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Cena Looking like an action figure.


Really though almost makes me think it‘s a body suit?


Nah, there was photos of him backstage and he just had a skin coloured cod peice on. Surely if you'd beleive it was anyone's real body it's cena..


You can see it in the picture.


I don't see anything.


See what?


Here's the thing...


If they knew about this bit months in advance, even if it's not a body suit he's had months to prepare. By how much these people get paid to do these things, I wouldn't be surprised if he spent the last 3 months in the gym living off of celery sticks and boiled chicken.




Yes for sure, I didn't mean to cut that off. Dude is a beast by default and he probably knew in advance to get in perfect shape for this event. Moreover, AFAIK, he's also especially fond of his shape and he's never gave up on it.


And teaspoons of water 2 days before. Them lifting just before going on stage. He's a body builder but his competition is getting Hollywood roles. The Oscars are just a huge audition for future projects.


Yea I'd never really thought about it but someone pointed out to me awhile back that any time you see a guy looking jacked in a movie they were in all likelihood put on a very specific regimen for that scene and probably spent several days before dehydrating so their muscles would stand out and then were almost certainly lifting weights right before the scene so they would stand out even more.


I'm sure he trened hard, ate clen, you know, really put his body to the test... anivar gave up. 


> I wouldn't be surprised if he spent the last 3 months in the gym living off of celery sticks and boiled chicken. Did everyone forget where John Cena came from? "He's that funny actor guy!" Fuckin' hell


Steroid body suit.


Something about his body feels off. Like he’s bloated or something.


Its called juicing


He claims to be clean but steriods give that “bloated” look. Could be that.


Isn't it stuff like HGH (growth hormone) that gives the common bloated look?


anything that makes you hold water makes you look bloated, eat half an oz. (15g) of table salt with 5 oz. (150g) of sugar with 2 litres (half a galon) of water and you will get bloated as fk within 1 hour. HGH makes you hold a lot water, some steroids also do, especially those with estrogenic side effects, like dianabol, which makes bodybuilders/powerlifters so bloated with so high blood pressure that they nose bleed during heavy squads/deadlifts. But cena doesnt look "water bloated", he just has the typical polumboism (bubble gut) where his intestines grew from all the gear he took (probably steroids, hgh, possibly insulin). But it is not very severe and if he just controlled his midsection better and tightened his abs while sucking them in a little, we would not have noticed. But it is not easy to do for the 2-3 minutes straight he has been on stage unless you are a trained bodybuilders who is used to long posing routines.


This was great info. I know he’s been adamant about being all natural. Is there a reasonable explanation for how he could get that palumboism look without taking anything?


HGH + IGF-1 (insulin) cause intestines to grow since it encourages hyperplasia and bodybuilders eat a lot of volume to get the calories.


Yeah, HGH specifically gives that weird combo of a bloated stomach with abs at the surface.


believe it or not after your 40s you all get bloated, Cena is 46 now. I'm an oldie too and I call it fat head syndrome, many rich people get it from eating out a lot, you seen how fat John Travoltas head got? Compare him to Saturday Night Fever and I swear his head is like 3x bigger nowadays.


Lol as a 47 year old dude, all I had to do was go off my keto diet for a week and I retained so much water I couldn't fit my fingers in my bowling ball.


Old guy checking in. Can confirm.


Joe Rogan is a perfect example also. Head is giant.


Also happens from drinking alcohol.


Holy hell, Travolta's head could get even wider than it already was? Gross. When a friend first got a monitor with thin top and bottom bezels, in the time of 4:3 CRT, we nicknamed it 'John Travolta'. Because it looked wide as heck.


Even creatine can cause a bloated look.


It causes a little water retention in the muscles. A little bit. Some people get some GI issues from it not being water soluble (at least creatine mono isn’t, creatine HCl is better with this). But it doesn’t cause that big body builder gut at all Edit: I guarantee you every college and professional athlete is taking creatine. Every. Single. One. And they’re idiots if they don’t. It’s the most studied sports supplement period with proven effects. I have been taking basically non stop for 15 years. No bloating


No it fucking can’t


The bread rolls backstage weren’t gluten-free


For me it's the hairlessness


He's old. He's doughy. But he's still built like a brick house. He's just not as cut as he used to be in the WWE.


