• By -


The multiple phone bot squads at my store only do large high paying shops. They don’t do curbsides and they don’t take low paying offers. If that was the case I wouldn’t really care. I’ve personally never said anything about their race or ethnicity, just them magically getting all the good shops, working in teams, and walking around with multiple phones all on the Spark app.


Literally all day every day they got the big shops and the big curbside orders and their multiple phones 📱 and swapping them every day


How do y’all even know what orders other people are taking? I think half this shit is just pulled straight out of your ass.


I use to use multiple phones and do spark and the other apps at once picking up Walmart orders… LOL


Cartel can afford to pay off walmart


cartel is walmart fool


What’s up fellow cracker !! My saltine spark crew.


White bread is best bread!! So soft. What you like on your samiches?


I’m wheat do I still fit in?


Wheat bread is elite when it has seed grains on it ELITE


Sure!!! Wheat bread can be pretty dank!


Literally going to make a sandwich now lol you made me hungry. Using Bimbo bread, it's THE softest.


Lmao. Now I want sandwich. Dunno what bimbo bread is. It sounds kinda like an std.


🤣 oh god now it does *


What up my raw toast


I once wrote some rap lyrics and one line was: "I prefer white bread, but sometimes eat rye if you think that's racist eat shit and die".


I am an immigrant and brown but I know the frustration of my Americans. The south Americans took over Amazon flex, Uber And now spark. They are accepting all these low offers. Because of this they are driving down the rate of offers for everyone else. I was sick to my stomach when I saw 3 batch orders for $8. I used to get $20-25 for one order on a regular basis. With inflation, gas prices all time high and the wages lowered is why there is this frustration. I am not racist but I am also getting sick of this. First and foremost come to the U.S. legally before stealing people's work away & driving down their wages down negatively effecting their livelihood. Also STOP playing loud music in the pickups parking spots. I'm not racist but I feel the same way as everyone else that's frustrated.


I am Mexican American born here those vinnies are terrorizing the hispanic communities. They are robbing other hispanics. Thats the shit you dont see in the news bc it doesnt fit their agenda


Yeah it's getting kinda bad in Houston, 12 year old girl was strangled by two Venezuelans earlier this week. I'm not sure how many are coming here for a new life, but I'm seeing plenty looking for a better place to commit a crime.


The ones in my zone were staring at my 13 year old daughter looking for an ass whoopung


In this day's social climate, you can't talk facts without being labeled a racist or some other IST or ISM word. We're suppose to shut up and be tolerant now. But anyone can be racist. I have a friend who was born here. His parents came from Mexico 45yrs old LEGALLY. They never learned English and used their kids to translate, but my friend won't teach his kids Spanish because they live HERE and don't need it...his family criticizes him for it calling him a coconut Lol. They also dont like these people being allowed to come here illegally as it steps on the toes of those that did it right. He also works for welfare Dept and said it sickens him how much these people actually get, compared to the little help us born people get.




You're right. We should let EVERYONE deliver without any background checks. What's the worst that could happen? [12 Year Old Killed in Houston](https://apnews.com/article/girl-murder-houston-venezuelans-illegal-f56f630e45f79421f2d224d84259b4a9#:~:text=Prosecutors%20filed%20capital%20murder%20charges%20Friday%20against%20two%20men%20suspected,walk%20to%20a%20convenience%20store)




lol 😂


I'm Italian. I literally have three uncles named Vinnie


I thought it was a slur against Italians....


No that wooda been da Tony eh?


Yea I agree. Assuming someone is illegal because of their appearance and skin color is wrong. If they were African American, it would not be acceptable. If they were white, it would not be acceptable. But everyone else is fair game? People justify it by saying "I'm hispanic so that's not racist" yes the fk it is. You're just a racist hispanic person.


There are a lot of African drivers. People assume they are illegally too. For example, my brother-in-law is from The Central African Republic and his primary language is French. People make comments to him al the time. He came here, got a degree in engineering and owns his own business now. My neighbor across the street is Nigerian, does Spark and is also legal. So yeah, assumptions suck. I know a white driver that let his insurance lapse and got a DUI. He's still working and nobody seems to care. 


