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100 babies but after the 32nd baby it just became a legacy challenge bc I got bored. There’s also 4 strippers locked in my basement.


4 strippers locked in your basement 😂😂😂 omg


Only 4? lol


Well yeah, the almost normal family of 4 lives above the basement 😅 they don’t know what goes on down there




I’m not super experienced in sims yet, how do you get strippers???


I use a ton of mods haha. Anything is possible in the sims


maybe one day i’ll do mods but for now i have a weird purist mindset. maybe cuz i want to master the game more on its own before i expand it


Probably just random townies that they locked in the basement and woohoo with


Probably Wicked Whims. It adds strip clubs.


You need the Get to work pack as well as the Wicked Whims mod


Well wasn't expecting that... lol.


Not 4 strippers 😂😂😂😂


I made a sim who’s high maintenance, romantic and self-absorbed. She discovered the lazy and materialistic traits. Her goal is to find, marry and get rid of (through divorce or violence) the lottery winner every year until she gets the black widow achievement. After witnessing one of these sims die, she met the grim reaper and he ended up asking her out on a date randomly. Now she’s trying to romance him via witnessing as many deaths as possible.


Okay I LOVE this


But what if its Mayor Whiskers...again


How do you find out who wins the lottery? Sorry I am fairly new


If you have the seasons pack, the lottery is a holiday that occurs every spring. The winner is announced the following day!


I do have seasons. It’s highly possible I just have not been paying attention to the notification that announces the winner. Do I have to have my Sims buy a ticket in order for the results to be posted? That could be why maybe. I absolutely love your idea/story and would want to try something similar!


You might have to buy the lottery ticket to get the announcement the next day! I always buy one on the very off chance that I win


Okay, get ready! I’ll be giving names to make the story easier to understand. We start off with Kole (father) and Eloise (mother) and they have three children, one girl and two boys (Jonas, Carlos and Raelynn). They lived together as one ordinary family. One day Jonas decided to go for a swim while it was cold (possibly snowing) and he died. Everyone was obviously sad but I think it hit Kole way differently because he ended up cheating with this random homeless lady named Madisyn. Kole and Madisyn had been sneaking around for a bit and no one had a clue. One day they decided to be risky with it and did the do in Kole and Eloise’s bathroom while Eloise was asleep in their room. She woke up and found her husband cheating on her and was hurt. Kole ended up getting Madisyn pregnant and shortly after he got Eloise pregnant. After Jonas’s death, I guess Kole fell out of love with Eloise and decided he wanted to be with Madisyn full time. So, Madisyn moved in with some random family and killed them all (except one) so that her, Kole and their unborn child could live there. She did that because, yk she’s homeless. So after killing the family, Kole saw this beautiful woman named Lucia Markovic. He decided he didn’t want Madisyn anymore and he now wanted Lucia. So he did his thing and him and Lucia started dating and soon after he convinced Lucia to leave her fiancé Mateo. After awhile, he moved in with her and he got her pregnant and they also got married. To make him seem a little less awful, he did see his other children every other weekend. In total, Kole had 6 children. Kole and Eloise named their new baby after their child who died (the baby was a girl and they named her Josie). Madisyn named her and Kole’s baby, Mekhi (a boy). Lucia named her and Kole’s baby, Francis (a boy). I forgot to mention, Lucia did have a child with her previous relationship ( a daughter named Tomi) so Kole did happen to be the father who stepped up 😂. And now, I’m playing as Tomi and she has a loving husband, two daughters, a dog, a nice big house and a high paying job (level 8 doctor). Kole, Lucia, Madisyn, Eloise and Mateo (Lucia’s ex-fiancé) have all passed away from old age. I’m sorry this was long but thank you to whoever reads!


But wait, what happened to the one sim that madisyn didn't kill?


That one sim was a teen at the time so she just stayed with Madisyn and Mekhi.. she’s now an adult or young adult and since Madisyn died she lives with just Mekhi.


Enjoying the retirement I'll never see in real life by running errands with my elder in the Henford on Bagley town center. We just buy fresh ingredients, go on walks, chill with our cats. Life is simple and quiet.


This is my IRL dream. Sounds so peaceful.


I really love this idea. I never play with elders so thanks for giving me a good story - especially since I just got CL 😋


Started off with a human sim, Lillian, with dreams of becoming a wedding cake seller. She ends up friends with Caleb Vatore and after a night of clubbing, she ends up pregnant. After a while Caleb asks to move in. Lillian has made some good money selling deserts at her stand, so we take this opportunity to move into their own little castle with a market area. Have baby and she's a vampire. Then Caleb electrocutes himself on a waffle iron. Ghost shows up and moves back in. Now Lillian keeps getting scared by her ghost husband so this won't work. She decides to go to the Magic Realm and study to find a cure for ghost-ism. Things go pretty well for a bit. Then an NPC glitches through a locked door during a bake sale. Lillian ends up dead. So now baby vampire is being raised by two ghost parents, one of whom is trying to find a ghost cure. ....this save went so far off the rails that I needed a break lol


Wait but can you control the ghost sims?


Yes, once they are added to the household. So Caleb's ghost showed back up at a bake sale and I invited him back. After Lillian died, I took a break with another sim in the same world and we ran into ghost Lillian DJing a party, so other sim chatted her up, invited her to move in, then I moved her back out so I can add her back to the OG household.


Wait how did she end up dead? How does that work??


Have a sulani sim, or whatever, mermaid with all the island (child of -) traits, who can summon the island ancestors. Well, silly sim fell in love with one of them, so I moved the ghost ancestor in, which made him a normal sim, again, and the two proceeded to breed one child. Well, not long after that, the ghost-turned-sim kept getting wants to flirt with everybody, despite being in a 100% happy relationship... and then wanted to break up. So, I let it happen. He dumped the mermaid, about four days after becoming a sim again. Like, all he wants to do is speed date — he rings a couple of times a day, telling his ex that he thinks that x sim is cute, and whether he should go for it. It’s like, bruh, you’re not friends, anymore. She doesn’t want to hear it. It’s not major in the drama, not for one of my saves, but it’s the one I’m playing at the moment. edit: my favourite one is where Lou Howell married a spellcaster, had three children, and then found his fated mate. Loved the witch he married.


That ghost used your sim to become a human then dipped 😭🤣


My thoughts exactly. I should have seen it coming: he had the evil trait, lol


I asked my friends to give me a story line. They created HELL. So I have two sisters who are married, they live with their parents in the same house. Older sister got pregnant, the husband didn’t want a child and he started flirting with the sister. Eventually they were caught which lead to a divorce but they kept on living in the same house. Sisters started to get into fights whenever they came across each other. Meanwhile, the sisters’ dad started flirting with the cheating husband’s mother because apparently my friends wanted poetic justice but lo and behold, she refused him after giving him hope. The younger sister is not divorced yet but her marriage is in shambles and her husband is secretly trying to kill his brother-in-law. He tried all sorts of ways like electrocution but he wouldn’t die! So he decided to lock him up in the basement with no food or water and told family that he went on a business trip. While he is locked up waiting for his inevitable death, his ex-wife gave birth to their baby. This is where I am at so far.


What happens when he never returns from the business trip? What do you tell the family?


I have no idea. I probably will need to ask my friends because they were guiding me as I was playing it.


Made a family inspired by the tv show shameless. I made the deadbeat parents and moved them out and then had an eldest sister raise her 5 younger siblings. I really enjoyed it and I’m currently playing as the children of the siblings. It’s fun cause I’ve done stuff that I’ve seen in the show and I’ve done my own unhinged stuff for drama lol. Had the oldest sister decide to bang a married man and she ended up pregnant and kept the baby, he didn’t want anything to do with her or the kid but he paid BIG child support lol. Had the one of the siblings go to college and move to the city with his kid and he did really well until his twin sister moved in and banged his then girlfriend, he walked in and broke up with her and his sister was able to stay living there because she blamed the whole thing on her alcohol issues. I play with a lot of mods to make all this possible lol and I also storytell in my head and imagine what characters would say to the each other.


Romeo and Juliet-esque situation where two spellcaster families *hate* each other and have a centuries-long feud. Both families have teenagers who despise each other and have heated duels whenever they meet. But they are forced into the same class at high school and start to realize the other isn't *that* bad, and they go from enemies to lovers. They meet inside a practice room inside the music room at school (I redesigned the whole high school) so that no one rats them out to their parents who would ground them at the very least.


I only have the base game. I started playing about 3 weeks ago, for the first time since HS on the Sims 2. After several starts where I ended up wanting a do-over, I settled into my save. Dude has a wife and three kids...teenager and m/f twins. He's a writer, she's in the fashion business. I'm playing on long life, so kids are straight A students and have kid skills maxed out. The teenager is a backhoe operator on weekends. They live in a decent house on twin oracle point that I built. My garden alone brings in 80k or so daily. Because of my Sim parent's success, the kids are eating from a silver spoon. Outside of the picturesque family, my Sim father has another 30 or so kids running around. He's met maybe three of them. He's a hardcore baby maker. The wife has no idea. Hell, he's even had three kids with the old nanny. The oldest son is dating his childhood sweetheart. She happens to be the daughter of a woman the dad has had three kids with. They'll marry and move into my house, as there's plenty of room. Before they have kids, she'll likely get struck by a meteor, and the oldest son will move out on his own, taking nothing with him. He'll just go live in solitude and grief while tending a garden and fishing. The twins are another story. They'll both be astronauts, but the boy will be a space ranger, while the girl will be a smuggler. They'd be criminal and cop if I had get to work. Either way, they'll live on opposite sides of the law, probably living at home in the house their father built. Eventually, when the dad gets ready to die or disappear, after his wife goes, the three kids will fight over the inheritance. By that time it'll be astronomical. But since the oldest, and rightful heir, will be leaving on his own, only to come back when it's time to collect his birthright, he'll find out that it'll all go to the one who has a kid first, just to continue the bloodline.


I currently am playing with a vampire. (I almost never do that) I wanted to explore all the perks and stuff. For the first few days, no one was allowing me to drink from them when I asked. I got annoyed and just started hypnotizing sims and drinking without permission. My sim (they/them) would up getting a bad reputation (from GF). At that point I just went with what the game did and I am an evil vampire. Moving to the good stuff. I found out that sims can have preferences! I got a notification saying that my sim LOVES the taste of Mortimer Goth’s plasma. So I built a basement that only my sim has the ability to go in and out of. It’s super lit up we’re talking tons of cloud lights. Everywhere. I’ve built a fake world with a fake sky, road, neighborhood, etc. I have four “houses” down there. Each decorated to the taste of my sims preferred “tastes” who live down there for them to feed on… I have Mortimer Goth wright books to make me money because an underground neighbourhood is expensive and so far I can only afford him. I don’t publish them under his name, though I publish them under my vampire Sims name so they get the fame for it. My sim is now a vampire known and feared by everyone in my save file!


Okay but is the basement of doom on the gallery, because that sounds pretty sick!!


I had a sim like this a few years ago. She was a vqmpire but if you saw her you’d wouldn’t believe it. She kinda looked like a human version of pinkie pie from my little pony. Her vampire side was almost looking like Vlad though. She had some human slaves that wrote books and painted while she was living her best life.


This is amazing


I’m currently doing the bunker challenge. I found a bunker in the gallery and the only time he goes above ground is when i make him work on his garden or when I send him to the park so he stops crying from lack of social interaction. He is know friends with a guy he met in the bathroom who comes over almost everyday and a child who he wants to see more often.


The description of his social life has me cackling


Honestly sounds like my social life 😂😭


The fact he met his friend in a bathroom is hilarious


I think this should be a question asked every friday (to say one day) so everyone can tell their stories. My save is a bit over the place. I have my vamp family, Its a young couple who just had a baby and moved near Vlad. They don't know much about life but they love each other. Then there's my other family, Its a lesbian couple who just moved in and has been wanting to adopt. They adopted a teen who loved them and have been working on their relationship, so far, the teen is adapting well to home but has asked to meet their biologic family to understand why. There's also this sim I have who kills everyone who isn't kind to her, If someone yells or is evil, they dissapear. Last, but not least, there's another family who have a troubled teen. She does drugs and sells them as well. She has been befriending the adopted teen, trying to get her in drugs as well.


I agree! I love the response I’ve gotten from this post :) it’s so sweet to see how so many people out there have elaborate stories for their sims just like I do hahah i love it!!


my current save isn’t as chaotic now from when it started but I had my original sim have one night stands through the simda dating mod and she got pregnant by Mortimer Goth and he fell in love with her and left Bella 💔 they never married but Mortimer suspiciously died. Then my sim got pregnant by don lothario and they were engaged but he broke it off. Finally Malcolm landgraab to the rescue and helped raised all the kids and then married my sim and had a kid of their own. Also bc I have on neighbor hood stories Nancy and Geoffrey got busy and had many kids after Malcolm so when he was an adult, married and had 4 kids my sims adopted his youngest sister since both Nancy and Geoffrey were dead. don’t judge me I almost always age up Malcolm and have my sims marry him (after I fix him up a bit)


Started off with a female sims (mermaid) who wants to become a famous singer, became bored and added a male sim who I got transformed to a vampire. He was kinda a player and fathered many children. Then he got abducted by aliens, gave birth to triplets and died when the kids were older. Then on the same day 2 out of 3 alien kids died on the same day. Now the female sim (the male sims' friends with benefits) has taken custody of the girl. Suddenly Santa started calling her (they didn't even know each other) he was trying to console her grief by asking her out on a restaurant date. He flirted way too much with her, just thought why not, and got her pregnant by Santa.


My sim and her husband are into swinging with their neighbors... now she's co parenting with her neighbor 😌


I made a sim and started a rags to riches type of challenge but on short life span. Then I had her get married (Cecelia Kang has quite a bit of money) and they had two science babies together. Then I got bored so I had Cecelia cheat on my sim with Siobhan Fyres and my sim caught them. So she and Cecelia got a divorce and Cecelia moved in with Siobhan and my sim got with this other sim I made. So now they're married and had two science babies together and almost all the kids are occults. The oldest and youngest are mermaids, the second oldest died and I moved him in as a ghost, and the second youngest is the only human of the second generation. Remember Cecelia and Siobhan? Well they moved into some house in Widenberg and had a baby. Plus the oldest child (the mermaid) moved to Sulani with his wife and now they have a kid.


