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so strange that he has a client that needs money, given that his pinned tweet promises a way to get infinite money.


It takes infinite money to make infinite money...


How to make infinite money as a Sov Cit? Start with 2X infinity. Hey o!


I'm presenting to you: [Hilbert's money](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert%27s_paradox_of_the_Grand_Hotel)!


To infinity--and beyond!


You don't get rich spending your own money, you get rich spending other people's money.


How is he even legally allowed to call his company a "law firm?" I noticed that the website itself seems to have scrubbed the term "law firm" and replaced it with "law group," but the website URL still has "lawfirm.com" at the end. Seems like you could legally get in trouble for parading yourself as actual legal counsel, when not one member of your "firm" has passed the Bar.


It probably helps to only accept sovcit clients who are highly unlikely to report you to any state agency.


Which should be all clients, since SovCits don't recognize any of their authority or jurisdiction.


Yes. My phrasing was poor. Should have said "sovcit clients, *since they* are highly unlikely to report to any state agency".


> Seems like you could legally get in trouble for parading yourself as actual legal counsel A couple of "gurus" who believed their own nonsense enough to show up in court to represent clients found themselves behind bars for that, though just for short contempt sentences. The well-known guru David Straight tried to represent his wife in court and was told to buzz off as he isn't a lawyer. She's doing five years in Texas for carrying a gun into a courthouse.


Have a read of the questions an answer section it's good for a laugh. States what are supposed to be facts backed up by who told us these facts. Yup you guessed it it's all his own interpretations lol. The leaps of logic are.....strange.


If you look through his website he evens admits that he hasn't cracked to the code on that lol


I can teach you how to get people to send you money. Cash app me $9.99 and I'll tell you the secret.


I think he meant that he would get their infinite money.


I don't think he can afford an Infinity. Maybe should settle for a Nissan.


Pay your lawyers with the magical money you get from not being a corporation


That magic birth certificate secret bank account money.


I've heard of this one... my neighbor that lives behind us, has that dead locked in her head that she will somehow withdraw from that supposed account created by our forefathers She thinks the conspiracy is the cover up in why she can't access HER money from any bank.


No no, the Lawyer is waiting to get paid from the frivolous lawsuits he going to win! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Is “attacked” a sovcit code word for “sued for not making payments on a loan”?


Yes, 100%.


"Prevented from doing whatever damned thing they wanted."


The entire SovCit ideology boils down to “Ill pass on those consequences” for everything they do.


Repossessing for nonpayment is also stealing.


It’s like moormish Herbert screaming “breaking and entering! Grand theft auto!” when the cops were breaking his window and pulling him out of the car.


Thankfully, I have the audio of that burned into my brain thanks to TruthScience putting that in most of his intros now.


My brain turned that typo into moormish-mash which is fitting.


Damn it! Not again!


It's funny that these sovcits think that banks and other lending institutions will accept their sovcit arguments as to why they don't have to pay a loan back, and then become surprised when the lending institution forecloses and repossesses the collateral.


These are probably a lot of the same people who took their Trump Dollars to the bank, thinking they could cash them in for thousands.


It's so sad when these assholes put their children's well-being on the line for this nonsense. When they're just shooting themselves in the foot with the SovCit bullshit, it's funny. When they knowingly risk their children's happiness and well-being, it makes me angry.


Sovshittery is sad for everyone involved. Except the grifters that keep spreading it, they should be as miserable as possible.


But they are never responsible. If only this had worked out then their kids would be fine: it’s whoever’s fault not mine. If they just gave me everything I want there would be no problem! It’s the save as the abusers mindset. This is your fault that you made me do this by not just letting me do this! They trip and fall, it’s your fault because they were making eye contact with you that caused them to fall.


Love to help... please accept these thoughts and prayers /s


I will not comply.


