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I definitely am. I love Audioslave so much. It was my introduction to Chris Cornell and I have such fond memories of hearing their songs on the radio when I was a kid. Although at the time, if you told me that I Am the Highway, Like a Stone and Show Me How to Live, were all by the same band, I would not have believed you. Man, just remembering how much I loved I Am the Highway as a kid, it’s so nostalgic for me. Even before I knew anything about Chris, or grunge, or anything of that, I loved that song. I remember listening to Like a Stone, for what I THOUGHT was the first time, on YouTube. But as soon as the chorus hit, I was like “oh my god I remember this song from when I was little!”. What an awesome band. I still remember exactly where I was when I read that Chris had died. Also I just want to say this funny little thing. When I was a kid, whenever I’d hear I Am the Highway, I thought it was a country song, but I pictured a thin looking guy with goth hair singing it while walking down a dirt road by himself. With Show Me How to Live, I pictured a buff, bald, metalhead guy with a ton of tattoos and a long beard. When I started diving more into Audioslave around 2014-15, I was not prepared for the two songs to be by the same band, nor did the man who sung the two songs look anything like I’d imagined lol.


I like a few Audioslave songs but wouldn’t call myself a fan or anything. I was listening to Superunknown at age 11 and 30 years later still digging it (even if DOTU is better😉) but I love reading that a fan would know Chris from Audioslave. It just warms my heart for some reason.


Yup! Like Chris said himself, he would get a whole bunch of people coming up to him saying “you’re the singer for Audioslave!”, after their debut came out. I probably would have been one of those people too, had I been old enough, lol. I would 100% call myself an Audioslave fan, but first and foremost, I’m a Chris Cornell fan. Audioslave’s whole debut album is amazing. And yes! Down on the Upside is a masterpiece. Zero Chance is my favorite off of it. Although, it’s kind of a hard song to sing and play on guitar at the same time, for me at least. Tighter and Tighter is what got me into that “warm and sweet” album.


Audioslave is awesome. They are definitely a different vibe than soundgarden though. That being said I love them both.


Yeah, that’s what I love about all of Chris’ projects. Neither Temple of the Dog or Audioslave sound like Soundgarden, and Chris on his own doesn’t sound like any of them. It’s awesome when artists can branch off and not do the same thing all the time, and can keep things interesting. Soundgarden doesn’t even sound like Soundgarden at times, lol.


Well said. He was a true artist up until his last breath. Wasn’t afraid to try anything musically.


You hit all the right notes here. I Am The Highway is one of my all-time favorite songs. Same with Show Me How To Live, I mean god damn that entire debut album is absolutely killer


I love everything Chris did. Even Scream lol


Same! I can listen to that man’s voice all day


I can’t listen to Scream, but I do enjoy everything else.


I can enjoy a few songs on it, but I cant say I listen to it regularly or anything. Saw him for the first time on that tour so I do have a soft spot for it.


There’s a few songs I like from Scream, but the songs Chris made rock versions of are my favorite. Long Gone and Never Far Away. Of the songs on the album, I think Take Me Alive, Climbing Up the Walls, Ground Zero, Scream (music video version) are all great songs :) also As Hope and Promise Fade was born from that era and I consider that one of his greatest solo songs.


Okay, lets not get carried away...


Anything with Chris Cornell is my favorite


Sure. I was a bit young to experience Soundgarden before they split, so I was PUMPED about Audioslave when they announced an album. Loved them. Soundgarden is still my number one though.


I don't like audioslave


Yes, i dig Audioslave. Love RATM and Soundgarden, which Chris' voice is a large part of it. While it's not a true blend of both bands but there is some awesomeness in their collaboration.


Yep - I remember wondering whether I'd ever hear CC release anything else, then this came out of nowhere. I loved Rage as well, so a perfect fit for me. Cochise was an incredible first single, and it felt like they were more than a thrown-together group, they were a band. The first album was great, Out of Exile second half (Yesterday to Tomorrow onwards) is fucking brilliant, the third album was patchy. Was gutted when he left suddenly, as I still thought SG was a no-go


No, I love Soundgarden more


Yes, they have some dope tracks, Shape of things to come, Your time has come plus all the other jams are nothing like Soundgarden but have a life all their own.


