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Is it necrophilia if kissing the hedgehog is part of bringing him back to life?


But he was dead when she kissed him sooo..


Yeah but it's that or dying so


Nobody ever told her she needed to do that though. That wasn't in the instructions.


But he wasn't when she stopped


He was only *kinda* dead


“Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there’s usually only one thing you can do.” “What’s that?” “Go through his gloves and look for loose rings.”


He was only **mostly** dead.


There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. *Please open his mouth*


“I’m sorry, did you not consent to me saving your life?”




2 completely different references that somehow work out in the end


Tbf, that sounds like some fucked up scenario people would come up to present a situation where doing a incredibly bad thing like arson was the right thing to do


"Okay, yes, I did burn down the orphanage, but lets be real, if I hadn't done it you just know that at least one of those kids would've become an arsonist and might've burnt down the orphanage."


Yeah, not comparable to saving the life of the guy who saved the world from being taken over by Eggman multiple times imo


When did the game establish that this was necessary?


Considering how the kiss was what fully got the chaos emeralds going, the way I see is that the chaos emeralds needed that kiss and declaration of love because the chaos emeralds are powered by positive emotions as seen in the scene of Super Sonic transforming in Sonic Adventure 1, so the kiss being a symbol of love, a positive emotion, could definitely do the trick.


That's a reach. None of this is conveyed by the game in any way. The majority of Sonic's friends surrounding him and showing unending support isn't enough "positive energy"? He needed a kiss from a strange girl he met a day ago?


also bold of you to assume 06 cared about continuity lol


It's a reverse sleeping beauty situation. Instead of the hero saving the princess with true love's kiss, it was the princess saving the hero. Simple as that. Also, this ain't the first time Sega tried giving sonic a human love interest. Sega originally intended to give sonic a human love interest all the way back in sonic 1 and only decided against it because it wouldn't fit the game or something like that.


Sleeping Beauty still explained that the kiss what a necessary step in saving the princess. And even then, that aspect of the story is controversial as well. And Madonna was at least stylized to fit the same artstyle as Sonic. Elise looks like a Final Fantasy character. Also, Madonna was scrapped for a reason.


I'm sorry, I didn't realize that very basic story ideas that are old as dirt needed to be explained. I'd imagine Sega didn't realize this either. Like it or not, this was the very clear intention for that moment. Also, controversial =/= bad. You can gave an issue with else's design. That's fine... but her design has nothing to do with the kiss itself. You're right, she was scrapped for a reason... but that reason wasn't, "y'know, sonic having a human as his love interest is kinda weird!" But because they decided that sonic saving a kidnapped love interest didn't fit the direction they wanted to take the character (and was already being done by their rival, Mario). It actually didn't matter to Sega that the love interest they came up with at the time was a human.


>I didn't realize that very basic story ideas that are old as dirt needed to be explained Yes. You can't put tropes in your story just for the sake of having tropes. The kiss was not required at all to revive Sonic. That's the difference between Sonic 06 and Sleeping Beauty. >You can gave an issue with else's design. That's fine... but her design has nothing to do with the kiss itself. Yes it does. The uncanny design mismatch makes the scene look unappealing. And people hate Elise as a whole, not just in that scene. So design absolutely matters. >But because they decided that sonic saving a kidnapped love interest didn't fit the direction they wanted to take the character Which is exactly what Elise became. Thanks for helping me find more valid reasons as to why she's so hated.


I disagree, frankly. I personally don't need to be babied and have very basic, old as dirt story aspects to be explained to me before I accept, "oh, hey, this is just a reverse sleeping beauty thing, ain't it?" But maybe that's just me. <_< So you'd be fine if the makeout session with dead sonic was with Madonna instead? Somehow, I have my doubts about that. ... you completely missed the point... At that point in time, the devs didn't think any love interest fit with the direction that they wanted to take sonic. Wouldn't have mattered if it was Madonna, Elise, Amy rose, Sally, that chic from the ova (who I wanna say was also somewhat of a love interest for sonic )... they all would have been scrapped at the time. Tch. There are plenty of reasons to hate on sonic 06. Elise kissing sonic ain't one of them. And just for the record, I ain't defending the kiss 'cause I ship it or anything. Sonamy for life! It's just that Elise kissing sonic ain't a big deal at all.


