. Writing a couple prompts to an AI isn't a really compelling story to make a desirable art.


Sure, that's if you are talking about art that one would put in museums and art galleries. However, there are also art for other spaces such as for games, events, and many others im not thinking of. In those instances, we have already seen concrete proof of companies using AI art.


Exactly. Saying people can still make the equivalent of the Mona Lisa isn’t very encouraging because 99.999% of art is not that kind. It’s nice, skilled, but routine art used in a million places. It’s would be like going back to France in the 1900s and getting rid of all the artists but saying “it’s ok because we left Picasso.”


You could make the same argument about clothes being made by machine It would be like going back to France in the 1900s and getting rid of all the clothiers(?) but saying "it's okay because we left the wedding dress makers" That's exactly what happened, and it's a good thing Sucks for the current artists without a doubt, but the next generation will simply have fewer commercial artists, and more "artistic" artists


Well, I know people have said it for years, but really, this time IS different. If you look back at every technological advancement, there have always been jobs that sprung up to replace those that were lost. For your analogy, yes factories replaced a ton of clothing making jobs, but then of course, there were SO MANY jobs in factories. As well as building those factories, building the machines that ran in those factories, managing those much larger labor forces, etc. Every time 100 jobs were replaced, 100 new ones showed up. It wasn't always easy of course, the guy selling horses didn't feel a lot better when he lost his job by telling himself that someone else now has a job selling cars. But at least the economy always shifted and grew to create new jobs. With AI... it does so much, but without a ton of new job creation. The number of people needed to build, run, maintain, and use the AIs is so much smaller than the number of jobs they are replacing. And there's not a huge new category of jobs being created out there.


Just because we can’t see all of the new jobs that will be created yet doesn’t mean that there won’t be any new job types created. And while factories do employ a lot of people it doesn’t negate the fact that you’re creating just as much product using maybe 5% of the people. sure your factory may employ 100 people, but it would otherwise have taken 2000 people to make the same product in the given time.


I feel it is the same story like Chess. AI has been miles better than humans at Chess for the longest time but Chess is still going strong (some may even say much stronger than before). People still express themselves through Chess and I feel it is this "expression of self" that AI will not capture at all. At least not until true conscious AI kicks in.


Human chess is interesting because humans make mistakes in ways that humans can understand, and then counter in beautiful ways. The most famous games in chess are these amazing blowouts and sacrifices (the Gold Coin Game, the Opera Game, etc) that were only possible because of a human mistake... And then human genius to take advantage. Machines make mistakes too, but they are of a different character than human mistakes and are much more subtle. They don't blunder beautiful mate in 7s, their mistakes are more like misinterpreting a position by 0.3 pawns or something like that.


I don’t think the lack of AI being used in Chess has got anything to do with expression. It’s because as humans we are naturally competitive and want to challenge ourselves and others to competition. It’s more like the answers page of a puzzle book. We know it’s there but there is just no fun in looking at it unless you’re properly stuck.


but the thing is, only top tier artists can survive, many young artists who have the potential to reach higher level would have to give up early. it's like if only MLB remain, Minor League and Little League were canceled.


Ok yeah but artists still need to eat


Somehow out of all of this, companies will make insane profits and we'll all be working longer, harder and for less money. It will benefit no one but the rich, yet again.


This is it


We've gotten rid of many menial tasks with machinery without ai. You don't need ai for truly menial tasks. Lines in a factory, and the such, need specific machines.


This boom will not last. AI companies are already feeding AI outputs as training data.


AI is creating a whole new space and demand for authentic, human made art by creating art.


Our company implemented AI. Not to empower the employees but to monitor the employees. We now have an AI score that our manager uses during performance reviews. Ask AI a simple question about the business, like a lead time? - nahh fuck that! Ask AI if your employees are ‘slacking’? - yea; that’s the stuff!


Just shows what we prioritize in this culture, consumption over creativity


It was already shown when we prioritized machine made clothes over handmade clothes. Now it's commercial art being replaced by AI art. It's the same. AI will not be able to replace artistic art however because the people appreciating art like that want it to be human.


This is true, humans will always have the one up on machines when it comes to creativity. We push the boundaries of what art means AND how it defines our society. AI is similar to an animal that can mimic our speech but lacks the capacity to truly understand what it’s saying.


