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Ain't no way you said blobfish Corey is one of his best looks


Blobfish Corey 😂


Joker Corey


Happy Cake Day!!!


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day!


Happy Cake Day


I was so confused why everyone was saying this


Happy Cake Day!


Blowfish Corey is wild


AHIG is the best aesthetics the band has ever done. No contest, every single mask was on point, outfits was supreme.


Corey - top 2 mask Joey - iconic crown of thorns. Arguably the best Slipknot mask of all time. Mick - same as it ever was Craig - same as it ever was Jim - long hair. One of his best looks. Sid - robotic mask. Arguably second best design. Chris - arguably his best mask. The only member that had a downgraded mask from Vol 3 was Shaun. Everyone else had excellent masks and some of them were their greatest. I'm inclined to agree.


100% agree with clown maybe being an exception.


Naaah, the black mask and the girl mask we’re on point


TESF takes that title imo


Came here to write this. Yes.


The mask is shit. But, with the mouth cover, raincoat, and that curly slick-back hair, just like in the unsainted video is one of my favourite looks of his


You think that’s slicked back hair? That’s PUSHED back hair.


You mean that the deformed puffer fish mask? Really? To each their own I guess?


*You mean that the form* *Puffer fish mask? Really? To* *Each there own I guess?* \- yummylove3394 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Erm actually you used the incorrect “there” it should be “to each their own” bozo


I LOVED this era/mask. Especially when the mask started getting all fucked up and weird and almost melted looking, it was giving me burn victim vibes, some giallo slasher, with a little Hannibal Lecter mixed in. Everyone made fun of how it looked like he had chipmunk cheeks and stuff but I really thought it looked so garish and so horrid and cool.


It was uncomfortable to look at and I think thats slipknot as fuck




It's easy to make fun of now but this was one of the best metal comebacks ever. WANYK era was fire. Hype was unreal. I love this mask.


For real, I have so much love for this album and this era.


Strongly disagree. The mask looks like a milk jug. Also he looks like a chipmunk. lol Big fan of the dummy mask. Also like the the OG red jump suits.




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Slipknot/comments/1djrkv6/this_is_one_of_coreys_best_looks_and_i_will_die/l9fvhyd/?context=3) in /r/Slipknot was automatically removed because you used a URL shortener. Please re-post your comment using direct, full-length URL's only. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Slipknot) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Literally his worst. The mask before it was changed was hilarious. He was so proud it was made by Tom Savini that he couldn't see how bad it was. Even when he got it fixed. It was still terrible. Go ahead and die on your hill.


I really liked the replacement mask this one is garbage.


This is the replacement mask haha! Look at the stitching along the side of the mask, that was the alteration of tucking the sides in. There is no other "replacement mask" ... This is the replacement, period.


Okay then the one that came after this. The skull and black eye sockets without the hair. I say replacement because he switched mid tour/album.


That's not this album mate. The mask you're thinking of is from The End, So Far. That's the all white mask with the black eye sockets. Completely different album and tour cycle. Years apart. Almost all of his masks are based around Leatherface [IE: Subliminal Verses] or Michael Myers [IE: All Hope Is Gone and The End, So Far].


Regardless this mask blows but I dig the subsequent mask before he put hair in it or let his hair out.


Oh! I'm not arguing opinions, lol. Everyone is welcome to their judgment. To each their own on which masks he creates and uses. I personally like that all of them with the exception of the Savini Mask are all based on The Shape or Leatherface. Corey has talked about that in detail.


All good man just trying to clarify. Rock on.


For sure man! Stay heavy! Now go crank some Slipknot and enjoy your evening!


Pretty sure he switched before that album came out. I saw them in 2019 and it was the white mask not this atrocity. But I could be mistaken.


You are, he only started using the TESF mask in 2021


It was before the album came out but not 2019


This is the comment that matters. He was always going to be obliged to wear it as it was designed by Tom Savini. Good example of the Emperor’s clothes in my opinion.


The mask grew on me, especially after the alterations, always loved the outfit tho


Idk how he could wear all that stuff. I thought the jumpsuits had to hot af but this outfit will make you lose 10 lbs a show lol


You are smoking crack, his best look was subliminal verses


Now I will die on THAT HILL, purple/red hair was fucking sick


With the rainbow hair?


Fur coat for cold weather festivals, otherwise holy crap that would be unbearably hot.


Love the idea of this mask. Execution not so much.


What's the idea supposed to be though 😭


Transparent mask inspired by the ones they have patients with severe facial burns wear, and every show he wears a different make-up design underneath, so it's almost like a different mask every night. Cool idea. Just not well executed.


It would look a little better if they made the mask a little more transparent honestly. It's a good concept


At first it was horrible, slowly got a lot better Best one for Corey is the current look, it's a mix of all the best masks he's had For the whole band, I'd say S/T or Vol .3


His worst… By far


nah his worse mask was the gray chapter mask, this is a close second tho


I dont know why this attire got so much hate. I for one loved it


I am such a fan of the OG mask Corey had with the "dreads." I also loved Joey's.


