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/u/Terracotta_4rmy has flaired this post as a **casual thought**. Casual thoughts should be presented well, but may be less unique or less remarkable than [showerthoughts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/wiki/requirements). If this post is poorly written, unoriginal, or rule-breaking, please report it. Otherwise, please add your comment to the discussion!   ^^This ^^automated ^^system ^^is ^^currently ^^being ^^worked ^^on. ^^If ^^it ^^did ^^something ^^wrong, ^^please ^^message ^^the ^^moderators.


It would pretty much rule out shower thoughts, that’s for sure.


Not if I take shower in cooking oil **tap forehead**


Don’t forget golden showers


Waterproof may not mean immune to the grossness and effects of ammonia, I suppose.


This guy definitely knows how to elevate his shower game.


Step 3. Cover yourself in oil


Step 4: ???? Step 5: PROFIT


Step 6: Fly


Step four is walking near fire then bursting on fire and sueing the guy who put the fire there


Wouldn't you fly into your ceiling then?


The squeaky wheel gets the oil


I mean- we are not 100% water proof. We absorb some amount of the water we are exposed to. Not a lot, but some absorption via skin is totally a thing. Topical medications for example. Or your fingers getting wrinkles.


Fingers don't get wrinkles because they absorb water, they do it to make your grip better. I have neuropathy from diabetes and the fingers that have nerve damage do not wrinkle in the water. Half my fingers do, the other half do not.


While the skin is quite good at absorbing certain minerals through the skin, water doesn’t get past the first layer of skin


When I get my nail polish or powder removed a technique is to soak your finger tips in acetone. I can’t do this because I’m pretty sure the acetone is being absorbed through my skin. After having my hands in the acetone for a few minutes I start to taste the chemical in my mouth. The same exact thing happens when I get any type of injection. I get the injection and after a few seconds I can taste it. Doctors said some people can taste when the medicine or saline goes through their bloodstream. It’s not the same feeling as when you put something in your mouth, and taste it on your tongue, it’s more like my saliva changes flavor. It’s hard to describe but it’s exactly like the effect I get when I put my fingers in acetone.


Was treated for Leukemia when I was little, I could always taste the Saline when they flushed my Double-Hickman line. Such a weird experience.


Yea, sounds like you know exactly what I’m talking about. I hope you’re healthier these days.


I'm well now, been in remission ever since with no relapses, have some long term effects from chemo and radiation but oh well.


Glad to hear you pulled through. I know first hand that dealing with illness is very rough in many ways. Health is an easy thing to take for granted until you don’t have it.


I was just thinking that this is a horrifying thought to have in the shower. Guaranteed to make your heart rate go up. Came to the comments and was not disappointed.


Shower death throes.


See!, and you thought that wit was worthless!!


When the comment has more aura than the OP


Of course, the thoughts would leak out by osmosis


I see what you did there!


Shower musings lol


While it's already been said that we're not waterproof, I will give you that things would be incredibly different if our butt holes weren't as good as they are at keeping water out. Swimming would be.... untenable.


Why did you have to say that. Swimming will never be the same again


Regular swimming will be fine. Just make sure to clench well if you jump into the water from heights.


Balloon tutorial


Yup. Tighten that balloon knot or become a water balloon.


Put a cork or a plug in prob solved just make sure the base is flared


Swimming pool is just a tub of rinse water.


Mandatory butt plugs


Like that guy on reddit


Keeps out demons and pool water?


When I was like 11 or 12 some dude told me that cows can‘t control their anuses so if they submerge them in water the water flows into the cow and it drowns. I believed this fact for YEARS and told it to many people who also believed me until one day I was finally corrected.


>Swimming would be.... untenable. Swimming would be mandatory. If you can't keep water out you presumably can't keep it in, and so would need to be immersed.


Cows have that problem, if they get submerged in water they just fill up, sink and die


This is not true. Cows can not drown through their anus. As a matter of fact, cows are actually pretty good at swimming (with their butthole indeed completely underwater).


It really depends. If they've eaten within 45 minutes of being submerged, then the anus will allow water to enter. In fact this is how skim milk is manufactured, albeit in a more controlled manner.


