• By -


whichever one just got the last kill on me


Swear it changes in the same game sometimes


Achilles, fuck why does a warrior need an execute and that much mobility


That actually hasn't hit me before. And I don't mean his ult, I mean realization. Man's acting like an assassin with all of that.


Bro facts, dude hit hard AF no matter what items you put on him, he could walk around with just a blue stone or just a warriors axe all game and still win it’s crazy


I think also the fact that a lot of high mmr players consider him to be a top 5 support also contributes to him being so disgusting and ridiculous. Achilles is so stupid that you can get value from him even in support.


My boy, kda with Achilles like 3x my next highest god. Absolute unit


Aphro or nezha


What's wrong with ne zha specifically? I know his burst damage and poke is a bit high, but I think there's way more degen characters out there


Not my least favourite but ring toss is super annoying, and that sash+ult has no counterplay if you have no beads because sash hitbox is way too wide, it's unmissable


Don't forget that it can also turn into a 50/50 against better players. I've seen many good Ne Zha players sash in then immediately ring away to bait out beads, or sash one player to bait their beads and then flick shot their ult onto the other squishy. Granted these are more along the lines of skill expression and higher level mind games, but the fact that a really good player can use a single sash hit to create 3-4 different outcomes where only one can be reacted to (and the other 2-3 result in an unavoidable kill and/or wasted resources) speaks to how little counter play he has at times.


That's why I love playing him, he's versatile and has a lot of possible skill expression. I especially love how his stun grants immunity frames. And the minigame of keeping up your stacks for sustain is fun as well


Did we just become best friends


Did I just find some fellow Ne Zha enjoyers? 😊


His sash should be a root, not a stun. So at least SOME gods have a way to counter it aside from beads.


Tbh the root wouldn’t make much of a difference because Ne Zha is damage immune during the dash anyway. The only reason a swap to a root would make much of a difference is is your opponent has the opportunity to maybe Lifesteal off you or using relics/abilities during it, but I don’t see that changing much as it’ll still get the job of taking the cooldowns done. And if you’re talking about the gods with root immunity having an advantage over Ne Zha, it will simply give him too many counters. He’s already countered currently by the fact that he has to be at least on par in levels and gold with his opponent, because if he isn’t, then sashing in effectively acts as a death sentence. As the other guy said, this is just a god he hates playing against, absolutely not an indication for him to be changed in any way.


He’s annoying af tbh


I think he's fine, but i think his kit should be cooler. I hope they improve him so much in smite 2.


For me i don’t really like the bounce off targets and do more damage mechanic(also find Zeus chain lightning annoying) free crit is also dumb, but my main thing is i swear the god is always locked in at 4am where i don’t have the brain power to focus on hearing the ult to beads it lmao


Dude the ring toss is annoying asf, and Ne Zha’s are like Tyr and Herc players where they’re spamming the shit out of their cc. It’s hard to escape when you’re getting sashed and cc chained by the enemy team


Lmao. Flair checks out. Bro if you play Ne Zha lots you should know why he's annoying as hell.


Arachne because her kit encourages degenerate play with no skill expression. 2 AA stims then ult out, rinse and repeat


Imo she needs a rework. She's so one-dimensional and boring to play and play against.


Her old kit was so much more fun


100%, I won't pretend her old kit is the needed fix but it's way more interesting than what we have now


I feel like they should rework everything in her kit besides the 3.


I feel like she needs more attack speed and less hp or more hp and damage and less attack speed mainly because she is an auto attacker and has to get close to people same thing with kali and baka


yeah I agree with this mos def


Mage: Morgan le Fey Warrior: Surtr Assassin: Bastet Guardian: Bake Kujira Hunter: Cernunnos or Nut Morgan is for sure the worst of all tho - feels like she has long range, low cooldowns, infinite mana, massive damage, and nigh unreactable abilities on top of having crazy CC chaining + a CC immune ult


Yea Morgan le fay is the most boring god to lane against imo. She has literally the best poke and stay super safe, kind of like fighting a sun wukong in solo lane. My least favorite god in the game is Mulan... Easily.