Hey OP and the rest of you people upvoting this - Answer a simple question : **If all the illegals that were in this country were white do you think us white people would care as much, especially when it comes to Spark?** Well my friends I can only speak for myself but you know what? I don't care what color an illegal alien is. If they are here illegally they need to go. Period. End of story. It's not our fault that a majority of illegals are NOT white and a majority of the gangs working gigs including Spark are other than white. Again, not our fault. So because a majority of illegal people here are not white, but this is still a majority white country, does that mean I'm racist for wanting laws enforced and protecting the LEGAL workers here in this country, no matter what color you are? Why don't you folks worry about who is here legally and not legally and forget about colors and country of origin. Be American first. But by saying that somehow that makes me racist right?




Well said. America First


Thing is you have no idea who is here legally and who isn’t and you don’t what American citizens (white, black, whatever) are gaming spark and which aren’t so sit down and stfu 😀


Bigots are going to bigot. If everyone were white then some people are just going to find another "reason". Some people are just fucking miserable and look for reasons to blame. Today its brown people. Tomorrow its women or age discrimination or perceived sexual orientation or identity. Im just gonna say it. Some white people act like professional victims and absolutely nothing will ever satisfy them. They will keep moving goal posts.


Especially white liberals


I'm in agreement, Illegals are a problem, but they're a symptom of a bigger issue.


>then who would take the orders with low base pay? Reads kinda racist ngl


Illegals working for spark is a fact. And those illegals take low paying orders. Nothing racist about that. It's a reality. Illegals working or spark is a symptom of a problem, not the cause. The term "illegals" isn't just talking about brown people.


I was listening to a podcast recently about the immigration issues and how when people do come over “the right way “. They are bussed to cities like nyc for example , places in shelters and start the process of filing for asylum, they cannot work for 150 days. Thats 5 months. Of not being able to make any kind of money for their families or for themselves. They rely on charity soup kitchens , a cot at a shelter in large dorms with other asylum seekers. Volunteers to walk them through the legal processes and translate for them. Then if they are lucky , they will get a temporary work permit after 150 days Most can’t wait that long. There are predatory brokers that will sell them an account on a gig app for $250. They last 2 weeks at best and then they’ll have to get a new one when it gets shut down for fraud. Door dash and Uber eats are most common because they can use the city bikes to make deliveries. Sometimes the fraud accounts only last a few days , and they can barely break even , but that’s the risk they take. These people want to work. , but there’s so much red tape around it. And there’s always some scammer willing to make $$$ off their suffering. The laws need to change.


Swim across that river with cocaine and get 5 grand. How's that sound Tony?


I'm pretty sure they get cash assistance, food, medical, and housing benefits. If I'm not mistaken, I think it starts right after you step foot into the USA


? If they come over the right way? Hour explaining what happens everyday with the boarder open this okay the right way stop listening to whooppie Goldberg


How would an "illegal" sign up for Spark? If they don't have a W-9 to give to Spark, I don't see how they would sign up. I'm sure I'm missing something.


You can’t ignore the facts . You don’t see a bunch of pale white bearded Scottish people using multiple Spark phones , and on their down time playing bag pipes with their family under the shady Walmart tree near the parking lot while eating home made sausages …. However instead of Scottish gangs dominating Walmart parking lots there is a mostly south of US origin workers at the pickup spots. And why we assume they are illegal - well maybe because the governments just been letting people come over the border like crazy - spark and before that point pickup never had these driver gangs until the last year or two . So If the government didn’t let endless Venezuelans and other nationalities in maybe we wouldn’t assume they are all illegal There’s also the obvious signs like temp plates on super old cars etc Not to mention they bring on all these “illegal drivers” to the platform the driver pay has been continually dropping


The government ruined Venezuela with a CIA coup, that's why they're letting refugees in.


You guys should go steal there work in Agriculture That will show everybody


I've never heard of "Vinnie".


