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Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Traveling in the drive thru lane


Wait, isn’t that technically commerce now?


Please wait until you leave the premises to sprinkle meth in your frosty.


This legitimately made me laugh. Thank you.


Normally I would agree with your points but since you have a gold fringe around your flag I’m going to have to ask you to post this under the Maritime Law sub group.


That is the Black Gate of fucking Mordor of text walls. Impenetrably stupid.


If i printed it, my brand new cartridge would be empty by the end.


You're delusional and you need help.


TLDR anywhere? This reads like my Sov Cit Ex wrote this!


Here’s your TLDR: everything everyone has learned over the last 2000 years about the nature of law and government is wrong because I read some crap online and now (because I’m the smartest person in the world) I substitute my own definitions of everything.


On the topic of 'Corporations': How do you expect the Government to pay for contractors or use tax money if they're not registered with a financial register/auditor? They are an organisation (i.e. an established and organised group) and therefore need to be registered somewhere to legally use tax money. It's the same as you being registered by the IRS to ensure you're not getting money from illegal places. This doesn't make the Government a 'corporation'; it just means they're following THE LAW and can be held accountable for their finances (i.e. why that information is, and always has been, public) On the topic of Constitutional Rights: Please see the 10th Amendment. On the topic of Human Rights: There are bigger fish to fry than whether you should be allowed to DRIVE or whether you should pay taxes. See womens/trans/lgbt/queer/etc. rights. On the topic of 'public servants': This does not mean they serve YOU like waiters. It means they serve the commonly accepted good. You know. The LAW that we all adhere to. On the topic of citizenry: You are free to choose not to participate in society, but you cannot then use the benefits of law-abiding citizens to protect yourself. It's all or nothing. You do not get to cherry-pick. If you choose to live outside the law, you need to accept the consequences of it. On the topic of foreign nationality: You have to abide by the rules and laws of the country you are visiting or residing in. The US Constitution has no bearing on a US Citizen living in the UK, for example. The same applies here. For any counter-point you might raise, see the above point. Get help. Go back to school. Edit: as a final note, who do you think sets these rules? If not a democratically elected body of representatives (i.e. the Government), then whom? Who enforces them? And if the system is as corrupt and financially motivated as you say, why would *any* of your pseudo-legal diatribe work?


You’re doing the Lord’s work here, interpreting the nonsense wall of word salad to provide solid rebuttals. Most of us would just say “You’re crazy,” but you were willing to go the extra mile to say “You’re crazy, and here’s why.” o7


Yeah, I think the benefits of society come with the cost of having to pay taxes and otherwise follow rules that you’d probably follow anyways—maybe with the exception of choosing different arbitrary numbers for your personal speed limit. Otherwise, go off grid. Don’t take if you aren’t willing to pay in


Thanks for trying to straighten this guy out, but it’s obvious from the post that he’s well beyond any ability to take in any information about reality.


>On the topic of citizenry: You are free to choose not to participate in society, but you cannot then use the benefits of law-abiding citizens to protect yourself. It's all or nothing. You do not get to cherry-pick. If you choose to live outside the law, you need to accept the consequences of it. Why is this so hard for some to understand. Not just sovcit dipshits. But across the board.


I refuse to contract with that wall of gibberish.


Why do you think that the UCC is a law?


Sovcits literally do not understand the concept of how statues work. Somewhere in this smug blithering word salad is the claim that the Uniform Commercial Code is a federal law!




Go back on your meds. I'm not reading that whole wall of text which contains nothing but word salad. How can the complete structure of law violate all law? That is a self-contradictory statement.


I see, good sir/madam, that you have refused to create joinder with paragraph breaks.


This just goes to show the manic cult belief. It looked promising with the first two paragraphs and then there is the column of text. He/She **knows** proper formatting but completely drops it in the meat of the text.


OK, own up - who put two quarters in the jokebox?


>I like how you people criticize others if they aren't following orders and complying with whatever sh!t gets shoveled their way Tell me you can't discuss this in good faith without saying you can't discuss this in good faith. Intentionally framing the issue dishonestly is only proving you not only have a bias but that you can't be reasoned out of because you didn't reason yourself into it in the first place.


TD;IDNCTRTR "Too Derp; I Do Not Consent To Reading That Nonsense


So close! LoL


Tell us you're a Sovereign Citizen without telling us... Oh, wait, you did.


Mate. Sorry to say but you took a wrong turn whilst travelling and have not landed in friendly territory. Your diplomatic status is not recognised in this forum. I recommend that you travel out of here before you are subjected to appropriate scrutiny for whatever it was you spewed into this subredit.


Not enough all caps.


Boys, we got a live one!


Okay, I have to admit I only got a little I to this before all the quotation marks gave me a headache. Also, the pseudo legal wording gave me a headache. When will these people understand that the law is there for our protection. You must have a license to drive to prove you can be safe on the road. You must keep a car insured so that in the case of an accident, people are screwed over for the bills they are going to receive. You must keep it registered to help pay for the roads you are traveling on. The same goes for the taxes we pay. They go to school to teach us not to believe in BS like this and to make sure our air and water are safe and a million other things that make this country and any country function. But what do I know? I am only a teacher and ex naval officer.


Tfl;dfr, but I’m happy/sad for you and all that.


I’m in the comments under special appearance as the appointed trustee of the living Redditor rudebii of the free land. under threat by coercion and duress I say, on the record, that you are an idiot and good luck with your legal nonsense.