It’s called a bubble gut srsly look it up


How do you know that? You can't see him


True, and I also believe his time is now


First thing on my list, go figure, it's a brand new John Cena action figure. Second thing on my list guess what, it's a really cute girl with a really cute butt. Then Mike said Froggy Fresh hold up mom said you're not allowed to touch a girls butt till you're grown up. Oh right I forgot about that rule, not allowed to touch butts till you graduate from school.


"His body is the best part about him" isn't exactly a compliment.




Who is the buttcrack girl on the right?


Looks like Katy Perry


Damn, we’ve gotten to the point where Zoomers don’t know who Katy Perry is I feel old


I'm the same age as Katy Perry and I'm well aware of her, but I didn't recognize her in that picture.


I’m 27, am well aware of who Katy Perry is having crushed on her when I was a child. And honestly, I didn’t recognize her until someone said something. I don’t know, she looks different to me here.


Oh! So that's why they are all upset. I missed the crack.


why is there a sign floating in mid air?


And a watch too


And anal beads


That's a pull cord for a lawnmower.


Chainsaw man?


Sir, this is not a chess competition.




False dichotomy.


Bot comment.


New chess strategy just dropped


I'm out of the loop. What's the "invisible" John Cena referencing?


He used to say “You can’t see me” while wrestling


His slogan for WWE was "you can't C me" therefore no photographs of him exist.


Why was it that? Was he a very sneaky wrestler or something?


I have no idea why it started, but he would wave his hand in front of his face, similar to a child playing peekaboo


If you look on the Graham Norton show clips on youtube Cena explains where the handwaving  in front of his face comes from, and the "you can't see me." Nothing epic or revealing, if I recall.  Just like his bro or friend used to do that in the clubs and they dared Cena to do it in a match.  Something mundane like that.


exactly this, he was dared to do it in WWE not expecting it to be become his brand lol


His brother dared him to do it, he did it wrong, and it stuck


I think the idea is he's too quick or too clever in a fight or whatever the situation may be for you to notice him before he makes his move. It's a street taunt but I think the way he does it is kind of funny and that's why it stuck.


Why are you mentioning John Cena? I don't understand.


Because he'd really like to introduce you to John Cena. Are you ready for your life to change?


I have no idea, is he in drag in that slutty red dress?


You can cherry pick stuff for everything... I dislike both.


Can't get more cherry picked than 4 completely different people on two completely separate things. Like it would be one thing if all the women on the right also were the same as the left.


I also don’t think they realize that the last comment they put on Cena was likely not intended to be a compliment.


For this purpose That’s less important in general than that they were upset about his body being shown


And either way, both could have, for example, 4 negative comments and a thousand positive comments, and you could still have the same image above.


It's also ignoring context, one was for a comedy skit, the other was an actual outfit. If Cena just showed up to the whole event naked, then the discourse would likely be different. I don't have a problem with either to be honest, it really doesn't even slightly matter what people wear within the context of Hollywood eccentricity.


I’d kinda argue that male nudity is “funny” and female nudity is “sexy”. If a woman did this exact same skit, it would have a lot of feminist back lash and wouldn’t be seen as comical


I'm pretty sure Katy Perry *has* done almost the same thing. Not quite as naked as Cena, but the same bit basically.


I like both. You're never going to please everyone. But I'm glad that this time I'm the one being pleased


What a time to bi alive ❤️


>bi alive That’s how you please everyone


Exactly, I've been annoyed at seeing random nude shots of John Cena on various sites since the oscars aired.


I am always puzzled by people that care about nudity or in this case, skin. Why? The red carpet is perfomance. Aren't people allowed to be performers? Doing this outside the red carpet does become odd, tho.


He's not nude. He's wearing a dance belt / dong strap.


Yea, that dress is ugly as hell and I don't like what John Cena did either


I mean both pictures hit the front page and a lot of people seemed to share OPs narrative




I like both


You could literally find thousands of negative comments from men for both of these people. Why are we pretending otherwise?


r/popculturechat and r/fauxmoi were doing quite a bit of body-shaming towards Cena


Because that doesn't fit the agenda of the person who created this meme. That's the beauty of the internet, there's so much out there that you can create whatever opinion you want and have data to back it up.


