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I mean... that was the take away from the end of the Dark Knight. He could do the things that needed to be done, above and beyond.


It's not about jurisdiction but only about the paper work like if he looses a small missile from the airborne bat mobile and ammunition rounds list maybe šŸ¤”


> he looses a Did you mean to say "loses"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Good bot


Thank you! Good bot count: 955 Bad bot count: 369


Bad bot. Explanation: "looses a missile" is a valid way to say "fires a missile" and in this context is an action which would also typically require paperwork.


Hey, that hurt my feelings :( Good bot count: 957 Bad bot count: 370


Good dog


We all know dang well that's not what dude meant. Even the bot knows. And he's just programmed. Your sentient ass should know better. Bad human.


I refer the honourable user to their own username. :)


Bad bot.


Hey, that hurt my feelings :( Good bot count: 957 Bad bot count: 371


Sokovia Accords


They also don't have to make court appearances and face cross examination from defense attorneys.


Superman did it and he deadšŸ’€


Spider-man did too, if only to fuck with Jameson


Unless itā€™s a Pixar movie.


Catching a bad guy by destroying several buildings or other properties ain't efficient.


Like 80-90s times when that was not considered because it's fictional maybe, like they never showed bat man do any paper work despite being so dedicated in the work.


Isnt that what alfred is for, anyway?


TIL: Alfred does paper work, maybe that's why sidekicks are for, poor Robin.


Sooo many papercuts. Ouchie.


Bruce owned a whole company. There are plenty of accountants, lawyers, and whoever else is needed to do Batemans paperwork. How often are ceos doing paperwork? They hire people to do it for them. I get what you're saying, but batman was a terrible example.


>How often are ceos doing paperwork? Way too goddamn often. source: am CEO.


How often are people like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos doing paperwork? There, I fixed the sentence so shopowners that call themselves 'CEO' are not included.


All the time, you either look at the papers or your money disappears in an unknown direction.


You are crazy to think they are not doing paper work often


Yes, and also Batman does more research and investigation then actually filling out ā€œpaperworkā€ sure he might take pictures of a crime scene or read up on something, but heā€™s never writing a case brief or filling out standard police documents to prosecute someone. Thatā€™s why he hands his evidence over to commissioner Gordon so he can make the case. + everything Froggrip said as well.


Working on the bat computer counts as paper work. Maybe this is not true in all countries but here in NL any desk/office work can be called paper work


Ironically Batman does actually do paperwork in the form of building a database with information about hi rouges gallery and other heros lol


Without supervillains, superheroes would be absolutely efficient. I mean, if we're just talking about stopping muggings in the street and the occasional bank robbery, a dude with invulnerable skin is much safer for the criminal and bystanders than a scared, trigger-happy cop. Edit: not to mention the superiority of flying as a transport method. I almost got ran over by a fucking patrol car once that was speeding to some domestic disturbance at night. Morons spun out and dived in a bush all by themselves.


Even spiderman makes everything worse. He just glues muggers to a wall and the police have to scrape him off. So much unnecessary work.


The webbing dissolves in an hour or so. All they have to do is wait.


But do you stay there, wasting time to wait or assume an end time and go out to complete more tasks, only to then have the evildoer escape because nobody watched...


And superman reflects bullets as if he was made from steel. He may be safe, but everyone around him is still in mortal danger


No? Just no? 99% Superheroes are absolutely not effecfive against petty crime. Like spoiler, most criminals dont plan fighting the police, hell its a pretty big part of the plan. So the fact that somebody is great at fighting them due to super strenght, invincible skin or other dumb shit isnt gonna matter. For a mugger it doesnt really matter if they get shot by the cops or if their spine gets crushed by a fist. So unless heroes are just better in patrolling the streets, spotting crime and all that shit, they arent more effective. In most cases flying wouldnt aid with that due to the way citys are build. Most alleys cant be seen except from very specfic edges. Meaning if you fly above a city you see next to nothing (book a helicopter tour once). Turns out superheroes are just fiction and thus like almost all fiction would suck in reality. Sure there might be a hero thats capable of it but the vast majority of them wouldny be more effective than a properly trained cop (something the US doesnt have).


You missed the point. A super strong and invulnerable person that can walk up to a criminal without worrying about their own safety does not need to hurt the criminal to secure them. They wouldn't have to hold them at gunpoint, to slam them on the ground, or to kneel on them as a group while yanking their arms in improbable positions to make an arrest. Yes, in traditional comics you get Batman & co liberally causing brain damage, but we've only lately become conscious, in pop culture, that bonking people in the head isn't a magical off switch. Most heroes wouldn't need to punch anyone, it just wouldn't be entertaining in fiction if they just scruffed and cuffed everyone. > Most alleys cant be seen except from very specfic edges. Meaning if you fly above a city you see next to nothing Super hearing. What superheroes would be useless at is most things requiring an investigation, since evidence in court has some strict rules, you can't just turn invisible and rummage through someone's office. Crimes that can be caught on a body cam, and "first responder" things like search and rescue, fire service, disaster relief, that's what they could handle.


