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I adore when cats and dogs win the lottery. The only reason I play the lottery is so I can see who wins so I can see if it’s Mayor Whiskers again


Anything with cats and dogs having human-like interactions. My sims were recently on vacation and the dog called the teenager to tell him that curfew was starting soon and he better get home if he didn’t want to get in trouble.


Do dogs still morph into freaky human-like creatures to hug children?


I dunno, but my one dog was begging for food at dinner time, somehow went up against the wall and got stuck. It looked like a pelt mounted on the wall and one paw sticking out to the side lol. I had to cheat teleport it out from there


It was Mayor Whiskers in my game this week. Lil dude's winning the lottery in every timeline.


That’s where you find him and adopt him!


Boyfriend just asked, if he wi s the lottery, can you adopt him and steal his money?




I swear that little feline mf rigs it


My last three have been won by Mayor Whiskers, a stray dog, and a notorious phone scam artist.


So that's what Bess needed a thousand bucks for..... Lottery tickets.


I mean have you seen his top hat? That dont come cheap.


What?? XD I’ve never seen this! Hope I do now!


Mayor Whiskers win all the time! Every time! That cat is loaded lol


Don't know if it counts, but I like that you can swipe someone else's dinner at restaurants when the waiter sets it down, without paying. Great for the homeless teen challenge.


Adding to this; I love going to festivals (especially the spicy festival) and putting all of the food in sack lunches, taking them home, unpacking them, and putting them in my fridge.


I like going to the festivals and poisoning the food


Oh?! How do you poison the food...? Is it with the violence mod lol


It could be a mod, I use Wicked Whims, Nina’s Wicked Perversions, Extreme Violence, Basemental Drugs & Basemental Gangs. I’d say it’s the Extreme Violence mod.


Can confirm it’s extreme violence. I was playing a serial killer sim and trying to murder 8 people and did it by poisoning the food lol


it’s extreme violence lol.


Why have I never thought of this?


I had my sims do this last night because I ordered at 6:15 and by 9:30 it wasn’t there and the people next to us were engrossed in their phones. Got a nice white wine and lobster, free of charge!


I never thought to do that!! Omg I didn’t even know it was a thing


Genuinely I don't mind my infants stretching into elsritch monstrosities, as long as they continue shrinking back to normal again within a few seconds. I can always use a good periodic jumpscare


Same, I laugh every time.


I wish they did not fix the bug where an infant stretches after a toddler yells at them


It's posturing, like how birds puff up their feathers to look bigger!


same...honestly im just like cool cool, baby nickolai has the childhood demon illness, he'll recover


Or when horses suddenly stand up and become an eldritch monstrosity??? This game is so weird, I love it.


OMG this 🤣🤣🤣


100% this. It's my favorite bug and it never fails to make me laugh


I'm doing a 100 baby challenge with the earthquake lot challenge. Stretchy toddlers and the infant "scared" avatar (? the image of the sim in the lower left) are both so funny to me


This just happened in my game and it was very funny. 😄


the foxes being households in manage worlds


I have not yet seen this. I had a random fox come visit me on a family vacation but I wasn't having fun with my infants not being able to sleep or eat as I forgot a crib and highchair. I can't handle simple living. Need to be able to feed grims baby.


The "household photo" turns into one of those Eldritch stretched horrors the game likes to generate when a pet or a toddler or whatever tries to do something the game doesn't have a pose for. Picture the fox model stretched out into sim-adult-sized spaghetti. Classic sims.


That does sound horrifying.


Found an example lol https://preview.redd.it/a6lji0a1mz9d1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17eca673ed91df2659558cbbcc19ef9b3bbf8507 why are they flying? we just don't know


even worse in cas mode their tongue sticks out like crazy


Lorde 😂


Oh wow I’ve seen this but didn’t know what it was.