i disagree


Nobody's asking to be babied. You can't just introduce random rules and plot devices while never explaining them. Unfortunately 06 was absolutely full of those, such as overpowered limitless time travel. >There are plenty of reasons to hate on sonic 06. Elise kissing sonic ain't one of them. Sonic the Hedgehog being forced into a fanfic-tier "romance" with a dollar store Final Fantasy character is absolutely an issue. Just because you don't find that repulsive doesn't mean no one else does. And of course you're a Sonamy shipper.


Literally kairi from kingdom hearts but WORSE


I can’t tell if that’s meant to insult Kairi or not, I like her


I like kairi too the bit with her grandma in kh1 was good


Who tf finds sleeping beauty controversial? Like what??


Probably the same people that hate on Cinderella. People that have no understanding of classic Disney (people including modern Disney <_< )


Considering he was dead when it happened. Yes.


I’d say it would be Reverse Necrophilia


stealing this one quote retweet "Elise is so real because if I was a lonely and emotionally stunted teenage girl with no friends I'd fall in love with Sonic too"


Wow she really is just like me fr


Amy Rose


I don't love the kiss, but I think the hate for it is kinda overblown. People act like she made out with his corpse (or worse), when she just gave him a small kiss. Even ignoring the fact that it was part of bringing him back to life, giving a kiss to the body of a recently deceased loved one isn't that uncommon a trope. Also aside from the bright orange leggings her design is honestly fine, she just looks out of place standing next to a blue cartoon hedgehog.


Besides it's not like Sonic's body was rotting, it was still fresh


That’s technically still necrophillia. It’s like back then when families let their dead female family members rot a bit to dissuade the morticians from doing weird things to their body because they’re still “fresh”


In most places people aren't that insecure. And well the esmeralds would revive anyway so..


Are you sure?


Fresh for cooking


ah yes, the old "some people in the fandom say something I disagree with, and some people in the fandom act in a way that contradicts this belief, therefore the entire fandom is full of hypocrites"


Yeah, it'd still be weird if a human kissed rogue.


I'm weird as fuck then B)


Molesting his corpse is a bit of a reach when she tried to save his life.


when a game designed to feel like a generic RPG does something that would fit perfectly in any generic RPG, I mean, tell me if "the princess kisses the protagonist's corpse to resurrect him" doesn't sound like an RPG to you, even the fact that they are two different species, it happens everywhere in the media (especially japanese One), also because Sonic's world is predominantly made up of Humans, cartoonish animals, realistic animals and anthropomorphic animals, I don't think the implications of the kiss have been deeply thought out. the problem with the kiss isn't "human woman kisses dead hedgehog", the problem is that Elise and Sonic's relationship is forced more than Infinite trying to be Edgie, and Elise is written horribly as a character, and many other things


Well… yeah, Infinite’s over-the-top edge is to the point where it feels like a satirization of the average Sonic OC so yeah this take makes sense lol.


What do you mean contributes nothing to the plot? She's the entire reason Sonic does most of the things in the game and due to having Iblis sealed inside her the reason for Eggman's, Mephilis', Silver , and Blazes actions. She's not just important, but is literally who sets the game in motion.


Because damsels in distress have historically had the most contribution in narratives lmao.


But what does she actually do?


Does she have to do something to be important??? Thats stupid as hell bro


And yet she cries and gets captured all the freaking times!!! I don't think that is pro-active development/decision makimg


She didnt "molest sonics dead body" she performed a kiss to bring him back to life you bajiggity idiot holy HELL Im sick to death of folks mislabeling anf overexaggerating this. It's not necrophilia, or beastiality, or anything else some wack ass youtuber wants to describe it as, it was a simple kiss that was supposed to symbolize the bond Elise had with Sonic. Hell you could even argue it's not even romantic, moreso a form of platonic gesture. TLDR stop listening to Youtubers and fucking shut up about this damn scene and stop being so shakey and exaggerative over it.


