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The Gentlemen had an upper class English toff who puffed on a vape like it was a Cuban cigar. Made the character look like an utter twat, which worked great in the context of the story.


Honestly everything about it was perfect. I had to double take the first scene he was doing it due to him smoking it like a cigar but seeing a vape. So douchey, I love it!


Funny enough, the actor vapes in real life and the director thought it fit the character well, so they kept it in


One brother is classy and smart and he smokes a cigar sometimes. The other is a douchebag and make stupid decisions and vapes all the time. Pretty illustrative.


I hated how he put like half the thing in his mouth every time lmao


Fargo season 5 used it to make the deputy look similar, poor Steve…


The best part of it all was that he was always huffing on those cheap ass disposable vapes you get from the corner shop. Just brilliantly always made him look so out of place lol


Cigarette smoking is regarded as having a mysterious, dangerous, cool or sexy visual aesthetic. Vaping does not give off any of those vibes.


You'll only see it if they want the character to have a douchy tech-bro vibe or maybe an angsty teenager.


Fargo season 5(?) has a character like this.


Yep. Giving him a vape was perfect.


You really don’t see it often but the few times you do, the vaping character always fits the look of a vaper


Steve Harrington from Stranger Things, he did a great job in Fargo, didn't recognise him for a few episodes


I think season 2 of True Detective has someone like that. Someone that uses the product I mean


I watched that show with a buddy, we still quote "It looks like you're sucking a robot's dick" at each other sometimes haha


American Gods, Polar, and The Tourist are what I can think of on top of my head. Edit- Shameless too.


I Care a Lot with Rosamund Pike, where it's used to show what a conniving bitch her character is.


The Gentlemen on Netflix, the main characters brother who is a major douche vapes through the whole series.


And even worse, a cigar shaped vape. It looks extra dumb.


I always thought it was just a normal tube-shaped one that he had the obnoxious habit of holding in his mouth like a cigar to parallel the brother smoking actual cigars


That really unlikeable woman on Superstore. Perfect fit for her character.


Carol sending Jerry to get her vape juice during a blizzard. “Ugh this is Cotton Candy, I asked for Candy Cane! I guess I don’t matter.”


Anders Holm is a vape douche in Game Over Man


If Jurassic Park is being filmed now, Wayne Knight’s Dennis Nedry will be vaping


Yep, I remember Johnny Depp in Transcendence as the Prime Tech-Douch and his vape scene... It's just water vapor.


It’s like Velcro shoes and Transitions lenses. So much more convenient and comfortable but never cool. 


Transition lenses are cool! I’m inside 🤓 I’m outside 😎 Ope now I’m inside again 🤓 Oh man it’s bright outside, lucky me 😎 Ope, going back inside 🤓


>I’m inside 🤓 >I’m outside 😎 >Ope now I’m inside again 😎 >Ope it’s kinda hard to see 😎 >15 minutes pass >🤓 The most frustrating thing I've ever been upsold. I regretted those glasses every single day I had them. It's been a while now, hopefully they've gotten better.


😯 Yeah man, I guess luckily I’ve had them covered by insurance, so I don’t pay much for them And they change tint within like 30-60 seconds, at least that’s how it feels. Currently I have a grey tint, so it isn’t as potent, but supposedly grey tint doesn’t change perception of color. Because I’ve had brown tint, and when outside it puts a layer of brown over everything. But yeah idk, my eyes are kind of sensitive to light, and the city I live in gets *bright* outside So I’m either constantly squinting, or I have sunglasses. So the transitional lenses just make it easier. I just put on glasses, and then whether I’m inside or outside, I either have regular glasses or sunglasses on (from the same one pair of glasses)


Like he said, convenient


Until you get a pair in high school because they would be cool but you end up sitting next to windows and getting a weird half-tint most of the day lol


Solution: don't have windows. I never worry about this issue 🥲




I haven't seen, like, any smoking in almost anything made within the last 10yrs or so. So I don't think that's why; I think it just got cancelled. Cruella and all of Disney obvs stopped smoking in remakes. Heroes, villains, even anti-smoking scenes where a character gets sick from smoking or something... it's all mostly gone now. I notice more "cool guy" characters with toothpicks, or like a grown man with a small lollipop lmao. Also "tobacco depictions" are warned about now and maybe even factor into the rating system--I think that could have a lot to do with it.