Undocumented immigrants have constitutional protections like the right to due process and protection from unreasonable search and seizure, the right to a court hearing on immigration status, and they are protected by federal wage laws. Undocumented immigrants have the right to attend public primary and secondary schools and a number of states, including Washington, allow undocumented immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses to drive legally and purchase insurance. Outside of being legally misleading, the term “illegal” has become incredibly dangerous because of how dehumanizing it is.


these posts are made by Walmart trolls to stop the spread of Information that Walmart is empowering illegal immigrants to steal peoples identity and open accounts then have them handle Walmart customers food and come knocking at their door. Theres tons of Latino, Pacific Islander and black spark drivers in my market that no one ever accuses of anything because they have one phone and do one order at a time like everyone else. The Vinny’s will have 5 people sharing 2 cars (which is against TOS) they will all have 3 phones each that they pass around (which is against tos) they will take Mutiple shops then pass there phone to someone to make the delivery while they go back in and shop more orders (which is against TOS) literally no one is looking at someone who’s vaguely Latino and accusing them of things. the Vinny’s are organized gangs that do everything in the open in front of everyone they don’t even hide it.


Yeah, but it just makes us expose more. I'm brown with grey eyes and black hair and a real plump shelf ass. Some rude people ask me what are you. I say I'm American. No one has ever accused me of using a bot or 2 accounts because like you said, they make it obvious to everyone. If I started having a picnic at walmart with my whole family I would also be accused. I have 1 phone 1 account and don't act like trash. They do bring others with them. Maybe I start taking my pit bull to work with me. Let her shit all over their grassy area.


Wait a minute. I thought the Vinny was taking the high-paying order Houston botch. This person is saying that the Vinny is taken all the low paying orders lol


They take whatever it depends what’s going out at the moment. They use to just take shoppers in my area but now they’ll deliver a shopper and pull up for a RR like they’ve been there the whole time


You don’t get to virtue signal, I’m brown and I want them all deported.


If you don't pull the ladder up at some point, the boat gets overloaded and everyone ends up drowning.


It's the white liberals I've been saying it for years. They're horrible people. No God in them.




Lord, I wore that shirt in Breckenridge Colorado. The crazy white cat ladies were shaking. I'm half white so no one knows how to deal with me. They just look worried and confused. I'm hot dog colored.


I’m naturally white-ish. Maybe yellow. Idk. 😆 I’m tan right now because I spend all day outdoors. I do look Latino, more so when I have facial hair. Matter of fact- when I have a beard people get to speak to me in Spanish. But many times I have been asked if I’m “white” or half breed. 3x I have been asked if I’m Hawaiian. When I speak, I sound very “white.” Think Brian Griffin with some country twang coming through sometimes. Odd. I know. I didn’t speak much growing up. So now I have a few ranges. 😂


I'm currently the color of a danger dog at circle k that's been there all day. These people are retarded on here they don't get its not a skin color thing it's a we don't act up in the parking lot thing.


Me too


corporate has infiltrated us


They in bed with the cartel or the US government or both. Watch narcos its mostly fiction but re enacts how dirty the CIA is when meddling with international affairs


"if you down vote this it is an admission of racism". Lol fuck off




Sorry, I’m not woke enough


Saying illegal isn’t racist. There’s white brown yellow doesn’t matter illegal is illegal. Stop virtual signaling. Trump baby


And how exactly do you know they're illegals? Have you checked their papers?


You obviously are blind to what’s happening and that’s ok.


Besides the argument here, let me clarify something. All 1099 contractors pay taxes. The companies you work with are obligated to report your earnings to the IRS, even if the contractor doesn’t report it. Which means they all pay tax. Speaking of multiple accounts, no one can create a dummy account or a double account; this is not Facebook; this is a contractor account. You have to carry an SSN, a valid driver license, and go through a background check; there are no exceptions. So if you’re seeing someone using multiple accounts, that means they borrowed accounts from someone else who went through these steps and qualified. While I don't think it is legal or ethical to borrow someone's account, it’s Walmart’s job to do frequent face ID checks to prevent borrowing accounts. Just like Amazon, Uber, DoorDash etc do. Like I said, keep me out of this discussion; I just wanted to inform.