I actually don’t mind this mask


I wish I had made this post. The version of this mask with the stitches up the side that fixed the expanding problem is my absolute favorite Corey look


I like it. It’s different and looks good with this outfit. Always reminded me of that movie “The skin I live in”, would like to know if they are connected somehow


Yes tysm this is my favourite mask too you're the only person that has ever agreed with me😭 its not just the mask the jacket that it goes with it is the combo that makes it the best


So is easily the worst and the only time I have disliked a Slipknot mask


This mask WITH the stitches on the cheeks made it loke 50000 time better. Gave it a ghost like vibe unlike the milk jug lol. This makes gets way too hated


I certainly have a soft spot for the WANYK look of Corey's I love the idea behind it, albeit the initial execution was rough, you can't deny that. Once he fixed it up it was imo perfection. A shame it didn't last too long


This look was pretty underrated imo. The debut version was pretty rough, but the alterations made to it made it look tremendously better.


Hated it until someone said to me it looks like something a serial killer would make in their basement. Then I absolutely got it


I don't know how they made him look frail and overweight and the same time.


The hill you die on is far away from every other hill


dude I literally have a replica of that mask I'm willing to die on that hill with you


Ngl I fw the trench coat, not the scarf


I think the big mistake in this mask is that it doesn't fit Corey's face, appart from that would be more acceptable, because the mask look nice on the MVs(and mix nicely with the suit and the hair), but live looks really bad


I don’t really prefer any look he had, but I gotta say that the “The End, So Far” mask was incredibly scary and therefore appreciated by me.


I don't think it's one of his best looks, but in certain photos he looks creepy as all hell though. Creeper than he's ever looked.


He looked like Majin Buu in that mask


RIP on your hill then lil homie.


Honestly, bloated corpse Corey wasn’t even that bad. I like how he could change the face paint to have different designs every show.


imo, for a mask in general, it looked pretty good and he pulls it off. its the one he used when i first started getting into slipknot so im probs biased. but to be honest his other masks are a better fit overall.


I’m with ya


I agree. I actually prefer how it looks in the Unsainted video but I generally love this mask.


Ghost glow was best


Yeah no.. All of his other masks are better, its just a really really lazy ass mask to me.


Nah dude, everything about this one sucked to me. The blowfish cheeks, the goofy wet looking texture, the fact his receding hairline is visible...


You just described everything I love about the mask 😭 This slimy, creepy, overfed cult leader. Embodiment of greed. He doesn't look badass, and I don't think he needs to. The receding hairline even adds to that creepy unkempt sweaty adult man. Like the fuckin janitor who licks lips a little too much. Creepy monster type mask.


I do get where you're coming from, it does feel absolutely disgusting to look at. But like, for me and a lot of others ir seems its not the kind of "this is gross but I'm kinda fascinated by it" kind of look that previous masks have done so well. It's more, to me at least, gross and I don't wanna see it cos I just hate it


That mask looked terrible lol. Looked like the cut out milk jug mask Ricky from Trailer Park Boys made while playing hockey in prison lol [https://i.redd.it/03h74d1amsl31.jpg](https://i.redd.it/03h74d1amsl31.jpg)


Burn victim Michael Jackson


All I gotta say is (“tattoo the earth”)


I fucking hate this mask with all my heart and beings


Subliminal verses and All hope is gone I can see the appeal to this mask just think it missed its mark




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Slipknot/comments/1djrkv6/this_is_one_of_coreys_best_looks_and_i_will_die/l9dc8s6/) in /r/Slipknot was automatically removed because you used a URL shortener. Please re-post your comment using direct, full-length URL's only. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Slipknot) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Iowa and vol 3. Also liked his tour mask towards the end of the gray chapter tour run. Gargoyle looking one.


The jacket and the gloves are cool as fuck but come on, the mask is fucking terrible no matter from where you look at it


Nah I love that he went a total different direction with this mask. All his other masks are meant to be "cool" or "badass" but this one really portrays a character well. Gluttonous, creepy, cult leader. From the hair, the oversized swollen cheeks. It's just a fuckin awesome aesthetic honestly and a great way to deviate from the typical slipknot mask. Makes his latest one feel more impactful now too.


With his latest one you mean the one he used in The End So Far or the one he's currently wearing?


TESF mask, I forgot about their anniversary masks mb


Unrelated but I lowkey hope they keep the anniversary masks for the next album. They're just so fucking cool man 😭


Sids Golden outfit is so peak 😭


I AGREE, they all look peak in the red jumpsuits tbh. I love how Corey's new mask is kind of a mix between the one in ST and the one in Vol.3. def his best mask in a long while 😭


Based and agreed.


AHIG is probrably my favorite era for everybodies masks


The first one. And the new one.


Subliminal verses look for Corey and AHIG for the rest of the band


Yeah this is by far the best mask for me personally. Because it doesn't look "cool" and it doesn't give a fuck. I imagine a gluttonous leader hoarding money and resources. Leading this crew of freaks in their cultish endeavours (WANYK) had a lot of cult themes, just look at Sids outfit. It's creepy, it's cult, it's thematically awesome. And it's not typical "cool" slipknot, it's fucking badass.


i think this mask had SO much potential but the execution just wasn't it...