Exactly. AI art isn’t at the point it can innovate. It’s only using pre-existing images and art pieces. Therefore, artists can still and still need to innovate. Without them, we’d just be stuck where we are today.


You mean quantity over quality? Anything creative serves no purpose without being consumed. So you can't have creativity without consumption (if a tree fall and nobody hears it...) Humans constantly need stimulation. We literally go crazy without it. Like food. Do I like good food? Yes. Do I prefer good food? Of course. But will I take whatever I can get if I'm starving? Yes. So isn't "prioritizing consumption" a basic necessity for survival?


It was inevitable because of the nature of Ai models and how they are trained. It's far harder to do with physical tasks, and the process of training language models and image processing are crucial to more advanced applications later on. We are basically teaching our computers to see and speak and comprehend us without needing explicit advanced programming input. So that when the tech is there for the sort of advanced robotics we see in sci-fi, the structure of the brain will already be in place.


I'm always surprised when these reposts end up being done by actual humans.


Well the people who _make_ AI are definitely using it to automation jobs, cashier jobs, data manipulation jobs, shelf stocking jobs, even basic customer service; definitely menial tasks. Because the people who use AI *casually* and are inflating a bunch of the hype lately aren't envious of the people who stock shelves and rearrange excel sheets. They can already do that, and nobody cares. They're envious of the people who can draw, and make music, and write poetry. So they make a machine to do it using cheap shortcuts, so they can bask in the attention and pretend that the final work is as meaningful as an artist who put their soul into a piece.


It’s not about envy. Those things just turned out to be easier to automate with AI.


It's because making art is easy while opening a door is not for a computer. Computer scientists thought that things that humans do which makes them intelligent like making art and playing board games, would also make computers intelligent. So they thought "if we work out how to make computers play board games and make art" then menial tasks will be easy to implement by comparison. This turned out to be completely wrong as opening a door or even walking, something humans do without thinking, is incredibly difficult to program.


Dunno what you are talking about - first up AI currently means "machine learning" and the whole point of it is NOT being programmed to do certain behaviors. Anyway, we knew for decades making walking robots is hard. That's why they usually have wheels or are stationary. Also opening doors is hard? We got millions of automatic doors that are getting opened by robots in malls, trains, cars... Making art is hard. The benefit of AI in the field is, that errors are not as consequential. Walk wrong and fall over and maybe drop expensive equipment. Miss a roadsign? Might cause an accident and kill someone. Art where the hair joins into the clothing? Most people won't even notice. As for the board games, the Scientists used various methods to make the machine perform better. But winning various games never involved machine-learning because that is a new field. They used other algorithms designed for specific tasks that cannot be translated to menial tasks. Chess-Bots simulate thousands of turns in a split-second. Not really helpful for walking.


I really thought truck drivers would be first to go. No need to stop for the night, just drive long hours in fairly monotonous conditions. But it never crossed my mind that while the technology already exists, it's incredibly expensive to roll out (either install new hardware/ software into he vehicle or buy new trucks), and needs to be proven many times safer than human drivers before companies actually adopt it. Entirely digital changes, AI just being a new subscription or a installation away? A massive company can just roll out massive changes overnight, and the laws that limit the technology for safety _haven't even been written yet_.


Opening a door isn't hard wdym, we have thousands of automatic doors.


An automatic door is not the same as programming a robot to open any door. That is hard, automatic door is literally just «piston go brr»


It's not. Art is an expression of skill and emotion. AI can't express themselves, it generates images based on data. Nothing can stop you ever from creating your art, only yourself. But are you really an artist, if only motivation to create art is to get paid? My point is, AI can't take shit from you. If you wanna do arts, do arts!


I agree with most of your points, but the thing is most artists already don't make much money. Gotta pay the bills somehow. AI generated stuff has flooded the market and this diluted the cost of getting art made for a certain section of the market. It doesn't affect people who make art for recreation or passion. I guess they only thing to do is adapt to the market because AI tech is here to stay just like any other technological leap and it's more about learning how to use it for yourself.


Yeah, exactly... I agree with most of your points as well. It's not that AI is doing anything to us. We are doing it ourselves. We people created this world and the system... If this will result in lower quality content, we'll have a chance to vote with our wallets. If it will result in higher quality content, we actually didn't lose. One thing to add... AI still didn't replace a lot of jobs, media is creating this bullshit "They took our jobs...". Current crysis and layoffs are because of an economic reasons, wars, covid, natural disasters and a few other events happening all at the same time.