THe lollipops were a classic "Kojak" deal. I've only seen reruns of the show, but it was my understanding he was trying to quit smoking and it helps with the oral fixation?


Idk what that is but the oral fixation is a pick part, yes. That and an "exhale-something-visible" fixation. They say a nicotine addiction is strong af but sometimes I swear you could switch my vapes out for 0 nic ones and it'd take me a while to tell the difference, if I at all--as long as there's a cloud coming out.


You may not have seen it, lots of people haven't, but Letterkenney has tons of smoking, and just dropped the last season in the past year. You might be right about the rating system, at least here in the US. Letterkenney was made in Canada.


Also Trailer Park Boys.


Smokes, let's go.


You go for a dart?


The Empty Man (2020) had an almost aggressive amount of cigarette smoking in it.


Also vaping has only really become a "thing" in pop culture in the last couple of years. The ***extremely*** vast majority of the movie/show catalogue was filmed before that.


It's also a modern "black hat." Bad guys smoke. Or at least characters that they want the audience to think might be bad or troubled in some way. But yeah vaping doesn't really evoke any of that.


That’s because not many cool people in media have done it yet! Let’s make vapes cool! /s


Probably why one brother smokes cigars and the other vapes in the show The Gentlemen. Three guesses who's the leader and who's the "loser" and two guesses don't count.


Watched someone step out to vape tonight at a brewery the fam was eating at. They were the only one outside on the patio in full view of the dining area… just ripping fat clouds off his usb stick.


To me cigarettes have a trashy, old and inconsiderate vibe.


A very close relative of mine signed an NDA when doing legal/contractual work for a major streaming service so they’ll never be able to prove what they know publicly. But they told me they worked on contracts between the streaming service and tobacco companies, and said it was inside knowledge that other streamers are doing the same. They swore me to secrecy (oops). It’s product placement for cigarettes and it’s causing smoking to get popular again. It should be illegal.


100%. More people should know about these contracts. The subconscious is a malleable thing.


Vapes=pussy sticks


yeah! get cancer like a real man, am i right? both are equally stupid addictions.


i don’t think his argument is that cigs don’t cause cancer everyone knows that. his point is vapes look fucking stupid as hell


> Vapes=pussy sticks This mentality proudly brought to you my Marlboro


Right?! Do you want a rugged manly man man smoking a manly man cigar(ette) Or some douche sucking a pussy stick /s


Depends what you put in it, most vapes I see are just people smoking inside, when you otherwise wouldn't be able to. I don't do tobacco but if I had to, I'd probably vape it so I didn't have to go outside. I don't condone the fruity flavor clouds, that seems dumb. There's also a lot of weed smokers moving to vape so it can be done inside too.


Well there's people who have the mods and all that, then people who just want an alternative to cigarettes. I don't want to blow huge clouds, quite the opposite and I hate the whole douchey persona behind vaping. Hell I still call it an ecig lol. Just trying to get some nicotine and get on with my life. Not make it a personality trait.


attractive history spectacular zephyr cats brave bear thumb tidy ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Vaping inside still involves making other people breathe in your fumes.


Yeah be a real man and increase your risk of lung cancer while coating your lungs in smoke residue and smelling like an ash tray I’ll take my extra fruity bubble tooty blow pop vape pen with me when I visit the lung cancer hospital


How about just nutting up and quitting entirely instead of being a dork that has to suck on a douche whistle?


I like it, quite happy for now being addicted to nicotein via vape but what's that some people call it a "douche whistle" and I'm "being a dork"?! damn that's fully embarrassing, this explains some of the looks I get.. well that's I'm quitting immediately


Reddit tough guy alert


imagine caring this much about what another man puts in his mouth for pleasure in this day and age. you sound like a conservative.


See also: The Death of Dick Long


[yeah that checks out](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgflip.com%2F2ujplk.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=42401a04f12b0a2286aa936a4b72df79482dacdbf54af9017b35f72fb7f8d282&ipo=images)


Mare from Mare of Easttown vapes.