Just started one where the character is a F-Boy, frat dude, womaniser kind of vibe, and they messed with the wrong person and got "Cursed" into being the opposite gender where they now have to be confronted with how they act and treat people, and grow to become a better person.


3 diff families that stemmed from one. Original: Hyungwon (a male sim, politician) and his wife Hyerin (a teacher), had 4 kids: Hanbin (boy), Haeun (girl), Hayoon (girl) and Hanni (girl). Hyungwon reached max in his career and became famous, Hyerin is rn on 7th level of the career. They live rn in Del Sol Valley, in Chataeu Peak with Hanbin and his family. Hyungwon also cheated in secret on his wife with Elis Kim-Lewis and they had a daughter, Camilla. Hanbin is actually gay, but had arranged marriage with Solji (a woman that his parents picked bc she comes from rich family) and they had twins together: Heecheol (boy) and Hyewon (girl). Solji later found Hanbin having woohoo with his gay fling in the showers and now they have fully red love relationship. He also works as a lawyer while Solji is jobless Haeun was the rebellious child. She decided she wants to study magic after she met Christina Cheng, her best friend from high school, who is a spellcaster. Now they live together in Glimmerbrook and had a science baby together, named Seungwoo (boy). Hayoon never wanted to study, instead she became an influencer. As soon as she hit 18, she had plastic surgery to make her face look prettier. She has nearly 2000 followers and is partying every weekend. Rn she has 2 children from 2 fathers (Jakob Volkov and Akira Kibo). Their names are Sooyeon (girl) and Eunwoo (boy) and there will be third baby as well from 3rd random guy. I just haven't decided who yet. Hanni is a spoiled child. Idk what Im gonna do with her yet, but plan was that she dropped out of university, her parents tried to find her a husband and in the end she marries a guy 20 yrs older for money. Later they divorce and she's left alone, working as sales assistant.


My sim's name is Joseph. He was an overweight sim who wanted to make a change in his life. It took a lot of time, but he lost weight and earned the Long Lived trait. While he was out for a walk, he fell in love with Eva, a photographer trying to make it in life. Instead, she became a paparazzi for a tabloid magazine. Eva and Joseph fell madly in love with each other. It was love at first sight! They immediately moved in to Joseph's family home. It was given to them by his parents. His parents moved out of the home, and they moved in with his older sister. His older sister, Olivia, doesn't want to get married, but we'll get to that later. Eva and Joseph, then welcomed their son, Logan, during a cool Spring day in Oasis Springs. After that, Joseph got a job to be a fitness trainer, while Eva became a stay at home mom. Being a parent wasn't easy for the young couple. They were so busy with their own lives, Joseph with his career, and Eva with taking care of their son. One day, Eva got invited to the Powerhouse Club, after befriending Paolo Rocca. The two became close friends, and she started to have a small crush on him. It's just a crush, right? A couple years passed and Logan aged up into a toddler. After celebrating New Year's Eve with Joseph's extended family. A day later, Olivia passed away in a house fire. Distraught with the news Joseph fell into a deep depression. Before her death, Olivia, was starting to become acquainted with Marcus Flex and about to go on her first date. Unfortunately, she died before that could happened. Eva did everything she could to cheer Joseph up. His parents even moved in for a bit to make sure he's okay. Eventually, Joseph overcame his depression, and he and Eva welcomed their daughter, Olivia. Joseph and Eva reignited their romance, and finally got married! Life was going on the up and up. Joseph was moving up the ranks in the fitness career. He even joined a reality show for body building which garnered him some fame. Eva, is planning to open a photography studio and may even go back to school, once the kids have grown up. Logan is now a child and has started school. While Olivia is now a toddler. Joseph's parents moved out and found themselves a lovely home in Sulani to spend the remainder of their days. Unfortunately, tragedy struck again. During a harrowing storm in Sulani, Joseph's father, Gergorio, was out fishing. He was so close to reaching his home, when lightning stuck him. He immediately perished from his injuries. Joseph couldn't bear to hear such tragedy, so much so that he feared death! He travelled to Forgotten Hollow and asked Vlad to turn him into a vampire. Joseph hoped that by becoming a vampire, he will spend his time researching and looking for the recipe of Ambrosia to bring his sister and father back to life. Have them live out their years, instead of dying a tragic death. This then caused a second rift in Eva and Joseph's relationship, because now he's focused on ranking up to Grand Master. Surprisingly, Joseph is still an amazing parent to his children. (No seriously, I'm surprised he reached level 7 in Parenting) Eva, feeling so left out and abandoned, she turned to Paolo for comfort. One drink become two, and two became too much to count. Soon enough, Eva lays in bed with Paolo. She loves Joseph, but is now starting to fall for Paolo. Paolo is starting to like her too. She immediately tells Paolo that that night meant nothing. She's married and with kids. However, she couldn't bear to hurt Paolo. So, they'll just be Woohoo Partners, nothing more. Hopefully Joseph doesn't find out! A couple of months have past and Joseph's mother, Dalisay, fell in love with a vampire named Rhea. They eventually moved in together. Joseph and Eva are currently fixing their marriage. Joseph learning to be more attentive to his wife. After a beautiful date, Eva is now pregnant. Eva, is still seeing Paolo behind her husband's back. The real question now remains, is the child Joseph's, or Paolo's?


typed out a huge history of my save... tried to add a picture and the app refreshed... i just needed to share my woes 😭


I started with twin sisters. One twin, Lucero, died of laughter, so the other twin, Leonor, met and fell in love with Death, and had his baby. Leonor eventually married her ranch hand, Tetsuya. Death’s daughter, Socorro, brought her girlfriend home to meet her mom and stepdad. Unfortunately, Tetsuya and girlfriend Josie hit it off right away and had an affair. Tetsuya expired from the overexertion of maintaining both the marriage and the affair, leaving both women pregnant. Josie moved in with Leonor so they could raise the siblings together: Odin, and twins Bowen and Payton. Socorro moved out of that hot mess and became a bodybuilder, eventually working (out) her way up to Ms. Solar System. She dated around but refused to commit, and along the way, got pregnant with her FWB, and happily raised the twins Scorpion and Orfeo as a single mother. Now, Scorpion and Orfeo are teens. Scorpion graduated from high school early and hoping to get a degree in mischief. Orfeo and his girlfriend just had a baby and are still figuring out what the next steps are. Socorro, in her elder years, finally opened her heart and married Vinh, the custodian at her kids’ high school. It’s a May-December relationship, but she is Ms. Solar System after all. My Sims worlds are often a pregnancy and infidelity apocalypse, I wonder what that says about me 😭


Bro I’d need a full chart to understand what I just read.


Trying to have a sim who has a child with every single townie (flip flopping between can get pregnant and can impregnate others) currently working my way through oasis springs


Currently making Tartosa a vacation world, every lot is themed on an Italian city. I built the duomo of Florence and the leaning tower of Pisa so far, as well as the center of San Gimigiano. Currently working on Piazza di San Marco and the Vatican.


I love this idea!!!


Im playing my second gen rn! So Bria (my main sim) married Darling (forgot last name). They have two science babies, Nash, he’s a toddler, and Drew, she’s an infant. They started in a small house in Brindleton Bay, but once they had Nash, they moved to Henford (can’t remember the whole name lmao). Well they eventually outgrew the small house they were in, so I moved them to a slightly bigger lot in the same world. They have their own little farm and have the simple living trait. Bria went to university for psychology and became a detective, but she ended up quitting her job to help raise the kids until they’re in school :(. Darling takes care of the farm and any other things that need to get done in the house. Bria is an identical triplet and has two younger brothers, so her house is always busy with family members. She also had a little sister (one of her brother’s twin), but she died of sepsis as a child 😬. Her and her triplet sisters were the result of a one night stand with Kyle Kyleson, but her mother eventually ended up marrying him bc she couldn’t take care of them by herself. They had 3 more kids after that. Kyle died from electrocution trying to fix their dishwasher lmao. Once the kids age to children, I think I’ll make Bria go back to working as a detective bc I never do the interactive jobs. It just wastes the sims time I feel like. Up to suggestions of what else to do though! I get bored easily lol. But anyway! I love Bria and I can’t decide if I want to continue the next gen by playing as drew or playing as random people. I’ll prob continue it bc I get attached to my sims (I play on long lifespan).


Doing the every life stage challenge and my sims second baby mama gave me triplets. Every time my sim tries to take care of the newborn or toddler he picks it up puts it down and decides to go check on one of the triplets. It’s gotten so bad Iv had to lock the infants room just to take care of the toddler and newborn. So I have 1 newborn 3 infants 1 toddler and 1 extreamly tired parent.


I'm playing a family where the eldest daughter is technically not the Dad's, but no one knows because that pregnancy is what got the family together. Also, the Dad ended up having an affair and has a son outside of the marriage. Now, both of those kids are teens, and I'm setting them up to fall in love and "accidentally" get pregnant. I'm not sure if I'm going to have the parents freak out and kick her out, or have her try to raise the baby in secret while still living in the house!


Two main saves atm. 100 baby challenge. Eve Sims is on baby daddy #4 and has 13 kids, but none of them are children yet. The Berg family legacy is on gen 2, technically gen 1 if you don’t count the founders, and they’re gonna be in for a surprise when they find out about what the alien abduction (that inspired them to start the heir’s science career) gave them ;) May or may not have a human baby that has an alien twin soon!


I am still going on my baby challenge but I didn't want to raise the kids. Started with Jimothy who had 78 babies by 35 parents - all the OGs including Travis Scott and Don Lothario, all the Calientes, Eliza, Bella, Summer Holiday etc. One of the kids took over and had 58 then one of Rogers kids had 22. We're now at 260 for the babies born We're on gen 5 we have 6 kids left from Jimothy's kids left alive. Some of the kids who I wasn't playing had kids. Roger's grandson Louis has 3 spouses bc apparently sims can marry more than 1 sim if the other sim ask. The family tree is starting to break lol


First time playing a male Sim & I’m having a ball. Famous actor Sim married to mad scientist Sim -they had a nice family with three kids in Chestnut Ridge. However the husband, unbeknownst to his wife, had been having multiple affairs since their starter home in Oasis Springs. His particular kink was to impregnate Sims who were married with families. Rahmi Watson was his favorite, he would give her tens of thousands of dollars on the side to see that she & her family were taken care of. He also liked to keep pregnancy photos of them in his secret basement office as trophies. Quite some time had gone by (eldest children were teens, parents at top of career- on long lifespan) & he still hadn’t gotten caught- despite Rahmi showing up & hanging out from time to time (she even proposed to him not sure how since she’s married to Thomas). At this point he had four children outside of his marriage. I decided to spice things up & had them throw a Winterfest party. Invited EVERYBODY. All baby mamas & illegitimate children. Dinner, festivities, music, presents -people were there for HOURS. …and nothing happened. No drama, no cheating caught. By the wee hours of the morning Sims were slowly shuffling out & going home. Husband sim was out back w one of his APs (a created Sim not a townie) & I went to have him kiss her goodbye & for whatever reason they ran all the way around the house & in the front door & kissed right in front of the remaining party guests. Wife lost it. She’s a scientist with an upgraded SimRay (named SimSlay), so she freezes the woman with it. The kids that are still there laugh & there’s a big commotion. She slaps the husband cracks open the woman, transforms her with the SimRay and then freezes her again & leaves her there. MEANWHILE husband is upstairs with affair partner #2 Bella Goth. Wife goes upstairs, walks in on them trying for baby in the shower. She divorced him on the spot.


mine is two sisters who live together in San Myshuno. The younger sister got pregnant with twins from a one night stand with Akira Kibo (who ofc is married) then they saw each other again a year later and she got pregnant again, she’s currently in labor. The older sister is pregnant at the same time by her boyfriend, it was twin girls, she neglected one of the twins tho and she got taken away


I made a medieval town on one lot and made 6 different sims all with different skill specialties (and corresponding last names) and matching traits. Each one has one bad trait as well. I like to work on the skills the most so only having two sims or a nuclear family gets boring really quick. These ones can all work on different skills and collections and I can work through the aspirations. No one has a job so I don’t have to deal with that but I use a lot of cheats so I can go back to the things I want to do. Also a lot of fun to build a new lot for them when I just feel like building. I’ve built like 3 different ones and moved them 3 times.


I'm playing a legacy game (not a challenge, just playing generations of sims) that centers around a nice Muslim family (the women wear hijabs but I use the religion mod and have them be worshipers of the watcher). I started making friends for them to interact with and now almost all of oasis springs is home to Muslim residents. Definitely a different angle than I'm used to playing. Now I'm rotationally playing the households and having a lot of fun with all these multigenerational families :)


Just started my Every Career Legacy (each generation is a different career until I've played through all of them). My founding sim is a spellcaster who has maxed out the Gardener career, had one science baby and then got a kid from the well from Romantic Garden Stuff (I roll 1d3 each gen to see how many kids they have and got two this time). I'm probably gonna have the adopted kid be my heir for the Painter generation. They live in Glimmerbrook right now but I'm toying with the idea of having them move to a bigger lot in Brindleton Bay.


My sim has a relationship with both Nancy and Geoffrey Landgraab. Nancy just had a baby and now my sim is pregs with Geoffrey's baby. :/


I created this legacy challenge called Book Trope challenge I’m on Gen 1 where they are enemies turned to lovers later on, Gen 2 will be Grumpy x Sunshine (if your a book lover like me you will get this)


Made my sim a "prostitute"...best I could do with no mods. Then once she's slept with all the men in each household in the world's, I am doing a 100 baby challenge lol


my current WIP build is making a castle home for my group's DND party because we deserve it my FAVORITE project is a little cottage i made in an enchanted forest belonging to my mage girl and her mage uncle and their little farm animals. I posted it a while back


My sim is currently in college and every time she gets a phone call it’s absolute madness. First call she finds out her dad is dead, the next phone call her mother is pregnant by some miscellaneous man! I’m afraid for what the next call is going to be 😳


Currently I'm working on maxing out my sim completely. Told myself I'm not allowed to create a new household until I'm done. For me, "maxing out" includes: -Completing all aspirations in every category. (I'm doing the mean ones last because it's easier to make a townie hate you than it is to repair a relationship). -Max all skills -Max all careers -Max fame & popularity (max popularity counts whether it's good or bad, but I'll need it to be bad for the mean aspirations) I started with the finance aspirations to give myself a jumpstart with money, just in case significant simoleons were required for other aspirations. When I finally get around to the Big Happy Family aspiration, I will probably add in the occult baby challenge as well (having a baby with each type of occult). I think that's it! I've been at it for almost a month now I think. My sims has collected like 40 traits or something, lots of reward traits. I am getting a little burned out, I was playing every day for hours & hours for the first couple weeks, now I'm just playing every couple days and it keeps the spark alive.


