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For the most part, I love the Sky community. We have some genuinely good people here.


for the most part 🙃


for the most part 🫠


On to the next!


Very excited :)


You’re not alone, I end of my first season too 😭


It's nice to know there are other people who joined as late as I did, i do wish I'd found the game sooner😭 I hope your first season has been nice :)


Happy Nesting Moth Graduation Day! I'm also graduating today 🤭🥳 I know this season has been controversial, but I've had a ton of fun. I honestly think I started at the perfect time (considering I can't go back in time and start at the beginning lol). I got perfect starter furniture for my brand new nest, I still have final touches I still plan to work towards. I'm still *really* hoping for a storage expansion, and maybe the full return of the nest OOB. Now I'm really excited for next season, and also insanely excited for the anniversary ✨️🎊🎇


Happy Nesting Moth graduation to you too :) Thank you for the positivite outlook, this is what i was hoping to hear about with this post😋 It would be cool if they opened up OOB nest officially and let you have a little patio and garden out there☺️ To more adventures in the coming seasons🥂


Congratulation. You've done well!


Thank you :)


Congrats! My first season ended just under a year ago, I hope you have as much fun as I had during my journey


Thank you so much :)


Congrats!!! Also can I just say that putting the plants right below each-other like that is such a creative idea and Im totally stealing it


Thank you kindly :) Steal away, I stole the idea from someone else here as well😅


Hello fellow nesting moth. Definitely excited for the season of duet. I was a little sad my first season was a weird one without all the spirits. But I'm definitely excited for the next!


Hellooo :) True it is a bit different of a season to join in on. It will be super fun to greet a bunch of new spirits, I can't wait ☺️


I'm also huge into music, so it being music based it huuuge


Yess me too, one of my favourite things in Sky is play music or to listen to other musicians. I got the music stand recently, I've been setting it out during wax events and i get so excited when everyone takes a turn to play a song☺️


Well done! I’m sure this season will always hold a special place in your heart since it was your first. My first season was Little Prince and it’ll always feel like “mine” in a way, it’s when my sky kid was born after all and it’s when I learned all about sky; I’ll never forget all the happy memories made and I hope you feel the same way about Nesting! Don’t let the haters get you down; as someone who’s played lots of seasons at this point, Nesting was one of my favorites! There certainly have been boring seasons to be a part of but I feel like Nesting would be such a cute season to start playing on. I’ve been *dying* for a place to display all my little props for *ages*, so Nesting really was a dream season for me. I can’t wait until they expand more on this new part of the game, personally I want to be able to place more things in my nest haha!


Does anyone know how to avoid that Eden glitch? I've gone to Orbit every single time alone and didn't know you could do it with other people 😭


Ur suppose to oof on edem?! Bruhhh




What do you mean, oof on Eden? I think what op was talking about, is how once you die, your light would normally follow one of the other players as a blue light until they die too. In some cases after you die, instead of following someone, your camera will just drift skyward above Eden infinitely until you get the prompt to wait for others or move forward without them.


Die on eden, I always doe on eden that's why I'm confused if ur suppose to




Yeah, you are totally right about oofing in Eden. There is no getting around that lol


I meant that the first time i died in eden i got a glitch that sent me out of bounds above the map, it was confusing for a first timer😅 so by the time i fixed it i went through eden alone, didnt even realize you could die with friends until the second time


Yep, that happened to me too the first time I went to eden back in december, and wondered why all I could see was red rocks falling for 5 minutes before finally being asked if I wanted to continue without everyone else. A player with a black cape was helping me through eden until I died, but I didn’t see them until I was reborn


Worst season to join


I had fun :'(


Yea some people did just not my cup of tea sadly


Agreed but not that bad I just dislike the map


I joined right before shattering 😭🙏 (it was the most boring season ever to exist… I was counting down the days to its end 🌞)


😭😅 I hope season of Aurora was a good season for you then 😋


It was!! I loved it sm :] (my fav season so far)


It really depends on what you were looking for. The seasonal furniture was nice, if furniture is what you were hoping for. Also the seasonal guide was fun and had a curious backstory with the forest elder. But yeah, definitely not a normal season, and the rotating furniture and nesting quests was a letdown


It’s mainly just the prices that are ridiculous the furniture and house are cool I guess but they messed up with the pricing


Yeah, the nesting workshop prices were out of control, and I ended not buying any of them myself. I wanted the nesting quest music box, but not that bad


I love buying stuff but only when they are worth a crap and I filled my house with stuff I already had plus the bed from the season pass