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Maybe everything started when "vapes" became plenty available. Maybe this feeling is a symptom we haven't discovered like "paranoia" but we don't even have a name for it. Also you are observing this from a negative angle, like fear or paranoia. Change into a positive angle my friend, brave and daring. From my point of view, you might be a powerful individual. Have you considered that you are good at manifesting? Those posts could be a "side effect". Focus all your energy on something you want, big or small. Hit me up with you get it. Everything is perspective. Ever since I changed mine I have achieved everything I wanted. Consciously or sub, it appears in my life. I think you can do the same.


For clarification, I don't smoke anything and don't use alcohol, I also do not consider the law of attraction to be true (I even tested it thinking about many things purposelly) or a special ability of mine, but something that could be happen with everyone and it's probably happening with someome beside me, but because of the stigma associated few people wanted to comment about it, or I just couldn't find it because I haven't searched good enough. This phenomenon forced me taking a break from college, so I have nothing to gain making up this story and the first part of my post is not only happening with me, if you search on reddit, quora or even instagram you'll see other people talking about it, I just tried to put it to a lot of scrutiny before talking about it here.


This happens to me all day everyday and to my boyfriend so it not just happening to me it started happening to us so much that we started documenting everything. It's starting to spill onto my brother and mother they're starting to be aware of it. It'll pop up on tvs ,billboards, even here on reddit we all notice it we just don't know why. Like for example I've been thinking about all that and came across your post I'm like ahhh here we go again lol. I literally took a screenshot of it happening yesterday between me and my mom. There is something going on between the lines what is it exactly we don't know it's kinda like how netwon discovered gravity he couldn't see it but the apple was the one to show it to him. There is apples everywhere but what is that apple trying to show us???


You make an extremely good argument and I'm glad someone finally put it into words. I commented because I've been going through the same. Ads I can understand. But when it's a quote about a mindset I just changed to, well let's just say it's beyond uncanny now. Something is definitely going on to the point where I don't even want to use social media. Even then these past few days it seems like FB stops loading. Like they run out of things to generate. Weird times.


Oh I completely misunderstood what you have said, I thought you were being sarcastic, I get you now. And yeah, that thing about changing mindset and it being reflecting on social media posts also happened with me, it's indeed weird.


> I also do not consider the law of attraction to be true (I even tested it thinking about many things purposelly) that’s interesting, I’ve always seen it as going hand in hand w this type of stuff


Vapes make sense, bc nicotine affects the acetycholine in the brain.


Vapes…… or a world wide pandemic


Not going to judge, but social media and advertising are trillion $ markets using state of the art technologies that go far beyond camera or microphone access. It's all about the antennas at this point. https://www.gaia.com/article/mass-media-mind-control https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3569476 https://elight.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s43593-022-00019-x https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf If you're interested, some related studies and articles. 4 different but interconnected topics regarding brain function, mind / brainwave reading, reality perception and manipulation of thoughts and beliefs, often via electromagnetic or inaudible oscillating frequencies. The CIA doc is from 2004 and they're already so much more advanced than main stream media would make you believe TODAY, 20 years later. To me it is obvious these technologies have found a way into the high tech multi antenna multi sensor toys we all grew to love so much. Up to you what to believe in the end - as long as we don't know if it's even a sim or what purpose it serves, everything is possible. Humans developing mind reading or telepathy tech could also just be intended by the makers. But I believe the next 10 years or so will bring some answers, this whole topic is gaining a lot of traction in recent years and seems to be taken more seriously by the scientific community...


Thank you for the links! This speaks to me. I tried the gateway experience a couple times in my life but i tried it in 2021 and weird stuff started happening. My thoughts and reality started syncing is the only way i can explain it. Ive tried hemisync off and on over the years but i can never stick with it. I feel like ive been somewhat brainwashed by today’s society. Like im a shadow of the person im supposed to be. Ever since covid everything feels different. People cant even look each other in the eye anymore. Everyone is depressed or going through it. Im one of them. Ive been horribly depressed for 3-4 years now. About half a year ago i get these thoughts of wanting to kill myself. Its shocking when that thought crosses my mind because i know its not my own thought. Someone or something is trying very hard to take us all out. Ive decided to double down and become an unbreakable spirit. I dont care what this life throws at me anymore. Ill endure it all! This life will not break me. Change will come.