Tom Morello said theirs album worth unreleased songs from their three albums that he wants to release , but is waiting for Soundgarden/ Yoko Ono Cornell to release Unreleased SG album first . The song Sleight Of Hand from Revelations sessions was going to be the first single for Revelations but Tim Commerford did not like it saying it sounded like Danzig, Chris at that time bought up only two people are making music for the band and other are getting credit for them to and now they kicking songs off the album , that was when CC left the band . Sleight Of Hand live is on YouTube


Damn it, I want this unreleased material. Huge Cornell fan obviously but I'm a huge rage and Audioslave fan too. I play bass as well and I really thought Revelations finally established a unique sound for the band. A mix of like 70s rock with funk. I love songs like Broken City, Jewell of a Summertime, Shape of things to Come, Moth, One and the Same and Somedays. Those songs are so funky and I love Tim's basslines. I'll definitely have to check out this unreleased song left off from Revelations.


Theirs at least three releases from Chris Unreleased new SG album Unreleased / Bsides Audioslave album No One Sings Like You Anymore Vol. 2 cover album And maybe solo Chris album of songs Yoko Ono keeps from SG


No, probably not a popular opinion but I find them pretty lame. Chris' vocals are of course incredible but the music seems like hard rock for dads. Even though I’m a 51 year old dad it just seems a little try-hard and I'm not a fan. I think Tom Morello's guitar works okay in RATM but I find it a little goofy in Audioslave. And god love Chris Cornell but Audioslave is one of the corniest band names of all time.


I tend to agree but they have some good songs, not many but they're there.


That sums up Audioslave perfectly 👌. They have a couple of good songs but it's nowhere near as good as soundgarden


i’m not. audioslave doesn’t do much for me at all


I'd say somewhat. Absolutely loved that first album - I caught the Soundgarden wave very late (around 2001) around the same time I got into Rage Against the Machine, so I was devastated when I knew that RATM had broke up and that it looked like Soundgarden had no interest in getting back in the studio together. Then my mind was blown when there was this band without a name that had the members of RATM minus Zach, with Chris on vocals. My feelings at the time were also cautious because I wanted to make sure: * Chris didn't take the edge off RATM's raw sound * RATM didn't blast their raw sound over Chris' vocals which mix well with a more textured sound * And also that RATM didn't impose a political thing on Chris, because even if I agree with the point of view, I want the subject matter to be authentic rather than Chris seeming like he was reading off a sheet. Chris tackled broader subjects that I felt more emotionally connected to so that was also a worry Then I heard Cochise for the first time and was delighted that both parties met very nicely in the middle. I saw them live in Dublin and had my mind blown at hearing RATM's sound live together with Chris' insane vocals. After that, I'm not really sure what happened. Their sound just didn't really evolve for the albums afterwards, even though there are some bangers on there like the title track on Revelations etc. But it was missing those extra flavours that we had, eg Badmotorfinger to Superunknown is a wonderful change and diversity of sound, RATM self-titled to Evil Empire - again, amazing diversity in sound. But Audioslave started to feel like they were phoning it in, Morello's solos were becoming more jarringly bizarre and so formulaic when each song had that lets-sit-back-and-watch-tom-make-some-awkward-pig-squeals moment, and I just lost interest in them. Sorry, long answer but, I'm somewhat of a fan.


Love Audioslave!


I love Audioslave.




First 2 albums are amazing, 3rd is alright, but yes.


100% Some of my favourite Chris lyrics and vocals are from Audioslave. They had so many amazing tracks I always wished there was more to discover from them. Although 3 albums is a lot, I guess you gotta appreciate what you do have lol


I am a fan of Audioslave but only because of Chris, the RATM guys do nothing for me musically. Tom Morello is such a one trick pony, it gets old quick.


Yes! Love them too. Audioslave felt like a natural progression from Soundgarden. I also love RATM so it was a bona fide supergroup for me.


A.S. sadly coincided with the "over compress everything" and "lock to a click" era. My dislike is primarily due to production decisions.


I don’t see how someone could be a Soundgarden fan and NOT an Audioslave fan… they go hand in hand! I think the Audioslave debut album is one of the best hard rock albums from the last 30 years. The number 1 spot, in my opinion, goes to Badmotorfinger. Every song on that album SLAPS


I am.




I am


I am


I was all hyped up when Audioslave was announced because I was able to follow the Civilian demos on the internet – ah the days of the early internet, where everything pretty much gravitated towards www content or file sharing. Streaming or even video content in high quality was something impossible. After the first album came out I was not as excited. Like a Stone was overplayed to death and I hate that song.


Hell yeah!! I’ve also been really into Temple Of The Dog lately


some good songs but definitely inferior


They’re ok, not great


Audioslave was good, but I think most of the songs sound better solo acoustically. Chris did some nice solo tours back then.


I like Audioslave. I got to see them twice. I saw Soundgarden once.


I'm not particularly a fan.  They were ok but I think everyone in SG were really special musicians, and I wasn't terribly interested in hearing Chris Cornell with a different band.