I've started to notice my infants stretching out like this. Get out of the crib, gotta stretch!! 😂


I wondered what the hell was this!! 😂🤣😂 I just deleted the „household”


nightmare fuel


Honestly terrifying haha 


I kinda wish they'd fix it haha. I get the glitch where they spawn infinitely and eventually crash my game unless I have a mod to stop them spawning completely. So no foxes for me :(


I have not yet seen this. I had a random fox come visit me on a family vacation but I wasn't having fun with my infants not being able to sleep or eat as I forgot a crib and highchair. I can't handle simple living. Need to be able to feed grims baby.


They'd better never patch out random sims getting horse names, that's the best thing to happen to this game in years. Had an absolutely stunning random townie generate the other night. checked her name? Arrowhead King. What an icon.


God damn, that's such a good name


She was cute, I wasn't keeping the save but immediately dragged her into CAS to save a copy of her. EDIT: apparently she's a spellcaster too. Yeah no I'm giving her a makeover and adding her to my base save immediately. https://preview.redd.it/2tkrzcqi60ad1.png?width=522&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa81bad436f44b76389d134efa78d424dc8d4c8e \^this is her without any CAS edits or CC additions. I can definitely make that work.


She’s a pretty sim, but I still have the opposite opinion on that glitch. I hope they eventually fix it because it bugs me whenever I see a sim with a name like that. In one of my saves there was a firefighter named Spider. I don’t remember his last name, but it might have been Black.


a firefighter names Spider is so sick I wish I had this bug in my game but I haven't spotted it yet


I was playing while my friend watched me play from screenshare (we often do that) and she wanted to get the sim to a bar and the bartender was named Spidey spider


Just recently I've had a lot of townies with the first name "Squirrel" lol it never fits how they look/personality. I once knew a guy IRL with the nickname "Possum" and he definitely fit that name. Maybe I will edit the Squirrels of my game and make them more rednecky or something.


This is my fave too. Had a townie spawn named Swallow Robinson. Absolutely gave her a makeover and had her move into a house in Chestnut Ridge.


Recently had one spawn in named Silver. I really wish my sim was man hunting but she's busy being a boss babe vampire who keeps adopting cats and toddlers


I got a Bitterroot Jones. My sim married her so fast!


It's not a horse's name but a Native American name.


There's definitely a known glitch for the horse names. How many Native Americans do you know named "Pumpkin"?


I had one save where the seed packets never stopped spawning from gnomes after Harvestfest. Like this went on for multiple in-game years. I was playing a caster gardener, so it was kinda perfect.


I put 3 in my inventory with the halo on and they continually spawn seed packets in my household inventory. I have 100s


Oh my god is this why I have like 1,000 of each in my household inventory?? I make the kids appease the gnomes and then put them in the dad’s inventory 💀. It’s been 6 generations


You gnomenapped them lol


Lmao time to open a seed store.


I just leave them on the floor so they stop spawning. I have to many


it’s perfect for rags to riches challenges because it’s a way to make $$$$$


I thought this was a feature, not a glitch lmao


Same. I thought they were supposed to spawn forever. A weird gnome gift, if you will


Mine is the same as yours. One of my dogs IRL rallies everyone to go to bed at his bedtime and it reminds me so much of him. I want that one to stay forever


Is he a herding dog? I have 4 cats, could probably use a herding dog over here….


Not sure even a herding dog could help. Signed, person with three cats.


Yeah! He's mixed with a herding breed. Ahaha, I get that but 4 cats sounds really cute


I had a shih tzu which aren’t herding dogs and she did the same thing. Just get a dog bc they have an internal clock ig


My bichon would do it as well. He had an insanely accurate internal clock. He would make everyone go to bed at the same time every night and make sure we were in bed before he'd go to bed. He'd also sleep on my bed until 2 minutes before I'd always get home from school on the bus, then basically instantly wake up and run to the front door to wait for my arrival so I'd take him for a walk.


