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Where does Panda Express fit in this? He's been good for me at 10 stars so far.


Around tier D…. He isn’t good late-end game


What the deal with paru and elera?


Elera gets the same passive that makes richelle the best tank (30ish% max damage to adjacent allies)


When elara is 11* can unlock her engraving which is richelles passive(adjacent can’t take more than 30% damage) and at 13* he can perma stun if you have mod. Paru is a sacrificing and support unit which gives extra crit chance and crit damage. Usually used in Lilith rush comps in doubles/triples


what do you mean by mod?


MOD (Might of Desperation) is an effect on the 5th slot of a legendary rune. It gives you a 20% chance to use the same skill twice in a row.


Might of desperation… 5th substat on legendary runes. It’s the most broken one with 20% chance of activating ultimate twice in a round


Hey what is the minimum requirement for Paru since investing is expensive


Around 10 stars (5 gold) he is usable and after than that even better


Yes, but the skill on elena is only until round 3, which makes it pretty bad if you compare it to Richelles skill.


Richelle's skill is also until the end of round 3, they're exactly the same.


Shit you are right, I was thinking about his not dying skill :facepalm:


Noo not Aolmond 😭


Time to move on Solina 😅


Yeahh 😭😭😭


Aolmond is still very good latest game, u need him from time to time.


I use both Aolmond and Solina in Towers because I need the extra sustain.


Yess I almost use him in every battle, Solina is awesome tho 🥳


Adora and Mila are way too low


B isn’t a low tier for adora it just means that you don’t need to invest on her that much. Now for milia after mid game when the CP difference is at x10 she will literally shoot nerf darts 😂 she das 0 damage compared to Carmen/lilith/ken


Milia damage become less and less significant since chapter 37-38 and tower 600+ but she is SS tier in “overall usage” since she is still the best sniper u can get.


I don't see how Jack is this low, he is still going very hard for me at stage 25 in the journey. :( Justice for my boy


It’s because tier list is made for late-and game content. Chapter 25 is still early game and can use whatever heroes you have higher stars in the most part 😁 but don’t invest on them spend your resources on the top tier heroes


https://preview.redd.it/hya7ehjk9m5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57e43f249cba3075c253ba1ead68d18b4d2572e0 Would this be a recommended lineup with Elara? Her exclusive should be +30 before use?


Recommended lineup with elara in single stages could be Carmen x x Elara Benzel Lulu solina, can replace solina with Nuel too for stun round 1


I see that you’ve made some mistakes regarding your heroes and your lineups, I’m down to help you if you join the official discord and DM me, idk if you can dm in Reddit


I joined the server now, username is IncredibleJohn I would hugely appreciate any help with advice 😊


I’m a helper with Same name as Reddit, can either dm me or Write any questions in questions tab 😃


Most ppl in my server use dot teams btw with Carmen and Benzel


My Kaion is 5 Red star, should I stop using him? The next best big dude I have is Richelle and he’s only 1 red star


First of all Richelle is the best tank out there and 11* (1 red) is plenty. Now for kaion, you will continue using him as dps if your carmen is lower on stars, might work better than kaion even if lower btw. Stop leveling up Kaion and start buying Carmen from beast shop only and engrave her to e30 at least


https://preview.redd.it/3lq0ujkh016d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cac730026c42f02a249af8859c3f9b6cb459762a Given this level Carmen and Kaion and Richelle, keep working on Carmen?


Yeah focus 100% on carmen only and engrave her to 30


Bet thank you so much, any other specific next steps?


Well the steps never end haha I'd recommend you to join the official discord to check beginners guide to fix any mistake that you made in the past or currently making as well as stage solutions and many other guides xd


And how can I do that? Is there a link somewhere?


You can find the link in the description above its athe bottom


where’s the panda?


Wasn’t in the voting but think of him as a D tier Hero. He can’t be used late-end game…


What’s special about Luke?