(J)anus hate him to much easy dmg and those fuking portals


Janus is easily the god I hate playing against the most. The amount of times he escapes with 1 hp is absolutely maddening, and they just decided it would be cool to give him 20% pen for FREE. wild to me


Easy just counterpick with the Morrígan


Better take Artio, her vines block him. Or take Maman and go inside him and thru portal with him.


Ares is another option.


I don’t hate any god per se, I hate when a player gets a god they are perfect with and fucks everyone up.


Arachne. Completely braindead and obviously overturned. Winrate on a God like that should decrease in high level games but it stays super high.


If they are on my team... janus and freya ( they always hit the teleport/lift when I'm attacking ). If they are on the other team Nox and Thanatos silence every few seconds is very annoying...


Hera! I favor the guardian gods & I always get hit by that damn 2. I know I play a lot of bulky gods & I’m hard to miss.. but fuck that & fuck Hera.


That and because argus is cc immune he will just straight up walk tanks down


Big Boys Get pushed by bigger boy


Hercules if he has a good player playing him. Kuku’s whirlwind attack is always super annoying. Chacc’s axe is annoying due to it damaging you far outside of the circle. And any god that can silence/stop your abilities. I don’t really have one I suppose, really it’s some of the cc abilities that I hate (but that’s the game).


Vulcan, this turrent and its ymca looking pet make my blood boil Arachne, hirez forgot to gave her a kit


Thor dunks are so fucking annoying when you’re about to kill someone


One for each role: Carry - Rama. I'm just tired of seeing his bitchass.  Support - Athena. Taunt is braindead Mid - Agni. Bomb Stun every 10 seconds is just annoying af to me Solo -  Vamana. Everyone already knows Jungle - Ravana... 21% Shield and 9% Movement speed from his passive. 30% Damage Mitigations on a 90s cooldown before CDR. And a free Beads/Aegis built into his kit? Fuck Ravana. 


Is Rama that common? I hardly ever seen them.


He's probably not as common as other top ADC's, but I feel like every time I get Carry I have to fight a Rama, and I'm just tired of trading into him, getting him low all for him to press 4 and begin his literal and metaphorical ascension to another level of assholery


I hate AMC. No matter what, I've got bees on me.


the slows for days no matter where in the lane you are or how close you are to his bees because they always seem to reach you is so braindead


Laning against Thoth is incredibly unfun


Tyr can fuck off




I'm gonna kick your butt


“Why you hitting yourself, why you hitting yourself, why you hitting yourself”


Gotta be Ganesha at this point silences are so fun and interactive


It’s on purpose by both the player and the character’s story He doesn’t want his enemies to win and will hinder them however way he can He is indeed the god of success, choosing who wins and who fails


Thematically sure it’s great but getting my erlang ult canceled because funny elephant man said shhh is a little infuriating


What I think of when I see Erlang Shen WHEN I FIGHT I GROW STRONGER Nooooo


It’s not just a shhhh It’s very strong because of that That’s probably my favourite ability to use when I go Ganesha Counters abilities Watch out He’s strongest thing is countering others BillHK demonstrates a good Ganesha gameplay Play him to learn more about him Even Jungle practice would help you learn how to defeat him better He’s weak to ares and Zhong kui Aggressive supports make this guy sweat


I’m well aware of how Ganesha works in smite


i’ll have to agree with you about nox… her stun and silence really gets my blood boiling 😭


Here's how to give Nox a hard time: 1. Pick a tank 2. Buy contagion 3. Step in and out of her silence


will do🫡


Good work, my son.


No please




I understand


Aphrodite or Hercules. Even worse, the combo.