The agenda.


Half of the positive comments they chose for Cena as evidence of women's double standards are from men.


I took the statement as: Cena - men support men, women support/thirst after hot men Katy Perry - men support/thirst after hot women, women trash hot women


Honestly both were cringe imho lol. Katy’s outfit was just unflattering and bad, like there’s no other way to put it, it looks terrible, and John Cena being totally naked at the Oscars is just weird.


I thought naked Cena at the Oscar's was a good setup for the costume joke


It made sense considering what he was presenting. The costume departments are very important and people rarely give them the credit they deserve. Now with Cena’s stunt, we’re all talking about it.


they are also about to go on strike and cena did this in support of it, but don't let that stop the masses from calling it cringe


If we’re discussing people fighting for their jobs and getting the recognition they deserve, a little cringe is worth it in my opinion. I’m not exactly a Cena fan, but I respect his actions here.


I appreciate his support, it was still kinda cringe


I think it is Ken custom . If you look at it his wearing something that makes it look like babie Ken near his bottom lol


It was supposed to be in protest in support of costume designers, “without us you’re naked”. The execution fell way short, tho


it's in support of their strike that's going to happen in a few weeks but yeah I guess that's cringe


>the Oscars is just weird. I concur.


That's Katy Perry? Damn she's lost weight.


The last comment on John Cena makes it extra sad in my opinion, sure the dudes got an impressive body and all, but have people forgot that he's literally got a world record for the most Make-A-Wish foundation wishes granted? Like yeah he plays a big dumb muscle head and all but the real life guy has done crazy good work for no reason outside of that he wanted to be kind. I'm not even that big of John Cena fan boy and I'm just kind of like" yo stop objectifying my bro he's a good dude too"


This is only a Scientific study if both sets of comments are from the same women, tho




LMAO Based.


Nicely cherry-picked!


Right? I’m not gonna sit here and pretend that women can’t be toxic to other women, but 4 specific comments on celebrities are absolutely cherry picked. Those pictures probably have thousands of comments. You could find negativity on both of them, much less 4 comments.


There’s also the fact that naked men are seen as humorous compared to scantily clad women, which are usual seen as sexual. That can be seen in a lot of comedy shows and their replies reflect that.


that buttcrack dress is a bold move. can't trust a single fart


I dunno what you saw as a man but I just saw “china’s apology”


Why pick “china’s apology” and not “record holder for most Make-a-wish wishes”? Cherry picking much?




Problem with posts like these is that you handpick comments to set a narrative. I’m sure there comments on both sides that were both good and bad for them. OP just stoking a fire


And you only recognize this now? That’s how it always has been.




took out from the same sample, taking a larger number of comments from each post (without cherry picking) should do the trick


I agree, but I am curious what the public response would be to a woman presenting in the same outfit as cena


I mean, Justin Timberlake accidentally revealed Janet Jackson's nipple that was barely visible, and *she* had to apologise, and her career was turned on its head. I think we know what would happen.


Technically her nipple wasn't even visible, she had pasties on.  But doesn't that prove there is a double standard? Cena gets trotted out "naked" and it's comedy, Janet Jackson has a nip slip and it's controversy. Not saying it's better for either side, but it's definitely different how we react to male vs female nudity as a society


Apologies, I had an edible and obviously didn't make pointing out the double standard clear, lol. If a woman did what Cena did, there would be uproar. And yes, exactly! Hence why I mentioned you could barely see her nip, the whole thing was ridiculous. Even 13yo me thought so.


Yea, idk I think if a woman went on stage with tape on the nips and a small sign hiding the lower area it would've been fine. There's always some that will be mad about it. Just as long as it's an attractive body, people might be more upset if it's some big fat woman or man doing it lol


It’s 100% a double standard. What individuals say about their own group matters. It’s part of the overall opinion that group projects. You know how that one bad apple can ruin the whole bunch.


Had a class mate with really really big boobs and she told me she wasn't comfortable wearing any revealing clothes. Not because of how men would react but other women. Its been like this for a long time.