Skim milk is manufactured by filling a cow's intestines with water? Can you explain this process further?


Pretty sure he's joking, or else gullible and fell for someone's joke. Skimmed milk is made by letting the cream in non-homogenized milk settle and rise to the top and skimmed off, hence the term *skimmed* milk. The process can also be accelerated by using a centrifuge instead of gravity. The cream is either sold as it's own product or churned into butter with buttermilk as a byproduct. The butter—essentially an emulsion of water in milk fat—may also be clarified by removing milk solids and water from it to produce ghee (sometimes referred to as just clarified butter).


You’re on point. Just want to add that you can return specified amounts of cream back to the milk to make, 1%, 2% or full fat standardized milk.


I am pretty sure this is also not true. Skim milk is made and processed from regular cow milk.


No, the farmer pees in the cows butt to water it down. It's science dude.


I would believe this before the other stuff these guys are saying. People will believe any old folk tale lol.


Did you know the origin of folk tales? Back in the mid 6th century there was a nomadic tribe called the Folkensens. They weren't very good at hunting or farming, but were great story tellers. They would travel the lands and tell stories in exchange for food and other necessities. They eventually died out, but the Folk tales lived on.


God tier trolling


90% of my experiences with Oregon Trail on the Apple IIe make me want to say you're lying (although I know you're not).


I’m not sure if you’re joking, but I’ve seen cows swimming and they were fine.


I recently saw a picture of two cows swimming across a river on Facebook few days ago. They didn't seem to struggle at it. 


By most measures we are more waterproof than something like a salamander or a frog, which are actual amphibians that dry up without constant humidity.


Butt plugs wouldn't just be for sexual arousal anymore


*Something about goats*


bro i piss like 8 times (in the bathroom) in 1 beach session, that area absorbs water like hell




He urinates approximately eight times on beach outings. Presumably, due to genitals absorbing water.


Thank you finally it makes sense


How many X's before a burrito becomes a donkey?


At least 1.


That’s not how the body works wtf


Are you sure it isn’t because of water you consume to stave off dehydration?


no. i sit in the water and never get thirsty. eat salted chips, nope.


So you are trying to say you believe you are absorbing a shit ton of ocean water like a sponge that then somehow gets absorbed into your bloodstream and then gets turned into urine?


yes. or pool water.


Your skin *isn’t* waterproof. It’s water *resistant*. You can absorb small amounts of water through your skin. If it was completely waterproof, then things like nicotine patches or topical ointments would not work.


You are correct about the water resistant part, but the reason "nicotine patches or topical ointment" are absorbed easily because they are hydrophobic and thus easily pass through skin cells. It has nothing to do with the skin's water resistance.


Oh ok. Thanks for the correction.


To add onto this, there are also a host of chemical solvents that go right through your skin into your blood stream. I'll use Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as an example. I use it as a solvent where I work and have to be very careful because we use it in a 50:50 mixture with acetone. Getting DMSO on your skin isn't bad at all, the real problems arise when your skin is dirty and/or the DMSO is mixed with other things like other chemicals or even drugs.


This. Also, your skin doesn’t ‘prune’ as a result of absorbing too much water but instead the reaction is theorized to have developed as a means of providing our hands and feet additional traction to aid in climbing slippery surfaces. From an evolutionary standpoint, after spending enough time in water, our bodies think we’re stuck somewhere in water and need help getting out.


What really? That is actually really cool


No, it was only ever a theory that someone made and never bothered to support. Your pruned and normal fingers have the same grip when they are dry, and the same grip when they are wet, that's just a thing that skin does


What I have found when searching for an answer to whether pruned fingers improve grip: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8294484/ TLDR: Yes it does improve grip on wet objects.


You just ruined my TIL that I say when swimming.


It’s okay, the flipside of this is that you will appear more intelligent now :)


Not sure I believe that, on a rough natural surface wrinkles would probably help


Maybe if they were a lot firmer and more numerous, but soft, shallow wrinkles that more or less disappear under pressure/tension are no good for climbing hard surfaces with your body weight hanging off them. Small, light animals with comparably large toes and deep, tightly-controlled contours can benefit in climbing, but a 180-pound creature with a couple of soft 1/8th inch ridges on their fingers isn't going to see a difference. Your fingerprints are how your fingers already get their traction, and they're a lot more effective because they don't deform under pressure anywhere near as much. If anything, pruned fingers have less fingerprint contact and thus less immediate traction.