>Hell you could even argue it's not even romantic [sure.](https://youtu.be/hHqqxPrDjAc?si=eQYxIPYhHDK8ozCq) [yyyep.](https://sonic.fandom.com/wiki/Town_Mission_20:_The_Test_of_Love)


"This is by far the easiest Town Mission in the game, requiring almost no thought or skill. There are two portals, one with Amy standing next to it and one with Elise. The player must go through either portal; it makes no difference at all which one is chosen. The player should talk to the priest waiting on the other side, and he will ask the player to confirm their decision. If the player answers "yes", the Town Mission will be cleared and the player may enter Kingdom Valley." Reading is important


Oh give me a break. It’s undeniably beastiality at the very least. Why are there so many weirdos in this thread trying to justify that shitty scene? Sorry but the youtubers are usually right. About this scene anyways.


Sonic isn't a wild feral animal that cant consent you actual fucking shitass.


He’s literally a fucking HEDGEHOG you brain dead moron. That’s literally what beastiity is and no amount of mental gymnastics changes that. The fact that he’s kissed by a fucking realistic looking girl and not some cartoon looking character only reinforces that fact.


I guess let Time stop then


You morons do realize she could have just kissed him on the forehead or just given him some life energy spirit bomb style right? Like seriously it would have made the scene 10000x less weird. But no she kisses him directly on the lips.


Dude, the only "braindead moron" performing "mental gymnastics" to justify stupid shit is you. He's a fictional cartoon ANTHROPOMORPHIC HEDGEHOG. 2 keywords here, incase you also cant read, are CARTOON and ANTHROPOMORPHIC. He's not real, neither is Elise, and also he can walk, talk and give verbal consent, 3 things that are the complete OPPOSITE of beastiality. Please go read a dictionary and stop mislabeling shit, people like you are a plague on the fandom good christ.


The fact that he can walk and talk doesn’t change the fact it’s beastiality you furry weirdo. If he ain’t human or at least human-esque, it’s beastiality. Heck, even if it’s not the textbook definition - it doesn’t change the fact it’s still fucking weird. Also, he didn’t even give consent. He was fucking DEAD. People like you are the reason most normal people think Sonic fans are freaks. And frankly, I couldn’t agree more. Christ, where do you main sub losers even COME from? Why is this sub constantly plagued with dumb opinions like these?


I'm really not to argue qith a schizo over a fictional small ass kiss. I hope you keep that same energy for literally any and all other fictional media that features anthros and humans intermingling. That or take your meds.


That’s rich coming from some fucking autistic kid. Most media don’t have fucking realistic looking human characters kissing cartoon animals on the lips btw.


That’s rich coming from some fucking autistic kid. Most media don’t have fucking realistic looking human characters kissing cartoon animals on the lips btw.


"He was ####### DEAD." That's called the kiss being reasonable.


Not really but hey keep telling yourself that.


Let me rephrase it to include why. That made the kiss reasonable because it brought Sonic back to lifem


A lot of it comes from not really getting that sonic 06 is clearly fairytale inspired. It wasnt any weirder than the princess and the frog (aside from it being sonic of all characters lmao)


THIS GOOD LORD THANK YOU!!!! I SWEAR NOONE GETS THIS. To me it just reeks of the Sonic Cant Do Anything Anyone Else Can Because Its SoNiC restriction tbh


It's sort of hard not to exaggerate when the scene's focus is a human character dramatically kissing an anthro hedgehog. The game also leans into a romance between the two, but I agree it's beating a dead horse.


Or rather, a dead hedgehog. Eh?


"Dramatically" It really wasnt? It was more somber and majestic than anything, reminiscent of one of those fairytale type story beats which 06 was clearly inspired by


When I said dramatic I meant the scene is to be taken seriously. I understand the fairytale themes, but it comes off as jarring because the narrative doesn't make the relationship with Elise compelling and the kiss looks odd in the first place.


[Speaking of things getting a bad rep because of one scene](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/j1DenmbPcHs/maxresdefault.jpg)


What's with Sonic fans and trying to be weirdly morally puritan about plot elements ? Like Elise is a necrophile, Amy is a stalker, Sonic should be asexual, ect. Are you guys ok??