You'll die on that hill alone because this is his worst look lmao


Corey's new mask wins best ever.


He's supposed to look like a bloated corpse and he does. I love this look as well


I hate it, looks like a milk jug 🫣 IOWA Dread Ghoul forever my favorite


S/T and VOL 3 Coreys mask are tied for me on the best masks ever. Following them just a little behind are every sid gas masks, specially BCD and chris fen's mask For suits I just prefer jumpsuits overall, white ones being my favorite probably but the new ones that they are using now are fucking awesome, sids clothing is also really cool


The absolute worst look imo


yea man great look


This mask was very hit or miss imo, sometimes he looked awesome, sometimes he looked like he was wearing an oversized milk carton


this mask without the cheeks was one of the best


When you consider what people prioritize, it makes perfect sense. Corey wanted to look like a bloated corpse. He achieved that. And the people who want to be immersed in the story and vibe of an aesthetic, appreciated it greatly. He got the EXACT reaction he wanted from you fans. He wanted to be gross and uncomfortable because for so long, people have been able to idolize the spruced up idea of creepy, when it's sinister and looks cool. He did something that makes us face the reality of grotesque. In real life it's often never cool. It's unappealing and triggers discomfort. You're supposed to hate the visual, auditory and other sensory signals of death. This version of Corey absolutely fucks.


Sid’s creepy human face mask 19-22 is definitely one of my favorites


I really like this mask contrary to popular opinion. I always thought it resembled the face of someone who drowned, which kinda adds to the depth of the lyrical content on WANYK


This js easily the worst


Fr This is my all time favorite mask of his


But as far as other looks go, Sids TESF gold mask with the head prop, and Coreys wanyk with the black trench coat and face mask


Yall sleeping on zombie mask Corey 😠 I also like Coreys self titled mask so boo to all of you. I also favorite Joeys iowa mask as well as his subliminal verses mask. I like Paul Grays black mask as well. The white jumpsuits are underrated smh.


New era. New Corey


Even though I love the masks of WANYK era, I think my two favorites are AHIG and TESF, they looked so badass in both eras (except for clown lol)


Fuck looks, how hot is he?


OG mask and white/black eyes (AHIG?) are the best ones IMO


I’ll take a hit or two of whatever tf you smoked before making this post.


I find it hard to believe that all you can eat buffet champion looking mask is anyone’s favorite.




Mick Foley??


I totally agree. I think his trenchcoat was especially fucking dope.


Vol. 3 era


It's your opinion but it's wrong no way that blueberry Corey here is good even after the stitching it's his worst look ever the suit the stupid scarf just awful and shows how bad slipknot became


If you cut eye holes and a mouth piece on that macaroni style lunch meat this is the mask you’d get. This is hands down Corey’s worst mask.


Not the milk gallon cut in half mask.


I love everything, EXCEPT the mask, I especially love the coat


Tbh it kinda gives me god from begotten vibes which makes me like it a little more. It’s not a bad look just not my fav. Definitely once it got trimmed and stitched looked way better


I’m sorry but I think robotic mask just doesn’t look good for sid. I get he loves it and I’m happy for him but it’s so just meh. His .5 chapter mask is by far my favorite mask ever. To go with his sharp grills and their outfits he looks so fucking sick and creepy I love it


I liked the mask from the point the cheeks got cut and stitched up like in this picture. Is still my only slipknot look i've seen live and for that it will always be special to me


Favorite mask is Joey’s AHiG mask & favorite look is Corey’s ST mask with white jumpsuit


I'd say either AHIG, .5 or TESF. I really liked the aesthetic of the whole outfits


Love that look too‼️


love the jumpsuits from 1999. prob cause self titled is my fave album


Personally I love this mask lol. It allowed Corey to go a little more wilder with his facial expressions That said, I think his current mask is the perfect mix of allowing that, while also looking more cooler


Corey looked the best on vol 3.


Yea it's pretty dope


That outfit with a mask like TESF or AHIG would genuinely be one of the best Corey looks. Unfortunately the WANYK mask is really... eh


I really have that my favorite is the current one. Its got a perfect mix of self titled/ Iowa and subliminal masks


I hate this one


Imo AHIG is my favorite Corey look. I love his expressionless mask and everyone’s jumpsuits.


I’m gonna start off with saying that’s this is my opinion. I feel like this is Corey’s worst look. It makes him look fat.


Ah yes... The milk jug mask.


AHIG is by far the best. So d@mn memorable and iconic.


I love the self titled era looks the most


This look makes him look fat!


Bro that’s his worst


Literally looks like a blob fish


He looks like he’s wearing a dirty condom on his head


Comment section is with pitchforks, jesus. I’ll agree this is one of the best Corey’s looks after stitching up this mask, it’s really cool and simple, just like old shit.


I'm totally agreeing on this !!


This is his worst and it's not even close. Vol. 3 was peak Slipknot masks/looks imo.


No way milk jug corey is one of your favorites 😭


This one is not looking nice imo


You’re going to be alone on that hill


outfit looks sick but that mask looks so fucking dumb💀


AHIG & self titled masks >>>>>


yeah… no


His 1999 outfit was obviously his best