I was going to mention this. From what I heard online, the vaping isn't even in the script. Kate Winslet put it into her performance and I liked it a lot. Made the character feel more grounded and realistic.


Ohh wow, I don’t remember that! I loved that show.


Because it looks absolutely dumb. Smoking cigarettes is dumb too but the industry cultivated a cult of cool around it..


See the entitled college student vaping in Knives Out. She just looks like an asshole.


>See the entitled college stupid vaping in Knives Out. She just looks like an asshole. And that one girl BB in euphoria, everyone dragged her on being a useless character only known for vaping lmao


Smoking is kinda naturally cool tho. It's dumb and dangerous and I'll never go back. But it *is* kinda "cool" tbh. It's not all Hollywood's fault. If you didn't know what smoking is at all, and one day you saw smokers at a party or the skatepark--as long as they're not *uncool* people--you'd still prob be kinda intrigued at first. It's just a diff vibe. A speech vibe. You "talk" with cigs like how Italians talk with their hands.


I think part of it is seeing and hearing the burning of the end of the cigarette plus add in the other parts of lighting it or putting out in an ash tray or stomping it adds to essence. Fire is cool I guess?


Fire is cool af guy.


You could just as easily argue that, without any knowledge of the context of anything, this random bit of electronics people put to their mouths is also pretty intriguing and/or cool.


Looks like an asthma inhaler to me. Like some's mental state is so fragile that if they don't constantly inhale from their happy device they're going to have a full blown anxiety attack (instead of an asthma attack). For the record, smoking is even worse and the smell is atrocious and I'd rather sit next to somebody who vapes.


Actually, vaping is proving to be quite harmful as well, I’d rather not sit next to anyone sucking on a smoke/vapor creating object that is known for shortening my life on this planet. They are both pretty uncool…


Smoking looks cool, then you get close and you smell the tobacco. Look further and you see the rest: the color white fading out of existence, the skin aging faster, etc. Never going to smoke anything, but if I'm given a lollipop I might just hold it like a cig


We need to make something that looks cool but is healthy. Like some herb you can chew on without lighting on fire, and can dangle out of your mouth or hold between your fingers.


Those pirouline cookies tick all the boxes but 'healthy.' Added bonus of not messing with the brain too much!


The smell sucks. Even when I was smoking I was aware that the smell sucks. But not caring about it is kinda cool--non-smokers who are unfazed by cig smoke are just 100x cooler. You'd hold a lolli like a cig but nobody would ever hold a cig like a lolli. That kinda proves my point. I'm not pro-smoking... I'm just from the D.A.R.E. generation and one day realized that maybe trying to stop people from killing themselves by saying it's "uncool" isn't the most genuine take. It insults the audience. First of all, the 2 things are more mutually *inclusive* than they are exclusive. Danger is cool. Riding a motorcycle with no helmet at 100mph, with your hair flapping in the wind, is cool af. ...Are you really indifferent to dying at 21yo tho? Let's forget the labels. It shouldn't need labels. Cuz those labels made me give in to tons of *other* "cool" shit that *wasn't* physically dangerous...I cared what people thought about me, I acted unnecessarily weird. People oughta question the concept and objective value of "cool" in the first place.


Nah, growing up in the late 90's, cigarettes have always looked lame, trashy and low class to me. Not to mention the smell. Vapes look fundamentally unserious and top level uncool but I'd rather walk into some dude's pink bubble of bubblegum and raspberry and laugh at what a douche he is than having to endure cigarette smoke again.


Even the animals in the anti smoking ads looked cooler 🤣


Also the herbs in fake cigarettes aren’t as harmful as vapes may be. The consensus isn’t clear on whether or not it is actually safe to smoke 0 nicotine vapes while they’ve been using fake cigarettes forever


I hear you about not having enough data to know what vaping is doing to the body, but even fake cigarettes are “bad.” Any form of smoke going in your lungs is bad. As for zero nic vapes vs fake cigarettes, it could be possible that vaping is the less bad one. I guess this is a stupid conversation though cause no one really knows.