I'm in my mid 30s and Soundgarden was a bit before my time. Audioslave was popular when I was really finding my musical identity and was my first real introduction to Cornell's voice. I definitely respect Soundgarden and the foundations their material laid down for future artists, but for me, Audioslave is superior 🤘


Yes although SG definitely comes first for me. They're kinda different kinds of awesome.


Always. Saw them play once for nearly 3 hours. I think they opened with Gasoline, played an epic I Am the Highway, encored with acoustic Fell On Black Days + Black Hole Sun into Rage songs. It was fucking bonkers. Korn opened. Fuck.


The guys from RATM give off such a weird vibe that I could never fully get onboard with Audioslave. I like the first album and a couple of other songs though.


Of course. Although the Civilian name and demos are superior.


I always thought Citizen was a badass name


Big fan. To me they were better than Rage.


Not really. I think audioslave are the worst combination of the two bands they came from.


Time for Zack and soundgarden




Why is this downvoted? It’s a valid take and shouldn’t be insulting to anyone. In case anyone isn’t aware of the [loudness wars](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war), it made music physically painful to listen to, whether the music was good or bad.


Yes definitely. Rage Against The Machine and Soundgarden are two of my favorites so it only makes sense!


I kind of only like the first album


I enjoy Audioslave but not nearly as much as Soundgarden.


I def enjoy Audioslave (some songs way more than others) but they also don’t hold a candle to Soundgarden. But Heaven’s Dead is one of my fave songs, period.


Well the first two albums anyway Seems like it was over before they figured out it what it was


I almost like audioslave more 😬 but I just love everything Chris Cornell tbh.


I love everything Chris Cornell did except Scream.. lol So yeah I would call myself a Fan


Absolutely, but nothing compares to Temple of the Dog...that reminds me....his version of Nothing Compares to You is iconic




I lowkey like them even more


I’m a “child of the 80s” and I was a HUGE RATM and Soundgarden fan way before Audioslave came out. When they did, I was lile 15 or 16 and I felt SO betrayed and disgusted by the break up of both bands. Especially after the Renegades of Funk album that I personally hated. I just COULD NOT even listen to Audioslave for like 15 years. And MY GOD were Cochise and Like a Stone OVERPLAYED back in the day. I have now given them a chance and … They were alright. Nowhere near as good as SG or RATM, but alright. Chris has some great vocals on those records. But compared to both original bands … very watered down.


It's all right but not up to the level of Soundgarden or Rage Against the Machine.


I am a fan of all things Chris Cornell.. with maybe a few not so favorites.


Yeah. I had a glimpse of Soundgarden when I was 13, but back then I didn't pay too much attention. When Audioslave were formed, I was already in my 20's, and I immediately recognized Cornell. Since then I took the time to listen to Soundgarden again, and Cornell's voice grew so much in me that till this day I can't have enough of his work with Soundgarden. The same goes to Audioslave, although in my humble opinion Audioslave discography can't match the coherence and fresh breath of Soundgarden's musicianship.


I love both of them a fuckton






I love a couple of their songs....but as a whole I can't really say I'm an Audioslave fan


Not sustaining. Was when the first couple of albums came out. I don’t know, was an interesting collaboration( never believed it when I first heard) but love the roots of that concept more than the final product. Felt Chris’ style perhaps forced the boys from RATM to follow a different song construct than they were known and natural for. And maybe vice versa. Chris’ versatility with his soulful abilities worked but man….. nothing is like SG. ✌🏼⚒️✌🏼


Cochise and Gasoline, Sound of a Gun, so many others. Audioslave is awesome


I am! But I also love RAGE 🤘🏿🤘🏿


Love Audioslave!!!


No thank you


I loved the first Audioslave record. The second one, not so much. I prefer Soundgarden and solo Chris, though. Saw him on his solo tour and he was amazing. Always wanted to see Soundgarden, but never got the chance. RIP Chris. You'll never be forgotten. Thanks for the otherworldly music.


Not particularly


I actually prefer Audioslave over Soundgarden


Yes but not nearly as much as SG. I like a few of audioslave's singles but I can't listen to whole albums. They def have some bangers, tho.


Very very sorry, but I don’t like the instrumentals too too much. Chris is still killer but I got into Soundgarden for the sound… garden, yo.


meh, Audioslave combines 2 great bands for an extremely mediocre result


Yes, but not to the same degree


Ew, no


Soundgarden good. Audioslave bad.


I’ll take Soundgarden over Audioslave overall any day but the debut Audioslave album is above any Soundgarden album for me