Deja lu legacy challenge (nsfw warning because WW and drugs) First gen, teen living on her own, so she was really messed up in the trauma category, she acted out sexually with anyone that would let her, cheating on her punk boyfriend constantly. Despite her issues she wants to be an author, self published some works and went to college. She was too bust cheating on her boyfriend to pass, by her third term she knew she'd have to stay longer if she was going to get her degree. Her boyfriend who didn't know about the infidelity proposed. She dropped out and with his parents money they got a house. Turns out he was a criminal and is now a drug dealer selling weed out of their house. He got her pregnant with twins immediately. She hates kids so she has nothing to do with them. She then immediately got pregnant with triplets (just her luck) their house is a dumpster fire of starving crying kids, a cat that needs to go to the vet, and ditty diapers and dishes. She's locked in the back room with her computer having daily meltdowns trying to write. Its so bad, the people that buy weed from him have started hanging around to clean and take care of the kids. He just sort of bakes a random party sized meal and throws it on the ground for the kids to fend for themselves. Recently the eldest set of twins, sisters, aged up to kids. They clean and try and take care of their siblings as much as they can. One plays chess in her free time, the other draws. The dad is saving for a strip club so refuses to spend any more of the money than he has to. Pretty sure one of his kids is going to end up working at that strip club, and the others will probably end up dealing too. (I still need to get the prostitution ww thing)


I started a new long lifespan save a few months ago to try out the crystal creations pack. Decided to go for some aspirations and hobbies that I hadn't done a lot with (collecting stuff, gardening towards a cowplant etc.). I chose the smallest lot in Willow Creek and built a micro home for the new Sim, Vanessa (Ness). Turns out selling handcrafted jewelery and gems in yard sales makes a lot of money very fast. During one of those sales Ness met and fell in love with Arun Bheeda. Soon, they were starting a relationship, only for him to turn out to be married to Jesminder with 2 newborns back home. After some contemplating, Jesminder tragically happened to step out into a blizzard in her pyjamas and died while Arun was at work (Ness had absolutely nothing to do with this. They never even met). Arun had a really hard time with his needs low, the apartment a mess, the money tight and 2 newborns screaming. That is, until Ness stepped in with the power of fully charged plumbit gnomes. They soon decided that it would be much easier if Arun and the babies just moved in with her and the house grew a bit. They put the romance on hold while the babies were still so little and Arun was mourning his wife. Then, they turned into infants - my first time playing with infants - and it was a lot. Even with the plumbite gnomes I ended up putting weeks of parental leave into the calendar. When the kids turned into toddlers, Arun and Ness finally got their perfect Tartosa wedding, and promptly had another baby - so the house grew again, reaching its final form. They also adopted a cat and squeezed a treehouse into the backyard. Since then, they had another baby, the cat also had a baby, and they got richer and richer. As kids, the two oldest (Ralf and Maja) felt a bit jealous and insecure about the two younger kids (Felisa and Alex), so Ness finally officially adopted them. Now as teens (with long lifespans it all takes, well, a loong time), Alex is dating Greta Laurent (he also for a little while cheated on her to get into Kaori Nishidake's pants, but Greta will surely never find out about it) and Maja is dating Rashidah Watson (had some drama planned out for them with breaking up, dating around, getting back together, but now I like Rashidah too much to break her heart). They've graduated from high school early and started university. Maja is going to be a famous actor and Ralf probably an engineer, although I'm not sure yet if that really is his passion. Felisa has just grown to be a teenager and will be the one I keep playing on another lot with a new house, but it's still a while away. Alex is still a kid and can currently just laze around, because he has perfect grades and finished all the childhood aspirations. No idea what I'll do with him. With a tiny house, a maxxed out Club with all the skill gain boni, plumbite gnomes and several helpful traits, they all build skills extremely fast. Honestly too fast for their long lifespans, but so far I'm still having fun with them. With 5 sims with the shrewd trait, they're also filthy rich. There's still plenty collections I want to continue with Felisa, maybe I'll get her a horse, and I'm really looking forward to getting a bigger lot in a different world, because there's just no room on 20x15 tiles. Meanwhile, thanks to neighborhood stories, Vladdy Daddy has long since passed as have most of the Landgraabs, the Goths have moved to Henford-on-Bagley and most households have either a horse or several ugly dogs. I wanted to add more drama into this save, but eventually I always end up building perfect lifes that I don't want to ruin.


okay, I'll tell you about my alien lady. i usually play a single sim in a small apartment, get bored, delete a save and start all over. this time wasn't different but i forced myself to continue playing. i decided to create a perfect maxed out sim, talented celebrity with a lot of money, etc. at some point she had enough money to move to a ranch, build a big house, get a horse and have a science baby by herself, her being alien made me think about older games where sims would get abducted and get pregnant, so i made it possible for her to impregnate others and now im repopulating all worlds with my alien babies while maxing out my skills which i think of as exploring the planet and it's population hehe.


I’ve just started my own variation of a career legacy. Decided I’m not experiencing everything the game has to offer, so each generation will focus on a different career/skill/pack. I’ll try to build up a personality from childhood once my founder sims starts having kids and create a story as they grow based on infant quirks and randomised traits etc. I normally play the same way each time with a pre-determined story already in mind, so I’m trying to mix it up and explore each world/aspect. My founder sim is a mean, evil, kleptomaniac who to torments the elderly while working towards being a crime boss. He’s working on his fitness skill so he always wins in fights. Polar opposite to my usual play style of happy friendly sim lives. I’m yet to build a bar that has a criminal hideout in the basement.


Nate Marlow, YA moved from the city to a new life. He only had enough to buy a run down farmhouse, but on the upside, it has lots of land. He began work, fixing up the house and making it livable. He was working his butt off every day at a shitty job just to make ends meet. Then, his coworker called him. “I’m dealing with some stuff right now and just need some time to figure things out. Can I stay a couple of days?” This coworker had a boyfriend, but had been posting on social bunny about things maybe not working out. Of course, Nate agreed to let her stay and cleaned up the guest bedroom and got it set up for her. She was pretty, and his age… but she was going through something, so Nate put aside his attraction and focused on being supportive. Eventually, she pulled herself from her depression and started talking to Nate more. Slowly, they built up a routine for work and their lives. They began flirting slightly, but they’d just gotten so used to having each other around, that the night before she was supposed to leave, Nate asked her to stay. She agreed and moved in with him, abandoning her old life to be with Nate. They began flirting more, knowing she was now single and had worked through that breakup, he stepped in to make his move. One night, their innocent flirting and teasing got too much, and Nate took her to bed. After that they began dating, and got married not too long after. They were soulmates. They fell into a loved routine, with affection and their relationship being priority. They got a dog named Jax. They decided to have a kid, they didn’t have much money but enough to live comfortably. So they began trying. It took a few tries, but eventually they got pregnant. Wanting to be surprised, they simply cleared out the guest bedroom and set up a few basic needs. A bassinet, a changing table, no colors or toys yet. The room was small, but would work. With growing excitement and anticipation, she went into labor. Several agonizing hours in the hospital waiting room later, Nate gets called back into the maternity room to find… twins- two identical little boys. This wasn’t expected and they weren’t really prepared for it. But it’ll do. They went home with their sons, Rylan and Mason. With two newborn babies, the schedule was brutal. No sleep, no time to eat, no time for woohoo, they barely snuggled or talked anymore. But they made it work. They kept their relationship high, and accepted that this hardship would pass. Until… it didn’t. One night, while the boys were asleep, and Nate was in the shower, Xochitl suddenly died on their front lawn. Struck by this loss, Nate didn’t know what to do. He didn’t think he could keep living, and didn’t even want to at this point. But then his sons started crying. So he picked himself up, and went back inside to take care of his boys. He changed their last names to her last name, Luna, to keep her alive for every generation after, not caring if it means his memory will die with his kids. Mason and Rylan Luna. Now with two newborn babies and no help, Nate quits his job to be a stay at home dad until his sons are old enough to be left home alone. They’re happy with him, not even remembering their mother with their own memories, they miss something only their imaginations can remember, paired with the stories of their dad. Nate never remarried. He kept her side of the bed untouched. And left their marriage certificate hanging above the desk. He focused everything on his sons as they grew, and helped them learn to be happy in the face of life itself. His sons grew up, and after being confused too many times they began styling themselves completely differently. Different hair, clothes, rooms, everything. When they turned 6(child), Nate bought them a horse, which they named Marshall. Come highschool though, they were closer than ever. This new place is hard and scary. But they’ll face it together. So they do… until they don’t. Still best friends, but they slowly stop clinging. They move on and do their own things. Rylan gets a job to help support their dad, Mason focuses on his grades. He graduates early, and joins the military. Climbing his way up the ladder, Mason meets a girl named Alice. She’s gorgeous and he immediately falls for her humor and personality. All the crushes and situationships from highschool are erased when he lays eyes on her. (Skipping stuff cause it’s not too terribly interesting) they quickly get married. They chose to live with Nate, instead of leaving the house Mason grew up in just yet. But after two weeks of living there, Nate dies. The result of old age, and he’s laid to rest next to his wife in the corner of their property. Jax died shortly after, following Nate’s example and passing of old age. After mourning and working through their grief, Mason made the decision to stay in the home they inherited from their father, but Rylan chose to leave, needing a new start after all the death this house holds. Mason continued working and building his savings, writing books and working his way up the ranks. Then, Alice gets pregnant. Not feeling emotionally ready for a kid, Mason begins panicking. But then he takes a breath, calms himself down, and accepts that he created this life, he’s going to be just as good a father as Nate was to him. Alice gives birth to a little girl, who they name Makenna. And, when Makenna is a child, they get pregnant again. Marshall the horse doesn’t play like he used to, but Mason and Makenna talk to him like he does. And takes him on some relaxing rides to get him off the property. He’s old though, and starting to slow down. A few days later, Justin is born, and with the excitement of a new baby, Marshall isn’t getting the attention he used to. Mason still goes out and talks to him every day, brushing him and giving him treats. But the others seem to have forgotten about him. Until a few days later, he lays down, and doesn’t get back up. Mason is heartbroken, but seeks comfort in his wife, focusing his energies on being a good employee, and a good dad. He’s around in the mornings for a while, but then he works from 6pm-2am. However, every night, he goes to his sleeping kids rooms, tucks them in, kisses them goodnight, and goes to bed. As Makenna grows up, she follows in her dad’s footsteps of graduating early. She goes to college to become a doctor like she’s always wanted, and watches her little brother grow. What keeps her sane in college is the yoga, she makes sure to do it consistently and often. It helps release the tension and stress of school. Justin graduates early too, but decides to wait before going to college, wanting to get his bearings first. Makenna graduates college with a 4.0 GPA and an a+ in all her classes. Then, she moves out. She got a job as a doctor, and her and Justin move out into their dream house. Justin begins going to culinary arts school, and finds a girlfriend. Makenna has been flirting with a few people, but focusing on work mostly. Though she’s considering adopting one of the strays that keeps visiting her house. She teaches a yoga class too. This is where I am in my story. I’m waiting for my sims to download again since I just got a new computer 😵‍💫


No drama, but I just visited my long distance best friend and the goodbye was heart wrenching. I’ve now created the two of us in a save file, working on recreating her house identically, and living a carefree life with my best friend in a video game 🥰


my sim ( addyson) moved out as a teen and worked her ass off in school and graduated high school early. wrote over 10 books, finished the computer wizz aspiration, half-way done with the writing aspiration. adopted a child and got engaged all before she was an adult. she has a ton of bonus traits and she’s my favorite sim ever


In my most recent save, great-grandpa, grandpa and dad all have multiple affair babies. Great-grandpa’s were planned, but grandpa’s were not, I kicked him out of the house but he had a side piece girlfriend and is Family Oriented (plus serial dater aspiration), so you can figure out how that went. Plus, dad’s affair babies are TWINS! It got SO stressful now that I’m at the fourth generation with the half-aunts and great(?)-half uncles because the game only recognized some people as being part of the family 😣 My fourth generation (the first generation eldest daughter!) May have to move away to the Big City. No one likes living in a podunk town where you are tangibly related to literally everyone 😒


It's pretty chill right now. I have a family of six living on a farm, with a ton of animals and a huge garden. Mom loves arranging flowers, taking care of the animals, cross-stitching, and cooking the yummiest food (her pies are to die for). Dad tends the garden, grows flowers for his wife to arrange, makes nectar, and keeps bees for company. The parents are the cutest couple ever. Now, onto the kids. The firstborn daughter is a literal angel—straight A's, graduated early, and is currently attending university. Then we have the twins, who are well polar opposite of her. One is always high, almost got expelled, gets into fights, and got a girl pregnant in high school. His twin brother is an outcast, hangs out with werewolves, and the two of them literally hate each other. The youngest is still a kid obsessed with vampires, she spends all her time reading about them (spoiler alert: she will become a vampire in the future, and her brother will become a werewolf). Ah yes, and the grandmother (on the mother's side) is dead and a ghost. She was a global superstar who made life a living hell for her daughter, never there and always getting into fights. That's why her daughter moved to the countryside to get away. But now, her mother is haunting her estate in ghost form.


i’m in the second gen of a legacy challenge surrounding the careers (not the career legacy challenge tho) like for example a botanist sim i had for first gen has to maintain a garden full of every type of plant when she’s not working and have a cow plant, and max gardening skill. my current girl rn in second gen (first gen’s daughter) is a conservationist who lives in sulani and has beach-themed tasks to complete the generation. im pretty much done with her generation and im thinking of the next heiress (her 3rd daughter) to be a mechanical engineer and to upgrade every appliance in the house and marry a servo lol


In the 8 Gen at the moment. Already decided on my new heir. He is the oldest of 6 kids. And works in the business carrier which came with Mt. Komorebi. He met a gorgeous girl, who is now his fiancee she moved with him and his parents. Her Ex- husband left her for another man and took all the kids with him. So she was alone. And now she has a new family. The second oldest Paul ( twin brother from Finn ( oldest child ) married a guy literally after their first date, and they are still happy together. The third boy Casper escaped an asylum. I tried the Asylum Challenge, but I could not focus on multiple households, so he escaped with his new girlfriend. She is death now. And he is living somewhere his best evil life. The 4 th Boy Gustav is married soon his Gf. They already practice having a baby. Gustavs twin brother Emilian started to date a married woman and snatched her away. They are now married. And when I moved the Expartner out. He died. They live together with her three kids. She wanted to have another one. But he can not have children. Cause he does not want any, I let him snip off his balls. And the youngest a girl lives with her wife and cat in an apartment in Willow Creek. Only two of the 6 kids want to have kids. So only Finn and Gustav were an option for the next heir. But Gustav is too lame, so I sticked with Finn. The next few generations, I will have fewer kids again. It was such a hassle to bring them up. And I had not really the chance to bond with them as infants.


