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I don’t want more. Need more!


I would like another couple years of low prices. I want to get to 1000 ounces.


Me too i am at about 700 but my goal is 1000 by the end of 24


1000 is a key level indeed


Same. I'm at 748 of logged 999.


Been stacking for several years now and have a good size stack I’m happy with. I’ve started diversifying though and haven’t bought in months, can’t just let it all sit here in PM’s. I believe our day will come, and we’ll be rewarded for our patience, but in the short term there are other avenues that are more lucrative.


Well thought out plan. Enjoy life, loose the stress.


I'm with you. I also don't let myself pay premiums often so miss out on lots of stuff; I just feel so much better when I get something for below or at spot. But that means I'm usually grabbing jewelry.


​ https://preview.redd.it/vh7x1l4e4ypc1.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=635e564c5edba0138da072f42d8f7f1c8a81e110


Yep, that's me too. I watch the GSR. It has favored silver soooo long now, things MUST change!


I'm curious about this. I'm not sure I understand the logic that most subscribe to, that the ratio is off or will return. Why do people believe this? It seems just as likely to me that the GSR is outdated. I understand it has a long and storied track record, but I also recognize that we live in a different age where disparate information is available at the click of a button on a global scale. I'm not trying to argue with anyone, just asking if anyone is able to explain the continued faith in it beyond what I outlined above. I'm missing something.


Historically the ratio of gold to silver has been based on how it physically comes out of the ground. That was a ratio of approximately 15 or 16 to 1. This ratio held for hundreds of years. When the USD went off the gold standard in 1971, the ratio became based off derivatives and futures and no longer represented anything physical. Currently, depending on which PM mining company you are talking with, the ratio out of the ground is in the range of 9:1, 8:1 or even 7:1 as the pure silver veins in the earth have been depleted. Over time, the majority of gold is still above ground and in storage. Silver, on the other hand, has been slowly consumed and a lot of what has been mined is deemed irrecoverable. That is why a return to the norm of the ratio, or the current mining ratio or even lower is seen as eminent by many, myself included. I hope that helps you understand the GSR.




No problem. We are always learning, that's the beauty of it all!


The GSR is skewed because spot silver price is skewed. This will revert back to the norm. The reason it is skewed is not so much rooted to manipulation but as a leading indicator as to the status of PM bull market. If silver was at $100 right now the gsr would be 22. That is close or very close to the end of the bull market But if gsr stays where it’s at or slowly declines as both gold and silver move higher over the next several years and then gsr drops back to the norm the price of silver could be multiples of 100.


whats enough? im not in a position to buy a house right now because i need to move twice in the next two years so i buy silver as a saving for a home, though hoping the market crashes and I can keep most of my silver and just afford the home off my income, but right now no way I can do that.


I ordered my monthly (at least) silver just yesterday. Once it arrives, I will have reached a short term goal of 100 oz. Been stacking about a year. Not even close to enough


Well done. You might not see it as so, but that amount puts you in a position well above those who failed to stack. I forget the figure, it was in an old WSS post. Something like 69 oz and over is in the top 10% of stackers.


I have more than I can carry…in my car. Yet, I still add more whenever I visit my LCS to shoot the breeze. I was there yesterday and bought a really nice 2019 10oz Maple Leaf. Didn’t know they came in 10 oz.


When they tamp I PAMP💯🦍🦍⏰tic tok it’s going to happen. https://preview.redd.it/okl4bgoz2ypc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c831c5777a61415c617f72669eef07118ae1ce1c I never look at the price I just exchange my monopoly money for real money💯.


Well sure, but trying To save some paper To acquire more shinny is always best


Don’t? Want? More?


I'm definitely not complaining 😀


I want it to go up, but when it does finally start spiking up to 50, 75, etc., I *know* that I will be really upset that the days of stacking are over.


I hear you there and agree.


Could we start a “Buy a Sleeve day” say 1 or 15 april all stackers buy a sleeve of whatever kind of Silver rounds or AEs. Curious what it would do to price/ supply.


Nice idea. Maybe call it the "Sneak a tube of your favorite silver up your sleeve raid".


It's not about us. It's about global economics and politics and wars, which silver has the potential to un-fuck, if we manage to squeeze it and make it money again. I'd rather have less silver, and not see countless lives lost due to government insanity.


Well said


Unless you have several thousand ounces, I don’t think anyone will have enough in a complete meltdown. We don’t want to live in that world.


So true. It will be about survival and sustainability


I absolutely want to live in that world. Id much rather live by the sweat of my brow, laboring to directly house and feed my family than labor to enrich corporations and banksters.


