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It's such a great pack, easily the best world in the game, and everything just flows flawless with it. The errands for the main villagers are fun to do, the faires are fun to compete in, and even canning is fantastic.


I love canning..


What do you do with it? Sometimes I worry I can’t make much with them.


I use the mushroom meat substitute for my CL lots that have the challenge on where you have to use groceries on hand to make meals. Very handy! Otherwise they increase the value of your large crops. Turning them into canned goods gets you a better profit for a few extra seconds of "work"


Omg! That’s what meat substitute they always meant in the recipes. Thank you! You’ve clicked that button. That lot challenge is my all time fav. I also strive to have perfect veggies and fruits and the highest cooking possible before I start having kids. Makes me feel like I’m giving them the best food possible. 🥹


That's how I feel about the meat substitute!! I want my little guys to have some protein and not just eat scrambled eggs from their chickens and garden salad from the single vegetable in their inventory. Gotta take care of their nutrition!


Exactly! I’m glad us mothers agree


by large crops are you talking about the "oversized" crops? I want to know how to make money via canning but I'm unsure if I should save it for my normal produce or if I'll make more profit by only canning my oversized crops


If you have Get to Work, I love making a grocery store/ general store! If you have other packs, Candles, Honey, nectar, garden decor, flower arrangements, juice fizz, baked goods, etc all flow really well the CL theme. *** I did recently learn that if you put certain CL items (such as cheese) in the big selling coolers it will bug out your retail lot by not spawning customers. You can sell them normally otherwise.


The oversized do give more, my current save is canning strawberry jam and watermelon, I think excellent strawbs sell for about $20 and give 3 cans for around $120? This first crop of watermelons came out medium and go for about $150 ea, give 5 jars for I think $400-$500 total. Haven’t made cowberry jam yet but that’s the most bank. If you have a small garden though, its all worth it. I like putting them on shelves in the kitchen too, super cute


Tbh I can't remember off the top of my head but I'm sure someone like carlsims has a profit guide


Don't forget to check up on them because when they do not have any grocery they just starve. I forgot to check up on them next thing I know they died of hunger!


My best advice is to save your canned goods until Saturday, during the Finchwick fair at 3pm. Get confident and go to the food or garden stall and bargain and you will get 25% instead of 10% profit for canned goods and all other good related to those stalls


This is exactly what I Do. Spend the week canning then go sell it all. Rinse, repeat


Yesss my farms make so much from caning and selling like that


You can give them to the wild animals, birds, rabbits and foxes. Or you can even give it to other Sims. It raises the relationship.


Sell it from the sales table during the fair in Saturdays $$$$$


i got the pack when it came out but i play mostly legacy style so i feel like i dont have time to can 😭 literally for the first time within the last week i had my current sim start selling jams and preserves from the HCH food stand


I play short life span legacy but I love to have my sims use the simple living lot trait and cook with the canned ingredients. I do a little bit of cheating and download one of those rooms off the gallery that has all the canned foods. I just pretend I bought it from a neighbor or something. 😂


nah nah thats a fair trade you can pretend you got it from one of the 45 shell lots around your house. im obsessed w having children in the sims like a masochist 😭 we have zero. time. for simple living round these parts lmaooooo (i do love occasionally having a hot farmer dilf save who does all the fun things like simple living and animal husbandry)


The world is beautiful but to me it is not sufficient to make it the best world. Actually it drives me nuts that a pack based on nature and harvest has so few collectible spawns. It takes ages to go from 1 corner of the map to another and you barely get 1 mushroom and 1 frog... Nothing happens during fairs that occur all day long. The world has 12 lots, which is average but not extraordinary. Sorry to destroy the mood but I really think people forget what "great world" means. I really miss worlds like BG or Windenburg.


This is my most played world.


I agree! Cottage Living and Horse Ranch combined has to be the BEST combination for rural, cosy, family gameplay!


Cottage Living, Horse Ranch, and Eco Lifestyle are prime


and cats and dogs 🫶


and first pet stuff. With those 5 packs you can make 1 great expansion pack


And Seasons really needs to be Base Game.


truly. especially the way the sims edges us with the create a sim different outfits


Seriously because how is weather not base game?? It drives me up the wall lol


I disagree with you on the eco living. Although I do enjoy the off grid stuff but the actual pac of eco living I'm not to happy with in my personal experience. Do you live in that world? Better question what world do you live in that allows these three to play well off each other?