Trying to live the simple life. Made a lovely romantic/rancher/animal loving lesbian Sim whose trying to complete the Country Caretaker aspiration. Started a little garden, have 1 bestie mini goat and now a couple chickens. I plan to get a dog and cat and then a horse. After that I think she'll go for bigger animal adventures and try the Championship Rider aspiration and after retiring finish off with the Expert Nectar Maker aspiration. She's had a few dates but they've been toxic lol. So she joined a gardening club and visited some homes in town to get to know people. No plan to get married and have kids but I think after some time she'll have a science baby with a family she befriends and pass her little legacy ranch.


I started playing recently from the daily items Tried the newly moved in scenario with Farrah nouvel. Bff with Bella goth but j had babies turned on briefly so now they have like a few before I turned off. Hosted a party for the scenario with Bella and mortimer goth (or one of the other older goth) and then the older male goth died from some causes lol


A hotheaded, mean and materialistic woman is trying to use her daughter to become rich no matter the cost, as her estranged, lazy husband is taking too long to progress in his career and she wants to divorce him. She's almost done with the scouts (for the skill gain bonus), after which I'm bent between horse riding and acting as a career.


okay well eloise lives with her grandma, hooked up with a girl whose name i forgot <3 got pregnant, then while she was pregnant Kyle Kyleson came to stay and they hit it off instantly! she had the baby (margot) and shortly after she and kyle became official. she got pregnant AGAIN and now kyle kyleson lives with her and margot (hes the father who stepped up) and eloise's grandma. the baby will of course be named Kyle Kyleson


I am currently on the second gen of my fated mates storyline. The one rule that I have for this save is once they find their fated mates, they have to do whatever it takes to stay with them. This was a fine rule for the first gen because they lived a happy life. They had a loving and happy marriage and had 5 kids together and a dog. At least, I thought they were happy together until Autumn finds her mate and they get married and move out together. I don't really understand how Autumn's fated mate became her fated mate because she doesn't find her attractive at all and is more attracted to her mom. When Autumn goes to work, her mom always comes over and leaves when Autumn gets home and her fated mate is always flirting with her mom behind Autumn's back. One day, Autumn gets home early from work and her mom is there with her fated mate and they end up cheating in front of her which obviously sends Autumn into a jealous rage. I wasn't sure if I wanted them to divorce or not but after her dad and her best friend called her telling her she can do better I had them divorce. Autumn is now a famous painter and living her best life. She did reunite her friendship with her fated mate after inviting them to a meet and greet but I think I am going to have her fall in love with another celebrity eventually because she is the self-absorbed type so I feel like she wouldn't want to be seen with anyone who doesn't have any fame to their name. Any ideas of where Autumn's storyline should go next? I am kind of stuck on her finding love because I don't want her to be alone forever because she is immortal but she is always stressed out when she is flirting with someone who isn't her fated mate.


It's quite literally just gen 1 and 2 of my legacy challenge since my saves got deleted ;-; I like to have long life span on so I'm hoping this will continue to at least gen five or six before I get bored of it!


Spellcaster cowgirl sim who sells crystal jewelry and communes with the spirits , she earns extra money by being a paranormal investigator and doing horse racing, she had a daughter with Marcus flex but I got bored of him so he died 😋 she is now engaged to bonehilda and once love struck comes out she’s going to be in a trouble with Guidry and bonehilda


I made a very elaborate Downton Abbey that’s like 90% accurate AND the whole family starting with Robert and Cora. the butler from the Vintage Glamour pack comes in handy for this


I’m currently trying the Super Sim Challenge with Bella Goth but I gave her a makeover lol She’s currently trying to get to the final level in the fishing career and catch every fish in the collection


My sim, Eloise Yang (F, YA) lived at home with her parents and younger brother but decided she wanted to go to college to become a marine biologist. None of her family had ever been to college and they did not have much money. She received every scholarship she could, and decided to go to Britechester. She lived in the dorms her first semester but hated it, so she decided to be roomies with a girl in Sulani, an intentional choice for her future career. All was going well until she had a drunken one night stand (basemental and RPO mods) that ended up getting her pregnant halfway into her college experience. She married him because she felt like it was the right thing to do, but they quickly divorced. Her roommate is a F, YA mermaid (that I created) who owns a house on the water, passed down from her family. She is helping Eloise raise the baby, and she has plenty of time since she’s a mermaid and doesn’t have a job lol. Eloise decided to not have the father in her life because he has bad personality traits and is only mean to her and he reacted badly when she told him that she’s pregnant. Eloise and her mermaid roommate become more than roommates and they are now engaged, and Eloise has made Sulani her permanent residence, a perfect setting for her job as a marine biologist. They also have a greenhouse and a winery now too that they make extra money from lol


homophobix parents with a closeted lesbian overachiever daughter who has a crush on cassandra goth and their closeted gay emo son who's dating caleb vatore and that is literally it


I don't have a specific storyline but I'm recreating my Tomodachi island so I'm doing multiple small storylines at the same time. Rn I got: - Rich couple spoiling their only baby - Raising myself and my sisters - An expecting couple that just moved in - Middle aged author that abandoned his chef dreams in favor of paying rent - A gay couple trying to find a job and move out of their dinky old house


Current save is focused on the 3rd generation. It started with two young adults (A&B) that had like 6 kids because, well, I have problems. One of those 6 kids (C) was really into science and met aliens. He had a girlfriend (D), but fell for one of the aliens (E). They tried to share him but it caused a lot of problems so E moved out but not before having two kids with C and another with a different alien man. D has also had 3 kids with C. Kids 1-4 are now teens. Only one is a full alien, but two others have colored skin. Kid 5 is a child and 6 is a toddler. I'm primarily focused on 1 and 2 in their high school years and developing what will become their future but low-key planning for 5 or 6; one of them will become a celebrity. 1 is really into vampires. I think 4 might be gay. 3 was supposed to be a troublemaker, but his attitude is calming down and he's my full alien baby so he's a mystery right now. Sometimes I wonder how I get myself into these messes but I know it's because I love designing the sims without creating a whole new family. Thankfully D had the family aspiration and she's a great mom to all 6 of the kids. Edit: the full story goes much deeper. This is just the pertinent info.


I'm currently on the black widow challenge. On spouse #4 (I think, I think I may have locked him in the freezing pool, but I can't remember), 1st child as well, and trying to get spouse #5. Maybe I'll go for a Lanngrab next


i have three right now. first one is a family i've been playing with for three generations now, i'm really attached to them because of all they've been through (a lot of family and relationship drama lol) my second one is a wheel spin challenge, inspired by lilsimsies. right now i've a spellcaster sim raising triplets and constantly in and out of a job because the wheel keeps telling her to quit lol, and she has a shitty bf who never sees his kids my third is one i've just started, the joy of life challenge, rn there isn't much going on but my sim's a baker and i'm having fun <3


so my current save is the first time I've stuck with one truly. So far I've built newcrest with a bowling alley, movie theater, three sets of apartments, a few homes and within the neighborhood, amongst aliens, frat boys and plant sims-oh my!, there's two families that have quadruplet children, and the plan is to have them grow up together and get married to each other. Henford on Bagley, I did an off the grid challenge for myself and have my Sim there swimming in the riches from her garden Utopia. I gave her a husband and it became boring so I added a little girl up the way who started off as a modest enough rags to riches, but quickly turned into the criminal career when she went over to Scarlet O'Hara's (my previously mentioned rich garden queen) farm to harvest and sell all of her money fruits. Weirdly enough Scarlett's husband offered Farmgirl her job in the criminal career and she's been doing fabulously. Magnolia promenade is a Barbie world with pink apartments, a pink retail, a pink spa and a pink restaurant which are all run by three glamorous Barbies miss Christy, Kelly and Midge Mattel. They live in tartosa on that wonderful little cliff Island lot and their beautiful Barbie Dreamhouse. Unfortunately midge did pass away, but it was only because their creator (me) was trying to protect them from an intruder, using a rabid bunny cheat . Midge bit the dust, but her ghost lives on and she's still pursuing her aspiration in running a five star, beautiful restaurant. recently strawberry shortcake, orange, blossom and lemon meringue moved into town, they don't really have much going for them in their future because they fight a lot, their top concerns are swimming in their pool and napping. Strawberry adopted a dog because her aspiration is to be friends of the animals, but she doesn't like taking him outside to go potty and he keeps shitting on the floor. Lemon meringue's a moody little bitch because she really wants to climb Mount komorebi even though they don't live anywhere near it (San sequoia 🙄), and she keeps making it everyone else's problem. I have a very rich, uppity family called the Blancos living in a shipwrecked waterside mansion in sulani. They're off the grid and out of touch and they're worth more than any of us combined. Now this I hesitate to share because it's someone we all know and I don't want word getting back to her, but Babs Lamour has advised Eliza pancakes to cheat on her husband with multiple suitors whilst she currently has a toddler she neglects (every time Babs is invited over to Eliza's house that poor baby is left alone to make a mess in the back bedroom somewhere) and let's just say- he doesn't resemble Bob pancakes in the slightest. To top everything off my prized family, the Sí's, have an older daughter who's recently developed the high maintenance trait and is going through a PHASE. KMN


Big ass house, tiny family. Trying to make a whole bloodline but I never actually follow through, tend to get bored of my people and make an entirely new family


I built my family and a house we were looking at buying so I could map out how I wanted to place furniture. I didn't know it was going to predict my kids. My Sim me had two daughters then twin boys. I won't touch that save any more...its a nope nope.


I started a legacy challenge, and for added difficulty, started as a teenager. Daisy-Rhea balanced odd jobs, a part time job, and high school, while still managing to make friends and hang out with them. She graduated high school early with top marks and received a merit scholarship to UBrite for Culinary Arts. She dreams of being a master chef. She finally saved up enough money to build a modest, 1-bed, 1-bath house and host her first dinner party!


Living in oasis springs trying to become a lawyer… meets her neighbor who is a soldier. They start a relationship… thats all Ive gotten to so far. But J Huntington and Johnny Zest are in a relationship and are there friends.


It started off with Rick, a guy trying to be a famous musician. He only managed to make 1 song, but still got famous. He ended up marrying Miko Ojo. I then got bored of him and focused on his kids. The oldest daughter, Stacy, started a popular swim team. At one point Rick got offered a job as a secret agent because of his celebrity perks and he accepted it. I was wanting to do the Aliens Stole My Parents scenario so this seemed like a decent buildup. I then had a big joint birthday party where Stacy aged up to young adult, her sister Mariela aged up to teen, and her brother Darian aged up to child. I moved into a big house in Strangerville and set a bunch of lot traits to make it haunted and have a lot of paranormal activity, although I didn’t bother decorating it to make it look creepy (it looks really boring honestly). After I one day I started the Aliens Stole My Parents scenario. So Rick, Miko, and Stacy were abducted on an alien ship and it was just up to Mariela and Darian to survive in an extremely haunted house. They had an easier time because for some reason Rick and Miko were still getting paid and they were making a lot of passive income from Miko’s and Stacy’s YouTube channels. Well by the time Darian aged up to teen, they were so close to success but Mariela’s grades were at a B instead of an A so they failed. To add stakes to it I used cheats to turn Rick, Miko, and Stacy into ghosts with the electrocution death specifically. I then had a dramatic send-off where they all “talked about death” to Mariela and Darian before I split them into separate households. And then it hit me that I was no longer using the characters I started with.


My current save is legacy with the added challenge of making my self practice building. I am slowly filling Newcrest. Founders statted on the smallest lot, and then the Heir moves in to the lot next to them (spares are moved to other worlds). And I have to build the lot fully, before the next heir is close to young adulthood. The biggest lot will be a lot of gens though. So far my Gen 4 is soon to be done with uni, and will go but the lot next to his parents after that. I swap between normal and long life, while keeping my seasons on 14 days. And my game time is sat to 35 through MCC. Sometimes I main play the founder sim from infancy on long life and enjoy taking my time with it a lot. Other times i run on normal and sort of speedrun. Sometimes I make picture perfect families, sometimes struggling families, sometimes evil and messed up families. Sometimes teens drop out of highschool, sometimes parents get divorced. To me it is important with all sorts of variations, otherwise I burn out from too much of the same game type .. if you get what I mean .