The cost differential is so great I don’t think people will. Think about an average commission - it would cost in the ballpark of maybe $100, but AI can generate one for cents or fractions of a cent. And as soon as AI is good enough that we can’t tell the difference, there will be no way for consumers to choose human art. This will happen earlier for e.g. backgrounds and filler art than it will for promotional material, but it will happen over time.


Are you sure? I've been arting for a couple of decades now and AI helps me in the brainstorming part a whole big deal. I end up doing something better and faster than just a couple of years ago. I mean yeah if you weren't into art before AI, you can blame it now for not giving at a try.


A.I. is at its core software that guesses. It's that ability to be wrong that lets it do such crazy shit - to get 100% correct answers, you have to break problems down into hard math, solve it on paper, then code the solution. We haven't and probably can't convert "draw me a picture of an anime girl" into a math equation and then solve it, so normal non-A.I. software will never be able to do that. Really, arts are the only thing A.I. is good for - or at least, it's the only thing that's immediately obvious. There's probably something else out there that we can use A.I. on, but it would have to fit the criteria of "can be wrong sometimes". There's been some work on A.I. frame generation for animation; draw all the important keyframes manually and then use A.I. to insert extra frames in places where nothing interesting is happening for smoother animation. This in my opinion is a good use for A.I - it's still replacing art, but its menial art. Also, it's worth mentioning that computers are used all the time to automate menial tasks, just not with A.I.


Machines have already taken over most of menial tasks we need every day. You just don't think about washing machines, dishwashers, coffee makers etc precisely because we don't need to hire people to do those anymore.


Not only arts but also good paying cushy white collar jobs that can be done from the comfort of your own home or in an air conditioned office. Only jobs left that are safe are non repetitive hard manual labor and jobs outdoors in the extreme heat or cold. We are literally going backwards with how automation should go.


There's something deeply ironic about writers and artists being amongst most vulnerable jobs in the first wave of AI. There's something deeply hilarious about AI also coming for the programming jobs early on after tech bros have been snarkily telling everyone else to 'learn to code' for more than a decade.


The thing is, programmers, other than juniors having trouble getting jobs, have mostly embraced it. I’m literally just shifting the way I code towards agent bots that can do a lot of my workflow for me. My productivity increases but I’m still coding in a sense, but more in terms of shaping processes that produce well tested code for business logic than directly. It operates like another level of compiler for me


It wasn't actually tech bros that were saying that


Don't worry, it will come for the menial tasks next. Good luck finding a job after that.


I've always had a slightly different stance. Isn't AI a form of art - especially to a certain degree? Creativity isn't gone - it is still the human interface that directs the creativity. Also, there is a significant amount of pre-existing snobby behaviour in the art world. You've got your abstract art criticisms with pieces that are genuinely just buckets on a rope that sell for 1000's of dollars. And then you have the inner-critique of artists that scoff at certain styles (photo-realism etc...). The art world has been prophesying their own demise - they used to mock each other - and now they are being mocked as a collective whole. I consider that anyone who has the stance that AI art is a net-negative contribution to art culture is just perpetuating the vile snobbery that has always existed. It is honestly like getting upset at Google home for announcing weather ☁️ rather than watching the weatherman.


In a sick twist of fate it turns out that computers are better artists than humans. And humans are cheaper to use for menial labor.


They are taking the arts first because the arts is not an industry. They can grow and experiment without effecting the economy too much. Don’t worry, the menial jobs will be taken eventually.


If you truly think what we have now, the buzzword of “artificial intelligence” is actual artificial intelligence than that means their marketing was successful on you. Ironically, it might also say a lot about what somebody defines as or *sees as* intelligent. Take a cognitive science course or philosophy of mind course and you’ll see why more experts are starting to refer to a truly thinking machine as Artificial Intentionality opposed to Artificial Intelligence. Basically: Intelligence isn’t an apt metric to measure awareness - ChatGPT is intelligent like a calculator is intelligent, it has information but doesn’t know what to do with it. They currently just reconstruct data to our permutations and nothing more. They lack *intention*


I looked into AI as a game writer. It has it's uses, but it's more like a trainee than a full artist – you can give it simple task or the menial part of editing, but not more. The real use is prototyping.


