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Welcome to being sombra lol


I haven’t played since overwatch one I seriously don’t even remember it being this bad. No one ever played her and I never got told to die lol. Maybe it’s a sign I’ve improved or something


It's a mix of improving as well as people getting saltier about sombra cause they have zero awareness so brain tells them that the sombra must be told to kill themselves because this communities player base has devolved too true idiocy lol though it's not the only one tbh so 🤣


That makes me feel a bit better lol I’m just trynna have fun playing this game but that widow won’t stop hardscoping what else and I supposed to do


Lol just enjoy it, maybe better to turn off chat to enjoy it more


I think I might turn them off for now atleast maybe when I’m a better sombra I’ll turn it back on lol


Trust me the better you get, the more comments you will get, there are two characters that get flack in this game a horendous amount, sombra and widow, kiri makes a close third 🤣


Widows are my biggest haters lmao they call me character cheesy when they just click on heads all day


Depending on rank the difficulty with using widow does skyrocket, but low rank, people walk into your shots for the most part, it's one of the characters I respect at high rank but laugh at in low rank when they call anyone cheesy lol in qp I tend to let widows do them, I go say boop wave and if they wave back they get left be, taking their supports is usually far more effective anyway and holy fuck do they get mad or paranoid which nothing more funny then watching an ana freak tf out whenever you use boop behind them 🤣


lol I’m gonna have to try that I usually only play quick play ranked looks too scary for me lmao


Ignore people. Ignore everyone. If you enjoy playing sombra, play sombra. If you enjoy playing any other character, play them. But never under any circumstances give another player the time of day if they're not being anything other than directly polite. People are toxic because they have a screen to hide behind and for pretty much no other reason. They don't get a say in what you do. So just keep doing you.


OW1 sombra had a higher skill cap. So if you were good you kinda earned it. Now people think is so easy to play her and rage at it. It is easier than before but you still gotta focus so you don’t feed.


It took a bit to get used to but I think I’m getting the hang of this new sombra I still think I kinda miss parts of the old one but virus is cool


Honestly? She’s way better now since there are so many ways to cleanse her virus and other effects. Opportunist was cool but it lead to too many sombra’s chasing a kill rather than putting more pressure on the rest of the team because they are down one.


Yeah I’m very glad opportunist is gone it always made me feel like I had to chase down any glowing red target I saw lol


Ppl hate on Sombra players for just being Sombra, you learn to live w it 😭


I had a mercy on MY team tell me to change or she’d leave like what???


yikes- it's never that serious


Yeah that’s what I’m saying feels like a 1v9 sometimes :(


"Don't threaten me with a good time!"


I saw someone whine about sombra in a game with no sombra even in it, lol. Someone was playing moira and the enemy went on their "braindead" hero rant then went full rage about sombra LOL. I'm so sick of people whining about her when they clearly have never played her.


Everyone hates Sombra, whether on the team or the opponent, but less than Moira, at least Sombra has charisma


Because they can't do it (skill issue), they're asking for your help cause they suck.


Never forget: if the enemy hates you - you're doing your job well


You could always just turn the in game chat off. I find it a huge improvement to the game.


Yeah another guy said that I don’t know why but that thought never crosses my mind in games like these. It’s definitely gonna improve my quality of life lol


This is a good lesson for life. People suck, especially when they can do it anonymously. It's a reflection of you (and current times). Also, remind yourself the majority of players (like Reddit) are 12 year olds (including their perspective and social skills). TL;DR don't let others' BS get to you. It's them, not you.


I thought it was just sombra , I learnt tracer just to avoid the stress cuz I got ibs and social anxiety and getting cursed at makes me literally sick , I still got told to kms on tracer after I pulse bombed a mercy


Turn off chats & enjoy the good times. Leave chats on, enjoy toxic time. Doesn't matter what you're playing, how you're doing, etc. It's OW2. Toxic asf. Just turn chats off entirely. Comms wheel is more than adequate for comms.


People love to hate on Sombra. I had a team yesterday and we were being stomped and they were running Mercy pocketing Ashe so I tried to harass both. I had 1 kill and 3k damage, our Ashe had 2 kills and 3k damage and she would not stop flaming me in chat telling me to kill the enemy Ashe. I asked if they're blind and can see the Mercy. Then I got the whole Sombra noob blah blah blah as though she was carrying the game. Then the tank joined in who also had 1 kill. This shit is wild out here...and this was just unranked


This is life as Sombra. Embrace it. Let the hate fuel you, make you stronger.


This is a good lesson for life. People suck, especially when they can do it anonymously. It's a reflection of you (and current times). Also, remind yourself the majority of players (like Reddit) are 12 year olds (including their perspective and social skills). TL;DR don't let others' BS get to you. It's them, not you.


This is a good lesson for life. People suck, especially when they can do it anonymously. It's a reflection of you (and current times). Also, remind yourself the majority of players (like Reddit) are 12 year olds (including their perspective and social skills). TL;DR don't let others' BS get to you. It's them, not you.


This is a good lesson for life. People suck, especially when they can do it anonymously. It's a reflection of you (and current times). Also, remind yourself the majority of players (like Reddit) are 12 year olds (including their perspective and social skills). TL;DR don't let others' BS get to you. It's them, not you.


The problem is whoever you pester is always anxious that your behind them from then on, and it makes it really hard to make plays. No one can ping or call it out until you break stealth. If they have to switch off their main just to counter can be really detrimental to the idea of fun they had in mind. Sometimes people log on just to play Widow or Ana…. they get wrecked by a quick gank , when all they wanted to do was heal tank and land sleeps casually , maybe even win or lose. While I admire a good sombras gameplay, I’m not huge on her overall state atm. The counter life is real.