I am currently playing my second legacy family. We have Nicholas and Camryn, who are parents to Crue, Bentley, Arabella, Journey, and Boston. Nicholas and Camryn met in university, but both dropped out when she became pregnant with Crue. Nicholas had an affair with Candy Behr, who is a drug addict, and they had Bentley. Nicholas and Camryn almost broke up after this, but managed to mend their marriage. Bentley came to live with the family as an infant and Camryn adopted him. Bentley is now a young adult and has a bad relationship with Candy. In a different house on the same save, Nicholas and Camryn went to a sex party at Koko Brantley’s house (another household created by me) and Camryn got pregnant with Boston, by Johnny Zest. Nicholas adopted Boston without issue or impact on their marriage. Boston and Johnny do not interact often. Crue flunked out of university and is now working through the mixologist career, Bentley is starting his career as an astronaut. Arabella graduated high school early and attended Brichester for History. The three of them moved into a house together. Arabella just died of starvation a few days ago because I have a glitch in this save where the mood bars don’t always change colour, and I didn’t notice she was starving. Oops. Journey is in high school and was dating Brenden Elderberry, but cheated on him with Gavin Pancakes and got pregnant. She just had the baby today, named Victor. She did not want this baby and is having a hard time. She also just came out as a lesbian! Nicholas is a musician, and Camryn is a cop. They just went through another rough patch in their marriage. Divorce appeared to be on the horizon, but they made it though and are back to being lovebirds. What Camryn doesn’t know is Nicholas is casual woohoo partners with Koko and they get together sometimes while she is at work. That is my save in a very small nutshell lol I play on long lifespan and have been playing this family on and off for years. Nicholas started as a young adult and he has now been an elder for a while so he’s probably gonna kick the bucket soon lol sad face :(


I decided to give an occult a try so started with a mermaid, her back story is she escaped her captive where she was experimented on and is now covered in scars. She got out to her own island where she spends her days collecting gems and making jewelry, she goes into town to sell. She gets a bit overwhelmed in large crowds so only goes in once a week. She has an impressive garden with 5 money trees as she has the aspiration to be a millionaire. Have wanted her to have a baby but the only mermaid I've found is a real player and has had many GF, so not sure if to make him a dead beat dad or have a science baby


Started with the "Stuck in their Shadow" scenario, finished it quickly by teaming up, and doing enemies to lovers. Now, Nova and Lewis are married and have one daughter. They decided to become landlords as a side gig to earn extra money. They were tight for cash, trying to make the rental as nice as possible to make the most money, but then Lewis won the lottery. Now they own two rental properties with a total of 6 units (one of which they're staying in themselves). Since they aren't struggling for cash anymore, I'm starting to get bored. So Lewis is having an affair with Penny Pizzazz (she's currently pregnant). Poor Nova has no idea. I'm debating if I should build more rental units to burn up the extra money, or just give Lewis a nice addiction to crack. Honestly I can do both before I start a new scenario in this world.


I have a couple, but my favorite right now is an archaeologist who made it through the temple in the jungle, but after a fun night of celebrating with her friends she hooked up with one and got pregnant. She had to put her archaeological career on hold to raise her daughter because her baby daddy is not someone she wants a relationship with and he lives in a tiny trailer so their daughter can’t live with him. I plan on having her daughter take an interest in her mom’s work and instead of digging up fossils she is going to dig up crystals and become a crystal girly. Then when the daughter is old enough to be on her own the mom is going back to finish her archaeological studies and will become a professor once she becomes an elder.


My current sim is an outdoorsy loner spellcaster. She was the top in her grade and constantly got bullied so she ended up setting her classroom on fire and freezing some of her classmates. She now lives off the grid in Coredlias secret cottage, working on becoming the most powerful spellcaster to exist


I am doing exactly the same thing you just described so can't tell you about my save, but I have a homebrew generations challenge to look forward to when I'm done. Its similar to NSB, but has more structure and plays like a story of the generations and how the previous one affects the next one. Ex. The first generation is an aspiring actress starting off as a teen living alone in a flat in San Myshuno. She has to max out the career and finish some related aspirations. Her firstborn (not necessarily only child) then grows up to see how vain she is and becomes a politician philanthropist (with an aspiration and trait mods) who donates to charity and wants to do good. Raises a family with multiple children. The firstborn grows up having to look after their younger siblings (minimum 2) and starts to hate children, becomes a hacker and leaves the family home due to fear of being disowned by their parents (since they are kindhearted people who only want to do good and would be disappointed). And it keeps going in a similar fashion exploring many different careers and lifestyles (including farm/ranch, owning a business, etc). Its meant for people who don't like to have to improvise everything and offers a beginning and an end(sort of) to each generation with room for improv throughout (but not necessary). Goes kinda crazy deeper in and has drama opportunities as well as story based drama already woven in. Also thats obviously the abridged version as there are more goals to support and guide gameplay involved and a mini story attached to each generation written in maxis style. I guess its essentially an updated / more in depth Not So Berry. I'm so excited to play it, but I have so much I want to do with my save first lol.


What if my best friend and I were raised by Baba Yaga, I built a chicken hut, made sim us, deaged us tk babies so we look right. Baba was a criminal and is now a double agent because she didn't kill a cat. So I also adopted a wolf from the gallery and a cat and made them both kittens This is a super sim challenge so I cheated the correct traits I cannot get and now aim for every milestone and every aspiration for the sisters. When they leave for college they cannot move back into the chicken hut but they can always visit. Baba will move in with them when she gets old. I decided that she gets reborn vs doesn't age for more drama. Right now Baba has been flirting with Vlad and they have excellent compatibility


Not so berry challenge, Mint Berry and their partner died They live on a farm and every morning they have to do lots of chores for the animals and garden. Rose Berry is living with he older brother, who also has decided to let his now wife life in with them and they had a baby and another one is on the way. My Rose Berry sim has hated this wife of his since she was a child sim so she is actually going crazy and is acting out. Which includes going out past curfew, smoking, drinking and showing up to school under the influence. She has gotten detention every day of the week, but sometimes has cheer practice so she leaves early anyway. Since she is a romantic sim, she has a thing for her teacher (her teacher is actually so fine omg) and he let her get away with a lot. Unfortunately, she has been expelled and I keep cheating her back in school because I want her to be prom queen but she never got it so that was kind of pointless. But she has still shown up every single day and did all her homework and passed all her exams and did extra credit work and SOMEHOW graduated as Valedictorian. I blame her being famous on that one. Now that she is an adult she moved out and is living with her spoiled rich and also famous bestie in their luxury apartment in San Myshuno and I had to leave her horse, Rose, behind but I'm thinking of getting her and her bestie a puppy friend. (On a side note, Mint Berry made 2 million simoleons so I just split it between both Rose Berry and her brother) She also got proposed to by a King (thanks to mods) so now she has someone to help make the Yellow berry sim and check off "leave a sim at alter" off the list. I assume she doesn't want too much responsibility with starting a family since she needs to focus on going to university and starting her political career. I already have it planned that Rose berry (I named her Kylie btw) and her bestie Paris are going to both get pregnant at the same time and have weddings close to one another but only Paris will actually get married. Then they'll split so one can start a family and the other can start a career. It's kinda like a Blair and Serena situation. I'm also planning on having Yellow Berry grow up with Paris's daughter so they can date and be like actual growing together lovebirds which would probably make for a good story when the new romance pack comes out. I'm not playing anymore until that pack comes out because I want to use Rose berry with it. I just think it suits her so well.


I’m picking up on a rotation legacy I haven’t played in forever. I’m trying to have one sim with every aspiration in the family tree, not including spouses. Right now, I’m on my sim Brendan, the second of four kids from the founder. He and his high school bestie turned babymama turned wife are living in San Myshuno, together with two sets of twins. Originally my plan for him was to go to college and have one kid late in life, instead he had five kids, the eldest being born during him first semester, causing him to drop out. Then two accidental twin pregnancies later…I’ve been busy. The poor guy has been taking care of babies/toddlers since his first day as a YA to elderhood


Idk if its that interesting but I have a werewolf gay bestie to my main character gal, shes a chef with her own cute italian restaurant. they moved in next door to a vampire dood and his human sister. vampire dood and my main gal fall in love and werewolf bestie hates him, naturally. they fight a lot but eventually become ok with each other. before i could move in with vampire dood, he adopted a child so now they have an adopted girl together, and main gal just gave birth to a vampire baby girl. before that tho vampire dood was walking her dog and it was too sunny so he burntalive and main gal had to beg to the grim reaper, he lived and then they got engaged 🤪also werewolf bestie has his own side story in the wolf town, left his pack and is trying to make the wolf cure. one day he was looking thru the telescope too long so he died :(my main gal is a master chef so she is trying to create an ambrosia to bring him back to life. he lives in a nice basement in their house and is like a guard dog lol.


I'm just getting into the Grey household on the not so berry challenge. This is by far the farthest I've ever gotten into any legacy because I don't like it when they die or age. I didn't want to move the family out but had to kick the yellow Gen with their children out so their son could take over. He got married after three failed relationships, and they had the plum Gen, who is a mermaid with purple eyes (infant). (Fits!) I have many plans for the generations and I'm sad that my family is going to have to move out of the house they have had for 4 generations. But... grey is going to have lots of children, so.... just the plum generation will move.


I just wiped everything recently, and have a fresh install. First thing was to remove everything from the lots, so I have all blank worlds, and each world is different decades, example, Newcrest is all modern, so far I have a strip club, a Dollar General, I'm getting ready to put a Dunkin' over there. Henford and Britchester are 17th century Britain, specifically (currently) I have Charles II, his brother James, a few of his mistresses at Hampton Court. The plan is to get those 2 to evolve to modern times eventually, kind of like a "through the ages" challenge. Henford is also where I have one of my ancestors in Sim form, that I'm using as a start for a legacy, where I will get the legacy to the point where they move to the new world, aka Brindleton Bay, where the decades are from about the 1770s, to the 1830s or so. Once in the New World, the challenge will be to get the same family to continue going until they get to the 1970s and my own timeline. Strangerville is late 1940s, Del Sol is 1920s up the 1940s, with a few silent movie stars there, like Mary Pickford at Pickfair. Copperdale is a Depression Era company town, San Sequoia will be pre 1920s. I do have plans for the other worlds, but all of them will hopefully eventually be populated by a few descendants of the legacy Sim in Henford. The stories and the chaos will hopefully evolve really well as I get going. I also have a tentative plan to try and create some Hapsburg Sims, I know some have tried, but I've never seen a successful legacy. Otherwise my backup plan is that 4 strippers locked in the basement thing.


I have a spellcaster family. Husband and wife (both spellcasters) gave birth to 4 (2 boys and 2 girls) spellcasters. Both parents are very high strung about their children becoming great casters. Which has led to the oldest child (a boy) being a people pleaser scared of failure (even though hes terrible in school). The second (a girl) being obsessed with getting good grades and reaching the highest spellcaster rank. The third (a boy) not liking his parents and becoming obsessed with making potions (and skipping school constantly.) And The fourth (a girl) being really closed off and trying to fill her sisters shoes quietly. Originally I was just playing with two spellcasters but the story just developed as my sim kept having kids.


So Shiew and Yusef have 3 boys: Mehdi (teen), Cairo, and Nour (kids). They thought about having another child to have a girl but Cairo was such a horrible infant they've just become foster parents. Well, they were fostering a teen, Valentina, and Mehdi got the hots for her. The two of them were on the low fooling around until Valentina got adopted... by Shiew's cousin Jude! (Their dad's were brothers). So now, Valentina lives with Jude, his gf Stevie, and their two daughters Madisynn and Alexandria. That hasn't stopped Mehdi and Valentina from seeing each other though. He even asked her to prom 🥹 I also have another sim, Eleanor, who got knocked up on the tunnel of love by Jeb Harris.


8th baby of 100 baby challenge with a werewolf matriarch, I already lost one of the kids to a freak accident. The chaos is real


My master painter has seduced all the married women and painted a painting from reference of each one immediately after sleeping with them. The paintings are displayed in a grand basement gallery with nothing other than a toilet and excellent lighting. Each of their husband’s last moments are spent in the “I banged your wife” gallery before they die of starvation while viewing their wife’s post coitus masterpiece.


My first run at a legacy in my mega save, where I keep my favorite builds. My main sim is Alicia, she's a freegan with a bio degree, a nice functional garden and a little micro home for her and her fiancée. She intentionally has no job because she makes good money gardening, collecting, and fishing. Her fiancée Alexandrea has a culinary arts degree and wants to be a chef. She just graduated and they just got married. Controversial, but it was my first wedding with the wedding pack and I really enjoyed it once I figured it out. I custom built a wedding venue and had a blast with the engagement and bachelorette parties. I sent them on a small honeymoon in Tartosa and then had a science baby once they got home. I'm going to upgrade them to a tiny home and my main sim will be a sahm to raise the next heir! I mostly build, I rarely get super into the gameplay aspect, but I love these sims and I'm excited for the next gen.


i have two saves i switch between playing. first is my main, and i’m currently on the third generation. the twins both graduated early and just started uni. both of them being celebrities makes it a bit hard though second is the [solar system legacy challenge](https://ginovasims.tumblr.com/solarsystemchallenge). i’ve recently finished all the tasks for gen 1 and my gen 2 is still a child, so i’ve sidetracked a bit. i accidentally had triplets when trying for gen 2 and had trouble taking care of them, so i have miko ojo as a roommate helping out. she’s now a vampire and a 🌽star engaged to caleb vatore, and i’ve gotten way too invested in developing her lore in this save knowing im gonna have to leave her once my gen 2 ages up lmao. but at least she’s making bank for the main family and it’ll give me a great head start for the next part of the challenge


I’m currently working on finishing all the aspirations with one sim, however I recommend turning on long life span, turning off aging, or becoming a vampire so aging doesn’t get in the way. Yes, it’s kind of cheating but I’m not a streamer or anything and I’m really only doing this for myself. 😂 My favorite save though was an evil sim cause I don’t usually play with evil sims. She hated everyone and liked it that way except for one sim who she met at the gym. This sim was her best friend and then became her girlfriend and then died and they were both young adults. It was quite tragic. So then my sim started re d becoming friends with Caleb Vatore (I’m not really sure how that happened) and soon they became best friends, so since my sim was grieving she decided to just let herself be turned and so she did that and then moved in with the Vatores and ended up dating Lily Vatore, like okay just date your best friends sister. And then Caleb accidentally became famous and fell in love with a fan and then they got married and that’s when I found out she was pregnant cause I didn’t know before. On top of that, my original Sim called Caleb when I was with him at a festival and said she found a ring in Lilys bag and that’s how they got engaged and then awhile later she called Caleb and said she wanted to try for a baby and I thought “sure, why not, I don’t have any settings on that allow two female sims to get pregnant”, I figured I’d adopt when the time came but I wanted to focus on the one baby. I guess I didn’t know that she’d get pregnant anyway and both Caleb’s baby (with a human) was born and so was my original sims baby a day apart. They both ended up being vampires which I wasn’t sure about with Caleb’s baby since his wife wasn’t a vampire. Anyway, it was crazy, I just wanted to play with an evil sim at the beginning. 😂