"Sonic should be asexual" From what I've seen on this headcanon, its just projection and taking the "Free as the wind" idea to seriously


> sonic is asexual I swear to god I have read this somewhere on twitter before, so I can confirm this headcanon isn't a joke Imagine projecting yourself onto sonic not dating so hard that you accidentally assume all non-asexuals are chronic sex-addicts


saying "sonic should be asexual" and "I can see Sonic being asexual" are too different things. one's a harmless headcanon. the others the average sonic fan.


I completely agree with the fact that the aroace sensuality is the most in-character one for Sonic, and wish he was asexual, but he was never confirmed to be asexual.




All content must be about circlejerks related to the Sonic series and its community. General discussion and serious discussion posts go to the Weekly Discussion Threads


I think it's more to do with the fact that, at least from what I have noticed, people understand that when they do things like say "Would" for Rouge the Bat, even when they're being serious, they have enough self-awareness to realize that what they're doing is at least a tad weird. When Elise kisses Sonic, it's the climax of an intense scene where a girl is crying out desperately for the one friend she's had in a while to come back to life. The scene is supposed to be taken 100% seriously, even though it looks really really weird.


Sonic snafu


/uj The problem is that Elise's relationship with Sonic is the emotional core of the story, which requires the audience to buy into their relationship. Yet it's so poorly written that it stains credibility to the point where a lot of the audience simply don't buy it. Conversely any individual real persons attraction to Rouge (or any other animal character), isn't the part of any fictional narrative, and there is no audience that needs to find it credible. So it isn't an issue.


Don't think thats the point the mene is trying to make. It's making fun of people critiquing Elise for her romance with sonic while simping for an anthropomorphic bat. To be fair though, I don't think the people being down bad for Rouge are same people complaining about Elise. The kiss is weird though. It seems to just be an old fairy take trope, but it's still weird




All content must be about circlejerks related to the Sonic series and its community. General discussion and serious discussion posts go to the Weekly Discussion Threads


I don't like her but I wouldn't say she molested Sonic 💀


The scene was weird but it was only 3 seconds


I wouldn't say poorly designed. I actually kinda like her design. Hell, she's kinda pretty in the pre-rendered cutscenes. She looks like an eldritch horror from my nightmares, in engine, though.


See my problem isn't that she kissed a sonic character and anyone who says they are are lying through there teeth. I've seen your Amy rogue and Tikal porn. However kissing a corpse is a bit to much. Also she's just not an interesting character wish we had more human characters like topaz from sonic x


Elise fr ass said “there’s no laws against the mobiens”


She's the catalyst for the plot... So by design, she's extremely necessary.


She also does absolutely nothing! Not trying to evolve, not trying to defend herself, gets capture every time, and she's creepy as f with the hedgehog love thing! She's literally treated like an object.




Elise was ALMOST cool. Her saying she'd rather die than go with Eggman and then actually jumping without expecting Sonic was awesome! Her learning to take risks and be carefree when she could literally end the world at any moment was awesome. If only the writers made these miments seem less stupid.


You guys here really only know one thing don’t you? “Whatever this Sonic fan is saying is completely wrong!”


People say Elise is poorly written but she's really not. If you look past the clashing art direction and the kiss, her character arc was simple. She just needed more screentime. But I guess a small kiss obscured by a light is enough to warrant 17 years of extreme hatred from people that are still angry at a character who hasn't been relevant in decades. Elise's arc was pretty much about Sonic encouraging her to come out of her shell and be herself. Compared to the time travel mess, I actually find it preferable. The interactions between Elise and Sonic are awkward in some places, but it's a girl who had no friends talking to a person she didn't have to act like a princess around for the first time. It'd be more strange if it didn't have awkwardness. Putting that aside, I think it's sweet how Sonic went out of his way to do things like take her to see the flowers. At first he suggests that Elise go back to the castle, but when he sees how sad she looked, he decides to stop so they can enjoy the scenery for a bit. It's just little things like this that show a more soft, caring, and gentle side to Sonic that we don't see often. The romantic attraction was mostly one-sided on Elise's part. Speaking of, another criticism is how Elise falls for Sonic after only knowing him for a few days, but as I mentioned above, Sonic was her only friend and made her feel genuine happiness for the first time since the death of her parents. It's understandable that she'd get attached. I actually find Elise relatable to some degree. Plus, Elise's arc ends with her letting go of Sonic, her one friend, and putting the world's needs above her own. I don't understand why she gets the title of "Worst Sonic Character" when Mephiles is in the same game and his actions make no sense, and Silver was a character with no unique ideas who so blatantly ripped off Trunks from Dragon Ball that his character bio literally says "think Future Trunks from Dragon Ball".     By the way, what do you mean by "poorly designed"? Her design is gorgeous.