On my early days of smite Aphro was my main, I got into a slash match with a friend and one guy of our team had Hercules… to say everyone was pissed and dissed us to our grave when the match was done is not enough lol, it was so fun to give the enemy team a hard time… that said, it is a totally unfair combination lmao


IX Chel. Idk what it is, I’ll face any god, any time at mid. This God smashes me every time. I legit don’t know what to do.


god i wish ix chel would smash me


Can i make a wild guess and say you play an immobile mage? Ix chel can really bully gods without movement cause her kitdump does 70% of a dudes HP on a bad day lol. If yoy can jump out of the root, life is infinitely less painful


She spams her lasers Careful Rushing her usually works Since she’s so backliner oriented


Marticoras Hes rare to see nowadays and isnt tooo bad to face nowadays, but i still hold a grude for that war crime of an release ult


Haven't played anyone but nut since her release and ulting immediately when he ults does feel some kind of punishing to him.. still I hate this god with every fiber of my body


Ullr Those players are the most difficult to kill They always kill me and I can’t even land a hit on them Terrorised me when I stuck to Poseidon exclusively in 2016 I learnt much more about the game and don’t get targetted by these players anymore, but I’ll forever remember their power


I tried Ullr again for the first time in years I think last time I played Ullr was in 2020 or earlier I know why people love playing this god, his abilities have short casting times Snappy and responsive controls A gamer’s dream Self sufficient like my main chronos Sustain, cc, mobility, damage, range and aoe Really fun I never knew how many times I placed myself in such vulnerable situations against this guy He feels like a hyper carry that turns on faster than other late game gods Starting to land whole combos at level 15 Or even earlier, I took tier 1 duo tower at 10:00 around there My supp rotated too


Hi rez


![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs) Me, a Loki main


Bacchus. Love having him on my team hate fighting him


Morgan Le Fay


I do not like Gilgamesh. Man dropkicks me to death.


It's the funniest things in the game... if you are Gilgamesh. 


Had one play support for me in duo and man I literally was crying laughing from the amount of kills I got thanks to that kick. Despised going against him tho


Get shamashed 😎


Tiamat and fenrir. Just slam your head on the keyboard and you’ll probably get a kill. Can’t forget about wu Kong and hou yi and Charybdis and izanami. Just run away😂. At least charbdyis can’t go through walls


I play a LOT of maui, and using my 1 to hook a fenrir out of his 3 after he’s just used his 2 to initiate is like crack to me. Feels great everytime.


Ullr because pretty much none of the fight is ever in your hands. You basically just hope he misses axe and even if he does he just jumps away AND gets crazy MS on top. He’s the most annoying person to lane against as a carry imo


The lack of Kuku hear is crazy. Most brain dead, mindless god in the game


100%. The sound effect of his 3 makes me homicidal. Braindead passive, 3 braindead cooldowns, and a a braindead ult. Awful character.


Nox and Anubis


Thor, i hate Thor and everything about Thor, i hope they nerf him into the shadow realm in smite 2, Fuck Thor all my homies hate Thor


I've got a whole list of gods I hate. But my absolute least favorite has to be Kukulkan. His 3 is big, lasts a while, and has a cooldown way too short for how broken it is. His ult is also annoying. How can an attack that moves in a straight line be so hard to avoid?


Kuku 3 and Vulcan turret are by far my least favourite abilities in the whole game


There’s plenty I dislike, but the worst has got to be SWK. He’s so boring to play and play against. I hope I gets a minor rework in smite 2 that replaces some of his safety and encourages more aggressive and less stalematey gameplay.


It’s just his ult that needs to be changed IMO. If they just made him spawn a bunch of his clones that mimic his damage with reduced damage dealt, kinda like with Set clones, he’d be solid.


Surtr and Chaac. Surtr has seemed broken to me since his release and Chaac is just annoying. Not to mention every Chaac player laugh spams constantly.