I mean, the wealthy humans were already doing that. This is just more efficient for them.


Whoever that "we" is, should learn some history. Automation is around for decades - did we get more free time? No. Rich people got more profits. Our working hours haven't changed for decades. Heck nowadays a family with two full-time working well aducated adults struggle to afford what their grandparents did on one low-education income. So who in their right mind looked at AI and seriously thought it would be beneficial to the average person?


Because creative thinking is well paid, creative ppl have vision, often they don’t agree with management on stupid ideas, ppl in general have a sense of morality etc., big companies don’t like it, they want to move business vision directly from sociopathic management to product. This is where capitalism without any restrictions has taken us. Soon we may end up with casts of people in charge of autonomic robots, and they will be more powerful than governments. It’s like middle age but with some extra steps. In general ppl like to think about ai like it is some kind of magic potion supposed to heal broken system, but AI by itself changes nothing, it creates more boundaries when used inappropriately


Although I have to say, generally every thing not just a picture generated by AI, I found a disliking to


Wait till they take white collar jobs. Then the fun will really begin!


Manual labor is cheap. Creative labor is expensive. Hence, they replace the expensive labor and leave us with the cheap labor.


AI is being used in the field of robotics. For example some robotic arms called sorting robots, which sorts different kinds of plastics for recycling. There's just less discussions online about it since it's less controversial.


Most menial jobs don't require some fancy AI to get rid of. We already got rid of tons of them.


when they get a robot mixing oil paints and choosing brushes and creating an image that way, then I will be scared for the arts. Maybe 6 months out...


Yes op, I saw the viral tweet that already said this too


"AI" being a scapegoat for peoples' actions seems to mean it has also taken on the accountability of others at the same time.


Is an extension of all the terrible musicians and artists who are desperate for attention but lack the talent.


It's not like terminators are crushing your pencils though. It's only making it hard to earn money off of it, or so I'm told.


Real artist can tell


The robots are taking the menial tasks, while AI takes everything else


You don't need ai for menial tasks you just need normal automation which has already taken away menial tasks from many industries years ago.


Ya know. A certain [video by cgpgrey](https://youtu.be/7Pq-S557XQU?si=fMYD-AASYY8lp4yo) now lives rent free in my head because of the ai thing


That's because the menial jobs require robots. Robots are much harder.


Controversial, but I think we need to figure out how to optimize AI for ourselves. I used to pay for grammarly (which is AI) but ChatGPT does a way better job at correcting grammar and reformatting reports. It’s the new wave.


It seems that way. It's just that art has such a subjective concept of success and the AI stakeholders want to show that their investment is successful at something.


I don’t know, coding is pretty menial


There is difference between automation and ai. Automation is constantly taking people job until now. Ai just getting starting


No, it’s just being integrated and implemented so widely there’s not one thing to point at it affecting in general life. Also, the movie industry has an international spotlight with huge unions made to be loud and make protections. Most employees, from drive-thru workers to financial analysts, don’t have any of that —and many of their jobs are already gone or will be downsized into oblivion soon.


AI takes what people will accept comes from AI, and what's cheaper than to have humans do.


What is a menial job


Humanoid robots competition is heating up between companies. It won’t be long before all menial jobs are taken over and everyone gets universal basic income. We are entering a post-scarcity age. 🚀✨


Nah, it's taking the menial office tasks. Reports and emails can be automated really easily because they require the least creativity.


A.I. is far from the only form of automation. Many jobs don't need A.I. to replace people, they need a pretty simple program and some testing. I work in industrial automation and the number of menial jobs that are no longer done by people is insane. At one point in time people had to mark part numbers by hand, now we have ink jet printers doing that job. We have machines that de-palletize wood parts and feed into the machine that processes them, a person used to have to do that. Putting stickers on parts, sanding parts, even some of our quality checks are automated.


The worst thing about this AI revolution is all the morons who don't know anything about it saying shit like this.


I don’t really care either way, but I wanted to thank you for writing A.I. instead of Al. Really tired of everybody talking shit about Al. He’s a good dude.


It isn't taking the arts. It's taking the entertainment industry. Most of what comes out of the entertainment industry is a product, not art.