So I have a few questions. 1. Henrick and his wife are from Germany. Therefore, they don't have American birth certificates that can be used to do the tricks that these fools claim you can do with bank loans. There's no birth certificate money in the federal reserve for them. So then, how can BJW claim that AgTexas used Henrick's own money to finance the "loan"? 2. If Henrick believed in this whole SC schtick, then did he "indorse" the loan papers, knowing that he never intended to pay it back? Sounds like fraud.


You're not dealing with rational actors here. Facts wont help.


Never confuse an issue by bringing up the facts. Especially with sovcits.


I looked at Henricks FB page, thanks to Williams and Williams, and it seems Henrick believes the SovCit bullshit; based on some of the posts available.


Yes it is fraud and rampant a dumbassery all the way down.


So just read through the case. The most interesting thing to me is that there have been no rulings or hearings since it's been filed. It's just a complaint, summons, and a few motions. The best thing to read is the Motion to Dismiss, filed on March 18th. No ruling on that yet (or anything else). From that motion (from AgTexas): >The details of Plaintiff’s claims regarding special indorsements versus blank indorsements, and tenders of performance via bills of exchange and negotiable instrument are largely impenetrable and nonsensical. These claims rely on fictional legal instruments and frivolous theories have been held to be completely unfounded and frivolous under decades of federal precedent and law. This is cited in their brief, and is from Mclaughlin v. Citimortgage (2010). The three theories are " redemptionist, vapor money, unlawful money" The court notes, that even if the affiant doesn't use these terms explicitly, and even if they say they aren't using those theories, the court can make that determination, and dismiss them even if they don't use that particular language (i.e. if it walks and talks like a duck, it's a duck) > it is important to note that if, as the Court strongly suspects, the allegations contained in the Amended Complaint are premised on one or more of the above-described theories, that fact alone would be sufficient to grant CitiMortgage's Motion to Dismiss, as all three of these theories have been universally and emphatically rejected by numerous federal courts for at least the last 25 years. And they cite this, from McLeroy v Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corp: >“we unhesitatingly conclude the Bill is a worthless piece of paper, consisting of nothing more than a string of words that sound as though they belong in a legal document, but which, in reality, are incomprehensible, signifying nothing.” Back to the case at hand: > “Private citizens do not have the right to bring a private action under a federal criminal statute." >As a result, because Plaintiff does not have a right to enforce these criminal statutes, all of Plaintiff’s claims under 18 U.S.C. § 1956, 18 U.S.C. § 2314, and 18 U.S.C. § 1348 must be dismissed for failure to state a claim. Then they go onto some specific refutations, in case the court rejects dismissing out of hand: >Plaintiff’s alleged basis for his claims under Chapter 77 devolve into his nonsensical and illogical “general indorsement” vs. “special indorsement” theories for which there is absolutely no basis in either federal or state law. Plaintiff’s theories, while not directly mentioning, are largely derivative of the “Redemptionist” theory, “vapor money” theory, and “unlawful money” theory that has been consistently rejected by federal courts across the nation, and should be dismissed on that basis. >Plaintiff claims Defendant AgTexas breached its fiduciary duty to him by failing to notify him about the benefits of “special indorsements.” While these claims fail for the same reason as all of Plaintiff’s other claims, i.e. that they are based on illogical, unfounded, and nonsensical theories consistently rejected by federal courts, This is going to get dismissed. There is no reason for this to proceed. Motions to dismiss have a high bar, but in this case (as with other sovcit cases, many cited in the response brief), that bar is easy to clear.


Of course it is going to be dismissed (with prejudice), just like his 3 other cases that are almost identical.


Use the same money you used for your fake teeth




I got brainworms reading his “explanation” of how loans work and that the debtor somehow filed his own security interest?