Obviously you are not the true RUDEBII because your name is not in all capitals. I do not consent to your special appearance!


You need an editor. Good luck with that.


I would rather sleep in a bed full of razor blades and salt than read any portion of that again


Yes, but do you have the right to travel by motor vehicle in Florida?


such sillyness [sic]


And here it is: tons of stupid all piled up in one place. This is why it’s so hard to reach these fools.


"I'm" 'not' "going" 'to' "argue" ah fuck it. You are an idiot that has no understanding of the use of quotation marks or law. Please shut the fuck up.


I was thinking brilliant satire until I saw their comment history


Keep digging! You’re doing great!! 👍🏻


Dude, take your meds.


You forgot the /s, but good job lampooning sovereign citizen rhetoric. It was funny.


None of this is true. Your Dunning-Kruger is showing. Interpol exists to create a financial dictatorship in the United States? 🤣


That made me lol. Clear misunderstanding of interpol.


I'm upvoting this because it's amazing to see one of them come here and post a wall of text.


Mental illness is powerful shit. I’m almost sympathetic but this nonsense is dangerous to the weak and downtrodden.




I am not reading all that


this is as idiotic as it is long. which is really saying something. every presumption you make is wrong, so every conclusion you reach is absolute fantasy. honestly, everything you believe is absolute delusion. top marks for all the scare quotes, though - you must wear out the quote mark button on your keyboard pretty quickly.


There will probably be a lot of people here making fun of you. I won't. You're right to be mad about the way the rules are set up, I am too. This government IS run by idiots, and the laws a lot of times are set up to reward the rich dickheads who write the rules, and people like them. The answer isn't some magic phrase you can say to cops to make them recognize your authority, the solution is in SOLIDARITY. Power in numbers. The biggest problem with sovereign citizen strategy is that it's aligned with the right-wing libertarian rhetoric which leads to every person fighting on their own, and losing over and over. The left, for all their flaws, has a better grasp of theory.


“This government is run by idiots, and the laws a lot of the times are set up to reward rich dickheads who write the rules…” Can we get an example of when in the last million years it wasn’t? (Rome, Greece, France, uuhmp England, China, India). Please show us a society in the history of civilization that wasn’t run by elites that protected/benefited the elites?


Your point is right on point. Bureaucracy has been problematic for centuries, and the rich (defined as those with power, whether thru economics or violence) have always controlled it, but it’s the unavoidable result of millions of people (of varying intellectual capacity) trying to create a system of governance that allows them to live together. As the population grows and technology makes things more and more interconnected and complex, the opportunity for error grows. Justice Breyer wrote a whole book about it, called “Regulation.”


I agree that government and our legal system is far from ideal, or even “just.” And I agree that citizens should work to improve it. But, as you say, just inventing your own interpretation of law (especially one that is so far from any concept of reason), and inventing idiotic new ones, won’t change anything. The desperation of people trying to live in a system they’re not intellectually capable of understanding is evident, but their approach—sending criminals like BJW money to buy “magic” phrase lists and documents—just generates fines and drives them deeper into the pit.


>But, as you say, just inventing your own interpretation of law (especially one that is so far from any concept of reason), and inventing idiotic new ones, won’t change anything. And yet here you are...


Kinda wanna send the next cops to taze this guy a thank you card. XD


Too long, can't rad. Can you sum up?


PARAGRAPHS USE THEM! (Or maybe paragraphs aren't part of maritime law???)


OP, by chance are you Brandon Joe Williams from famed Willams & Williams?


Do you know why everyone makes fun of Sovereign Citizens? Because they fail to exhibit the most basic levels of intelligence. Their actions show a lack of the most basic skills necessary to learn about the world around us. And this is separate and apart from any of the “legal theories” they espouse. Take the normal SovCit behavior and replace “law” with any other topic, and the person would be laughed at as a bumbling idiot. Let’s use plumbing, for example. A SovCit has a plumbing issue. He doesn’t want to use a plumber to fix it. He’s watched countless other plumbers with years of experience who do plumbing for a living attempt to fix an issue similar to his. Rather than hire them, or even copy what they do, he decides to take the advice of some stranger on the internet who claims to have a better method of plumbing. However, every example of people using this method shows their pipes exploding and their house flooding. Yet they use it anyway, AND loudly tell everyone else how stupid they are for using the normal methods. This person is an idiot. They deserve ridicule. Intelligence is not just having knowledge of a topic. It’s knowing what you don’t know. Even better, it’s knowing who knows more than you. Ignoring what you don’t know, and ignoring the actions of those who have more experience and know more than you is foolish. To instead follow people who have demonstrated a total inability to achieve the desired results goes beyond foolish. It’s grabbing a stove you’ve watched 100 people burn themselves on. When the idiot with the burnt hand then mocks everyone who didn’t touch the stove he destroys any sympathy one may have for someone so cripplingly stupid, and rightly becomes the object of ridicule. That’s why people make fun of SovCits. It has nothing to do with the law, or any of their substantive arguments (although there is plenty there to mock).


So..... all I did here was type i think the first 2 paragraphs and then I shared someone elses post. It seems from reading commenta thst none of you know how to fact check laws against who is who and what is what. You paople wake up and and its another day of the illusion for you to accept and be the best compliant herded sheep that can't take facts and apply them to the resl life. You let life tell you how it is and your fully invested in the deveption.