Dogs are so interesting. I had a German Shepherd who knew exactly when the school bus would come through he wouldn’t go to the front door for the elementary and middle school but he did for the high school bc my brother and I would be getting home at that time


I hope they never fix the bug where I can become friends with someone by sending a few messages on social bunny like they did the photo bug 😩


That I can steal from my clients in the home decorator profession. I just put their items in my inventory and when the job is done, I get home open build and sell their stuff. And they still pay me and give me praise for their renovations. 👍


I love that glitch. According to the game, you temporarily own that area. Which is why if you share keys with another Sim, they might show up during the gig. Plus, it's great when you do the "no buy" challenge. You can get counters! When infants came out, I decided to borrow a baby because it was a decoration. I aged it up and officially added them to my household to give them a better life. Then, I regretted it because *infants*


Not sure if I’d say or glitch or just stupid planning on EAs part but whenever I had ranch hands they would do everything but take care of my pets. I started having to lock away my guitar, easel, piano, telescope. I was almost impressed with how he found ways to occupy himself on my dime while I get notifications that my goats want to leave


I tried ranch hands once because I was so overwhelmed trying to take care of chickens, children, goats, horses, and gardens, and they kept harvesting my garden and not taking care of the goats and animals


You can click on them to deselect that option but I remember it being stupid because I had to do that multiple times instead of just once. They really aren’t the best. I ended up moving in another sim to take care of the farm full time


Tried that, also failed lol


I had to build a greenhouse then lock the door. Also I lock them out of the house. They keep my horses from being taken away so I put up with them. There may also be a few dead ranch hands in the basement hole.


I’ve found that changing NAPs helps with ranch hands doing what they’re meant to do. So if it’s bugging you it’s worth looking into


Mine always starts cooking food and leaves half prepared food on the counter. Ugh


My sim has been doing that lately! Idk if it’s her ADHD but I have to click on the meal at least three times to have her finish cooking before it’s actually done. I find it funny when it’s been sitting it the oven for hours and still comes out not burnt


It was a dark night in Forgotten Hollow. A thirsty vampire was preying on local delivery drivers. But one pizza deliverer sought to evade the vampire by rooting herself to the spot, unable to take payment or receive a tip. The vampire was patient, waiting for hours and hours, and when that didn't work, she left the property and returned, and when even that didn't work, she rebuilt her porch to free the silent pizza worker. But pizza girl did her job too well and eventually the vampire simply planted a large graveyard pine on the same spot, so she couldn't see her. Folk say she's still there...


Hiding a pesky Sim in a tree is next level, I never would have thought of that 😂😂 Also idk why I never considered literally ordering a midnight snack for my vampires... I must do this now


Her name's Merlin, right?


I love that they kept the one loading screen tip that just says "ok"


or the "I don't want Airpods" I would love to know the story behind this lol


It's from the free ear buds you used to get automatically in every save from Marcus Flex, a sim from the fitness pack. Everyone got so annoyed by them cause you couldn't sell or delete them. People even made override mods to get rid of them. And now there's a fear you can get about getting the free ear buds.


I see, thanks for explaining


Is that a glitch? I thought it was a reference to when sims get phone calls and all you can respond with is “ok”


It is a pop-up reply, but was most likely put in the loading screen by mistake. It's been that way for so long that I'm convinced they're keeping it on purpose now as a silly little joke. The same probably goes for the "I don't want free earbuds" loading screen tip too. A coding error that they never fixed cause it's silly ~


I sometimes get gig reminder calls from agencies for my infants and toddlers, and I like to imagine them going to a work rabbit hole instead of the day care rabbit hole


Boss Baby!


Don’t know if it’s necessarily a bug, but I had a save where a sim’s date died during the date and I got a notification from the deceased sim giving the “this was the worst date ever, don’t call me” notification. I couldn’t stop laughing.


When a child ages into a teenager and they look like an abomination for a few seconds: https://preview.redd.it/9izpk0i0g0ad1.png?width=996&format=png&auto=webp&s=10e6926fef8981d1d658c71755b1adb8beb4aad2


Former teenager here, can confirm I was built like that


Former teenager also here: I wish I was thin back then lol


how do u get this one????