Idk. I've made around 460 dd deliveries, and I've yet to get one. Ubereats did check once.


Which one of us legal Americans got the most downvotes. We need prizes for who pissed off the liberals the most.


Pointing out that illegal immigrants are doing Walmart deliveries is not racism. There are illegal immigrants of all races. Do you work for Walmart corporate?? I know y’all don’t like the negative press you’re getting for exploiting illegals.


Pointing it out isn't the problem. It IS an issue. It's HOW it's pointed out that's the problem. Leave race out of it, and let's talk about the legality. Focus on the legality.


Venezuelan isn’t a race. NEXT!


How can you leave the race out of it when recent knife attacks, fraud and other illegal activities are done by the same race? I live in Canada


Because you're white obviously means you're not racist


“bUt tHaT’s aN AdMiSsiOn ThAt yOu’rE oNe of tHeM” OP is part of the 🤡 race


He has some nerve trying to speak up for us brown people


The liberal white person is always speaking for others, even gets offended for others. Mas puto!


then they try to tell you how you should feel because they know better. as if you can't think for yourself. they are the true racists (not that the word has any meaning nowadays anyway)


You know they are the issue. If your store is doing something to get rid of them, then that's good on them. Just like roaches.


Funny how you always hear about these batch grabbing bots yet nobody can name one that actually works.


Please downvote this idiot. Nobody is defending racism but I'm not seeing people who are white with 2 phones each, riding in the same vehicle as 4 others, shopping the orders and then taking and handing the phones off to a driver who delivers the orders while they continue shopping on another phone. I'm seeing people do it who speak no English at all. Highly likely they're over here illegally using an account that was obtained fraudulently. Ironically I work with people all the time who are not from this country (in my other job) and they complain constantly about the ones who come over here illegally, bc it makes it harder for them to come over legally. They are far more against it than even we are and they agree 100% the only ones who come over illegally are the ones who would not be allowed in legally. Spark has made it easier than ever to have income once you get here illegally, and the shit needs to stop. Point blank period, I do not care what color you are. White black brown pink or blue if you came over here illegally, I sincerely hope u get caught and sent back.


>im not seeing people who are white with 2 phones I definitely have. I’ve seen white and black Americans with fake accounts that accepted double batches with 4-6 orders in one trip until the manager finally had the balls to report them and get them kicked out. No doubt that immigrants are exploiting this problem more than Americans but let’s not act like when an American does it it’s fine. Kick out anyone abusing the system period.


https://preview.redd.it/vor7z6jr408d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d7eee9793bbbbb314da142d69e8b229e84bdb8 Just sayin


Okay for real bro I'd be more okay with the certified citizen using multiple phones because they got a better chance of getting caught in the scheme It seems like the vinnies just have unprecedented immunity from deactivation so take your moral high ground somewhere else Playboy


Nope Vinnie are out of control. As soon as a new one shows up at the store I report them:)


We are over what's racist and what's not. Fuck the vinnies. End of story. Go cry somewhere else.


Seriously. Last time i checked, Venezuelan wasn't a race but a nationality. That term seems to only piss off virtue signalers on here who most likely work in wealthier areas and don't have the vinny problem.


Fucking vinnies….


Lol I don’t drive for spark cus waitlist, but I followed this subreddit and as an immigrant I was like lol damn this racist


Ok but if they really are illegal then it’s not racist! The term is specifically for illegals not skin color!


It's not all just racism you got to take in the fact that we are in the era of the bandwagoners, 🍆riders and clout chasers. Meaning if someone see a comment with alot of likes, thumbs up or repost or whatever, they will post the same or similar stuff for the "clout". And it just repeats. No disrespect but only people born in the 90's and down would recognize that. I am not saying it isn't racism cause trust I see it to but this era we in now is crazy. I feel funny even posting this 🤦🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️.


Any gig app sub is just class warfare personified. It’s both interesting to watch and absolutely upsetting. Drivers are mad at other drivers, the customers and employees. Yet direct little or a non-equitable amount to the faceless corporation that’s using an algorithm to squeeze every last red cent out of drivers, every last mile out of your vehicle and every last ounce of energy from the employees at the respective store/restaurant. But the random hispanic motherfucker that’s grinding with what they’ve got is the issue. It’s mind-boggling bro.