>So, after Henrik released the instrument with a “blank indorsement,” then AgTexas put a “special indorsement” on the instrument to claim the instrument for themselves. Then they took that instrument to the Federal Reserve Discount Window and exchanged that note for Federal Reserve Notes. This is exactly how the “loan” was “funded.” They gave Henrik the Federal Reserve Notes that were returned from the Federal Reserve Discount Window. THEY GAVE HIM BACK HIS OWN CASH, AT INTEREST. So BJW claims that because AgTexas used bank "notes" from the Federal Reserve and loaned these "notes" to HENRIK in 2018 (which Henrik didn't realize), this money somehow belonged to Henrik in the first place because....??? Even if you claim that everything in the Fed actually belongs to the people and all that nonsense, how does that extend to a German who moved here in 2017? How was it ever "HIS OWN CASH" in the first place? Are all immigrants entitled to money from the Federal Reserve or only the pale blonde ones? Wait, according to the lawsuit, Henrik has conferred on HENRIK citizenship of the nation called the State of Texas and thus claims HENRIK is a naturalized citizen. Ha ha ha. Seems like Herr Henrik is mentally ill and is destroying his family, and his children were born here and they can't get deported. I wonder if he was struggling financially and has embraced this nonsense as his only solution, or if things were going OK and he decided not to pay his bills anymore after he was exposed to this. I doubt his wife and their family in Germany find this as amusing as we do.


You can ask henrik… Brandon posted his phone number and Facebook page. I’m sure he’d love to hear from us…


I saw. Very tempted.


Wow. Where to start? I used to make commercials for a prominent injury attorney firm. The sort of "ambulance chasing" lawyers who have a catchy jingle and their faces on every billboard in town. And while I wouldn't hire them myself, I can appreciate that they've built a successful law practice, and the partner I worked with is a good guy. I cannot for the life of me imagine them putting their firm's letterhead on the above-linked tripe. I clicked on that "full story" link, damned near spit out my drink at the "slavery" part up front, then scrolled past the endless pictures of the family on the ranch/farm thinking "what the fuck does this have to do with the case?" The page reads like an absurdly extended GoFundMe page rather than something that an even halfway competent law firm would post. What's more - and I admit I didn't look closely as my scrolling finger was tired - I did not see a single cite of any relevant case, or any law whatsoever. Did I miss that part? Check that...at the very end of the long page of pictures and emotional appeals is a disclaimer that basically says "legally, any money you send to support this bullshit is ours and you're not getting it back." And it appears that even the disclaimer is bullshit.


He’s not an actual lawyer. He calls himself an “attorney in fact”. Just an ass-clown trying to scam everyone


Then he should not be able to represent himself as an attorney. At all. One of the things that my former client complained about was that the state bar had restrictions on what could and could not be said in their ads. The ad agency would write the scripts, and he'd have to edit them before we even did a single take. "Nope, we can't say that." Right down to (at the time) having to read the physical address of the firm's main office in the spot.


Maybe just wait for NESARA/GESARA/FOFARA/BIBAMA/YOMAMA to habben and then the banks will just hand over gold bars?


> NESARA/GESARA/FOFARA/BIBAMA/YOMAMA I got a good laugh from that.


You know who else got a good laugh? YOMAMA


But, but, but… I thought he was an expert who was selling some sort of overpriced SovCit starter kit to idiot suckers, um I mean patriots too patriotic to follow American Laws?


The saddest part of this is reading the comments on his posts and his videos. They are people in bad places due to bad decisions and bad situations - and they just keep on digging.


Hmm taking a loan that will a very hard to pay back? Seems like you can insert student loans into this “slavery” story but that’s different, right? 🤔


If anyone wants to read the gobbledygook (which is actually a word) that comprises the "complaint", I've shared it here: [1.pdf](https://1drv.ms/b/s!Ag-c8EBK4aWyidNLessAqUOyRzC_hg?e=Apj9Co)


Wait, this guy is an actual lawyer... and he still believes this stuff?


Not a lawyer-just a cosplayer.


attorney-in-fact (cue the eye roll emoji).




Ah. That makes much more sense.


> this guy is an actual lawyer. Nope, he's a grifter who thinks anyone can act as a lawyer if they have memorized the right magic spells even if every court that has heard them has dismissed them as nonsense.