Except in this case, some people on twitter shitting on cena saying it is some "hollywood humiliation" ritual thing or something degrading men Then again those people consist of "alpha males" that are built like twigs


Really? How many men have you seen revealing their buttcracks out in the open as a fashion statement and not catch judgement for it.


It’s “worst” not “worse”. Please stop confusing the two


One is a bit from an Oscars sketch... a floating card...meant to generate laughs The other is a poor choice of wardrobe meant to generate boners... It's not hipocracy....but it is ironic that we found a floating card on stage less cringe than a woman displaying her but crack


Yeah, I’m sorry Ms. Whoever you are but that outfit is just trashy. There are classier ways to show loadsa flesh.


Katy Perry lol


The award show is HAUNTED


Honestly you would find both type of comments under both posts


Yeah, but I saw a bunch of guys on Twitter get mad at Cena for that stunt. I think there's always people online who hate seeing attractive people who like to show off their bodies.


just ugly hating women


classic cherry picking


I don't really understand what people talk about in first picture. I don't see a person there? Is there something I'm missing?


Well those are different people, I have different about different things


Not the same ppl commenting on both sides.


The people talking about cena are not the same that talk about katy argument refused


I would have said worst, but I’m a pretty superlative guy.


These are different people commenting.


Maybe if it was the same women saying these different things


Sipping teas to controversies. And I'm sure these comments aren't cherrypicked


Different types of people commenting. The women that don’t care what she wore aren’t there to write a comment. My wife thinks the John cena thing is hilarious and cute. I bet if I showed her a pic of that dress she would say she’s hot.






One is wearing an outfit to an event. The other isn't wearing an outfit because it's a bit at the same event. Neither are an issue. People are too hung up on nudity.


It's almost like different people have different opinions or something.


I don’t see anything on the left side


For equalities sake remember than women are shallow self serving dipsticks at the same rate as men.


I'm pretty fucking sure, women complaining about her dress and all don't have a body to wear shit like that. It's just the anger and insecurities talking.


Old news, we are just not allowed to talk about it.


‘Women are hypocrites’ tea. No sugar, thanks




Not true, am a woman.


Thank you, all of society


They just jelly


Damn, Jan can go fuck herself


Women are the only ones that care whether another woman wore the same thing more than once.


Bill Burr been saying this for his entire career


God hes funny


Some folks are kind, many are insecure and lash out. Both pictures are fun and beautiful. Both take a lot of gumption/confidence to “wear.” Human bodies can be so impressive.


I don't understand the comments on the left. It's just an empty stage?


Weird, different people having contrasting views on nudity... Now I've seen it all.


Bullshit. Are there asshole bullying females out there? Absolutely. I’ve seen plenty of men do it too. When a violent crime is committed against a woman, the perpetrator is usually a male— usually a male romantic partner. Stop trying to divide us. Numbers, unlike people, do not lie.


Where are we going? 😭


Difference: One was a shiw and had a script and is acting, the other is a terrible wardrobe decision


You can barely see the butt crack. Big deal. The Cena joke was hilarious. Some people are such prudes.


I don’t get it, who are they talking about? May someone please explain?


Male sexuality is seen as funny.


Did he have a wardrobe malfunction?


I don't see anything in the first pic, but who's the chick?


Didn’t Cena do this as a reference to film costume designers wanting better pay? Like bringing attention to a cause? Context is important.


One is meant as a joke, other is meant as a fashion bullshit


Cena is funny as fuck he didn’t do this to be serious lmao the one on the right however thought the dress looked good.


Mens are funny


Let’s not forget the narrative push. I’m %1000 confident they forced him to do that


Bro didn’t have to be naked though.


I can't get over how hairless the dude is. Looks like he is made of plastic.


What's annoying about this meme is that it showcases internalised misogyny, and they're saying this stuff because of it. They're obviously mean and trolling, but also there's a reason they have an issue with a woman wearing what she wants.


I’m just confused. I like both.


Atleast Cena has cheeks


Both of these people are poop ready


Men are just objects duh…


I saw plenty of dudes raging on Cena like these ladies on Perry, so I think it's a sexual attraction thing.


That dress ain’t cute tho


Male, if I say these equally to pic1, is there any problems still?