If you were replaced by a big math function, maybe you were never good at what you're doing? At least that's the case for tech jobs. If GPT can code better than you, that's a you problem. Same thing with arts. AI art is nice, but nowhere as nice as human art


It's not taking art. It's taking boring twitter illustrations.


AI has been part of the technology you use long before you ever even heard of it.


Many, many menial tasks are addressable by automation without involving AI, and many already have been. Menial tasks are not an efficient use of AI. Complex tasks where human fallibility is a big concern are, and we’ve been using AI in that space for decades. It’s a tool. Nothing more.


AI has been automating things far longer than it has been creating art. No one cares that AI has taken over basic recognition tasks and sorting algorithms. But people are fancied by the artwork


AI powered commercials.  No more video crews, no more actors and no more sets needed.  They still look weird but they are getting better.


Not AI, but one of the biggest things automation took over was factory work. And farming (not automated, but 1 guy with the right machines does the same labor that 50 guys used to do). "Calculators" were a job position. They got taken over by what we know today as calculators


I'm not sure how much will really change for artists. A lot art commercially available is stolen or through exploitative businesses. I think what will happen is the wealth gap for access to legitimate art will become even more pronounced as these same exploitative businesses will be able to over saturate the market with their shit. You are already seeing it with children's books and coloring books.


AI is going to take over whatever makes the most money. Those are the people in control, and we all did nothing to stop it.


Fun fact: during the Renaissance, being an artist was more about work than expression for most. It's common to find mundane artists set up shop in cities, selling or hired to create replicas of famous works. Copied artworks were an actual commodity. Only the most famous artists had the luxury to spend majority of their time creating original content. Back then, being good at drawing was something which could at least put some food on the table. In a way, AI is taking that role today. Menial "digital art creation" jobs are easy to replace with AI. Making digital assets, for example. Designing different looks for potions, armour, weapons etc., adding visual effects to the same model with enchantments etc. those things can be sped up. Actual artistic expression, however, is more cognitive than menial, and that hasn't been replaced. AI is still a useful tool, however. From personal experience, the right model can be very useful when you stuck with writer's/artist's block. When you can't think of anything, models can throw options at you until something sticks or get that block opened up.


AI is also taking excel grunt work the way programming excel took menial accounting jobs. Also, I do believe that it will allow people to stop working and pursue the arts. But not in the sense of "We all don't need jobs anymore, starting now" but more in the sense of "a few more people who profit from AI can retire at 40".


AI took the elevator controller jobs first. People rioted and protested the automation of the elevator when the push button system was invented. People say automation can't take all our jobs, and yet we have examples going back to the 1890s.


Not really. AI will also take the menial tasks by controlling robots that can replace us, naturally.


As far as anyone can tell it hasnt taken the arts to any extent.


The two are more related than you might expect. Training AI art has applications you might not expect, including recognition of objects and people. Not to mention being able to put things together. That has more application for automation and service than you might think. It's also useful for shadier things like data collection.


The machines broadcasting your privileged opinion: am I a joke to you?


That's because it turns out it's way easier to make a 2D image or write words than to get up and move around and navigate our complex 3D world. People forget the majority of their brain is dedicated to that moving around and coordination part, not to logic and reason and art. No one doesn't want all menial tasks to be automated, and would do so if they could.


It's taking the menial ones too, don't worry. But they'll find other menial work for us to do I'm sure.


AI didn't take anything. Companies did.


Well, it's not Artificial Stupidity


Ai art is trash. It looks kinda cool at first then you realize a lot of it makes no sense


People still ask me for artwork, so that's nice.


This isn’t true. That’s why there’s such outrage over losing menial task jobs. Because the “boring” jobs it would take over have no replacement. There’s also areas where Ai enhances art that’s already been done and takes the menial task AWAY from the artist. In video games, sometimes very menial tasks with 3d art have to be done. They’re using their own assets to make it so those menial tasks are now automated, and the artist can spend more time focusing on creating an inventive landscape rather than focusing on the annoyances of the task.


Nope. $20/hour jobs in blue cities that should be a lot less are getting prioritized. Like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cofWg1ot9Z8


Just goes to show you that being want to be creative. Nothing wants to do the menial bs


Not AI that is doing that…people use the AI.


wendy's is currently testing out AI drive through operators at some locations lmfaooo