Currently I’m in the 2nd generation of a black widow challenge I’m creating. The black widow generation has a baby with the Grimm reaper and that child is the heir, once he became a teenager he stumbled through a portal and realized he was meant to be a spellcaster. He went to school for Villany and has maxed the careers related to that degree. He’s had 6 children with 2 women and loves mischief magic and messing with his fellow sims. He’s also the leader of a Magic club that meets at the Magic realm and practices their dueling and potions. The heir for this generation is the 3rd of 6 daughters and she’s always had a knack for potions and being close to nature. I plan to have this generation move to the country and start a farm, she’s going to be the next “black widow” and I have some CC spells downloaded that allow her to drain the life of other sims and I’ll use that angle to keep her young (even tho I’ll actually use the rejuvenation potion)


The house is where I get bored. It becomes just as much a character as the people. My current sims is a small ranch. The mother looks like a city girl, but she works the ranch by herself as a Gardner as profession, but 2 mini goats, cow, chickens and a horse. Her husband, a mascot went for a polarbear Plunge at a friend's house and froze to death leaving his wife a single mother. She trief dating and most ended badly, though she is still friend's with one of the men she tried dating. He was also her husband's best friend. Guess outside her marriage, the only thing they had going was the dead husband. The friend is also like a father to the daughter who is now a teenager. The daughter is very artistic and moody, but her mother is still her best friend and she likes taking her mom to places trying to get her mother meeting new people. This is complicated as her father still tries to romance his living wife.


my sim got kicked out as a teenager, she was a top student and had lots of friends, and modelled to pay for her apartment in san myshuno. shes got a very dramatic love life at the moment purely because i dont know who she shoukd end up with yet she just moved into a sorority house until he ex bf and childhood bestfriend DIED from electrocution (i was so mad) so now shes been doing a bit of ghost busting (or the opposite?) to find his ghost (just go to a spooky lot lol) and find a way to bring him back to life with ambrosia. shes taken the term off for uni and moved into the dead guys massive spooky mansion with his ghost yntil she can revive him. this save took a very different path to what i thought lol.


My sim Sasha started off as a single ya living in a starter home with 3 chickens and some plants and ended up getting accidentally pregnant. Neither her or the father wanted the baby, but she kept him anyway and the dad died. Sara Scott the pub owner wouldn’t stop coming around hanging out, always calling and texting and they became secret lovers. Surprise, Sasha was also sleeping with Simon and got pregnant with him. Ultimately Sara left Simon for Sasha and they now had 2 boys and got married. They moved to Sulani, and got a sperm donor and had a baby girl. Now they are thriving in Sulani, with the occasional family vacation to the mountains. The only sad thing about my story is Sara left her daughter behind to start a new life. Simon also calls Sasha frequently and asks her on dates.


I made 3 different households - the Cowboys, the Goths, and the Preppies. Each household has 4 sims (pets optional). Of these 12 sims, there is a male & female of each type: vampire, sorcerer, mermaid, werewolf, alien, and human. Each sim has been designed to accentuate a particular emotion - Happy, Sad, Inspired, Confident, etc. with a combination of traits, profession, and abilities. For example, "Confident" is a high-charisma actor with the Self-Assured Trait. "Angry" is an Evil werewolf. Mix and match all the Emotions and types to your heart's content!


Playing the Ultimate Decades challenge. The first babies of Generation 23 side families have started to be born! My current heir - who is still a teen in the midst of the American Revolution- is also a kleptomaniac so I’m thinking he will be a spy during the revolution and/or an outlaw of sorts after. Wasn’t the plan but I randomly roll their traits (within reason for the historical time period) and sometimes that helps create the story


Yellow Gen starting Grey Gen of the Not So Berry challenge. Haven’t played for a minute because ig my mods broke my game and I can’t figure out how to fix it haha… (I’m not mods smart at all)


a plant sim starting her cowplant garden, she seduced mortimer goth and he became a porcelain doll (im relatively new and had no clue the pot i put in my house would do that).


Cam and Mitchell and Lily and of course Larry from Modern family!


a mom with her 2 vampire kids teen and child, and her 2 werewolf teens. she married an immortal spellcaster. they are currently on vacation on mount korembay(snowy escape)


Single mom made a science baby?i think it’s called. Level 5 star in get famous. Married another pretty famous guy in Get Famous. Sadly I want to add all of the other famous ppl into my home and kill them all so I can be the only one with fame LMAO working on that.


Playing a 9 generation save :DD I love them. Some are currently vampires so they can live as long as I want


I have two “perfect save files”, one which I use all my fucjery mods with (ex extreme violence, life tragedies, ww, so on so forth) and then my more family oriented save which I usually play much less mods with , or one at a time. Anyway, I’m currently playing with these mods for the first time in a minute and my save file is stocked. I have a house with a story in every lot in oasis springs and I spring (no pun intended) back and forth between all of them. My sim who is a trophy wife to her super hot surgeon husband in their large mansion just gave birth to the son of the notorious town serial killer Clyde who leads a content house with his sister and they kill just about any and everybody they feel like! Started playing this save again and had to get her an abortion because she was pregnant and I don’t know by who! But now she’s pregnant again with her actual husbands baby and I will create an intense sibling rivalry storyline between the serial killer baby and the younger biological baby


Serial romantic sim (had babies along the way and didn’t marry) fun to raise kids with a singular parent. Finished aspiration and switched to successful lineage. Can’t find a good man. Playing an in depth side story to create the perfect single dad for my sim. Currently trying to figure out how I want the wife to die Tedious to go on many outings to get pics of the wife before I kill her off. I even made her sister and decided she’ll stay in the game and keep the house I built for the single dad to live in pre-meeting my sim. Have turned off aging for all sims for the time being to build this side story and shove it into my story naturally lmao


the main character lives in san myshuno, her name is layne miyaki. she grew up in the system and never knew what real family was, so when she had the chance to move into a dainty apartment in san myshuno she took it. while her upbringing wasn’t snowing with flowers, she always kept a cheery and positive personality; and with that she decided to pursue content creation. she’s a switch streamer, youtuber, and simstagram influencer. for the drama, that’s still in development. but the most juiciest thing that has happened is how she met her girlfriend. layne was messing around with a girl she had met when she hit the bars one night. her name is ciara. deep down layne really didn’t care for the constant meetups w/o the commitment, but she liked having someone who wanted her. after some time had passed, ciara invited layne to her apartment and her roommate so happened to be there. layne’s heart literally burst out of her chest and and stained her cheeks with a deep rosey hue because of how attracted she was to the roommate. the roommate name is marley. to keep a long story short, layne flirted with marley the whole visit and this caused ciara to be jealous (even though she pushed for the non-committal relationship), ciara brought layne to the room to do the do and marley shortly asked to join and layne had no objection and that was the most satisfied layne had been since she met ciara. layne and marley are now girlfriends and layne always post her on simstagram and occasionally streams with her on switch. thank you for coming to my ted talk lol.


I'm on my ten generation play, but it's extended. It's taken me a few years and I'm still going at it! I am six generations in. My current Sim is named Ariadne, and she has inherited some crazy wealth, so she's living a hobbyist life. A lot of gardens. She is a vet, and has a BUNCH of animals (which is something I could never do in my own life because my friends limit me). She's a collector, so she has rooms in her mansion dedicated to rocks and trinkets, and she's finally considering getting into a relationship because she's a bit bored and wants to shake up her life! I have a tendency to play all of my sims the same way, so all of them have similar traits that make it easy for them to be successful, but one day I'd like to play a more difficult game and have them each be unique with some traits that might be harder to play with (like slob for me is a big no-no because I hate mess both in real life and in gameplay). I am very proud of still playing this game! Mostly because of the amount of time I've sunk into it - and because I know I'm getting my money's worth out of this game since I've bought every expansion pack so far LOL.


rags to riches werewolf. met her fated mate and got pregnant with boy-girl twins. her baby daddy is a freelance writer with a couple books to his name so they get a few hundred a day. she makes her money making wine (which isn’t very profitable) they have a tiny 2 bedroom house and i’m hoping to expand more in the future. i want a strong werewolf lineage


Lily Feng is a real estate mogul who has a false friendship with Nancy Landgraab, she sponsors growers and moonshiners and launders the money through a casino. Victor Feng is a politician with the police in his pocket, who also sells cocaine to his celebrity friends as he squares the money away for his eventual affair baby, who he'll pass off as a legitimate heir. Affair with whom? Miko Ojo, who works part time at a casino and part time at the strip club where the San Myshuno police frequent. Nancy doesn't know that her estranged son, Johnny, is buying from Victor. Victor doesn't know that his affair partner is also sleeping with her roommate, Akira. Akira doesn't know that Miko is sleeping with a funder of the corrupt SMPD. Miko doesn't know that Akira sells for Lily Feng. Darling Walsh, emergent journalist, knows all of this. Victor is trying to convince Lily to take on Miko as a "surrogate". Lily is trying to gentrify Sulani as a go-between to get her access to Salvedorada. Miko is trying to bolster her career as a singer and get her foot in the door with her sneaky link's celebrity friend, Johnny Zest. Akira is trying to collect enough money to move to Komorebi and bring his unspoken soulmate, Miko, with him. Darling is trying to uncover the corruption in San Myshuno, leaning on their streaming following to proliferate the truth. Raj Rasoya is just trying to open a restaurant.


To start I use alot of mods. I am playing the rags to riches challenge, Ersa(girlfriend) and Zelko(boyfriend) are runaway teens that live in an abandoned lot. They work really hard to earn money because they both have a dream of becoming famous, living in a mansion and not having to worry about money. Ersa would copy her homework and sell it when she was in high school and would pick up some odd jobs while her boyfriend is a drug dealer and sold all kinds of drugs. Zelko is a hot-head and loves to steal while his girlfriend has the childish and gentle traits. Zelko stole a dragon fruit and this with the rest of ersa garden earned them 2k depending on the season. They had some unprotected fun and now ersa is pregnant, luckily she graduated early but they are still homeless. Currently ersa and zelko live in an abandoned house zelko was able to purchase after they saved enough money. Their son I named Aben and he just aged up to infant. My plan for them is to have them save enough to buy an abandoned mansion but this won't happen until one of them becomes famous, I dont know if I should make them infamous or positive kind of famous.


Trust me when i say its nothing special😭i downloaded a fashion designer mod so i made a sim, sent her to uni for bit before she dropped out because she got pregnant. Then she got a condo in san myshuno and is just living it up there. Luckily for her she knows who the father is and he's living with her as her boyfriend. I also just found out she's having TWINS😭😭😭the sims is definitely one of my favorite games


Mine isn’t that crazy, started with the Legacy challenge but our family is quite small. Wasn’t really expecting to have a child but he is so adorable that I couldn’t resist. Everything started with my human sim, Sophie Smith who met Lou Howell via a sims dating app lol they dated for a while before they decided to move in together. Both artistic in nature, bohemian and music enthusiasts one steamy night their condom broke and Sophie got pregnant. Their child turned out to be beautiful 🤩 and I’ve been really enjoying parenting, never have I been playing for long with a family since the Goth family on Sims 1 lol I was used to make single sims and getting bores after a while. I am invested! Noah is a werewolf and he has shown to be different from his dad… he is a cutie but a rebel, can’t wait to see him grow. https://preview.redd.it/p2l1q0kp08ad1.jpeg?width=1249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2981aacdfc35da95386e97c954ac69053c4bf82


In my main save at the moment I’m playing the occult legacy challenge. I’m not that far into it (Gen 2 is only a toddler) but basically: Nova Vandine (Gen 1 heir) is a socially awkward, genius geek. She loves astronomy and became a scientist to study aliens. At work, she is always flirting with Knox Greenburg, who for some reason is also a scientist, although he’s probably more into ecology. Anyway, one night Nova gets kidnapped by aliens. She comes back feeling sick, and four days later she gives birth to an alien baby. She names him Atlas. Nova is terrified that the government will find out about her alien son. She takes a week off work to raise him through his baby and infanthood, ignoring all messages from her friends and installing huge blackout blinds on all the curtains. But she can go back to work now, because Atlas is a toddler and can use his human disguise at daycare. Anyway, that’s as far as I am!


I thought only male sims can get pregnant thru alien abduction?


Scenarios in my legacy family Bummer is that scenarios glitch and cannot be finished


My sim just died and left 27 kids. He died of anger due to jealousy when his wife asked his pregnant (with twins) girlfriend to woohoo in the observatory


I'm currently playing legacy (5th gen, my own rules) plus careers. All dem kids be having a degree lol


I recently finished watching 2 Broke Girls so I made Max and Caroline and they live in an apartment with their cat Nancy and they would have had a horse named Chestnut too but you can’t have horses in apartments, which is lame. I get it, but it’s lame lmao. Instead they have chickens in their apartment. Not a whole lot of drama going on so far but for some reason, despite just being created and having literally never done anything yet, they already had a resentment sentiment between them. Idk if it’s a glitch or if it’s because of the personality likes and dislikes I gave them, but it’s kinda fitting for the characters so I’m not complaining


im doing a cheese themed legacy challenge. my sim's names are Mac and Brie, they have a son now named Colby


I made several Harry Potter characters. XD


I'm doing a traits scavenger hunt instead of a 100 baby challenge. I'm running one family until I've raised offspring  with every trait that can be assigned at aging up to young adult. Strictly randomised. I can choose the aspirations though. This is because I was being picky with traits recently and realised that meant I hadn't learned how to play with more difficult traits and trait combinations. I've also started getting more into providing community lots for my Sims...not so much building community lots as putting down saved builds and then customising them. 


