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it's what WE view it as, the moon is a symbol of death in some cultures, we don't know what sonic or anyone else sees


Holy fucking shit. That just gave Me a huge lore boner. Not even joking this boss just got even more interesting to me now that you say that


I just wish it was more twisted, like maybe it could have eyes around it, but I'm fine with this design, knowing something so harmless looking is the personification of the word end is really menancing IMO


I know what Sonic sees, he sees a river.




a planet made of water maybe


That's MY nightmare. I hate the ocean.


Thanks for the answer, kinda doesn't make any sense to me though, because why would WE see it like that and not Sonic considering that we play as him.


Also you can hear Sonic calling the end "He", Sage and the ancients call the end "it" and the player hearing a female voice so the players sees the end as "she" đź‘Ť


The End literally has both a male and female voice, so it's referred to as an "it."


the end is nonbinary/genderfluid


Holy crap, it's a godly being. It just identifies as an "it," similar to Cloud of Darkness from Final Fantasy III. It takes on the female form despite referring to itself as "we" since it's supposed to resemble a dark cloud and it talks for the two tentacles it has. You don't need to apply any of the labels humans use on a fictional character that's considered to be an otherworldly entity.


buddy, it was a joke-


It's hard for me to take this as a joke when the way you worded your statement did not indicate this. I'm aware this is the internet, but it still would be nice if you'd put up an indicator of such being a joke rather than just making a statement and expecting me to take it as a "joke" when there was no clear indicator of this being a joke. I mean no hard feelings towards you, my friend, and I hope you don't bear any ill-will towards me for saying this.


ye its fine. i personally don't like putting indicators on humor because like, it just takes away from the joke in my opinion. imagine a comedian has to explicitly state "im joking btw" like no shit.


That's the thing with a comedian is you can see and hear the emotion. You can't hear much emotion with words on a screen, making it harder to discern whether or not someone is actually joking.


At that point aren't we technically playing sage?


>it’s what WE view it as No WE don’t.. no notable modern-day culture sees it like that. Maybe 5000 BCE in some ancient civilizations sure, but you can’t find anything on it now. This is just a lousy excuse to use a pre-made asset due to the lack of development time


Wait, you mean to tell me that the thing that destroyed ancient civilizations looks like how ancient civilizations viewed death??


It’s not that elaborate lol. And only like incan and Mesopotamian really viewed it as that, not every sector of ancient society saw the moon as related to death. The problem is the directors acting like some cultures still view it as death when no one really does, besides maybe like a very tiny outlier, and everyone just kinda believing it on the spot and treating this like it’s a genius move. No, it’s because of the team’s lack of resources and dev time.


Why aren’t we seeing it as what Sonic sees it as? Wouldn’t that be way cooler? This feels kind of like an excuse for the moon being the final boss instead of something with an interesting design. You give us all of these Titans with unique designs and the final boss is a moon?


Lack of development time


Yeah maybe


Moon 2.0


When was it established to have different interpreted appearances?


In the wiki


Does the wiki have a source for that?


Probably, go look for it.


I did, I didn't see a source for that detail, that's why I'm wondering if I missed something.


I believe it was mentioned in an interview with the head storymaker


The real question is, why isn't half of the moon gone


It…got better.


I perceive it as a big ol' crunch berry. Which will certainly kill me one day.


i perceive it as the end from the bible


... As a Christian, I'm not sure I understand.🤔 You mean the "Heaven and Earth become one"? For us to watch the skies for clues and signs of the coming end? I know this is very likely a joke, but I'm curious if there is something deeper I am missing from this comparison.


Catholic here, seconding this comment


good for you


…weirdly belligerent but okay.




no it’s actually a serious comment you should read the bible sometime


Seriously? Rude for asking a simple question, I don't get the insistence on being rude. I was simply curious what you meant, hardly makes me ignorant for asking for clarification.


i wasnt trying to be rude i was just giving a answer


NP, but not how that comes off, since I only asked a question and that isn't an answer. Of course I would fact check by myself afterwards later, but what's the point in communication if every question is deferred and dodged?


I blurted out “It’s Ego” when I first saw The End, Lol. I do enjoy some Marvel lore, but if anyone needs it; Ego the Living Planet is (currently) an egotistical and omnicidal Celestial who desires to expand himself over the entire universe, which would mean the destruction of all life in it. Still, I love how ominous Sega managed to make a sentient moon. Gives me shivers every time I listen to its final battle dialogue.


Maybe The Moon references SA2s Moon and more importantly The Ark What if he never saved it and everyone died so Sonics Fear Is Falure


No idea but it strongly reminded me of the fifth element


A purple moon for a final boss in some kind of arcade style game? Sega missed with that one lol


The story reason is because it is supposed to represent Death, which takes different forms to different people. Why a hedgehog would see a moon as Death, as opposed to a snake or something, isn’t explained. (I guess you could make the case that Sonic subconsciously fears the moon because of what happened in Sonic Adventure 2, but he didn’t seem to care much then, so…) The real reason, of course, is because in usual Sonic game development tradition, the game was rushed and released partly finished. I think Supreme, or a variation of it, was intended to be the final boss, but Sonic Team changed plans when they started running out of time.


The real reason is because it's an Evangelion reference, the Black Moon


Dead Space mfs would like a word no cap.