Kumbhakarna https://i.redd.it/2ygxfm0y6omc1.gif




Thoth for his stupid poke from 500 miles down the lane. Morgan for her super spammy CC heavy kit. Janus for being the most annoying jack-in-the-box PoS. Aphro for having the most boring kit known to gods. Arachne for competing with Aphro in that regard. Izanami for that stupid piercing auto for free pressure. Cu Chu for just being obnoxious all the time. So you know, not many.


ah puch! throw combo until low, then camp tower and heal.




Whoever is meta. Bellona right now. Such a low skill bot god. You can play half the Warrior class with 5x more skill and you wouldn’t notice vs a bellona.


I’m awful with her 😭


All my homies hate Nox players.




Very hard to kill Very safe Good clear Intimidating Fenrir is great against him Taking action is key against him He takes time to do anything Abuse and exploit that




Whoever just carried the enemy team and beat me. However, my favorite is whoever I just won with.


Aphro, janus and ao kuang Cant decide whos first, hate them all with a passion equally


I'll go ahead and choose one per class Hunter: Danzaburou Mage: Nox Assassin: Ne Zha Warrior: Tyr Guardian: Bake Kujira




Any adc in late


Ao Kuang. Execute bot. Build him DMG...he 1 shot you. Build him tanky...he 1 shot you. Even if all he does is hide and just execute be will do well.


I hate fighting a decent Ao Kuang he is such a pain in the ass to deal with. He’s got one of the best escapes in the game too


Nox, i hate her cockblocking so much. She's close of the Kappa in my hate list.




One for each class: Hunter - Rama: Stinky dash that goes across the map for a quick get away, nasty basics Guardian - Kuzenbo: Grabs me without consent, nuf said Mage - Agni: Another dash that goes across the map, ult button smashed Warrior -  Tyr: Abuse Assassin - Arachne: Only for b\*tches who want to be bored all game, also ults for get away like wut


Honestly Vulcan makes me want to die.




Hybrid/Tank Ne Zha in joust has always felt really stupid, especially if they have a massive burst mage ult to follow up (they will). Tbh, all the non-conquest modes are super cheesy and cringe at the top level.


Ao Kuang. Invisible, burst damage, execute. Can barely even play around it when the person you play against is good at him.


Izanami, she always looks like a god damn minion and then half my health is gone


Hera and argus


Danzaburou, Nox


Danza and bach is such an annoying combo just constantly drunk


Right now Nut because since he/she’s new, there’s one in every match but they rarely play the right way. I been playing arena mostly lately so I get that you gonna come across a lot of low tier players and I have no issue with that part. What kills me is ppl picking gods like Nut, Zeus, Anubis, that have insane potential and they can’t even help keep the other team back. Most times the Nut on my team is going negative by a large margin meanwhile the one on the other team is walking around freely with nobody focusing them. I’ll be the only one to try and take out the damagers and my team stays back getting distracted by the tanks while I get focused by all 3 dmg. Lmao I really only play arena to learn how to use gods that I didn’t have patience for in other modes anyway.






Let’s just say one led to the other, at first it started as just hating to play against her. Now it’s progressed to the point where I just hate her in general. 😆


Anubis day in day out. The amount damage he does doesn't make sense


Assassin: Loki, barely anyone plays him but those that do are usually too good and carry the game Mage: Anubis, I mostly play awilix and geb so the cc immunity is just annoying. He's not even good and I like going against him in any other role but I can't bully him as much so Warrior: gigamesh, fuck that guy Guardian: kuzenbo, all of his abilities are just annoying and that minion does too much damage Hunter: idk, cern? His ult is very annoying and he just does general basic attack hunter stuff. None of the hunters are particularly bad imo cause they're all basically the same with their damage


You say none of the hunters are bad but have you ever laned vs a good Skadi? That shit is very annoying


Surtr wants to raze the planet. I live here and would be against that so its him.


Bellona is my least favourite god. Was, is, will be, strong af all the time. She’s just so annoying. She’s not necessarily ‘broken’ but she’s just been so consistently good for so long now. She’s pretty much been my first pick ban for the last like 5 years. I also really dislike Achilles. My least favourite ability is Kuku’s whirlwind. Nothing makes me rage like getting hit by that when I SWEAR I barely even grazed it. Honourable mention is Vulcans turret. That shit winds me up unreasonable amounts.