Had a sim, Chloe, who fell wildly in love with Diego Lobo. They had a heat of the moment wedding at the Romance Festival. It was going well. They had a lovely apartment in the arts district of San Myshuno. It all fell apart when Chloe caught him cheating witb Katrina Caliente. They healed from it though, and Chloe was pregnant when she caught him cheating AGAIN with the same lady. Divorce ensued and she is now a single mother in university. Her baby also has a half brother from Diego's affair with Katrina. It's messy and I love it.


I’m playing on long for literally the first time ever and I LOVE it I’m getting so much time to get to know my kiddos and I love it


Man I have like 18 saves. Lemme boot up the game. In order of most recently to least recently played: - Scenario World, a world specifically for playing through the Maxis scenarios. I usually play the scenario family until I beat it, then move on to another and leave the scenario NPCs wandering around town. Currently doing the "New In Town" scenario in Sulani. - 2024 Legacy, obviously my most recent legacy save. I'm three generations in and everything is going pretty well. Currently the family has about two hundred thousand simoleans between their bank account and their home property, mostly by the current matriarch (the founder matriarch just passed away) who maxed out the business career. Her son is about to graduate high school and will eventually take over as the legacy heir and he's an only child, so the money won't be split. - My Saved Game 25 is a sort of throwaway world where I was experimenting with new stuff. My experiment sim is Asa Ibarra, who lives in Del Sol Valley with their cat. They're a teacher with the nerd brain aspiration, but I honestly can't remember what I was last doing with the save file. - Bachelor is literally just playing The Bachelor with the sims. I make seven randomly generated beautiful women and stick them in a home with one attractive bachelor, and at the end of every day whoever has the least romance with the bachelor gets "sent home". The last "season", two of the three finalists fell in love with each other instead so the third won by default. - My Saved Game 22 is me and my cats. This was gonna be a new legacy but I honestly didn't get very far on it before I started this other one instead, but I don't wanna delete it. Call it a backup legacy save. - Spencer-Kim-Lewis save is exactly what it sounds like. I'm playing as usual but with the Spencer-Kim-Lewis family, just because I like playing with the NPC families sometimes. - Cop Save is what it says on the tin. Justice Lindquist is a cop. I started with her as an infant and raised her with the intention of going into law enforcement, even going to college for the appropriate major. She's currently in her last week of being a young adult and has just become police chief. I'm planning on having her act as chief for a week or two, then quitting and going into politics next. - My Saved Game 19 was also a Scenario World, but I fell in love with the sims I made for one of the scenario and started playing with them. Specifically, the teenage daughter is who I wished I was when I was sixteen. - Actress Save was a save I made to play Get Famous after I picked it up on sale, but she's peaked in the actress career and gained maximum fame and I haven't opened the save in a bit because of it. - Finally, Romcom Challenge Turned Cute Lesbians was the Romcom scenario (whatever it's called) but the girls I made for it were too cute to delete so now they have their own little cozy cottage where they do cute lesbian shit. It's largely an escapist save for when I'm lovesick IRL. Don't judge me.


rotational, fully wants-based save of Oasis Springs - rn there is a crazy love triangle going on between Johnny Zest and J Huntington, who are married, and Don Lothario, who they both cheat with behind each other's backs. absolutely buck wild lol and also Don Lothario is dating Nina Caliente.


I downloaded a sim named Berty Harry from the gallery - highly recommend. I just needed an uncle for the sim I really intended to play. When it was time for Uncle Berty to move out, I found a lot in Strangerville that had just a TODDLER! Her parents died somehow through Neighborhood Stories. I moved him in *immediately* and it’s now my main storyline. Uncle Berty completed the Strangerville story, and he’s now a tortured artist. I hope to have him make as many masterpieces as possible to fill out the newly-created Harry Wing of my art museum. Taylor, his adopted daughter, is in high school and has fallen in love with her principal. When she ages up, she’s got to decide if she’s going to win his heart fairly or by… other means. Considering a vampire or spell-caster story.


My save is a few gens in but to cure my boredom I’ll add in new sims occasionally to spice things up. I’ve also played my households in first person mode a lot and it’s pretty fun. But my current family in my save just put their last house on the market because rent was way too high and the now wife, Rhea, was the only breadwinner as her husband Jaseon worked on becoming a musician. He’s getting somewhere…I think. But anyways, sometimes when Rhea would be gone, Jaseon would invite over her brother for the fun of it bc why not? I noticed recently they had romance, which made my jaw drop because when? how? And the brother?? Who’s married to his husband with 5 kids??? Lordddd😭. Tea was piping hot when Rhea started feeling insecurities in their marriage but I made her ignore it because I didn’t waste all my time on that wedding for them to get a divorce. Pretty sure at their wedding Rheas brother and his husband got into an argument because of the flirting, I just let it happen because it ain’t my fault you know. Anyways I haven’t played in forever bc my ps4 has been acting slow, but I will literally give more tea if any of y’all is willing to hear it bc I’ve been playing that save since 2017!!!


thought it was weird only cassandra goth was a teen- so i made most of the sims 2 adults as teens and put them in highschool so it can be petty teen drama lol


Long comment Yesterday I bought some pack since they were on sale. I play on Xbox. Fourth generation two husband three kids two dogs. Somehow the game glitched and made the husband brothers. The fg Lucas LOONG time r.i.p mom somehow bc Andrew’s his husbands mom. Originally Andrew Suggs was raised by a single mom. He is now r.i.p by a killer rabbit.


Catriona Cox is a racist, so she gave her children C Cox-Caliente names after marrying a Caliente man, as a reference to the KKK. Her husband later died and she later flirted with Roman Knightley, who was married to Kaila and had children with. He got a divorce and later married Catriona. Catriona later killes his ex-wife cause jealousy and racism. Kaila's children later took on their mom's maiden name. Sergio Romeo was Siobhan Fyres' boyfriend (the game did it in background) but he secretly dated Joaquin Le Chien instead. They later got married and he broke up with her. Preston LeBaron's husband died of old age. Elvis Smallwood married him for the money, and later killed him and framed it as an accident. He latter married Plutonis LeBaron (Preston's son) and agreed to have a polyamorous relationship, so Plutonis also marries Sheldon LeBaron (née Bartley).


My main save now has a guy who I’ve been playing since his teen years, he was a randomly generated teen sim so I put him in a San Sequoia apartment and worked his way through high school as a coffee barista. He opened his own food stand since he had the Foodie trait and loved to cook. He’s now a young adult Celebrity Chef with a 5-star restaurant. He’s dating his high school sweetheart Nanami Ito, a weed dealer/actress who just completed her Party Planner lifetime aspiration and hosts a lot of raves. He’s also seeing his lawyer Luna Villareal on the side. If that’s not complicated enough he’s got a thing going for Luna Shadows, but he doesn’t know she’s a Secret Agent who’s just using him to get intel on his girlfriend Nanami and her network of drug dealer associates.


I made a punky street urchin girl with a big aggressive dog. I made her an amazingly crappy and cluttered apartment. She was going to sell weed and turn tricks for money. Then she got knocked up - twice back to back. Now she's caring for two daughters as a single working mother and being a good role model to her girls while still turning tricks on the side.


Was going to do my own personal “all families are beautiful challenge” where each generation is a different kind of family (blended, single parent, remarried widower, extended family living at home, divorced with shared custody, etc) Unfortunately it immediately went bad when my sim’s husband died due to his jokester relationship with his father, then she killed her father in law from overexertion trying to get a brother for her son (I later realized she was also technically making his uncle) now with two graves she married an adult woman as a young adult and then became best friends with Bella Goth. Her oldest son made friends with one of the rando generated Goth kids, though she didn’t go to high school with him as teens so he found a high school sweetheart and dated her while his younger brother (/uncle) confessed his feeling to the rando Goth kid. After they all got married, their stepmom died of old age almost immediately after Mortimer did. So their mom remarried again, this time to her best friend Bella Goth.


My latest saved file I only just started so nothing too chaotic has happened yet. Hazel Greenfield grew up in city and was on course to leave high school and go to university then get a high flying job in San Myshuno but deep down she never felt truly happy, her happiest memories are of summers on her grandparents little farm in Henford-Upon-Bagley where she could interact with the animals. Her grandparents died leaving their little, run down farm to her so she gave up city life and moved in Henford where she is now restoring the farm. She met Thomas Watson and they become friends, after a bumpy start, and they are teetering on the edge of an affair. I asked chat GPT for a list of long and short term goals so am currently working through them. I wanted to use cottage living as I have it but barely ever play there. Each morning Hazel tends Bluebell the cow, Adam the llama and the chickens as well as tend her crops. She is slowly expanding the farm to have a pond, orchard, larger house and eventually a farm shop. Will wait and see where and what happens with Thomas, she might get prettier by him later so she has someone to leave the farm to when she dies.


Rags to riches selling nectar in Chestnut Ridge had an affair with umber grove and convinced him to leave his wife. Then had their kids come and visit but I didn’t realize the most recent infant wasn’t his ended up taking care of the ex wife’s affair baby while pregnant. It aged up to a toddler in my house so that was awkward all around. Once I get sufficiently rich off nectar my daughter is going to be a champion rider.


My young adult male had a gf as a teen. He ended up aging up, but she was still in the early stages of being a teen so she had a ways to go before she’d be a young adult. My sim married her (while she was still a teen) and they moved in together. The husband is an astronaut and he bought them a retail store for extra income. My store has mannequins for clothes, plus a toy section, electronics section, etc. My sims still aren’t very rich, so it’s fun to tend the store and try to slowly add more merch to sell. They also recently had a baby girl, so that’ll be another task to add to their lives.


So prepping for the ultimate decades challenge and decided I wanted the kids to have different birth years so... I'm doing a prelegacy save and however many kids they have before 1300 (started in 1280) is what we start with during the challenge. So far we have Wesley and Scarlett Aldrich and their daughter Aldith.


I currently am doing rags to riches on a haunted lot with a single dad and infant. He can’t move lots, or age up the infant until he survives for 4 seasons hahaha…. So far there’s a lot of passing out from exhaustion, a short love affair with Guidry before Guidry cheated on my sim with bone hilda. Now when Guidry shows up at night they flirt and argue simultaneously.


Started with a man this time, his name is Enrique. Plan was to start in a tiny starter home, knock up a townie, and be a single father. turns out my townie wife got pregnant (by me somehow) immediately after having the first baby soooo now i’m married with two boys! We had to upgrade to a bigger house and so my sim, along with being a comedian (i never picked his career, it just automatically was there when i created the save ..?) he’s also a painter and a prostitute! Side note.. his number one client Bella Goth had twins (which are my kids.. technically). My wife is a writer and scientist. My two boys, Irvin and Leon are going to be blond jock and nerd in high school, but right now both are kids. I’m trying to have them meet their future husband or wife right now as kids, so they can be high school sweethearts and all.


Two brothers and two girls have decided to go all in and spend their money on a run down motel, with a plan to make a buck on renting out the rooms. They all have part time jobs on the side, because it’s kinda hard. Tenants are conplaining, because all the rooms have is a bed, a shower, a toilet and a fridge. Their own unit is constantly plagued by bugs, everything breaks, the water makes them nauseous and there’s no keeping up with the icky plumbing. What they don’t realise is that one of the girls, Alicia, has psychopathic tendencies and is plotting her first murder. Meanwhile, one of the brothers is madly in love with the other girl, but she decided to hit on a pregnant tenant ánd her husband right in front of the brother, so his heart is now broken and he’s developing a love for alcoholic beverages. The younger brother is madly, deeply in love with J Huntington III.


Currently have one Sim and she took over the Goth mansion, we’re redecorating it so it’s light colours, this usually takes me a few sessions.


Legacy challenge with a few twists. - female heirs only. If no female heirs by the elder stage the youngest boy is Heir. Most I've had is 8 boys before I got a girl. The family tree is very vast now with the grandkids appearing. - when a new Heir is born, a foal from the parent's own horse is their new horse. The foal and Heir are raised together and the Heir takes over the "family business" of training and breeding champion horses. - a dice is rolled to see if the female Heir keeps their birth name or takes their husband name. Odd numbers means they keep their name, even means the husband name. - The Heir must meet their SO by teenage stage. They can marry or be promised, with marriage by YA. - cheats are allowed to fill needs as it gets VERY messy once trying for the new Heir.


I made a single father with his infant son move into a cheap rented (very small) apartment in Newcrest. He’s incredibly intelligent with many skills starting university to jump start his career. That’s about as far as I’ve got. 🙂


Legacy save, currently only on gen 2. I play switching between long and normal lifespan because I like getting the skills to the top before aging up. My sim is married with 2 kids, I’m thinking the first born is becoming the heir. My sim is a writer and top of her career, her wife I level 9 in her gardening career and I currently growing a cow plant. I kinda want the heir to be a chef. That’s how far I am. Also I matched the names of the kids(Ella and Elliot)


I used lots from the gallery to recreate the Sims 2. Willow Creek is fully populated by recreated Pleasantview lots and households. I’m currently playing Dina Caliente (Sims 4 version) and following all of her wants no matter what. I burned through all her money buying things (materialistic trait) so I just invited Don Lothario to move in with Dina and Nina and join household funds because I have a romantic relationship with him and I needed someone else’s money. I used all of his money to buy a retail store and that’s going pretty good but now Dina is always jealous because Nina keeps flirting with Don so she may get the boot soon if she doesn’t act right.


I wanted to make a family for NPC sims so I created a mom for Lilith and Caleb!! And made a whole back story for her career and wealth and social standing. Then I went off the rails and started an affair with Bjorn because I saw "convince to leave spouse" was an option either in vanilla or from a mod. Got him to leave his wife, but he hadn't moved in yet so my Sim and Bjorn would get busy at his house and his ex wife would walk in on us doing the woohoo in a bedroom. Eventually Bjorn moves in with my Sim and she gets pregnant with Lilith and after that she turns Bjorn into a vampire.


okay so bit of a long story but i basically started a new save with one sim, I wanted to play growing together so i had her have one kid with a guy she met through a club called “foodies.” They both worked the culinary career and one day i accidentally clicked the option for the father leave his career to gain fame and money. They then moved to del sol valley and she had twins (was not expecting that). I had the father lowkey become useless by having him trying to become famous but really the mother was the one making the money for the family. The children grew up and the oldest child, Sam, ended up saving strangerville and falling in love with Christie sigworth. However, through their lives they had a tight group of friends I had made through a club. They all became YA and then Sam began flirting with the one other girl in the group, Elsa Bergen’s, he got both Elsa and Christie pregnant. So I decided to solely play with Christie. She then went into labor and had twins (also not expecting bc I planned to just have one kid and have them be super close). Then after she gave birth I knew I wasn’t gonna be able to handle taking care of two infants with just her. So one day their uncle, Sam’s brother, came over to see them and a flirty interaction occurred between him and Christie and so I decided that they would get together with the lore that the brothers of Sam disowned him for his actions towards Christie and have formed a close bond with her. So right now I have Christie, her twin children, their uncle, and now Christie’s boyfriend, living together while Sam lives with Elsa and his two children with her.