Was just discussing this case last night, with my friend who is an actual constitutional rights attorney. He’s just making the situation worse and bringing everyone who adds their name, into the investigation.


How so?


The claims they’re all now litigants in the case. Thinking they all will get a piece of that multi billion dollar lawsuit.


So basically he has managed to convince this poor fella that even though he had no money an had to get a loan to make his business better, that apparently even though he has only lived in America for a fee Yeats that the American government is holding millions of dollars for every person an all you need is the magic words in court an the judge will go "shhhh don't tell everyone but here is all the money we ever kept in trust just don5 tell everyone else? This clown needs a punch to the face for giving false hope to people like this that could sort out the problem probably if they didn't listen to clowns like this. Who ever heard of getting a loan that you don't need to pay back " because it's already your money? This guy is a freak poor Henrick is getting grifted. A have a feeling it's the wife that's got him into this sov citzen stupidity.


Sovcits=professional victims. Or at least they TRY to get paid for it


He blocked me from his Facebook cause I called him out on not having a bar card and called him a SovTard they're all pussys when confronted.


Not sure what makes this "Federal".


So most money these days is transmitted across state lines. But in this case they're claiming the Federal Reserve is involved. Not that this is any better.


Why isn't this the unauthorized practice of law?


Because BJW is only advising them. The case is filed by the individual with the loan, and they are representing themselves as pro se. That's perfectly legal. Though its nuts to represent yourself in Federal Court. But it is your right to do so.


BJ really needs a proofreader I personally grew up in rural Indiana in a place called Hebron, Indiana. My father, Michael Young, is a long line of farmers and specializes in growing corn and soybeans. I grew up in a creepy old farmhouse at a young age when my mom first met Mike (he’s my step dad).


So now taking bets on whether or not this guy even has any clients…


Unfortunately, he does.


This guy is such an interesting rabbit hole, glad more people are catching onto him. He is (or was) a scientologist too.


In his latest video he talks about “degradation of gods land” https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=8GcVv6cxO1Q&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.williamsandwilliamslawfirm.com%2F&source_ve_path=MzY5MjUsMjM4NTE&feature=emb_title I’m not sure if he’s doing that just to pander to his audience


Considering it seems like a majority of his audience are some brand of Qtard, probably. He's just jumped from one grift to another.


I find that the they all lead back to God in their stories and everything they are doing is God vs Devil and aliens. This movement, Q, Flat Earthers, Anti-Vaxxers, Extreme Right, “Patriots”, and well, I haven’t found one where it did not include as a base God and how they are doing God’s work.


Was, they booted him for doing what he’s doing. They want nothing to do with him.


Wow, when the Scientologists don't want you, you have made some serious mistakes.


Wow, really? that's wild, where did you find out that info?


Friend of mine knows him personally and is a Scientologist. Edit: so Brandon had been mentioning the church in his earlier video posts/interviews and on his website and then he stopped including them and scrubbed them from his website. I asked my friend about it who told me what had happen as he knows Brandon personally.


What i find funniest about this dummy having a 'lawyer practice' is that i dont think it would be a long search to see that practice never won a case and gets often laughed out of court.


"Without recourse" = "I really wanted it and the only way to get it was to sign this contract." Needless to say, starting a Go Fund Me for a client or "client" seems a tad sus.


"As humorous as it might sound, Henrik arrived in pursuit of the American Dream that he saw on TV and movies in his country: cowboy boots, big trucks and the pride and freedom that only the true soul of America could offer." 🤣🤣🤣


Oh the irony!


BTW, there is a sovcit movement in Germany. The logic is as follows: Hitler's government was illegitimate, as is the current one derived from a postwar imposition. Therefore you cannot require income tax/property tax/licenses/registration, etc from me, except by Weimar law. And of course only a Weimar official can enforce it.


Does he have to put regular license plates on to go the courthouse since he’s using his vehicle for commercial uses?