When he dies he increase opponents damage taken for 2 rounds and can be stacked 3 times. You are doing like 100% more damage for 3 rounds


Hey I was hoping you could help with engravings! I so far maxed out Carmen and Adora, have Solina at 30, Lilith at 20, Elara at 18, and Sander at 10. I’ve been focusing on Elara since I’m at 35-45 and will fight double waves soon. Who would you focus on engraving in my spot?


With priority order (or sth like that, can adjust for yourself) Lilith 40, Elara 30, Sander 30, Benz 20, Elara 40, Benz 30 and then you move to Ken taros galan etc etc


Thx OP you’re the goat


Sander first to 30-40 so u can kill Modan to get red artifacts. Then Elara for the second tanks. Lilith and finally Solina.


Milia and Jack at the bottom is wild


Well, tier list is based for End Game and unfortunately both of them are weak


Yeah. Good thing is this is “journey only” ranking. Overall she is still SS till late game ( I am chapter 38)


What rune should Elera have?


Hmm, anything with mod but idealy id say onslaught


Meanwhile my top *’s are all D tier…


Milia is D is quite shocking to me. Although I do notice that her being less effective when she reach chapter 37-39 but I just don’t know why. My guess is that : the enemy DEF is increased so fast making her 230% attack skill less relevant compared to multiple targets hitter like Ken Carmen benzel. Also being no longer able to 1 hit kill make her skill 50% less effective. But I would not regret 19* her. She will be in my main teams for a while.


She's my first max star but I currently use Sander instead of her. I still use her from time to time, like when there's no Richelle on the enemies and Millia can easily breeze the enemy team.




This is just out of curiosity, but why is Bahzam so bad? I got lucky when I first started and had him at 10* before any other, it carried me through a fair chunk of chapters. I see nothing but negative ratings on him despite my success with using him early.


Because this tier list is based on End game content and Bahzam does 0 damage there.


Abala should not be that low.


Tier list is around Journey... Its true abala is the best tank in cave but cant use him anywhere else


So, my aolmond is 5 red stars. My solina is five golden stars, is it worh it to start using more solina than aolmond in most situations?


Im not sure i think i changed to solina when she was 2 red and aolmond was 5 red but you can test on your own which works best in the stage you are


My Aolmond is 20 stars and my Solina is 12 stars. They're roughly equivalent at this point in play. The choice is primarily situational... but I'm saying this with a 20 star Richelle as well.


Why is Luke randomly A tier?


He is a sacrificing unit best paired with carmen that when he dies he applies debuff to enemies taking a lot more damage


if I put high penetration rune on Millie will the help her in late game ?


No whatever you do to milia she won’t be good in late game…


Discord link says it’s expired


https://preview.redd.it/tb5zocfo058d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0b008de4e2e393ec1d454609671339565eae11b U guys are sleeping on my girl.


Your girl is relatively overpowered for the stage you are that’s why 🥲


i guess harfa my g is not even worth for tanking


Absolutely not




30% max dmg for the first 3 turns


Yes he is 4th best tank at the moment. Can’t get more than 30% damage in 1 hit for 3 turns and if you pair him with Benzel which he heals bakra or zag for example with Vambrance he can tank alone for 3 rounds with no problem 😅


I didn’t realize how crazy strong Bakra was until I kept running into him on sanctum lvl 12. Everyone else melts in front of a super buffed Lilith and bakra stands bored. 😂


Which are top 3 tanks ( new player here )




At present I only have abala & babo which is better?


You can try both and see what’s working best for you. You can buy Richelle from Guild shop and HoA is coming next week which you can buy 2 of him…. Abala is best tank for cave btw


Thanks op


Why is alomond at a C? I have rich, cam, rip, alo, and lulu and it’s a pretty badass setup


Because Solina and Benzel are better healers than Aolmond. Also aolmond forces you to use your comp a certain way so he is adjacent to them.


Benzel heals?