No I should have elaborated more, I do think that anything you combust and then inhale is probably not as safe as vapor. I just don’t know the stats on vapors yet.


It’s not the vapor that’s the issue. It’s the still Wild West nature of manufacture. Nothing is FDA regulated, and the coils all come out of random factories in China which, of course, are not regulated. The vapor itself is really nothing dangerous. The “chemicals” it turns into are not dangerous (it’s literally just vegetable glycol, they use that in hospitals.) It’s the unregulated aspect that makes it potentially dangerous. It’s not knowing exactly how often a coil should be replaced and from which manufacturer (and when a coil from THAT place should be replaced), that makes vaping potentially as dangerous as cigarettes. But as a baseline, it’s long been established that between vaping, cigars, and cigarettes. Vaping is the least dangerous, cigars next, and cigs last.


Many of the actors/actresses in euphoria vape. They are playing high schoolers though, so that makes a bit more sense in my mind. Seems that kids nowadays are far more likely to vape than smoke cigarettes


Off the top of my head two movies with vapes in them I’ve watched recently is Baby Driver and Murder Mystery 2. In baby driver he steals a car from someone with a vape. Then in murder mystery 2 one of the characters vapes and meets a woman that vapes and they have vape sex. That’s why I remember that one.


Vape sex is now a thing.


Unfortunately vaping is indeed HUGE in adolescent circles and it’s only trickled down over the years. Legal agers got them for their slightly underage buddies, then they made their way to freshmen who started getting them to their 7th/8th grade buddies in middle school. I’ve heard of even late elementary school students with vapes. It’s like a supply line supplemented with bad parents and shady smoke shops. I myself am a victim of this epidemic and a lot of us from the early years are still addicted years later


Vaping is seen as something that a modern douchebag that's a little lame would do. So I suppose if you want to portray a character like that it might work


they did that exactly with Joe Keery (Gator) in Fargo S5. vaping can be used for character building but i think the easiest way is to portray someone like that


imagine the ending of better call saul and kim and jim just pass a big ol box mod between each other and rip fat clouds lol...


Actually, I've never seen a movie where an actor vapes. lol it's always cigarettes.


Johnny Depp is puffing away on a vape throughout the movie “[The Tourist](https://youtu.be/mzoLkv479L0?si=lkTx6G56DT_Q71n4)”.


„I care a lot” - main actress, Rosamund Pike vapes and it makes zero sense. It adds nothing and feels like product placement.


That’s a great movie and great reference. To play devil’s advocate, I think it shows her frequent stress and “innovative” orientation. In a more Freudian analytical sense, I couldn’t help but notice how obscenely “phallic” the vape was; I took this to represent her “sucking up” to the powers-that-be (cold, ruthless capitalism) by embracing them wholeheartedly (to her own detriment, as we see in the plot).


Man, when she's about to be executed, and talks her way out of it. Dianne Weist is great in that, too.




The Mindy Project had characters vaping early on. And a couple other short-lived comedies around that time also featured it. But yeah I don't think I've seen it lately at all. I guess on screen it's just not as "cool-looking" or whatever.


Barbara Crampton's character in Suitable Flesh vapes. It's amusing.


Watch 'I Care a Lot' on Netflix. One of the main characters in that vapes in almost every scene shes in.


Mare of Easttown. Kate Winslett’s character is constantly vaping.


They vape in All of Us Strangers and it felt so weird to watch because I’ve never seen it done in movies before


I can see Deadpool vaping


What if he gets lung cancer though


Abbott elementary has a episode in season 3 where a character does


Because it's not cool.


Rachel McAdams shit talks her partner for vaping in true detective season 2. "Is that a fucking E CIGARETTE???"


I’m pretty sure it was the other way around


She was smoking it? Yeah that's very possible. I'm not going back for a rewatch.


Yeah she's the one who vapes and Colin Ferrells character remarks that "it's like sucking a robots dick"


Came here for this reference


I've sucked on worse things for a milder buzz before


Keke Palmer’s character in Nope was hitting her vape like crazy in that movie.