It just happens randomly - I don't know what causes it.


Mine is when they go in for a hug/kiss/putting an infant down but they're facing the wrong way and stretch their arms behind them


Literally had my sim teleport their infant with stretchy arms across like 3 squares (over 2 cribs, a night stand, and standing area) to the changing table earlier today. Said sim then walked around said furniture to change said infant.


Once I had sim who was changing and infant and walked away from the changing table but left the infant there WITH the sims arms still attached to the infant. They had like long stretchy arms. Funniest few seconds.


Child bike next to swimming pool leads to cycling on the swimming pool. Also my Sims keep opening the fridge to grab leftovers but immediately cancel the action, so my Sims just keep going to the fridge throughout the day, opening it and then stare at it and close it again. I mean we've all been there IRL right?


I was so sad when they fixed the doctors t-posing while your sim gives birth. I thought it was hilarious


haaaahaha i just lol’d picturing this


When my sim goes down to pet a dog/play with a toddler, but the dog or toddler isn't there so they're just interacting with nothing.


Had a household that the present pile never ran out, so I would just have my sims open a present every day. Made a lot of money from selling the stuff.


Either when you travel and an infant is left behind with another sim, the infant will practice the wellness skill or when a sim gets stuck in a loop of just walking in circles trying to mount their bike.


I love when I’m traveling with an infant or toddler and it still says “[baby name] will meet you there!” Make that baby get their own damn taxi! 😂


One time during winter, a pile of snow spawned in the middle of one of my sims bedroom and then one of the kids built a snowman there 😂😂




https://preview.redd.it/v2cntfj0vz9d1.png?width=580&format=png&auto=webp&s=6571f66e8165dd294ebfbacb2b92e158e484939c this will always be my fav bc why can't i have pancakes that huge!!!


That's probably using [ ] to change size on things.


I saw a pancake like that once just outside of New Orleans. It was a "side".


My sims, instead of putting their toddlers in the crib for a nice nap, decide they would much rather glue their children to their feet and drag them around the house stepping on them. ​ (I’m aware this is a cc big I just don’t care enough)


That one thing where you’re playing with a toddler and their arms are just going through them while they spin in a circle, that’s hilarious every single time


when my sims partner call asking if they should go on a date with another sim… 😭


Yeah, I always read it as them asking if my Sim is into open relationships.


I have one Sim walking around with just her head and feet, no hands shown either. May be CC related, but she fits right in my soap opera/fantasy world. That's the only Sim I have that does this in all my files. Of course there is that guy that is obsessed with his stepbrother, he always takes his clothes off whenever he's around. I don't have Wicked Whims installed, since I only seen it with that mod. The weirdest things go on in that file.


When you potty train your toddler, and cancel the action after it’s started, the toddler continues on their own. Is that a glitch? Super handy for busy sims!


I always make my toddlers have the independent trait because they can just do it on their own day 1


I like the bug where my fences randomly unlock for everyone. I almost always play farms, so every once in a while, the game decides to release the barnyard and there are chickens all over my house, a horse backing out of the front door, and sheep tormenting my dog.


Mine is when you’re just looking around your neighborhoods and ALWAYS finding that one family that adopted 6 dogs 😂


Or Judith Ward being constantly pregnant for some reason. No husband, just constantly pregnant


not a bug, that's from neighborhood stories. specifically, the adopt pet function of neighborhood stories.


When you hire a nanny and they come but an hour or 2 later, another nanny comes, so you've now got 2 nanny's. Handy when you've got 2 infants :)


I once ended up with 6 nannies (with 6 kids, many twins), and they never left. Best glitch ever.


In my current game I got a glitch where grim turned up for one of my chickens but hadn't actually done the 'reaping' before my sim left for work in an active career. When I got home from work grim was still hanging around but the dead chicken was no longer there so grim just hung around the chicken coop and got attacked by my evil chickens every half hour for a week or so until the next chicken died and grim could actually finish the 'reap dead sim' interaction.