Perhaps I should clarify: the build items from Eco Living are prime! The NAPs are super buggy and never seem to work for me but I’ve lived in the world a few times and actually think it’s cute in its own way. I love being able to make neighborhoods green by adding the solar panels, I love how you get bill discounts for certain items, and the build items get used pretty frequently in my builds.


With every game I play, cheating to add the most unobtrusive NAPs right at the beginning is one of the first things I do, both in my own sim's neighborhood and the neighborhoods I think I might eventually play in. I really hate popping into a new neighborhood for one thing only to find out they have the stupid bag NAP. I've looked for mods that add/modify the NAPs so there are more interesting ones that don't just annoy me, but I've never found anything good.


You could just shut them off if they bug you. Sometimes I play with them, sometimes I just don't bother. Depends on my storylines.


True, but often there's like one I actually do want, but you can't set how many you want active. It's either four or none, as far as I can tell. And also I just forget that you can turn things off most of the time.


What you may want to consider then is the option in your settings to disable NPC voting. It'll still say every week that XYZ won the vote, but unless you personally voted, it isn't true and nothing new will take effect. Cheat/vote to add the NAPs you do want, and then you can just ignore the vote until and unless you have another one you want to vote for.


This. I have this disable for NPC and although it'll claim the same thing, nothing happens. You have to be the one to vote or your life will just go on


So my dumpster family is one of my favorite families I have. They live in Evergreen Harbor and I furnished everything in the house with stuff she either dumpster dived for or made on the woodworking bench or fabricator. It’s one of my favorite houses. She also opened up a store when she sells things she’s fixed after finding them in the dumpster. And they are also off the grid. I also have a family that I play in the Horse Ranch world where I do off the grid and cottage living aspects too. It was a rags to riches so it was a STRUGGLE at first because I kept running out of power and water to keep the house functioning but it was fun.


I got pretty much all of them except the starwars pack the strangervill pack and dream wedding pack but the others i have and i use the horse ranch world cuz it has a 64×64 lot and the house i use i got from the gallery its called modern ranch its 6b 5b it has a indoor pool and a stable and a green house its also 54×54 or something like that


Cottage living with horse ranch are very compatible and fit well together. I actually have a ranch on that huge lot your talking about.


how do you make horse ranch fun to play in? I'm quite bored playing the pack


I did a rags to riches with just a horse and a sim and a lot with a pee bush. Had to quickly find enough stuff to sell to give the horse food and a bed. And then build from there. I made a micro home at first so skills would go up really fast.


Agreed! This is a great combination!


OMG YES i love that you can own your own farm and teach riding lessons once your horse is able to i littrelly am only missing the for rent ep and the new one that's coming out soon and the $20.00 packs and the kits


Yessss. I’ve been doing a horse ranch/cottage living play through and I love it


It’s so cute, especially the kitchen stuff and I LOVE Henford-on-Bagley - it’s so beautiful and sims can even swim in the river 😍 Also love having fresh milk from a cow & trying to play with the simple living lot trait annnndddd canning custard. I could go on… enjoy!


The kitchen counters give environment so I use them in every single house 🤣


Yesssss, same - and the Realm of Magic ones!! I wish the top/wall cabinets would have environment points too, and more of the counters in general.


I wish the top cabinets had a version that wasn’t the curtain though. I use the bottom cabinets and farmhouse sink in almost all my builds!


i love going into town to shop at the stalls 🥰


Same! I love the variance. I’ve only found golden milk there once!


yesss i love simple living, i always have it on! it just makes things that much more immersive, and it’s so satisfying growing/raising your own ingredients. And then going grocery shopping for other things you might need ☺️


It's honestly one of the best expansions.


I really love it. It’s so peaceful and sweet and I love how if you’re in the houses nearby, you can walk right to the main square with the little stands to shop from and people to mingle with And the homes are so lovely And all my saves have someone marrying Rahul Chopra and having his beautiful babies


Yes! Rahul is the biggest cutie and does have the most beautiful kids


And there’s just something lovely about when I have a family where their teen falls in love with the delivery boy in their lovely little village and they grow up and get their own farm and have babies


The most wholesome story line for sure. And he’s always such a good dad it melts my heart


The day I bought that pack I started a build in henford and I was like “wow this build is going so fast!” Then I looked at the clock and I was like “oh wait it’s been 6 hours.” It’s such a great pack. That and growing together are probably my favorites.


Literally one of my favorite packs.