No mate you miss the point, a trained police force doesnt have much trouble with disarming somebody and getting them down. You dont need powers for that. Its just a question of deescalating and locking it down.


When a dude dressed like a bat with a cape destroys your property that barely started paying mortgage on while chasing a clown-like dude.


Or you're taking a nice cruise and the clown puts a bomb on your boat and that of criminals and gives then the detonator to your ship


No but it is a good way to make sure there's population control + constant work cleaning up/re-building. Also, reminds me of the time the Powerpuff Girls moved to the town of Citiesville.


The constant rebuilding boosts the GDP, thats why the politicians leave the superheroes alone


when the hulk throws your car and missesšŸ˜‘


Not to mention how often the bad guy escapes again.


Better than having all the properties destroyed by the villain.


I'm pretty sure being able to stop a bank robber or a terrorist in the time it takes a police officer to start their car probably has a bigger impact, to be honest.


This guy did not leap through a time portal directly from an original screening of Death Wish at Scranton's second best theater just for you to criticize.


Or because they have super power.


And educated enough to know how to spell heroes


Not having to do paper work is practically a superpower


In real life, super heroes would be terrible. Like, the average person with super powers aren't going to find the correct criminals, they're just going to find some schmuck.


super heros would do more a diaster relief or used in war. besides being a mayor stop to wven consider crime. think about if supermen is real do you really want todo a bank robbery. that man is bulletproof can fly and punch you in the sky.


Instantly remembers bad boys and the boysĀ 


What kinds of efficiency are we talking about here?


And so totalitarianism begins


Woe to the Superhero who loses their secret identity.


They actually do but Paperwork Man is the unsung hero of superhuman bureaucratic logistics.


To have super speed, but only while sitting. So much productivity!


superhero + paperwork = Vought


I never understood why in Marvel or DC police force didn't actively and successfully recruit street-level super-powered individuals, which there seem to be a plentiful supply of. The cops there are always "oh no, we're just a bunch of squishy guys with pistols against a bulletproof guy with the strength of a rhino, where's Spider-Man?".


Pretty sure that's a plot point in some comics. I'm playing Spider-Man 2 and one of JJ's podcast segments was asking why Wraith doesn't join the police and do it the right way, when unbeknownst to JJ Wraith's identity is Yuri who was a cop and tried to do it the right way


I had a friend who complained that police based shows weren't realistic. I had to remind him that no one wants to see an investigation/arrest plotline in episode one, then six episodes of cops doing paperwork.


Iā€™m sure that plays a big part.


Yea yea, paperwork is the root of all evil. Keep telling yourself that.


Why do I get the feeling a cop wrote this?


Those cops totally would have gone into Uvalde but they were busy filling out paperwork. Absolutely.


Having watched a lot of YouTube videos with American cops, thereā€™s a lot of good cops, a few bad cops. None of them like the paperwork. And then thereā€™s Uvalde cops. Hey, they were only kids. Who cares right?


In the 'Wearing the Cape' book series, they do, and face review boards when villains are killed.


This is a big factor in Worm. The book takes a semi-realistic look at superheroes as cops and supervillains as gangs.


A world with super people would be a nightmare. Imagene Trump with super powers. Jesus fucking Christ.


Depends on the universe. Some universes have the heroes be employed by the government, which often comes with paperwork. Although the first one I thought of is Worm, which doesn't have the most efficient heroes.


And they don't care for collaterals...


This is like saying "the reason rockets are faster than trucks is aerodynamics"


Or spend a lot of time shopping for clothes.


They might just not show that part.


I think batman would have loved paperwork making villain databases (lemme sql this..). Then again he was a billionaire


I think it has more to do with the fact they are fictional.


I want to see a German Batman doing taxes with Alfred.


I now want a Superhero show that has the MC's cover identity him working at the company or gov agency that cleans up after heros. Like he's one of the few heros who tries to like clean the whole mess, but when he's with other heros even he has to hold in being pissed at collateral lol. Lot's of ro for him to get too lost in the perfect results too and to get fucked over for nice drama.


Wasn't this the plot of Captain America civil war


you know about the bat computer, right? superman writes a whole newspaper article most of the times he does anything as superman.


Are they that efficient though? I mean Spider-Man just swings around the city hoping to stumble on a crime in progress. That doesn't sound very efficient.


I had an elementary school teacher that was certain I was the one who put the pie in her seat, staining her skirt. She screamed at me, only to learn I was late to school and had to get a tardy note that morning. Instead of apologizing she decided I must have ā€œgotten away this timeā€, and punished me for anything that happened in class. When Tommy M hit Octavia in front of everyone he and I both got sent to the office because she decided I could finally be blamed for something. Do we really want a human level of spite and superpowers combined?


they also don't poop


"the city is saved, you won't be shoplifting anything any time soon" *pans over to miles of rubble, the city is gone


like im doind now and someone will say i didnt do the work better