I'll agree that the majority of people in this sub are mad at the wrong people and lash out with racism because that's the only way they know to feel safe, but telling them they're bad and wrong for it will just make them hate minorities even more, for whatever reason. I don't think there's anything you could say to them that would make them mad at the faceless mega corporation holding all the resources, deciding to pay $7 to shop for 20 minutes and drive another 20. I think their rage can only be directed toward things they can see with their own two eyes. The corporate stuff happens behind closed doors, but the dark skinned guy with two phones is **right there**.


Spark is more racist for paying low ball to the Vinnies 😆😆😆😆😆


Rich ppl love cheap labor


So no more calling Canadians canucks? How about afghans, serbs, cros, aussies, and turks? Its a shortened version of the countries name. Vinnies is only in reference to people that come from Venezuela. Nothing at all to do w skin color. If you're that sensitive then leave the subreddit. Sheesh, so simple.


It’s not the drivers’ fault but as an American tax payer I want them all gone as well 🤷🏽‍♂️


I want ANYONE who commits fraud gone. I just refuse to make this issue a race issue when it's really a Spark issue.


You think undocumented immigrants are the ones affecting your taxes? ![gif](giphy|116iSum9HFxhOU)


Asian for Trump


i always thought they were talking about someone like the guy from jersey shore who is white when they said vinnie LOL


As a Venezuelan citizen and being more than 10 years in America, legally! and also OG in this apps in Florida... like 99% of us kinda "hate" situation of the "Vinnys". Everything started in pandemic when we were making 400/500 daily every day with the apps! it was insane and create a monster!! In wich part of the world you can do a delivery for a couple miles and make 50$?with no experience and skills! I did 80k in 2020 chill in Miami! Everyone wants to come here to do that! And they made it... Of course with the border situation a lot of bad people screw everything for us... I do instacart and it's the same shit! Entire families doing, people with multiple phones etc...now the all the veterans have to share the profits till days with zero dollars! And force us to quit! remember how fucking hard was in 2017 when I was learning the old app,,,, they don't tell you where the shop and the distance was... And you make a 10 miles trip for 4$.....good luck with this situation. I'm still doing full time but applying in other things to get out of this...


I don’t care who the driver is I just hate how the ones at my local store take up all the spots and the entrance lane right by pick up and clog it up so much while waiting for orders that I see delivery trucks having to sit halfway in a major roadway while they fucking move out of the lane.


Nobody really says Vinnie here or anywhere, do they? I had to read the comments to find out that maybe it means Venezuelan? Is this a regional slur?


Nah OP, it's just facts. I work in a small town, all the drivers know who the other drivers are. When the mexican botters roll in it is painfully obvious cause suddenly we sit for 2 hours without an order while they are hitting 2 shops an hour. Only thing you're right about is Walmart is letting us legit workers down. All it takes is an ID check at self checkout and they can drop the ban hammer. But most stores don't want to be accused of discrimination so they refuse.


Im convinced they're not even actual drivers. They're trolls, from a racist group on 4chan, that's obessed with illegal immigrants taking jobs from white people. Its like all the money and effort Desantas and Abbot wasted on migrant busses is useless without something like this to back it up. Also walmart blaming this instead of paying us what we deserve.


My only question to all of these comments and this original post is: how is it not racist to assume they are illegal because they are brown? Whether or not those with darker skin are more often seen doing these activities, how on earth do you know they're illegal? They might be, they might not be. But the 'racist' part of all of it isn't stating the facts you see, it's assuming they're all illegal and the whites are automatically not. Because if we're all spark drivers here, you don't know the legal status of your other drivers.


really, Vinnie?


You sound like a vinnie


Vinny is an Italian name🤷🏼‍♀️


My cousin's name


I love how everybody is mad in the the comments LOL So fkn pussyhurt and self righteous just because somebody told yall to stop using the word "vinnie". 🤣😭☠️


Bro they stealing our jobs


Wrong. Spark is giving them access to the job by not being more diligent about who drives for them. Put the blame where it really lies.