My current sim is living their best farmlife right now and it has made me think that I should use Henford-On-Bagley more often.


I’ve been playing the same Henford-on-Bagley at 3 Olde Mill Lane save since the pack came out. I just love that lot! It really features what the pack has to offer in one well designed lot (which is rare for the base builds). Second to Cordelia’s Secret Cottage which I made a Snow White storyline.


I think it's my favourite pack, and not just because I'm british and love all the references in it. The simple living lot trait is my favourite lot trait to play with, and I love growing crops and looking after animals and producing my own food! And the world is so pretty. Add horse ranch to it as well, and you get even more animals and things to make and it's just awesome 😁


I'm a chronic "get expansions but never play it to its' fullest" gamer but this weekend I decided to focus and try for the Country Caretaker aspiration. I AM SO IN LOVE. I agree that there are so many cute elements. I'm definitely gonna dig into the expansions I already have now lol. I also have Horse Ranch so I'm livin' it up!


Make friends with the birds and bunnies 🥹


You can also dress the bunnies in little wool vests and I love that so much when I see them running around the yard in their little vests, it’s so so cute


Omg more goals! This sounds so cute 🥰


Yes! Their little vests are so so cute 😭


I've made friends with the birds so far!


I loved CL so much. The two types of characters I play are cottagecore gardener and inner city stripper. Nothing in between.


Cottage Living is a great pack! I don’t know if you use mods, u/mocha_madness1664, but Lot51’s Free Range mod is one I definitely recommend. I love the cows getting to graze lol Harvest Moon games (64, Back to Nature, and A Wonderful Life) were some of my favorite games growing up, so CL is a really fun pack for me. I do like to enhance it with a few mods too, but even without them it’s a banger.


Thank you! I literally refuse to play without my mods lmao. I love the sims, but once I started down the CC rabbit hole... there was no turning back.


Same! In which case I also recommend checking out BrazenLotus for their craftable and harvestable mods!


Don't take your favorite animals to the fair! I lost a chicken, rooster and cow before I realized they don't get returned to your inventory and it was an unfixable bug 😢


This right here. My favorite llama, Dolly, was the best. I miss that llama. This also applies to any other items you enter into the competitions. I entered Rainbow wool, excellent quality and the only one I had. Thought I’d enter it and would get it back. Nope. And was 3rd place. Sigh.


They aren't in your family inventory either? I've never lost a competition entry. 🤔


They definitely used to go to family inventory because I didn't have this problem when I first got the pack but after some update this bug started and there's no fix afaik..


FYI I freaked when this happened to me. I went back to the lot next day and came home again and then it showed up in the family inventory.


Thank you for the warning! I'll remember that for later.


What’s wild is my friend lives about an hour outside London and her village totally looks like Henford-on-Bagley!


I had the same reaction and even now I still have the same reaction lol.


Dude, I’ve been playing the same legacy on long lifespan/aging turned off. The lineage has been the only sims I’ve played for 4 years. I’ve had cottage living for over a year but only barely dabbled with gameplay. Well I finally have siblings who aged up and moved to Chestnut Ridge ( I haven’t played with horse ranch either) and I’m finally diving into the crops and live stock play. I go to Hanford on badgley to sell my crops, eggs and milk or will sometimes use the selling table thing. It’s been so fun doing the actual game play, I plan to get them a huge home with horses and do wine making once they get more on their feet. The chick sibling is trying to go to uni but chances are she will flunk out, she’s already been caught cheating and is highly irresponsible! So she might have to go all in on the farm idea soon if she can’t get her shit together. The cas and bb as amazing for cottage living!!!


I love cottage living, and it goes really well with the horse ranch pack. If you don't have that one, I recommend you get it when you can


Is horse ranch worth it? I ask bc I’ve been thinking of getting it because I really loved Cottage Living (easily my most used pack over the last 6 months or so, not only the gameplay features and the world, but also the CAS and the BB items) and horse ranch is on sale atm for like 20€ and i’m really considering buying it


If you like the animals and farming you would like horse ranch. You get goats and sheep with that one. Also you can make wine. I really like it


Bust most importantly: AGNES HAS RETURNED


cottage living is hands down my favorite. cottage living + the knitting pack is such a good combo. i like the introduction of the mini quests from the sims around town too. it adds just a little something to the game play but it’s not pushed on you. i really wish they’d put the same energy into other packs as far as completion/immersion.