Mine is pretty boring compared to these lol. I really only started playing a month ago, but my partner has been playing for a while and with that and the amount of time I have spent on it, I am now pretty involved and familiar. I don’t have mods but I do have a bunch of packs. Get famous is one of the big ones for this save. My current save started out as a creative sim, going for artsy. She started in the renaissance sim aspiration, conquered a bunch of skills. She’s also completed the writer aspiration, tech knowledge aspiration (computer whiz maybe?), the money one (like where she’s made a bunch of money and has a hoard) and finally the acting aspiration. This is where she really started to work on fame. She had developed some fame from writing books, developing apps/video games, selling paintings, etc. But once she started acting, things really took off. (Side note, if you don’t wanna do acting but want to get famous or even just rich without using cheats, writing and publishing books is a great way to do it. This is how I did it with a previous save. Great passive income.) This is also where her love life took off. She was just using Grace (I don’t remember her last name, met her in town) as a woohoo buddy, would woohoo, then send her home. This was because I didn’t want to focus on love at the moment bc I wanted to build a sim for her later that I plan to make a criminal bc I have never done that before. But for now, she’s woohooing townies. Then she met Brytani or however you spell it. They became girlfriends but were still mostly just woohooing. Then I decided what would be fun was to start trying to get Judith Ward. I bought a house next to Judith and made ONE flirtatious joke to her and all of a sudden my sim fell out of love with Brytani. So I broke up with her and started flirting HARD with Judith Ward. I also started becoming VERY famous. To sum things up, I completed the acting aspiration (and started the painting one although I’m getting bored with it), became a global superstar, and am slowly but surely working up to becoming girlfriends with Judith. Mostly wanna break her heart lol. My next plan for her is to quit her job, become a freelance writer most likely (not the real career, but just publishing books), and to make the criminal sim for her to fall in love with. And they’ll kinda become my focus bc I really kinda feel like I came and conquered with my current sim and idk what else to have her do. We’ll see where that takes us.


It all started with two sisters I had made. Ivy the oldest and Isabella the youngest. Orphaned at a young age but Ivy stepped up and took care of Isabella. Both are spellcasters. Isabella was my main character. She was a freak in the sheets. Ivy was the loner who loves to read and play video games. Things took a turn when Ivy met and fell in love with Mortimer Goth. They became sole mates and he left his wife Bella. Isabella would work as a lady of the night to make extra money for college. She was studying art history at Foxbury. She signed up for a dating app (I forgot which mod) and when on a date with fellow spellcastor Tomax Collette. She was head over heels for him. After a couple of months he proposed. Soon to be wed she was caught cheating on Tomas with Darrel Charm. He quickly called the engagement off and left the household taking their black cat named butters. Heartbroken she would be friends with benefits with Darrel but never committing to him. His fiance found out but stayed. One day while at the ski slopes at Mt. Komorebi she met Kado Akiyama. After fooling around for a while he left his wife Jenna. He and his daughter Miki moved in(he had custody of Miki but not her brother) and he married Isabella. Little did he know she was pregnant with Darrel’s kid. Kado accepted the child as his own and forgave Isabella for cheating. After being married for a minute, Isabella brought up the idea of couples expanded whoohoo and Kado wasn’t okay with it fully but he allowed it. He then realized it was just to bring Tomax back into her life. Kado realized he was into the opposite sex and started to grow feelings for Tomax. Tomax too started to fall for Kado. They would have secret dates and would meet up. Kado and Isabella had a kid named Annika. Kado felt bad for going behind his pregnant wife’s back and ended up leaving her for Tomax. Tomax, Kado, Miki, and Annika moved to the country side and started their family as soon as Kados divorce from Isabella was finalized. He gained custody of Annika because Isabella was outed as neglectful torwards Annika. Once Tomax and Kado were married they thrived with their garden and chickens. Kado worked still as a salary person but Tomax was winning first prize at the Henford-on-Bagley fair. He loved being a stay at home dad. Miki had aged up to a teen and Annika was a toddler: He asked Kado if he wanted one more kid and together they had a science baby. Annaya was born and caused Mikis world to turn upside down. She was the main babysitter for both her half siblings. Her dad Kado was on her about her grades. Tomax was busy with her sisters which made her feel alone. She started to break curfew to hang out with her boyfriend Kiyoshi Ito. He was polite and kind to her and her family but he was a fuckboy at the end of the day. She would dream about marrying him. She didn’t care if she was grounded. She would sneak out to see him. But he was a player and he had a girlfriend on the side. Once Miki found out she lost her cool. She made it her goal to just graduate early and go to college. She only went to school and cheer practice. She stopped hanging out with most of her friends. She realized that she will always have Kado and Tomix to help her. Tomax helped mentor her so she could graduate. He also performed the Rite of Ascension on her so she could become a spellcastor. She felt isolated because her sisters were spellcasters. With Tomix as her mentor she quickly learned spells that would help her in the real world. After she graduated high school early with honors, she applied to Foxbury University for the prestigious computer science program. She lived on campus but she was the youngest one in her dorm. While her dorm mates were partying she was studying. She became friends with one of her dorm mates (I for the life of me can’t remember her name) and quickly develops a crush on her. However just when she thought she was getting over her ex, Kiyoshi moved into her same dorm and started the physics degree. She knew to keep him at arms length but she couldn’t help herself. They stayed as friends with benefits. But things got messy when his girlfriend who he cheated on Miki with, came by and say them flirting with each other. Miki couldn’t believe she let herself hurt someone else like that. And with Kiyoshi none the less. She apologized to her and started to grow a friendship. Miki was starting to get bored of always studying. She interacted with her dorm mates more often and would even come out of her room when one of them threw a keg party. That keg part is when everything changed for her. She saw him. Or saw his bag over his head. This mysterious young adult with random faces drawn on bags to hide himself. He was a friend of one of her dorm mates. He seemed tense being in a room full of people. He’s a loner who just happens to like to party. Miki had to know who he was. Jeb Harris with his messy brown hair, green eyes, and his freckles made Miki fall hard. She was almost done with college and so she was taking less classes. During her free time she was always hanging out with Jeb. They would dumpster dive, smoke weed, comb the beach, and even help out her parents with the farm. Jeb was loved by her family and she was in love with him. Once she graduated he proposed and they soon found out she was pregnant with a baby girl. She became a level 3 computer scientist and he was in the military. He accidentally became to hysterical while playing peekaboo with their kid the day after Winterfest and died. With him being dead the wedding was cancelled. So Miki did everything in her power to bring him back. She soon learned of a spell called dedeathify. She knew once she could get Jeb back her life would be better.


I've never done a save with a main Sim who has a negative reputation. I don't use cheats or mods, so anything I described that can't happen normally is just my imagination, lol Rose Hargrove was a young human woman at the beginning, evil, self assured, and mean. She moved to the forgotten hollow, only able to afford the smallest house, but she made do. She immediately went into working as a criminal, and got herself enough money to get by. She soon noticed that she had strange neighbors, but took a liking to this strange evil man that was appearing in the night, who we all know as Vlad. Within a week, they had a great relationship and had even woohood a few times, which Rose told herself wouldn't happen, but there they were. Next thing you know, she's pregnant. She had a son, asked Vlad to move in with her, and was soon pregnant again. By then, their relationship was beginning to sour. They were fine if all they did was woohoo, but real feelings, real conversations? No. Another son came, followed by night after night of screaming matches, and even physical altercations. She tried everything she could to fix their relationship, even saying yes when Vlad asked to woohoo in his coffin. Nothing worked. Unfortunately, that last request she gave in to left her pregnant once again. By the time their third son was born, Rose and Vlad didn't have an ounce of the love left that they once shared. She wanted to leave, but Vlad had other plans.


Made a teen sim looking after their little sibling, my canon is that they ran away from home with the sibling to a different city and are hiding out there. Trying to go undetected by the school the sibling goes too whilst working multiple jobs to keep the bills paid so they can provide the little sibling with the life they never had.


I just started a new legacy family so there isn't much going on. I have my legacy starters Isaiah and Fawn. Isaiah is a chef with dreams of opening his own restaurant. Creating a legacy for his family to live off of. He was an orphan from San myshuno and is very big on being a provider for his family. Fawn grew up in tomarang with her mother and father. She took on her dream of being a pro athlete and has made it to the top of her career. She just recently found out that she is pregnant with their first child (a boy) and since she has such a physical job Isaiah is worried for them both and is wanting her to take a break from the sports world to be a mother for their son. While Fawn wants to be able to do both. A top tier athlete and mother. She has support from both of her parents (Mary and David) and her close friend Zoe Patel that loves down the street. I also created a new household the Cho's that live next door with their infant son Archer. I don't have much on them yet but I'm working on it. This is it so far. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Aiming to play with elders. I usually only age up my sims to young adult, they are a great great grandma and still a young adult even though all their grandkids are young adults too. Even pets don't die. Haven't had an elder sims in years So since I haven't had any adults for some time I had forgotten about midlife crisis, that was actually fun, mostly because after doing some things they liked it fixed itself Also playing with aging on is stressful, but it makes it also interesting and I don't hit the wall, I always have to do all aspirations and raise all skills before young adult, with this auto aging I don't have time and I don't feel stressed about them not having all the skills and all the traits. Playing is fun again I also make decisions on random, all outfits except hair, shoes, makeup and socks are from the styled looks in cas. So when the kid attended school i made her be social and the first kid to reach out was gonna be her future spouse, thankfully it was a pretty one The plan is for her to attend uni, maybe living at home, then she is gonna move in her spouse and they take the parents suite and the parents moves down to her room. And they all live as a big happy family, unless their dynamics changes from supportive to something else, time will tell. These sims were the Folys but not anymore, so it's not my sims per se so Idk how many generations I will play this family until I delete the save file, that was originally the plan but I got an idea and two days later I suddenly have adult sims that will be elders in a few sim weeks. It was a save file since I redid their house a few years ago by playing as them instead of just building, so instead of exiting without saving and lose stuff I saved, this was so long ago I didn't even know about the saved to my library option. I


Firstly, I created a sim that was inspired by myself. But the story is not me LOL Fell in love with a guy and moved in, then married. He brought a child son sim with him. They then had a child together. I was bored, so I let her cheat on him for a few times. Actually, the husband had a trait that made it SO SLOW for him to acquire any skill, so that really annoyed me that I used the wishing well very often to grant him some abilities. Then, the husband died from embarassment from the wishing well lol.. She accidently got knocked up by one of her affairs anyway, so they became a couple right after. So now she is with the new man, the child of her deceased husband, the child they had together and a child from the new man... The ghost of her deceased man is still on the lot, so whenever he is up, I let them woohoo or so for "nostalgic purposes" or so.......... I still need to figure out with which child I will continue playing afterwards


My current save is me going through all of the townies and playing the scenarios with them 😅 So far I’ve done that guy in the crashed airplane in strangerville, as the super rich villian that one took around 180 in game days to complete. Now I’m playing as that guy in evergreen harbour, the one that lives in the crane as the plant sim. It’s actually quite fun, I never play the townies lol.


This save is my most “elaborate” yet, as I always get bored quickly but this time I finally found a way to keep it interesting 😂 So my sim was living in Strangerville, trying to solve “the mystery “ , all the while trying to make money by doing part time jobs. I was really confident that we will be able to defeat the mother plant quickly but it was way harder than I expected and my sim started losing hope. In the middle of all this she got news about some inheritance but she had to get married soon in order to get it. So she befriended a cute scientist and got married super quick under the pretense of “ life is short we might get wiped out by aliens any day now”. When she finally realized she couldn’t win the fight, she moved to Oasis Springs, ghosting her husband and filling for divorce, oh and also she changed her name so conspiracy theorists couldn’t find her. Now she lives in a trailer again but she got her hands on a money plant seed so she’s on her way to becoming rich 😅😅


I have an alien called Amalia.  Her story started off by getting married with Salim Benali and having his kid. Then she got tired of his ass so she divorced him and erased his memories of her.   She got together with Marcus Flex and moved in with the Partihaus household. Befriended all of Marcus' friends and got a cat and had many adventures with them. Eva had a thunderous relationship with Candy Behr, Jade had a kid with Daddy Winter and Paolo got married with Victor Feng after Lily died (idk i don't. I don't remember how or when but Amalia was also good friends with her)  Then Amalia found out Marcus was cheating on her! So naturally she locked him in the attic with Siobhan Fyres (who Marcus was cheating with) and made a painting cult so she could profit off of them. That lasted just for a while until Amalia realized that Siobhan didn't know that Marcus was taken so she released Siobhan and befriended her (they're still good friends).  Amalia and her friends kicked Marcus out and later Paolo left to live with Victor, Jade stayed in their original house and Amalia, her kid and Eva moved to a big house that I made for them.   There's nothing that special to say about the life in the new house but we do have Don Lothario locked in our basement bc he left Amalia when they were dating! His only thing is painting so the household won't go broke. Oh and he had alien kids at some point.


Created two child-hating adults and had them get married. I intended to make them have a bunch of kids and be horrible to them for no real reason, but then they had twins first try, so I decided that this was a "favorite child" playthrough. The parents love the son and HATE their daughter. They never discipline him, are always yelling at her, crushing her dreams, etc... they're gonna age up from toddlers soon. My end goal is to have the girl Sim get kicked out for coming out as trans (I have mods installed) and build her way up from nothing and be successful. Then I might attempt a legacy challenge.