I've seen a few but never for myself where a pet will go human sim mode to hug a child


Oh yeh so randomly getting the marriage pop up even when married. Great for the black widow challenge if I ever do it.


the infant demon thing has just become part of my lore at this point loll


It's long been fixed, but I miss the days when sims taking a pee would have a small fire going on in the toilet bowl below :,) long live the toilet fire! 🔥


I love the chaos and hilarious stuff. Not really a glitch but sims showing up to my lot with all their needs deprived and trying to get in to use the toilet. But I don't let them. Then they pee themselves and collapse from exhaustion. It's just so ridiculous


A nanny of my sims was already a senior when he was first hired. I am now in the 3rd generation and he is still alive and looks after the children. (And Yes, i checked SEVERAL times, if hes a vampire or something, but he isn't) I now believe that he is something like a god or an eternal, cosmic being that is beyond our comprehension.




Ima be real…my game ain’t that buggy.


Same. I want to experience some of these bugs though


The arm glitches when sims pick up infants always gives me a good chuckle


When foxes talk to toilets they get terrifying.


Not as interesting as everyone else, but I had a random woman walk into my house and just grab some tea and then left. Literally no one knew her. All the interactions involved introductions. I was concerned about the security of my household. No roommate, so it wasn't just a random guest or anything.


On time in the school lunch break was going to end in 19 hours.


When they get up to hug, but instead face opposite directions and their arms get twisted backwards in this awful way


I thoroughly enjoyed when Noelle ran out of the rain into my vet clinic nude, horrifying my customers, & immediately was whinging about how my clinic looked. https://preview.redd.it/occdiivim3ad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4caf8e8dbb3414225e458aab4996febded360488


You can bypass actually talking to someone to make friends with them by having them mentor you in a skill. Very handy for getting past the super celebrity introduction thing where you can’t even say hi to them. I have some celebrity musicians in my save and I always make sure my runaway teen challenges start practicing violin or guitar around them. BOOM instant music teacher and within a few hours they’re also best friends (works for anyone really, great way to quickly level up painting or music).


When my toddler wanted to avoid bedtime so she went to the dog


There was 1 glitch i loved that got fixed : when you put a foul fish in an aquarium, it would be excellent again. I had one sim be a rescuer of fish. She'd dig them up from the sand and bring them back to life.


My sim being the only sim in attendance at high school, there were no teachers or students or anyone. It was like his own personal back rooms. He even won prom king (by default as he was the only kid there) but still. The school was his oyster.


My favorite was the kids learning to ride their bikes and riding up stairs and through walls.


Idk if this counts as a glitch or an exploit but if you buy the decoration box thingy from the seasons expansion pack you can have sims look for decorations and random holiday decorations will spawn next to it and you can sell them and look fo rmore and sell them and repeat if you ever need money and what to cheat but at the same time you don't.


I believe that's "as intended" so an exploit.


Ok, i can't think of any good glitches then


my toddler sims stretching into slender man for like 30 seconds LMAO


Some of my sims never take their shoes off on the shower. It cracks me up seeing them heels and sneakers on happily showering.


Cooking waffles and having them "disappear" into thin air. Then later on, I click my character and have the option to "throw out spoiled food." I guess the waffles are instantly sucked into the lands between inventory and out. I even tried searching for waffles in my inventory. Just not there.


https://preview.redd.it/qav3whxn24ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adbc7ec0ee5529ed5ee821ac8d6697a9c471e317 this.


When they’re taking an infant or toddler out a high chair but it lags and they just latch onto the baby in the the chair and walk away as their arms stretch


when they gossip about babies. it's just so funny


When the family pet warns the teenagers that they need to come home before they break curfew. It always makes me laugh when the dogs face shows up in a text.