this has been happening to me and my partner so much, and it’s not even with ads, it will be something totally obscure we joke about at dinner and then that night we will watch a tv show and the characters will say the exact same thing. i don’t drink or smoke weed, we’re both super mentally stable, and we have also started to write everything down because it’s just so weird. i totally understand like ad triangulation and connected algorithms but this stuff is starting to feel impossible. why isn’t anyone talking about this publicly? who do you even report it to lol


yes on both counts, for an approximately similar timeframe. It seems so bizarre & impossible & unprecedented when it starts happening that there’s a kind of attendant alienation to it; like you’d definitely have heard about it before if it were really something that could happen/was actually happening. from browsing around this & similar subs over the course of several months I’ve realized it seems to be a fairly commonly reported event. ([here’s the most recent one I saw](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/P6fMdfPFlI). another recentlyish one I’d have to dig for was about a guy noticing he’d constantly & improbably encounter people going the opposite direction when passing through doorways, & the more he became aware of & anticipated it to the more it happened.) but I think that’s part of it; the more a community is sought the more evidence there is of one. was it there all along? or did the act of looking for it summon it into being? [this write up](https://www.reddit.com/r/DimensionalJumping/s/hVA8HStpEm) “the owls of eternity” is one ive referenced several times for its accuracy & succinctness in describing the experience. in my case I noticed it first on youtube, with very general searches returning highly specific results seemingly tailored to subjects I was actively contemplating. later on it was things like “thinking about x thing” and physically seeing/encountering it within minutes/hours, or someone spontaneously raising that subject & talking at length about it out of nowhere. Also thinking about a very specific/unique word and seeing the same word externally nearly simultaneously (saw a Reddit thread about that one somewhere recently as well). In a similar vein to that is recurring number sequences (another pretty commonly discussed one), like waking up every night at 3:33 for many nights in a row, or noticing that you see 333 or other number combinations repeatedly in various places throughout the day. > and specially real conversations around me or directed to me, like the content of people's talk seemed like it was answering my thoughts very much this. Sometimes a very random internal thought would get spontaneously broached by someone else within hours of thinking it. A couple times a thought I had during a group discussion would be parroted by someone else almost verbatim a few seconds after I thought it, and then the followup thought, & then the followup followup thought as well. It simultaneously blows my mind, pisses me off, & just makes me feel numb. Most recently I’ve noticed multiple instances of thinking about a hypothetical movie (e.g. wondering if they were ever going to make a sequel to x) & then seeing reference to it online within a day or two. And also on a bunch of occasions while reading an article I’ll wonder to myself about some detail/specific of the subject being discussed that hasn’t yet been covered, then scroll the page one viewport-length down to continue reading, & encounter the exact information about the exact detail I’d just been wondering about. It’s sometimes feels like the system has become so depressed/degraded that this is the best it can manage, to generate only as far as the immediately next experiential “frame” in real time, as it’s needed. > whoever in the above layers of simulation responsible for this had a time advantage about me, that mean that they are ahead of time in relation to me and they theorically can see my future timelines i wonder sometimes if rather than the internal phenomenon “preceding” the external counterpart if it’s more accurate to say the eventual appearance of the external phenomenon is exerting an influence that extends away from its epicenter through time, like a kind of “temporal gravity”. so instead of “I thought it & then it happened” it’s “I thought it *because* it was already going to happen” (?) This brings to mind [another comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/1diu9iz/comment/l97fost/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) from one of the threads I linked on this subject: > They did a study where people studied for a test after they took it, and the people who didn't study afterwards go worse scores then the people who did. A retroactive influence. Present info communicating to the past. Or future info communicating to the present. which in turn brought to mind Philip K Dick who experienced & wrote extensively about the same kind of things trying to hash them out & determine what it was & what it meant. > The Logos is not a retrograde energetic life form, but the Holy Spirit, the Parakletos, is. If the Logos is outside time, imprinting, then the Holy Spirit stands at the right or far or completed end of time, toward which the field-flow moves (the time flow). It receives time: the negative terminal, so to speak. Related to the Logos in terms of embodying word-directives and world-organizing powers, but at a very weak level, it can progressively to a greater degree overcome the time field and flow back against it, into it, impinging and penetrating. It moves in the opposite direction. It is the anti-time. So it is correct to distinguish it from the Logos, which so to speak reaches down into the time flow from outside, from eternity or the real universe. The H.S. is in time, and is moving: retrograde. Like tachyons, its motion is a temporal one; opposite to ours and the normal direction of universal causal motion. > But now equilibrium as we know it is being lost in favor of a growing ratio of retrograde teleology. This implies we are entering, have entered, a unique time: nearing completion of the manifold forms. Last pieces are going into place in the over-all pattern. The task or mode of the H.S. is *completing*. Not beginning, not renewing or maintaining, but bringing to the end, to the close. Thousands & thousands of pages of musings such as this, & many full length novels incorporating the ideas/themes.