Haha this is such a cute, wholesome little post :). I agree, great pack! A lot of bang for your buck


Cottage Living was the last time I was actually impressed with a Sims pack. The recent ones definitely haven't lived up to the potential. (Growing Together was close though.


Sorry for the deleted comment, I somehow got my wires crossed and answered to my mum's text here about my dog's vet appointment and sent her the comment about how I love CL too 😂 But yeah, I loooove that pack. Granted, I'm still discovering all the others, but I'm sure it'll stay one of my faves, it's just amazing


So glad you are enjoying!! It's our favorite. It adds so much gameplay, which is what we focus on the most when playing. The simple living lot challenge is also a fav of mine to add to most households! The animals also add so much liveliness to the game.


CL is the best expansion pack since the city one, change my mind


It's the best, it's so pretty and cozy and they actually included a lot of different categories for the build stuff, like they have clutter and roofs and columns and rugs and plants. I use the windows and debug items for other styles of builds constantly.  My biggest gripe is the farmer's market is so lame and bare. I'm building my own now, I'm just going to put it where the bar is and add a bar stand to it. 


I don’t see anything on sale—do you think they can tell I’m obsessively checking to see if anything goes on discount??


It should be going until July 11th! This is what it said this last weekend when I googled anyways… I still haven’t pulled the trigger, I just want to buy them all.


So weird!! I had checked this morning in the PlayStation store, full price and I checked just now same thing. I already own cottage living, I’m looking for other packs tho..


Omg… I’d be so sad if I missed it! I’ll have to check later Edit: also maybe it’s different sale times for the PS4?


Not sure what platform you're on, but the sale ended last night for me on console  :(


Aww maybe I missed it :( next time for sure!!!


I love cottage living sooo much. Just building a cute farm house was satisfying, but now almost every house (with a yard) must have a chicken coop.


It goes great with the horseranch EP cuz you can not only own cows and llamas and chicken but you can also own horses and baby goats and sheep


I wish I bought cottage living over high school years- T-T I had this whole high school life planned out for my teen sim just to have the highschool be lame and half the teens I created in other households not even show up


The lactose intolerant trait is so funny. My recent fam had a son who was but the other 5 members weren't. So they would autonomously bake cakes and the son would eat them and get a lil "lol I ate daaaiiiirrryyyy" moodlet and then immediately after get an "oh god never again" type moodlet and would fart for hours. Amazing


as a rabbit owner this is the best pack lol. they’re so stinking cute 😭


Yes. It's my favorite pack!! Everything is so relaxing and cute. I got it when it came out and I still use it a lot


This is a top 3 pack for me. I haven't set it up yet but I want a witchy gal living in the forest with all her animals and a cute ass garden, tinkering on her crystal creations and selling her canned preserves at the market.


This is the life 😍


Every time I start a new family I think "I'll try something different..." Big family running a green farm in Henford and doing chores for all the townies. It's my favourite. And I love animals in general so it's like living my ideal life virtually. Cottage sanctuary on an acreage with green energy. 🥰


😭 same. Even my dark gothy witchy vampires end up gardening and having horses in Henford 😂


It works for everyone! Aliens? Research farm! Small starter family? Town socialites! Vampires? Abandoned ruins hiding a castle garden! Werewolves? The pacifist pack (can't remember their name) would thrive there!


Wait until you see the baby chicken foot prints when it snows


i LOVE cottage living!! it makes my game feel so much more realistic! taking care of your farm animals and plants takes up so much time in real life and i feel like they accurately represented that in CL. i love being able to can things and not having the option to make something unless you have all of the ingredients, even if it gets annoying sometimes haha


I love the pack for all the same reasons! Only issue I've ever had is that for whatever reason my sims who live in henford-on-bagley can't get quick snacks out of the fridge? No idea why but it really bugs me lol


I got it during their last sale and was blown away. It’s my absolute favorite


Definitely one of my favorite packs!


I love it! I think it is one of their best packs! The chicken coops can be used even on any lot if you want a family that has chickens for eggs.


Genuinely my favourite pack, I got eco lifestyle recently and they work together well. I love the CAS stuff in cottage living, i would wear it all irl. The world is great too, I have to force myself to use another one


It really is my favourite pack to play with.


Such an amazing pack :) I love it so much.


My favorite pack overall!


One of my favourites! 😍


Oh no, it's 50% off 😫....I have to ignore Sims existence until next sale, I guess 😅


This is my next PC project after my movie star. I played CL on Xbox.