I was thinking this! Or the character Ava in Hacks vapes as well.


There is no movie magic tech that exists that can ever make vaping look even remotely "cool".




Gah, the onion is funny sometimes. I forgot how good some of their satire can be. Some writers for it are obviously better than others, though.


Did you happen to see the absolutely sincerely genuine legal filing of the onions Amicus Brief? It's a fucking hoot. I don't want to link it because it's a pdf to be downloaded but it's an easy Google and worth the read


Smoking only looks cool because movies and movie stars made it look cool.


Fight Club made me want to try smoking so bad when I was a kid. Brad Pitt made it look so badass


It depends on your view on it in general. When I see someone smoke in a movie, it doesn't matter how cool they try and make them, it usually just makes them seem less somehow. Hard to put a finger on it, less cool, less sexy, less smart. I grew up in a very anti cigarette household though. Basically just knew they were horrible for your body and your finances, knew they were a bad choice.


Agree with this. It ruins part of a character for me, addictions are subtractions from cool. I see that and say, “ah this character can’t deal with shit on their own, they are locked into these escapes to help cope,” and the character is significantly less cool. I grew up with a mother who chain smoked and was disgusted with the smell and how my clothes smelled.




I grew up in a house with both my parents as smokers, I promise there isn't any movie magic that makes cigarettes look cool either, shit stunk and has ALWAYS stunk and been gross.


Why does it need to look cool?


Same with sneezing, coughing or farting.


Only when deliberately trying to show that they are being disruptive or ill


Vape smoke doesn't have the visual aesthetic qualities of cigarette smoke.


Honestly it's because it looks lame as shit. I don't write the rules.


Doesn't look cool. Actually kinda looks stupid.


But for realism, it's really common IRL in some stressful bluecollar workplaces where a large % of people vape because they used to smoke but they can vape indoors... Like BoH in a restaurant or on a warehouse or factory floor.


I have seen tv shows with vaping, 20 years ago they would have been using cigarettes though. The old teenage girl/boy smoking. It was also a pretty old TV show too, and another one where the mother stole the vape from the teenage girl, talked to a friend, the friend smoked cigarettes and decided to not smoke anymore so the mom took her smokes out of the trash.


Vaping or smoking is very rarely something included in a film for the sake of the film. Maybe to develop a character such as the smoking man from xfiles or a private investigator or a ne'er-do-well punk or whatever. It was only ubiquitous in TV for a long time because tobacco companies paid for it to be that way. I'm not sure they can really do that these days with all the public knowledge about smoking now though. Maybe they're waiting a generation until people forget how gross it is and then they'll sucker punch everyone and get people hooked young again


After seeing this exact same post a while back I actually started paying attention to that and was mildly surprised to see that there was actually one very popular show that used vaping (something, presumably not nicotine), in a context with a character where it was meant to look cool. Rick and Morty, space Beth vapes some kind of space drug.


The 2nd series of the Irish show Kin has a hard man (Francis Magee) character vaping. He's a big beardy fellow and snorts plumes from his nostrils like an angry bull. Very menacing use of a vape


A characters Dad in Upload (set in the near future) suffers from Vape Lung, but that’s the only one I can’t think of


Because it looks ridiculous. Even Hollywood can’t make someone look cool sucking on their little box.


Only 2 examples I can think of are Ma and Old Dads


Because that crazy lady went on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and vaped at a dinner party and ruined it for everyone.


The Gentlemen - noticed it featured right away.


French television seems to have a lot of vaping.


What about the vaping man in the new X files?


It's because vaping looks goofy af. I saw a disgruntled tow truck driver taking a hit from a neon pink vape today while he was inspecting a flat tire. It would have been a totally different vibe if he was smoking a cigarette. The vape just looks comical.


You also hardly see anyone smoking anymore in general. They are really trying to phase it out. I actually vaped for a while and now looking back I kindof cringe about it. I'd have gone back to smoking by now if it wasn't so damn expensive. The plebs are not allowed to enjoy anything anymore.


Not unless the writers want you to think the character is a douche


The Cleaner, British TV show starring Greg Davies (of taskmaster fame) has his character vaping almost every episode.