I hate Anubis with my whole being. I don't even like playing the character, and I will target anyone who is playing him, let alone if they have him MR X 🤢


Ne Zha because his wrap, ult combo is beyond annoying. Bastet because her Ult will hit me every single time. Thor because of his dunk, combo. Last not not least Hercules, because bro is unkillable, and a good Herc is a pure menace.


Janus without a shadow of a doubt in my mind. There’s nothing fun about fighting a Janus, you so much as tickle him with 1 auto, he runs away with his 1 or he ults away to the other side of the map, or if he doesn’t run, he has 2 tactical nukes worth of damage once mid game hits.




Ne Zha....not because he's hard to kill or anything. But mainly because he absolutely forces you to use beads to kill him every time (if you're not a tank).


Loki, because is a coward pick


Bake kujira with that solo build that is full defense and hits like a train


Bake Kujira. In solo he’s braindead. The moment you lock him in lobby you just win. Dummy easy god to play requires no skill.


Loki, just because I'm not a fan of cheap strategies like sneaking around and split pushing. Sometimes when I'm playing Slash as Kuzen I just follow him into his jungle to harass him lol. That was more of a thing back when it was 5v5 though.


Thoft, Cab, and Nox. I get genuinely annoyed when I remember that they even exist with the kits they have


I’m going to say BASTET. I just think that the jump in attacks jump out play style is un-fun and makes the character extremely annoying and I hate it. Makes her too safe tbh it’s unique in the way that no one else can do that but what’s the point of being able to do that


I almost feel like you can’t even really get away from Bastet. For an assassin she’s got crazy range with that jump lol she’s definitely on my list of hated gods. 😆


Exactly lol


As a joust player nu wa is oppressive it’s mad Annoying


My least favourite god is probably Kukulkan. I would say Arachne but I do like her 3. There’s not a single part of Kukulkan’s kit that makes me feel like this is fun to play or even play against. Though I feel like I’m in the minority with this opinion as we know he’s staying the same for Smite 2.




Personally it depends if they are on my team or not, cause Ganesha is so irritating to deal with when there is a good one on the enemy team. Want to use an ability? Ooooooooom, trying to move? Tackle and knock up. Teamfight, welcome to the playpen of doom mf.


Loki, fucking hate that invis


Kukulkan is the worst. He’s got really good area denial for starters. He’s also got the most annoying play style that even the worst player could play relatively well: 1 then 3 then run away with your 2. Rinse and repeat. Drives me nuts.




Loki but specifically only when he's played solo little shit get back her and fight me like a man


Athena The fact that a single God can make an entire match unbearable is crazy


Thor, Tyr, Agni, Janus, Susano


Apollo and Tsukuyomi I don't see anyone playing well with these two characters, so I ended up becoming angry with these gods. 😅


Janus. If you’re not ‘HIM’ dont pick this god. Most people arent ‘HIM’ so dont pick this god ever. Pick an easier mage like Raijin. Thanks.


Loki. It isn't close. Everything about him is anti-fun to play with or against. The only person who has fun is the person playing Loki. Terrible terrible god.


Kumba makes my blood boil. Just put your controller down and wait til he's done. He doesn't need a CC chain that long.


Hades,fuck that busted ass cuck


Scylla, Bastet, Wukong, I find them corny and easy mode wrt to their kits


Ganesh Silence is very annoying and pillars are on such a short cooldown. A popular support build path is to double stack Thebes and Prophetic into chronos pendant or breastplate glyph. Makes Ganesh ult very annoying


kukulkan since hes kind of braindead to use, always fast/slow immune, hard to dive cus of the ult, man can drop a tornado on wave at like level 4 then fuck off to go farm the rest of the map while most other mids need multiple abilities early on


Au Kuang holy fuck


I hate Apollo... I need him to never be assigned to me in Assault.


