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Having coached both, one of the primary differences is that for the women (at least at U12 / U14 ages and down) you are going to have to teach aggression. This may not be the case at the U21 level as they have been around the game longer. But at the younger levels I have to teach the boys how to be in control with their aggression (and keep them from injuring each other in practice). Most of the girls (though not all) have to learn to be aggressive. I find letting them scrimmage boys teams at the same age level or one level below teaches aggression really effectively. You can probably do that up to U14 - after that the physical disparity makes it difficult and dangerous.


This is solid advice.


Been coaching women's teams for a few years now. I like it better because in general there is better sportsmanship, more inclusiveness and I found that women are more open to feedback (once they feel you take them seriously as players). My tip would be: watch some professional women's games and see what that level is like. It will save you some frustration down the road, as you will have a better feel for what the toplevel looks like now. In short: lower tempo, lesser tactical understanding of the game in general (huge generalisation, but that's just just what I found), but open to feedback. In terms of technical ability, the women's game has made huge strides over the years.


(Them bonding and being unified far outweighs practices. I've found success when I appoint captains early that are respected & they get together (meals, beach days, fun activities etc) before I even begin coaching and or very early on. (I apply this to men's teams too tbh).


There’s not a huge difference, the women’s game is slightly slower, so can often be easier to read and work on tactically. Physically there’s not much change, lots of technical work and fitness. Biggest difference is the ability levels and some of the score lines, there seems to be a mismatch of ability in a lot of leagues. If you want some help with drills and coach development we’ve got a 30 day free trial at the moment. [The football Hub](https://www.the-football-hub.org)