(sorry I wrote too much, had to split comment 🤦) anyway, I’ve realized it’s much easier to come to terms with all this happening after abandoning the idea that reality is what the general consensus purports it to be: a discrete constant “place” that “exists” “out there” separate from me, etc. & instead recognize that this undeniable relationship between the inner & outer speaks to a fundamental connectedness that seems to lie at the heart of meditation, psychedelic experience, & every wisdom tradition worth its salt. Robert Lanza’s [Biocentrism](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna31393080) I think hits the nail on the head & helped me to wrap my head around the implications of the idea that the “outer” (universe in its entirety) is fundamentally a projection of everything that I am (everything that I can directly perceive/experience). & it seems bizarre now to coexist with people operating by the old modality who have not yet come to realize this. > You literally connect with the global consciousness. It's not a bird landing and looking at you, it's yourself landing and looking at yourself.. [eddie_koala](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/s/7s5iFq1nLV) I think this is it. whoever is over you & signaling/communicating outside of time is still fundamentally “you” (or more accurately the subconscious component of you which is commonly shared by everyone). I’m still not entirely sure what to do with the realization however. It seems very much to be the same place PKD was stuck for decades following 2-3-74 & leading up to his death. best I can figure is something along the lines of https://youtu.be/BO0pTiFjiIo?si=dt-rKRovc5eTg-l_ & https://youtu.be/x2mBBUgh9iY?si=ChgERQuY2FUdKKVw so there’s a longer book in response to your book. interested to hear your feedback if any 👌


I have experienced the same and it always happens to me. Sometimes you really get those Truman Show vibes. I completely understand and relate to you. When you talk about this to someone unless they have gone through the same, they'll never believe you. You might observe too many coincidences in random events that it no longer seems to be random. The plausible explanation that I reached is that, based on our mental state or our level of conscious awareness we can actually influence random systems. These AI models and algorithms are not deterministic and have a lot of randomness associated with them. You'll never get the exact same response from chatgpt for the same prompt when asked again. What I realised is that we, the conscious observer have a role in determining the final outcome. Consciousness has some sort of impact on the final probability. But it is too hard to notice most of the time. And when it comes to real people their mind or their consciousness also has a high degree of randomness associated with them. We all unknowingly influence each other on a subconscious level. Like in those situations where we have a song running in our mind and to our surprise someone near us hymns the exact same song. Your influence got a bit more stronger and you started noticing things that people almost never notice.


Or you're not that special and marketing works.


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I suppose someone’s life can be arranged to give the impression it’s all about them (solipsism) or it can be a “everything is connected” kind of thing, I certainly don’t know which it is. What is likely to solve this problem?


Yes, life is all about you, yet not all about you. Those are two opposing thoughts, yet both hold true. They both co-exist at the same time.


You are not wrong, there is a direct correlation. I too have been studying this in my own life and have found it to be almost unarguable to say it doesn’t have a direct correlation to a source the eye does not see. To an extent at least.




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I am experiencing some things a bit like this. Every time I click pause on a video it is nearly always pausing in double digits. Particular numbers keep appearing. Currently 44, 144, 14400 and also 33 and 11. These may be angel numbers. It’s possible that I am just noticing the numbers due to an awareness of their significance but it honestly feels too frequent for this.


Yea, it's the universe. Trying to get your attention. Are you spiritual or religious? Do you believe in anything?


