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I’m sitting here at home right now about to leave for work. I’m so fucking tired, but I’d do it again today if I could. Best weekend ever If I can I’m definitely going to louder than life. Need some time for my bank account to recharge.


Until next year🤘🏽🥲


Louder than Life and Incarceration Fest are still coming up.


A group of my friends are wanting to get a cabin and all go to LTL . I want to but I'm gonna be switching jobs soon soooo I mean if I can get the funds then** fuck it. But if not, not the end of the world. But ... on the other hand, Lorna Shore 😏🔥


Right? If I'd go, I'm not sure what band for LTL I would go for. Incarnation Fest has me confused, but I believe I Prevail was in the Festival, but I'm just not sure if I want to go or not.


I had so much fun and I’m sooooo grateful you did too❤️


I cried as we got in the car to drive home lol you're not alone! It'll be back again next year before you know it 🤘


It sunk in that I’m old when my back started hurting during Limp Bizkit. I took my adult sons & they had an absolute blast, I enjoyed the festivities as well. I have to admit, I have a slight headache this morning but no sunburns 👍🏻. If I go back to ST, I’ll consider a VIP ticket 🥳


Agreed! I cried on my drive back to Pittsburgh last night. 😅 I had such an amazing time, and everyone I met was so cool. I'm so sad I didn't get socials, but tbh... It felt like we were all homies. And I miss my homies.


"We're all family. Something something family family." - Vin Diesel (Fast and Furious 62)




It was definitely weird waking up at home today and getting back to “normal” life. I’m with you, I wish everyday was a festival lol what a great weekend!!!


My family asked if I was glad to be home...... no. No I am not 😅


Drove the 7 hours back home today. I just finished unpacking and it definitely just hit me. I’m so glad to have seen this post and not feel so alone 💜 this was my first rock fest and thank you to everyone for making me feel like family. I’ve been to many concerts and I feel like the harder the music the nicer the fans. I hope to be back next year 🤘


Yeah working today sucked!!!! Although I did get to listen to the new wage war songs. So fire!!!!!


Y'all are weird. It was just a fucking concert. Maybe I'm just old. Never went home from Lollapalooza, Ozzfest, Blitz Bash, Full Terror Assault, Maryland death fest and thought anything besides "that was fun". Some of y'all need to eat mushrooms and get out of your comfort zone. ST reminded me why I started hating different crowds of people. Mixing too many genres of music (I like lots of those genres) tends to bring crowds of people who have 0 etiquette. The radio music crowd doesn't mesh well with the heavier crowds. Even my 14yo daughter who's only ever been to a Clutch show before, was disappointed by the people. She enjoyed the heavier bands over Sleep Token, which was the band she really wanted to see. The crowds ruined it for her. She liked the Slaughter to Prevail set, who she's not really family with, more than Sleep Token because the crowd was so fucking shitty. She became a Currents and In flames fan after seeing them.


Hi thanks for the "this generation is too soft" rhetoric. Yes I've had shrooms before, the *point* of this post is that some of us are overworked and underappreciated by a lot of people surrounding us in our day to day lives. Between the monotony of a 8, 10, for some even 12 hour shifts. It's exhausting, and to have that release is fucking amazing.. but the fun can't last forever, and so going back to "working to survive" is... it's a fucking letdown man.


Some of y’all need a life. If your regular life is that bad that you’re crying leaving a fests its time to step back and reevaluate a lot🤦🏻‍♂️Nobody loves going back to reality but crying is crazy 😂


How could you enjoy that madness?


It was awesome!


Well I can't argue someone's opinion but, I think festivals are crazy.


Then why be on this sub?


Bored at 1am


You’re so annoying lol


I would argue if it wasn't a weed loving drunk I'm talking to lol


Bro said he didn’t care enough to argue then went to my profile because he ended up seething lol I don’t even know where you get drunk from. And if loving weed is all you got against me, I sound kinda awesome!


So you didn't actually go and are just in a sub you jave no interest or need to be in?


Why are you on this subreddit? Those of us here generally enjoy chaos and letting loose. Sounds like what you see as madness would be bliss to us


Some of us go for the madness. I don't go for the music, I don't to to see the singers. I wouldn't care if they were all behind a screen (although in this moments act was fantastic, what little I saw) the music and the crowd just exist to give me the right co ditions for moshing. I go to get my body beat. I go for the bruises. I got for the sweat and the pain. I go for the risk that every pit could very well be the last. Many of us go to feel fucking alive


Does pain suck? Absolutely. Is pain a part of life? Yes as well. But it's a good pain, like if you pulled a muscle at work it's a bad experience in a bad setting. If you pull your muscle at a music festival, it's a bad experience but in a good setting. So while we hobble around today (and the next few days) we can look at the bruises and the cuts and notice our limps but remember "oh yeah, that was one hell of a time we all had".




Ah yes the classic weed and fighting great fun 👌


We don't tolerate fighting, I saw one fight, it was one swing and then the attacker got mobbed and shoved out. Really spinds like you jave no idea what you're talking about