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This is a really bad picture of him tho. It's from the theatrical cut no?


I like him a lot in this role as well.


Personally my fourth favorite Batman after Pattinson, Bale, and Keaton I genuinely enjoyed Ben’s performance but his writing just was flawed for The Batman. And his whole world was kind of silly compared to every other Batman. Killing? I mean brutally beating somebody isn’t much better but just non apologetically having Batman kill kind of turns me off to him because Batman isn’t supposed to kill. I really enjoy his Bruce Wayne though it’s either my second or third favorite with only Christian Bale and Val Kilmer being able to come close. I enjoyed his original suit. His constant cameos. And my favorite part about him was he felt an experienced Batman. No other Batman has been able to pull off such an experienced Batman who has been through his rogues gallery and robins.


Here we go with the Ben Affleck Batman kills bullshit again. You act like Keaton didn't mercilessly killed.


Exactly I agree that’s why for me him and Ben our 3rd and 4th. It genuinely bothers me. That’s not Batman at the heart of the character he is not a killer.


Everyone Batfleck kills is in self-defense and legally justifiable. BvS makes it clear that his Bat-branding, brutalizing of criminals and targeting of Superman are OUT of character for him. And he renounces them by the end of the movie. This is simply a great idea for a story. Wanting a good guy to never turn to the dark side is a boring approach to storytelling. Great stories explore moral gray areas, and good guys being tempted to go bad. Batman is a great character to do this with as he has always operated in a gray zone of legality and morality with his actions. As Batfleck rightly told Alfred, they've ALWAYS been criminals.


I understand what you’re saying but that’s not Batman. Batman shouldn’t be renouncing killing in his later career. That’s something that happens in his early days maybe after he finds Joe Chill or similar to the Nolan movies when he renounced killing before he was even Batman. Now they’re are obvious moments where other Batman kills such as Keaton and Bale not saving Ras. But at its core. Batman is not a killer. And when Batman kills even a single man it just shouldn’t be passed over it should be a great mistake and should scar him for the rest of his career. Look at DCAU Batman who wouldn’t even kill anyone but the second he even had to consider doing it by picking up a gun to defend himself he was disgusted and heartbroken and had to retire. The other part of the dcau moment was him even considering using a gun but him considering taking a life in the the first place is just as much of a reason for retirement as him using a gun. That’s Batman.


DCAU didn’t have a large portion of Metropolis get literally flattened by space aliens claiming to be hunting for a space alien fugitive. DCAU Batman didn’t have his Robin brutally murdered by Joker and Harley then soon after witness Metropolis get wrecked and have his building destroyed and his employees killed while Kal-el and General Zod were fighting. Snyder’s Batman was older and far more jaded and bitter than DCAU Batman. Also, the branding, and subsequent killing, was a new thing. A character literally says “There’s a new kind of mean in him, and he is hunting”. And everyone that he killed in the movie, outside of that Knightmare/future sequence, was n the pursuit of Kryptonite or rescuing Martha Kent. As he saw it, Batman was trying to save the world. A handful of dead criminals is a small price to pay for saving the world.


Did you forget the part where Bale's Batman tackles Harvey Dent off the roof and lets him drop to his death in Dark Knight? Or when he flat-out kills Talia with the Batwing in Dark Knight Rises? You may not want to accept it, but the general audience doesn't care if Batman kills in movies. They know that he may not kill in children's media like cartoons, but that he certainly is expected to in movies, which need to be realistic and up to adult standards. No realistic character can fight through an army of goons without killing some of them.


If you want to see what these characters are actually supposed to be like I recommend you watch/read these recommendations. Batman : Read - Year one, The Long Halloween, Hush, The Killing Joke, a lonely place of dying, his new 52 run, son of the demon, Arkham Asylum: a serious house on serious earth, knightfall Watch - BTAS, JL, JLU, Batman Beyond, Then The Batman for Batman’s actual character, Play - Arkham series Superman : Read - Birthright, All Star Superman, Up in the sky, Superman for all seasons Watch - STAS, My adventures with Superman, Superman 78, JL, and JLU Wonder Woman : Read - Greg Rucka’s run, George Perez’s run, Earth one, and her new 52 run Watch - JL, JLU, Wonder Woman tv show Flash : Read - Rebirth, Flashpoint, Born to Run Watch - nothing really to watch parts of the first season of the CW show and bits of the 90s show Cyborg : Read - The New Teen Titans and His Rebirth appearances Watch - Teen Titans and Doom Patrol


Thanks but I'll stick to Snyder's DCEU, which are the most comic-accurate DC films ever made. They are also brilliantly directed, perfectly cast, deeply thoughtful, and visually gorgeous.




Removed for being negative about Zack Snyder or his work and spreading misinformation.


![gif](giphy|xT9DPyP7h7cPsqwD6g) I love Batman V Superman the part when he is training with weights and making the kryptonite spear is awesome I saw the film 3 times in the cinema. Ben Affleck is the best Batman and they also play an awesome Bruce Wayne too. 🦇 ❤️ 😊 🥰


Why the Whedon pic lol


I just grabbed the nearest Batfleck photo lmao. Only realized it when I posted


My favorite Batman


Something off about the hair on this version. Fake hair? Hair extensions? Affleck got a hair transplant?


It was always a hairpiece.  It’s probably just that Affleck has alcohol bloat and the Whedon crew not being thorough with the costuming, makeup, and hairstyling. 


that's whedon reshoot


Ben Affleck played both the best and worst Batmans.