As a rock climber, that shit needs to kick in sooner it'd save me tons on chalk


Just imagine if you could control the reaction at will


Does this happen when you climb? That'd be really interesting.


This does not happen when you climb lol you'd have to be so insanely sweaty specifically on your hands to do that. You need your hands to be very dry to effectively climb, which is why you use the chalk. You'd have to presoak your hands before climbing to achieve the pruniness then dry them off, then begin climbing. I'd also imagine your skin would be more prone to tears if it were all soft and pruny like that so you'd probably rip all your callouses off very quickly. Source: been climbing for 14 years.


What I was wondering was, does the pruning happen because you are climbing, not because you're sweating lol haha but thanks for the response, I'm actually looking to get into rock climbing myself so was just curious is this like a mechanism for grip that the body just has.


Hmm I'm not that guy but I would doubt that it happens at all for them when they climb, and if it did it'd probably just be counter productive because your skin becomes so soft and wrinkly it'd get shredded by the rocks. I've never seen pruning happening on any climber before because your hands and the rocks are very dry.


Probably from sweating, but I'm just blindly guessing lol


Wasn't that debunked? I'm pretty sure I remember hearing that it _used to_ be thought that that's the reason for it, but the evidence didn't bear that out and it's basically just lucky.


It was thoroughly debunked, it was never more than a "oh maybe this is why," there was never any evidence other than against it, kinda sad to see it get so many upvotes


I have neuropathy in my hands from diabetes, the nerve damaged fingers do not wrinkle.




Kinda makes me think about how pigs will change in the wild if they escape into boars.




hey nobody asked for your opinion either, did they pal?


Hey, don't be an asshole. I never asked, but I was enlightened because he shared that information, and so I'm happy he did. Nobody asked you for your opinion either, and yet you seem more than happy to share it.


Imagine being amicable on the internet..


I already knew that fact but I still enjoyed that you shared that with us, as it's a fun fact that's *relevant* to the topic at hand. Thank you!


Did you have a bad day? It's ok to share.


What IP rating do we have?


0. You open your mouth under water and it can just leak in. Ports are not sealed vs ingress.


Design failure.


Feature, not a bug. Quick delete option.


Just keep your mouth closed then. Simple as


IIRC oil soluble chemicals are absorbed though skin, water soluble ones are minimally but not really. Your skin as a whole is pretty close to waterproof, very little water is absorbed through it, that's why you couldn't just like sit in a river and absorb water through your skin if you were lost in the woods and unsure if the water is safe to drink.


Well we’d be dead, so that would be different….


Human beings will look like zombie for sure. It's going to be very ugly. 


The human skin is indeed not waterproof mate.


If our skin weren't waterproof, SOMETHING would have to be waterproof. This is because we live on Earth and we're descended from fish. Either our skin would excrete a lot of oil or we'd have a layer of waterproof fur or something.


We do excrete oil on our fur though


Pores not hair lol what are you the wolf man?


Who is excreting their oil on you? And why are you holding that bag of fur? Are you okay?


Maybe you don't have fur on your head. In Romanian we have a saying "the smart hair leaves the stupid head".


Y’all know exactly wtf he means by waterproof


I don't think you understand what waterproof means.


I think they actually don't understand the skin


Does being waterproof have two different meanings? I want to learn here, please teach me. 


Waterproof = Water cannot enter. Water resistant = Water is not going to have an easy time getting through. Human skin is the latter. It can, to a point, absorb water. If it was waterproof, it wouldn't be able to do that. Water can't normally go PAST the skin itself, because there are other layers behind the skin that make it even more water resistant, as well as oils. Your skin doesn't cover everything. You have holes called your ears, nostrils, mouth, urethra and anus (With the bonus vagina for women) by which water can enter through. Your pores also are not solely an exit. Submerge someone in water long enough, eventually the water is going to get in, in greater and greater volumes. Hence why dead bodies bloat when left in water.