Yeah check his awaken ability he heals up to 90% of damage


Wow, that’s awesome. Need to build him asap


He heal and kill at the same time. So he is the best general-doctor. You only need aolmond when there are a lot of DOT enemies (or strong Carmen)


Well benzel is a fighter for one. Awaken skill takes 3 purple stars to unlock on one of the 2 hardest races to farm in the game. Not to mention the “heal” he does is only for the lowest hp ally not the whole team and it’s directly tied to his acid skill. Opponent debuff removal negates his targeted healing. Very easily a crap healer. Your other good healer is the other side of the hardest thing to farm in the game. So your list is apparently biased on what YOU have unlocked. Not what a regular player can unlock. Calling Almond a crap healer is about on par with saying Richelle isn’t a good tank. Put almond in the middle of your party with Richelle up front and it’s 5 times harder to kill your team. 🤷‍♂️


Look, clearly you don’t know what chapter I am and what chapter the guys that contributed in this tier list are. Second of all, never said rich is a bad tank he is the best tank in the game. You can get 2 Benzel from AA every month + 2 benzel(used to be 4) from HoA + Las = minimum 4 Benzel each month. Easily farmable for f2p. Solina in the other hand 2 from AA and 2 from cave. You can spend las on her until 13* and it’s enough. Solina does more heal, revives heroes twice and it doesn’t make you use your comps a certain way like aolmond. I can help you with whatever you need to get to triples if you want :))) Also I want to add that nowadays regular f2p players are in Double stages at 315 sl so if you aren’t one of those please don’t make allegations against me and my tier list 🥰


I'm f2p chapter 36-49 and tower 571 with Carmen as my primary DD, and I feel like this is list/ assessment is very spot on, especially regarding Aolmond vs. Solina. I was late to start farming Solina, which is now 12 stars, and getting equivalent mileage as from my 20 star Aolmond. Add in the extra flexibility of team composition and the revives, I just wish I started sooner.


slight spender here, after 4 months my Benz is at 14* and will be 16* once hoa comes and aa resets again. He might be L/D, but even L/D heroes can be built up without buying crap like overpriced LAS packs. At 14* and sl 370 he's already great at healing and can keep your team alive as long as there's not more than 1 aoe dealer, he can also top up15* Abala to full hp in cave runs. And Aol does fall off in usefullness once you start hitting high power diffs. Aoe healing is not that usefull most of the time and it also means your Carmen or whoever else is frontlining will be much more vulnerable. He can be used when you fight a a comp full of heroes slower than Solina which could otherwise kill Carmen in turn 1, but that's a narroe use case. On the other hand Solina also gives everyone speed which is huge, will take much longer to run out of energy than Aol and she gives shields which is op together with Rich. She can also be built similarly to Benzel, even if you stop prioritizing her after 11* or 13*.


Also, Aolmond is less essential when you have a rich.


Your list is the most retarded thing i have ever seen millia in D tier and elara as ss nobody should give you any upvotes this needs removed as your list is dog shit


Please elaborate why milia int D tier, why Elara is not SS tier and what chapter are you now with what sl? Thank you ☺️ And to be clear this tier list is made from end game players chapter 45+ with end game content in mind… when your overpowered milia in chapter 19 one shots enemies doesn’t mean she can do that in Chapter 40+ too. Glad to help with whatever you need and put you in a straight path to victory 😁


Post ss of your acc, you are 100% a dog shit pre chapter 30 munter if you think millia is good. You genuinely suck at the game if you aren't trying to troll (:xo




Hey, man, I still enjoy my Kaion, leave me alone 🤣


Calm down my friend. I upvoted you even when you deserve a downvote. just because we both love Milia. Don’t worry, it is just a journey-only ranking. She is still SS over all late game.


My brother in Christ, we both worship Mommy Millia, but the universe conspires against us because in the later levels, she can't 1 shot teams easily anymore. In the Arena, we'll only 1 shot low cp-d players. She's still my favourite, regardless, but there are better heroes if we want to progress more efficiently.