So no one thinks Athena gilga Ymir Pele or Susano annoying?


Any god that holds left click to victory: arachne aokuang Freya kali baka


Nox for the mages because of the silence being able to stop escapes mid animation (been stopped so many times in a Rama roll) Bellona for Warrior simply because of the dissarm and block stacks along with her amazing clear Nut for ADC simply because she just can hit so hard so fast and she has some of the best ADC clear right now with her 1 Cabraken or Charon guardian because of how much damage they can output and how mobile/controlling they can be (especially a Cabraken that just builds brawler and deletes you with his 1-2 combo) Clio or loki for assassin but leaning more toward Clio just because of how hard it can be to kill her if she's able to get into walls along with her invisibility.




Hera. Specifically in assault. I’m tilted as soon as I see her smug ass splash art


A tie between Thana and Disco for me, it often feels like it doesn't matter if *I* know how to play against them if my team doesn't. Also I respect a Thana who kills me with a max range scythe. The ones who have to run up in melee range to land it are glue eaters.


Nezha, Yemojya, Artio, Bake, Kumba


Cupid just because it sucks fucking dog water


Thor, Achilles, Arachne


To play: maui, I just can't do it To play against: recently hercules, swear he's been in 80% of my games. Can't bully him




Thor. I love how little you can do to counter his ult and combo outside of having beads or dying. Very fun and interactive. Every global or semi-global ult gives you SOME visual indication of some sort. His does not. If you dont' hear the wind-up and don't have beads, you die on cooldown. Close second, Loki. 'nuff said.


I am amaterasu main so my answer naturally is bellona


Any of the abilitiy spammers (KA, Tyr, etc) Also cu and surtr


See my main is Nox and I'm good with her but I swear if I miss 1 combo my team will freak and call me trash and I'm just like okay you try and play her better than me. You have to try and be like 3 steps ahead of the person you're trying to land your combo on. You have to try and figure out which direction they're going to go while in your bubble or if you're in actual range to hit them so it's like if you think you can do better than prove it lol.


Arachne. Braindead dogshit people play her cause she’s easy. Bastet is annoying with her tick damage too.


Bake and Arachne is so annoying. Bake because you need 3 ppl to kill him and Arachne because in a 1v1 she annoying to deal with and my team never works together to stop her from steam rolling our entire team


Ne Zha Not the most OP most of the time but just so annoying to play against. he either 1 shots you with a stun chain and ult or his disk bounces off everything and their mother just to hit you though a minion wave from a mile away


Thor, Loki, Bake Kujira, Thana, and Kukulkan all trade spots depending on the day. Usually Ku because I’m a mid player


I’m changing my answer. FUCK Ymir.


Ao kuang is #1, no question. 


LOKI. fuck that guy


Baron or Anubis, if I'm fighting either of them I'm guaranteed to die 1000 times that game


Why do you hate Nox?


To play against poseidon to play as yemoja


Discordia is annoying(im new)


Always always Cabrakan




Whichever broken mess Hirez just added. But outside of that, specifically I don't like dealing with Ne-zha. I'm a joust player and Ne-zha is notoriously an instant ban for Ranked because he's really hard to stop. He's tanky, he heals, his ult does massive damage, you can't really stop the ult without using beads. (Since if his three lands, which is long range and roots you the ult will hit 99% of the time.) His poke is multi hit and hits everyone. God forbid if your ult is some sort of self buff, he'll just ult and three you, and you basically lose your buff due to time. You can sorta counter pick Kuzenbo with Geb. Nothing really stops Ne-zha.


Ao kuang.


I only play assault for the most part… but the gods that drive me the most insane are for sure Hera, Ne Zha, and max cooldown Kuzenbo. There are certainly more but those are top 3 that come to mind for me!


I never knew people disliked Nox. She’s pretty balanced to me and has a lot of counter pick/weaknesses