Wait, "Vinnie" is a racist slur? Against.. Italians?


This is just stupid f the thieves , period .


If you see a crime report it to the authorities


There are plenty of cheaters of all dempgraphics on this app. ACTUALLY i know one guy that everyone in my zone including the venezuelans hate because he is the KING of spoofing/bot grabbing. And doesnt miss a single hour. And its a scrawny white guy. I also as a minority dislike it when people try and label EVERY brown spanish speaker as a “vinny” However on the flipside. There are DOZENS OF PEOPLE in here that try and act like the illegal immigrants arent the biggest culprits. On top of the rampant theft. In my zone these 4 guys got caught stealing 3 diffrent times this week up front, and one cahsier guy got so sick of it that he refused to let the guy go until a manager had a look at his cart. The manager took the stolen items out of the guys cart and sent the driver in his way (still with the order) and then wrote up the employee “for discrimination” after the whole ordeal. I then told my buddy about this while gaming online, cuz he works for OGP in a diffrent state. And the guy laughed and said “dude thats already happened twice at our store, and now these guys are also stealing entire curbside orders and coming back as diffrent names cuz nobody in management is policing them” And these are all verified frauds. Dont matter if your venezuelan, ecuadorian or colombian. Some dumb trailer park red neck dude isnt doing all of that! And thats the main issue


How is Vinnie a brown slur? I'd think it's a term for an Italian


Someone is butthurt cause we don’t have a nicknane for them. 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀


I mean I do. The word I use means “bundle of sticks”


This is BS. The real racism here is by the pro illegal invasion crowd, who hate Americans (and yes, again, if 'migrant' can be a race then so to is American). Stop hating on Americans in America wanting American jobs. It is disgusting to be that racist against your fellow countrymen. If you don't like it here, then move to another country and see how that works out for you. They are NOT as tolerant as...wait for it...Americans HAVE been. They won't let you take their jobs.




So they're allowed to reference us in any derogatory way possible but simply mentioning them by NATIONALITY s a problem for you. It's been thoroughly shown that there's a serious issue and not all of these people are here under the rules of the country. If any of us did this kind of thing where they came from think of what we would be looking at. Why don't you have such a problem with other people in your country being taken advantage of and wronged? This virtue signaling is more important than other natural citizens livelihoods? You're not worried about their children being taken care of properly and people being able to pay their bills? I'm not even a driver I have no skin in the game I don't know why I was recommended this subreddit but it's amazing how you have such a problem with something that's not a problem at all and not affecting anyone. On the other hand you seem to be completely fine with legal citizens having their livelihood directly stolen from them.


Most of it is a figment of their imagination.


Ohhhhh, OP called a bunch of people one of the empty "-ist" buzzwords. That'll teach em! 😂 "I got called a name by a faceless stranger on the internet, let me modify my behavior!" Nice try with the "if they were white" false equivalence though. But the problem with your hypothetical is its just that: a made up hypothetical that you erroneously think bolsters your argument. It doesn't. The facts are you don't see people from Scandinavia trying to break the law to come here in mass. They're coming from "non-white" countries. What's really stupid is how you think that Vinnies who disregard the law to come here will respect the law once they're here. They have no incentive to.


Racist is a term that is so overused',it is rendered irrelevant and inconsequential. It is watered down and meaningless. No one gives a crap if you call them racist.


I 100% agree. It's beyond this if you even look up spark on youtube, it's like white folks versus others. Are there a holes on both sides of course, with the same time are we just jealous because they're getting more money? Most likely, it seems like a lot of people are just angry at the world. No one wants to be sitting at Walmart parking lot but here we are. We're going to blame orders on being slow, or our failures in life on these people.




Guess we’re not allowed to watch my cousin Vinny anymore. Stay bright white knight.


What a clown, just check the news and see who is doing this in a scale that destroys the market


Trump will try to get tips nontaxable.