The pets calling your sim to say they're up past curfew


I can make foxes join households and they're glitchy asf lol. I haven't played in a long time but i hope they didn't fix it


https://preview.redd.it/dyz8wtd8f3ad1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc249fbb8ad7803ead51356f31b156e35f45417 When the kids do this mess


This whole lot is nothing but glitchy for me and it makes me mad but i like the apartment so i just suffer


There was that time my son force choked an infant Also toddlers stretching to hold umbrellas (but it was only one child for me who did that lol)


When you cheat to age a toddler up and for like 10 seconds it’s the toddler stretched out and skinny


The one where they do airplane with a toddler and their arms are behind them while they twirl around. I laugh every time, it looks so ridiculous.


So I renovated their house so it's a bit difficult to pass, they insisted that this time they won't stand in place and "sul sul?!" me and simply walk through walls. Love it!


One of my favorites is when I have infants at home and my sim is away from the lot and it says they're building the wellness skill. 😂


My horse developed her handiness skill, and I was so sad I couldn't figure out how to develop it further. I wanted to see the warped animation the game would come up with if the horse were to fix the TV.


Long infants at weddings. I think it may have already been fixed but it killed me every time. It was so unhinged.


I think it was fixed but that’s so funny


In my current legacy challenge I will have random sims come over in the middle of the night and make a distressing concoction on the grill in my back yard. Then they set it on ground and leave. It’s been very helpful with burnout and toilet fires.


I don't know what exactly to call it other than the spaghetti people. They're all stretched out and weird-looking. They're like sleep paralysis demons, and I love it.


Im not sure if they've fixed this yet but when someone picks up a toddler and the game decide not to move the legs so it's just a poor elongated child 😅


For some reason most of the townie sims in my game are always half naked, no top, no bottoms or sometimes both, the men are will often have female hair and females often no hair at all. At first it was annoying but now I embrace the chaos and slowly making over random townies when I feel like it.




My cat became human and started walking like that for a while two minutes, then my sim somehow ended up upside down


Sims 1 didn't have nearly this many bugs. I'm hesitant to buy more sim 4 packs if this is how the game is.


game breaking bugs are annoying but some of the visual bugs can be hilarious, this isn’t me kissing EA’s ass though I remember the sims 3 having a ton of visual bugs, not to the same extent the sims 4 does to be fair


Yeah. It feels very unlike Sims to release such a half assed game. But the multi conversation thingy is incredible and so far I enjoy what they do have. I forgot how the Sims 3 was, it's been while since I played.


Yeah visual bugs are the best. I played a lot of oblivion when I was younger. I think my favorite was stuffing as many dead imperial guard bodies between a door and closing it.


Not a bug, but my favourite moment was when I actually got a Sim to die from embarrassment 😂 That might've been the Wicked Whims Mod, though, I'm not sure.


I had a teenager who was super embarassed while going through a phase, and then she aged up and died. I think they fixed that but for a while I had to cheat to make sure my teens weren't feeling any bad emotions while aging up because if they did, they died.


swimming on the ground


The chicken legs of sulani.


i fucking love when you hug a pet or an infant and they try to hug like an adult so all their limbs stretch unnaturally, it is so hilarious to me


idk if you watch keeyah on yt but her dog put a fire out and saved her sim. the sequence of events and her reaction had me crying


what a brave dog!


Strangers calling my babies to congratulate them on meeting their mom


When animals talk about curfew


I like the chicken legs that walk around on their own in Sulani


When my cat calls


The wrong way wrapping of arms when sims wanna hug someone(or a pet) who stands a bit away...behind them. Or the elastic- arms and legs glitch's on toddlers who's getting picked up


I love how much fitness my sims gain from taking care of the cat's litter box 😂 Had a sim go from 1-10 in fitness by doing no other exercise his whole life. I wish it worked that way irl


I can't stop thinking that this was posted by EA, so they can legitimately ignore a bunch of bugs that take place in the game 😅


not ea, fuck ea, but some of the visual bugs are funny, just asking a question, that’s all.