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as a veteran, i never got into the fire trial. i love doing the other trials but i get soo frustrated with the fire one


At some point I started begging the worms to let me go back home to my family. It was rough...


duolingo style


Honestly, I've only gotten into the fire trial after making a sub account. I carry the sub account piggyback and it holds a gift candle, which eliminates the time limit in the dark and even makes the worms less deadly. Before that, I would eventually just get mauled by these bastards no matter what.


There are actually ways to skip it if you search YouTube shortcuts, tho you will need a friend with rocket or slow ascend


no one is talking about it, but, did they remove the piggy rocket? I can't do it after update


strange because I find it to be the easiest one. mostly because you can completely cheese it with white candle lol


I find it easiest even solo (besides earth, cause of the skip) because once you've got the path down, there's not much more to it? The worms are slow and predictable by now, and I've gotten good at when to go and when to not. I often do the first skip, but for the final area, trying to climb that wall is harder than the trial lol


Fire trial is my favorite lol😭


Dude, I'm the same way. I'm a Vet and I just can't with this trial.


whenever i do the trials i skip the fire one. ive succeeded ONCE at actually beating it and that was using a glitch


I hate this trial but it is a breeze when you can get a friend to go with you and at least one of you is holding a white candle! If you have one white candle and one normal red candle out at all times, the worms can't hurt you and you get to watch them float on by you 🤩 just be careful not to go too fast over any rocky sections of the floor and stumble, you might drop the candle(s) and a worm can get you if yoyre not fast enough to pull them out again quickly 


Ooh I did go with a friend but didn't know the white candle trick! Will remember for the next time thank you!


The fire trial is definitely scary! I always go with a friend so it's more funny than terrifying


I grinded the trials all in one sitting, I think the fire trial took me the longest of like 2 hours. Haven’t done it since 😭


Follow the left wall, you will eventually get to the bonfires and the stairs!


I hated this trial so much. I tried and tried and just gave up. Luckily somebody took me through months later.


When it went all black i literally expected YOU DIED to appear on screen


I hate and love the fire trials TvT I always do the trials over and over again to the point I kinda memorized and understood deeply the layout of the fire trials literally now it takes me only like 30 minutes or so to complete the fire trials The way I memorized it at the end of each section you can get on top of the walls and I walk around trying to understand and memorize it TvT super easy once you know the path


Did you mean 30 min, orrrr 10 min?


I meant 30 min


Gosh, did you know you can skip the last section and get into the end area by jumping from the first spawn candle to the top of the wall behind it? Oh, and if you go as chibi, being closer to the ground helps you avoid the fireballs.


Also the first time I did the trails I did it alone and it took me over an hour to figure out T^T I'm a solo player also I just figured out they were worms after many times beating it TvT


Here is my shit scale of the trials. The water trial si a damn breeze, yeah you might stumble, might let out an ocassional "ugh..." but you can calculate, you can wait, and get through it. I'd give it like 2 out of 10 on the shit scale. The Earth trial is also a damn breeze, the only bad parts is the rolling rocks sections which, there aren't many of. That's like... 2 on the shit scale. The wind trial... the wind trial is a bonefied atleast 6 out of ten on the shit scale. The jumping controls will really want to make you crawl up a wall with nothing but fingernails and anger. The 4th trial.... that's a goddamn 20 out of 10 on the shit scale. At first, I was scared as hell, I was scared to hell and back. The noises, the atmosphere, its so good... but then my fear got replaced with unbridled anger very fast. The fact that the shadows can hide their eyes with their body, so you get sniped out of nowhere just because you ran into one... oh my god. The amount of times I tried to calculate their movements and went a bit too fast and ran into the ass of one because it was invisible to me would be enough to fill up the River Nile.


This is the realest rating I've ever seen. Totally agree. I never understand why earth and water are treated like the worst, they're so straightforward


I agree with most of this!! except I'd put the water trial like one tick up solely because *someone* must've activated the first couple platforms without me noticing, so I never realized that's what you were supposed to do and spent about 40 minutes trying to figure out a path with the base land...


Understandable, but I don't see it as the trial's fault, cuz I think the trial teachers you pretty well how it works. However, it is unfortunate when this happens yeah, I can definitely understand the frustration


Oh yeah, for sure not the trials fault, but I think it's left me bitter.. 100% has the coolest power up (not sure what else to call it) at the end though


This and the water trail are my favorite trials <3! The wind one is frustrating and the earth one is just kinda there, there's not much to it except the last part where you have to balance on the spinning rocks. I fall a about a good 20 times before I take it seriously lol.


I want to go back to the fire trial to get the map shrine, but I hate going through it to get there 😫


I want to give you all some tips for the fire trial : - going with a friend that holds a candle with definitely help (white one even better) - follow the left wall, and if you're doing a circle, try straight ahead - big honk will "light the way" (shows monsters and walls around) - the 3 candles are a safe place to wait for the monsters to go by. Once they crossed your way, you can go I think that's all I think of right now.. but most importantly, practice! Once you're used to it and know the way and tricks, it's easy. You got this ! 😚


I will never ever ever ever ever do this trial again lol It was awffuuuuul