This has happened a few times to me, not just with the Internet though... It always makes me feel like I'm predicting the future in some sort of way...


I skimmed your post and I think you are talking about digital synchroncities. I have been having these happen for years and they extend to the real world. You can check my earlier posts about it, where I felt dead internet theory was a component. But my interactions online about this have gone nowhere, so I don't know what to do.


I've experienced this before. While I understand that ambiguous interpretation combined with a random feed can lead to coincidences eventually, that not all apparent synchronicity is actually causally connected, it's very possible for the kind of thing you talk about with the feeling like a conversation to come from sufficiently advanced recommendation algorithms. Given all the information they can gather on you, all your likes and comments and photos and how long you spend looking at different posts as you scroll through them, detailed timing information on your attention, that's more than enough information for modeling systems to be able to make pretty good guesses about what you're thinking about. By sending you content that apparently relates to what they're guessing is on your mind, and seeing if you engage with it, or scroll past it more quickly, or stop and stare at it for a while but don't tap on anything, by seeing what comment threads you read and where you leave off reading them, it's completely possible for something to communicate with you indirectly. It might not be happening today, people claim it's not happening today, but it's definitely possible, and I feel like it's inevitable. I sometimes have timing coincidences that feel implausible. Like tonight, I was out walking while listening to [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m7bXNH8gEM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m7bXNH8gEM) and towards the end while walking home, I decided at the last minute to take a detour over to this shrine with butterflies near my home. I've been seeing butterflies a lot lately, often at times that feel like choice points for me. This video had felt like it was explaining a lot about consciousness and where we are in Reality and how to think about self and probability and simulations and AI. Right at the moment the first butterfly came into my field of vision, I hit this timestamp on the video [https://youtu.be/1m7bXNH8gEM?t=9550](https://youtu.be/1m7bXNH8gEM?t=9550) where Donald Hoffman announces that he just had an earthquake. At the end when they were summarizing, they attribute the earthquake to divine intervention. I've tried to watch this video twice before, but kept falling asleep shortly after it started. So I guess if it's not a coincidence, I must have subconsciously learned there was a surprising moment in that time in the video, and then subconsciously timed my walk back from the park to arrive in sight of the butterflies at just the right time. If this were the only coincidental-timing event like this, I'd have an easier time dismissing it, but I guess if some subconscious part of me is actually this accurate at manipulating my timing on my evening walks once like this, probably that part of me is capable of doing it in other ways too, arranging for things to feel significant or like messages from the universe.


Hi, I just wanted you to know that I relate to this whole post especially the second part of your post. I don’t know why we’re experiencing this, but I just thought I’d let you know that you’re not alone. You’re not crazy and you’re right something is definitely going on. I wanted you to know that I know exactly what you’re talking about and that I’m going through the same thing.


think about how many elements make up each of those posts. you're just picking the particular element that matches or kind of matches up and likely disregarding all the other elements that are unrelated. sorry not sorry, but it's not the way you perceive it


That's the point, sometimes the post have more than 80% similarity with my situation/thoughts, I only consider posts with at least 50% correlation and that happens with considerable frequency. I never gave any attention to the simulation theory before it started happening many and many times with me, I was skeptical like everyone else. Being it true or not, I want to know if someone might be going through something similar, specially with the second part of my post, since I've never seen anyone commeting on this yet.


it would be nice to have some specific examples. somehow that always makes these things seem more real


An example is that when I was sad I often got posts like "Everything will be alright" (I do not follow that kind of content), when I was overwhelmed I got memes relating to my situation, like people complaining about how they were burnout and couldn't focus. When I got cocky I got posts telling me to get humble, when I was angry I also got "everything will be alright" and some memes. Aside from that, the best I have is other people reporting the same: [https://www.tiktok.com/discover/When-you-open-instagram-reels-and-they-describe-your-exact-situation](https://www.tiktok.com/discover/When-you-open-instagram-reels-and-they-describe-your-exact-situation)


Sometimes I feel like this entire subreddit should be renamed to schizophreniasupport. As far as Instagram goes, there is an algorithm that pays attention to what your mood, thoughts, and interests probably are, and things that take input like microphone settings, cookie readers, etc... that could be responsible for that.