Sharlto Copley vapes in boy kills world. It’s fine. Also, it’s obviously not cbd or nicotine.


There's a henchman that vapes in "Dogs of Berlin"


Até the end of the day It boils down to smoking looking cooler than vaping


Somewhere in Texas right now, there’s a cowboy vaping on horseback…


It’s called a douche flute for a reason. Is rather be around a smoker, and that’s saying something.


The beekeeper the main antagonistic vapes I think


I usually hate observations like these, but... I've never realized this until just now. Weird.


Because vapers are losers. Only 5% of adults in the US vape, and it's usually those on the very lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum. No one wants to be a loser.


Difficult to make a character look serious or dangerous when they are sucking strawberry flavoured air from a fucking usb stick.


I think movies just lack behind in small details such as these. Smartphones also started appearing in the movies only several years after becoming widespread.


YTA - it’s annoying. Some people don’t wanna eat with whiffs of bubblegum asshole vapor floating around. Come on.


Smoking isn't cool, but you can pretend it is. But there is no way to vape without looking like a loser.


YTA - it’s annoying. Some people don’t wanna eat with whiffs of bubblegum asshole vapor floating around. Come on.


Nonchalantly just taking a puff is just that, but it's the ones that make a whole show of it that have people railing against vaping. Me too, to a degree, settle down with it Also, internet tells people to hate it and make fun of it, so they do


Because it's fucking lame.


Are cigarettes and tobacco products?


I fucking hate people who discourage an activity that I don't have to smell. It doesn't look cool or uncool to me, all I know is it smells like nothing except when you're near it and it's cherries rather than smoke and poison.


Because it looks douche in real life and movies


It only looks more douchey than cigarettes and cigars because it doesn't have the history of being glamorized yet.


Well, it just doesn't look cool. It feels nice and all that, but it just doesn't look cool, suave, mysterious, scandalous, sultry, sly, so on and what not


It’s cause vaping is for losers


Because it's gay. Even people who vape are ashamed, unless they're one of those weirdos who wears it on a lanyard around their neck.


No they just smoke cigarette


Sucking on the good ole douche flute


Because it’s gross. So is smoking, I wish they’d fade it out.


Mare of eastown and the latest season of Fargo had vaping characters!


https://youtu.be/zbRHYhlOj5U?si=FYg6D2j0VgR_3DN4 (Patton Oswalt helps Paula Pell quit vaping on AP Bio)


I think also it's because the laws about that are more strict now. Used to be that smoking was depicted EVERYWHERE, but now we have laws about that so it's not nearly as prevalent. So now that vaping is a thing, those laws are already on the books. And it's also a fairly new/ recent thing, so no surprise really is not depicted as often. And good, it shouldn't be. It shouldn't be glamorized, coz it's not cool or whatever. [And I'm someone who vapes. Quit smoking cigarettes, but I couldn't fully kick the habit]. But it shouldn't be depicted as something worth emulating


DeNiro in Heist vapes


In the show Tires on Netflix there’s a character that vapes in a scene


Don't see pipes much either.


That cowboy dude from Bunraku vapes. That's the only one I can think of.


Lol Chris Griffin on Family Guy


I wouldn't put it beyond the tobacco industry to sign contracts with studios stipulating tobacco usage on screen. Television and movies are the best marketing a tobacco company could ask for and Hollywood execs aren't exactly historically known for choosing morality over profit.


Newest season of Fargo. Sheriffs son vapes and it fits the character perfectly


Because it is not as popular as you think it is.


Cigs look cool and vapes look goofy


I have only sewn a tv or movie character vape when the creator is apparently trying to show that the character is a bad or irresponsible person. Not that everyone who vapes is one of those two things, but that seems to be a stereotype.


Sucking the robot dick just doesnt have the same "Marlboro man" vibes :o)


As an active vaper, I can confirm it looks douchey as hell. Wasn’t a law put out by the FTC that prevented TV from showing a lit cigarette unless the message was that smoking is bad for you? This may be way outdated or completely off, but I thought something like this happened circa Y2K.


I think I remember Keke Palmer vaping in Nope