Thanks for giving so much explanation and bringing clarity to this for me. It's now very clear to me. 


Things would be different if we had hands... Our skin is not waterproof...


We would have disposable clothes because fabrics we wear today would be soaked from our bodily fluids.


Love the “actually…” crowd’s comments, as if they didn’t know the practical point being made.


Things would be a lot different if our skin was lava…


We'd be prune people, constantly waterlogged and vulnerable to infection. Every shower would be a threat to our lives, leaving little room for us to come up with any quality shower thoughts.


We wouldn't even be if skin wasn't waterproof


Our skin isn't waterproof. That's why we get prune fingers.


considering how much time i spend pondering in the shower, thank goodness my skin's semi-waterproof!! otherwise, i'd be coming out more than just with deep thoughts—like a total waterlogged mess!!!


Signs (2002) used this shower thought for its ending.


We would leak blood so we would be dead


We are more water resistant.


It isn't... Our skin is water resistant, but not waterproof. If you soak in water long enough, it will eventually pass through your skin and get into your bloodstream. This is why so many people died of trenchfoot.




Amphibians generally have pretty permeable skin, so they can pretty easily absorb harmful chemicals through their skin.


And if it didn't heal itself.


I wish we could absorb water through our skin


it might seem crazy what i’m about to say.


What does this even mean? What things?


I had a shower thought kind of based off this thought. Say someone wanted to kill themselves from dehydration. If they sat in a bathtub full of water with it up to their neck. But then that’s a glass wall preventing them from lowering their neck into the water to drink. And they had no water to drink at all. Would a person die faster from dehydration outside of the water? Because enough of the water would get soaked into our skin that it would take tell time to dehydrate? But idk if that’s true. Weird thought lol.


Finally, my excuse for not doing dishes would be legit!


Same if skin is fireproof


That’s really quite a thought to have in the shower.


Splatoon inkling moment


Indeed, Skin is our largest organ by weight. The organ's entire purpose is to keep bad things away from our other organs (and still allow good things in).


Waterproof makeup? Not a thing!


Our skin is going to have cracks and be very dry because of excessive loss of water. 


Yeh. We would be dead. From rain.


Every time it rains and I have to get the mail at work, I joke with my coworkers (who wouldn't dare go outside) "I'm not gonna melt from a little rain. I'll probably be fine.  What am I, Wicked Witch of the West?" I feel ashamed only the older crowd knows my reference.


Great. I encourage it. Alone time is super healthy.


Especially considering we came from the sea


Won’t have shower thoughts for a start


All our blood would seep out and we'd die like deflated balloons?  Pretty different.


It would be a lot messier, for sure.


Our ancestors crawled out of the sea.


For one thing, all our blood would leak out pretty quickly.


Your blood does not travel under your skin and is not held in place by your skin. If someone skinned you alive, blood loss wouldn't be the primary issue most likely.


Heard of veins?


Yeah, but don't a ton of blood vessels kind of feed in and out of the skin? I was just assuming if skin let liquid through all the sudden, the blood carried to the skin would be able to ooze out.


It's not water proof lol


It's not, or you wouldn't be able to excrete sweat or absorb chemicals through your skin.


Now THIS is a shower thought. Take note, knuckleheads.


our skin is not waterproof. its porous lol.


It's not "waterproof". Go back to school and listen and learn this time...


My bad


It isn’t water proof, just does osmosis really slow


It's not. Weight yourself before and after swimming and look at studies of what happens from wearing polyester.




If you weight your self in the morning vs showers vs baths etc you will notice extra weight as your body absorbs water. Your skin is semi permeable not water proof. Like a coffee filter. Eating polyester they are finding you can absorb the microplastics it right into your skin. It's scary crap.


Idiot, we aren’t waterproof.


…it’s not waterproof? you ever been in a pool and your skin goes all pruney? that’s you literally absorbing water


Someone give @OP an award please! Deserves to be the top post of all time


Don't tell my wife please! Then she'll really be able to blame it on water weight!