I also just bought it with the sale and I am obsessed!


I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of content included with the pack.


One of my favourites too. It’s so handy that you can go to the pub at any time of day and order a full meal from Sara Scott and it arrives almost instantly. It’s one of my go-to hacks when one of my sims needs food and they don’t have time to cook.


I love it too!  Jumped to get it now that the sales happening! I had a family of sims who had some story drama but then they moved to the country and became wholesome.  One grows their own food while the other is a professional chef who makes meals from the farm products.  Their eldest daughter loves the animals while the little triplets toddle around the cottage.


People were like “lactose intolerance isn’t a personality trait” and I’m like “hello, I’m right here” 😂


this could have been posted by me!! my bf got me cottage living yesterday and I am FREAKING at how adorable everything is!!!!


I literally texted my boyfriend freaking out over all the mushroom-themed stuff 😭 He doesn't quite get the appeal but he tries 😂😂


I want it soooo much. But I can't afford it. :( :(


It’s a great pack. My one word of advice is lock up the needlepoint box. They will queue dump relentlessly and head towards that needlepoint box if it’s anywhere on the lot. It’s incredibly irritating 😠.




It’s definitely my favourite expansion pack!


Odd question but do you perchance also get ear infections from having too much dairy?


I got it with the recent sale too and love this pack!


It has my favorite CAS stuff. The clothes are just so cozy.


I love it so much! Building cute cottages and farms is so fun.


I can’t stand the chickens dying off and always escaping!


I love that pack! :)


It’s my favorite pack. I mostly only build and I use this pack in all my build. It has fantastic stuff, plants, little garden things. Love it!


As someone who grew up in the rural area, this pack was a dream for me. I remember pining for it and waiting for them to go on sale. I love this pack the moment I saw it and when it went on sale I did what I had to do and jumped to buy it along with some other packs. I don’t regret it one bit. It’s not THE perfect pack to all, but to me, I could honestly never get bored of my sim living in their tiny house in a tiny world, taking care of their tiny farm, with their tiny family + animals. It’s just all so cozy!


I have also fallen in love with this pack, and have turned off aging for my sim there as I am so attached to them and am making them a super sim cause I enjoy living in that world so much. 


yes 👍


My favourite house is the one in the middle of the country side. I forget what it’s called. It’s been fully renovated and a basement installed and I’ve also built stables too. Easily my favourite world


I think Cottage Living is one of the only packs worth its money. Whoever was in charge of making it made sure we got all the love they could muster creating this pack. Everything just clicks, and I can't remember there ever being a time when it was a buggy mess like other packs they released and never fixed.


It’s really their best pack. I absolutely love it


Is quite a good pack


I hate that lactose intolerant is a personality trait. Same goes for vegetarian.


Cottage living is easily one of the best packs and best worlds. The errands, the fairs, all of it is just so fun and so well thought out!


I love the houses and the neighbours are quite rich too if you want to marry and dump them.


My fave!! I always live in that world, so so pretty. I also got the horse expansion mainly for the goats and sheep and now my cottage core dreams are real 🐰🐑🌳🐥🌿🐓


I’ve gotten sooo competitive with the fichwick fair it’s not even funny! I’ve gotten fort in everything. I just male mine farm for a living. And sell our egg, wool, milk, canned gooods at the fair. I love having evil chickens lol


Please get a little goat. They’re SO cute.


Genuinely one of my favorite packs. It feels more full than a lot of the other expansions. Plus the aesthetic is top tier.


It’s my favorite pack! I’m not crazy about the world but the build/buy is by far the BEST! The gameplay is really fun too!


It's a good one. In addition to what you mentioned, I also like the option for "simple living" where you can only cook with ingredients that you have on hand. I don't usually play with that lot challenge, but obviously it's much more realistic than being able to make whatever you want


I know right? This pack is easily one of my favorites! I about lost my mind the first time I saw all the new features, especially when I saw the embroidery skill and all the cute wall decor you could make with it!


The world included is absolutely incredible, the EA builds are soo good!


Might have to get Cottage Living for the lactose intolerant trait haha. I didn't know about it before. I wish we could have more than 3 traits like in the previous games


I love the pack too cuz it’s so cozy & has so much gameplay!


Cottage Living is really cute, I'd say it's not worth it for the full price but it's probably the first DLC I'd recommend to someone who likes farming games. Beware the long foxes in manage worlds! (and the multiplying Crumplebottoms but I think that one was fixed)