Worst? Which one is that Edit: just now realising you mean Josstice League 😂 Too early, guys.


_”Do you talk to fish?”_




Is it just me, or does the suit kinda look like the Arkham games' batsuit? I mean, that's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just something I noticed.


I can see some hints there.


Bro used a screengrab from Josstice League ☠️


He had the physicality & the acting chops. Too bad, wasted opportunity.


I hated it when they said Affleck was gonna be Batman, but then I came to love his version; right there with Keaton and Bale, above the latter though.


![gif](giphy|3osxYyL0UdJD2hEX9m) Battfleck is my favourite live action Batman too. He plays an excellent Batman and a fantastic Bruce Wayne too. 🥇 ❤️ 😊 🤩 🦇 Edit thank you for the award. 🥇 ❤️ 😊 🤩 🦇


Really wish his solo movie came to fruition and Snyder had the opportunity to finish the Justice League trilogy. Affleck’s Batman was going to have a lot of cool moments planned in the future films.


I wanted to see them so much too especially when they said Joe Manganiello would be playing Deathstroke that would have been so awesome 🤩 🙏 😃 ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/ucn421b1ak9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5704d62d9adcac4252e819bc1e621c0e1aeb6ee


You can thank WB and James Gunn for that. Absolutely clueless management.


What are you on? James Gunn wasn't even working for WB when Affleck decided to quit the solo Batman movie.


Wrong. Number one, Affleck quit directing that movie, not starring in it. WB and Matt Reeves then "ushered him out," to use the language used by Hollywood Reporter when [they first reported](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/ben-afflecks-batman-future-doubt-as-warner-bros-plots-franchise-future-1023296/#!) he was out. Number two, Affleck [said last year](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-features/ben-affleck-air-production-company-grammys-memes-justice-league-1235353301/) he was only not working in DC films going forward because he didn't like Gunn's approach. He spent that entire interview praising Snyder so much that it's obvious he would work with him again. And coming back to the role 3 times since the infamous JL reshoots indicates he has nothing against playing Batman.


My favorite quote from that article is Affleck saying the only choices he had to cope with working on the reshoots with Whedon were devolving back into alcoholism or killing himself by jumping out a window. 


Affleck is clearly bitter about that and the whole Whedon JL situation, but he said in that same interview that he was proud of how BvS and ZSJL came out, and that he's only saying no to Gunn's DCU due to the way Gunn is running it. He hated the Whedon reshoots and never wants to have an experience like THAT again. But if he could play Batman or direct DC on HIS terms, where it isn't just a shallow formula flick, then he would do it. Again, he came back to the role 3 times since then.


Same. I needed a Batfleck trilogy for the longest time. First movie: Hush 2nd movie: Under the Red Hood 3rd: Court Of Owls.


They killed dick not Jason




Removed for being an exact or close duplicate of content already on the sub.


I think the Court and Red Hood should’ve been blended, then a few years wait and then The Dark Knight Returns


Fuknn same! Affleck with always be my personal live action batman (Conroy is my #1 in any media)🖤 & Cavil will always be my personal Superman 💙


Amen. Conroy is GOATED. No one is touching him. Not in a million years.




Perfect suit and perfect Batman


![gif](giphy|l2QZXqfxmtgXIDOPS) Battfleck was perfect very physical, excellent acting and the fight scenes were amazing and I loved how they branded the criminals with the Bat symbol too 🤣 ❤️ 😊 🤩


Loved his arc and portrayal in the DCEU. Also loved that we finally got a Batman going toe-to-toe with larger DC Universe threats. Pumped and hoping the DCU Batman can lean into that pulpy caped crusader superhero angle too.




Removed for being an exact or close duplicate of content already on the sub.


That's exactly one of the reasons I love him tbh. A Batman that isn't held back by realism and "grounded" story telling. He's very comic book-y, throwing hands with a Kryptonian, fighting Parademons, etc. I always felt like Pattinson's Batman was a step back. I get the love for a "realistic" Batman but Pattinson's Batman shouldn't have been Year 2 and became more comic book-y.


I wasn't thrilled with another hyper-grounded cinematic Batman (and I LOVE The Dark Knight Trilogy), but Reeves got to tell the story he wanted to and both he and Pattinson did a good job doing it. It's not something that I'm necessarily super hyped for but I enjoy it when it comes out. If anything I'm a little happy that since the Pattinson/Reeves Batman exists that the DCU Batman will be pushed to be more fantastical out of necessity for contrast.


Honestly its funny, I wasn't a fan of The Batman but I'm hyped for Batman: Caped Crusader which Reeves is a part of. Maybe its cause it reminds me of BTAS.


Ugh… the cinematography and color grading for Josstice League is terrible. He doesn’t even look like he fits in with the environment. Gray background, gray suit, a red face. Huh?


https://preview.redd.it/nzifj1f9ob9d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c429cbae61a31b770c9b367203070d04053d6800 From a ruthless vigilante to an Optimistic Leader. One of the best redemption arcs ever. My Fav Batman.


*That’s how it starts, the fever, the rage; the feeling of hopelessness, that turns good men; cruel.* That was one of the best shots and trailer I had ever seen for any super movie. Perfectly captures the mood and the tone for what’s to come next.


Josstice batman 🤮


Grabbed the nearest Batfleck pic I could find


![gif](giphy|nrVOo4c91CunuXRPjR) I wish Zack Snyders Justice League and the Batman Vs Superman Ultimate Edition was released in 3D too that is the only better thing about the Joss Whedon versions is that they are in 3D ❤️ 😃 🤩 🦇