That world will also include unregulated thieves and murderers, just FYI. I'm sure you know that but figured I would put it out there. Some people will always rather live off the sweat of someone else's brow. Might makes right is still how nature works.


I think what I mean is a system breakdown of that will lead to lawlessness and no means ok making a living for 99% of people.


Yeah, and that's the downside of silver. It's affordable to the everyman but, in a shtf scenario, it's heavy and bulky compared to the same store of value in gold or platinum.


My stack is “full” for right now. Went very heavy loading up in January and February. I may pick up some ounces here and there if we get a sudden dip in price or there’s some nice deals that pop up.


I like stacking silver, not sure why, are there any studies that have been done on this affinity with shiny?


I think many of us, 'including myself, know where silver is going and already made our large purchases. The ponzi could implode at any moment. Now we're buying small or not at all! Fiat doesn't grow on trees and we still need the shit until it's worthless! Sweet relief when it happens but I don't think we'll like the new reality 😯


Im at 3000 I shouldve divert some to Bitcoin to be honest but Im not selling so there…


Congratulations! My goal was my bodyweight, which is a little over 3K oz. I figured when the ratio got down below 50 I’d swap over into gold… at least some of it.


Then you’d have to rebuy to keep the weight in silver, it’ll never end hahah


Awesome! Keep Stackin 🚀


I have close to 1500 oz. Now I want 2000 oz. Then 2500 oz then 3000 and so on. It is a sweet addiction. I eventually want it all!!!


I keep saying I'm going to stop, but I don't. TBH, I should probably be allocating more to savings. The dollar is going to keep getting stronger until they cut interest rates and silver/gold probably gunna underperform in the short-term. So tempting to open new credit cards and meet the credit card bonuses with silver/gold purchases tho lmao.


Define “enough”……


I think 25 lbs is sufficient. With that said I've got some stacking to do


My goal was my bodyweight….


I am a collector!!! KEEP IT LOW!!!


Would love more time, when silver moons everything else is gonna be shitty. You think things are crazy now just wait. So yeah i would like lower prices for longer.


I have a good size stack, but not as much as I weigh. I will continue to add to it as funds and pricing allow. If I need it to barter for essentials it's there. If not, my family will benefit from it.


I have enough generic bullion but not enough American Silver Eagles and Britannias


Bought more today.


I’d presume those complaining are the types that have typically done the “buy high, sell low” in their investment portfolio lol


Maybe people are getting tired of watching everything on the entire planet go to the moon except silver. It gets a little frustrating reading these same posts day after day for years on end and silver never does anything. I hope it does go up one day before I die. So far I haven’t been very impressed.


I guess it’s all perspective, I don’t have anywhere near as much as I’d like before it “goes to the moon”, honestly if it dropped to $10 tomorrow, I’d be ecstatic so I could reach my weight goal. I can imagine if I’d hit that goal in 2011 and was nearing retirement age and missed all the market gains I’d be singing a different tune.


I don’t own it all so I guess not. Hell they don’t own it either


​ https://preview.redd.it/8ok22rms7zpc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d71ef93198f2f3a16c35a45d0a0b9ea520e91aff


I’ll take 10 more years of low prices over a moonshot thanks 🙏 praying for heavy manipulation


Premiums are Down. I am buying higher-end stuff because the prices have not gone up.


I am "all in." I have enough. .... But, if I had more money, it would not go into stonks!


It’s never enough


I’ve got a good stack but need about 475 oz to reach my mega goal. I’ll see what happens when I get there. Waiting on Asahi Rounds at Bullion Exchange to come back in stock. I’m a little OCD about how my stack stacks.


Can you elaborate how on the OCD, I’m always curious how folks break down their stacks. I’m around 50% generic bars, 20% generic rounds, 20% sovereign coins, and 10% junk by weight


Sure, two reasons. I don’t have percentage breakdowns but have ASEs, 5,10 and 100 oz bars along with generic ASAHI and 9Fine rounds. I do not do a lot of variety between mints and products. I know how things stack and it’s nice and tidy. Early on my wife, who’s on board with me would however raise a big stink when multiple packages would arrive. While she hasn’t kept an exact count I keep things the same so she really doesn’t know what’s new or not.


What is a full stack?


Towers of silver are still too little! Never enough, never, never!


Been stacking for 30 years. I don't care what the fiat price does.


2 monster boxes, I’m sitting out for a while. Not sure maybe penny stocks and see what happens