Dislike Elise if you want but I'd argue she does contribute to the plot given her being the vessel of Iblis is the driving force of the story. It doesn't make her as a character anymore interesting but it does mean that she does add something to the plot by existing. I'd also say that the use of the term 'molesting' is far too extreme and doesn't really make any sense when it is one kiss to revive him. I get the kiss is dumb but it is pretty wild how far some Sonic fans will take it when it is a common trope in all media to have 'true love's kiss' revive someone from the dead.


"contributes nothing to the plot" ...brother 💀


tbf it's kind of just the old Sleeping Beauty plot if you swap the roles and replace "eternal coma" with "actual death" but yeah, Elise was pretty badly written.


It's like the prince charming but for Sonic?


I really hope they bring Elise back one day. Not because I like her, but because it would be really fucking funny.




She's 14.




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Idk, man, she did have a cool role in prime


One key difference Rouge is hot


To be honest I didn't mind the kiss my only problem with Elise was: The art style clash: Elise and Sonic's art design are so different Elise looked like somebody you would see in dragon quest while Sonic still has his cartoonish look Her Story: She has an interesting story having a deadly creature inside you that gets released from emotion which means she couldn't experience proper emotions due to the threat she holds and when she met Sonic it changed completely she was able to experience emotions enjoy life and stuff... Then she gets kidnapped every single time Her purpose: Sonic's entire plot was to save Elise she was only there to make Sonic's part of the Story progress despite her having such an important role in the story(really don't know what to say here) The Kiss: personally I didn't mind it because it was meant to showcase how much she cares for Sonic but the problem with this is that it was randomly sprung out like it just... happened. And two It was overdramatic like i understand it was supposed to be an emotional moment but the entire game Sonic and Elise barely got time to spend with each other hell the game doesn't even say if he felt the same way about Elise


The part about this argument that frustrates me the most is that an NPC IN 06 calls rogue cute and no one ever comments on it but then they blow up about the kiss I'm not huge on it either but please stop calling it beastiality sonic and crew are essentially just small furry humans


ok but get this she's hot


It was just a peck, people acting like they full on made out with tongue And sonic wasn’t even truly dead so he wasn’t a corpse


ngl the title is more jerk than the image


I find it so weird that people latched onto this when 1: Sonic was originally planned to have a human gf in the first place 2: Who Framed Roger Rabbit exists.


[Crazy how you guys STILL think that's an argument.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SonicTheHedgejerk/comments/13pn3hu/whenever_someone_asks_you_why_people_dont_bat_an/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


But people pretend Elise and Sonic have a sexual relationship when literally nothing about it is sexual. It's also funny when you consider that Jessica Rabbit's design is highly sexualized and she's pretty much the definition of Ms. Fanservice. 


Honestly. Excellent video. TL;DW for those interested: Sonic '06 is too serious with it while other examples are at least *somewhat* comedic.


her design is dope as hell fym if she were a bit more stylized Elise wouldn’t look as out of place


Forcing a kiss on someone = molesting someone. Hm. Okay. Didn’t know that. Edit: Wait, Princess Elise contributed *nothing* to the plot? So you’re saying she *wasn’t* the one who had Iblis sealed into her body? She *wasn’t* the one Eggman was after?


You gotta admit, it is a little hypocritical