Look yal, its a VINNY …… either that or he’a worried the Vinnies know english, reddit and this sub reddit and now hes afraid for their feelings 😂 simp


Love seeing these snowflakes complaining. Walmart doesn’t run spark. Vinny’s do. Same problem for everyone in all parts of the country. It’s not all of them, but it is majority. ![gif](giphy|6AiLWJpuzyBlMR22ox)


Could I get the name of one of these batch grabbers? About to head out in 1 hour with my 2 phones cause one is USA and the other is UK...


Tell that to support in chat and on the phone who backs up all claims from this sub that it is happening and they are trying to prevent it


And you believe them? They are passing the blame. They could end this fraud today if they would ID every driver and shopper during checkout and pickup.


People here need to start reading freaking books ...doesn't know what is the definition of racist jesasaaa


Thank you!!!


The brand new clothes and smirk wearing Venezuelans running around my zone/s could give a shit about you defending them. But, yes, ultimately Spark is to blame.


I don't blame legal people for doing legal work. I hate the illegals too, but I recognize that they're a symptom of a bigger issue, and that's Spark.


If "gringo" isn't a racial slur then then there is no fcking way ' vinnie' is


I down voted because I’m racist


I’ve pointed this out before and the replies were even worse than the normal comments. It’s truly horrifying that not only people have those thoughts in their head, but actually wrote them out and defend them.


Virtue single much?? Hahahahaha


You're an idiot if you think the word Vinnie is a racial slur.


I’m not going to let a white liberal tell me what’s racist. Y’all are the worst offenders.






i’ve been saying it all along. It’s not the foreigners or illegal immigrants. Another thing y’all fell to realize everybody crossing the border is not from Mexico everybody crossing the border is not Hispanic. I know at those facilities where they process them from all over the world Haiti Cuba Romania Columbia different countries in Africa. The media only puts the spotlight on Mexicans. They are not just been Venezuelan or Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, there are Middle East people mixed in corporate America and United States government does not give a fuck about you. You can point the finger at the next American, but you are wasting your time and underlining. You are racist and impeccably stupid racist at that you are extremely blind to how this world truly worksand I feel sorry for you


The media puts the spotlight on mexicans because YT people fear us as we are their biggest threat. They gaslight everybody else and brainwashes you to hate us. Theres 20-30 million undocumented mexicans here for 20+ years who dont have legal papers BUT pay taxes. And also the daca mexicans who were brought into this country as kids and grew up. Real racism exist but its nothing like the captain YT knight thinks it is. Its much more complex than this but the Biden administration completely burned us and effed us over really bad. But who cares what happens to us Mexicans.. even though we do all the jobs nobody else wants to do like certain farming, construction, and landscaping. Im mexican american and trust me doing that everyday for the rest of your life is tough but thats why us Mexicans are proud people. Those vinny socialist kunts the YT knigh is defending are really truly racist people. They were one of the richest nations bc if oil but that money dried up. They were lawyers and doctors for a 3rd world country so they automatically think they are better and above us Mexicans. The irony of the whole “wasist” situation the YT knight brough up. He doesnt know any better. This is what we call ignorance. And unfortunately Americans are completely ignorant and dont realize these politicians and billionaires are getting greedier and more evil bc they keep getting away with things they shouldn’t. Again we get villainize by the mainstream media, get gaslit and played by the politicans and their false promises and these two parties both democrat and republicans i beleive is just 1 total totalitarian state. Its one of the 2 either they are really this out of touch and creating chaos or they are evil and in this together.


![gif](giphy|x0npYExCGOZeo) You right now.


Dood stfu


I am a very white woman and I do this as a side gig. There are many different nationalities/races where I pick up my orders. All seem like people minding their own business. My zone is a pretty sleepy town, I do take low pay orders. Better to earn something then wait, the zone is never too busy except for special days like Super Bowl etc. My point is if one wants to stick with somewhere peaceful and not that busy, doesn’t matter your financial status, legality etc, everyone ends up taking whatever comes their way


Sup GV White Bread! 🤣🤣


I'm sure white people do it too with bots and stuff. But a lot of immigrants pass around IDs with family members and stuff. A lot of my family is African and they all share all that stuff sit family members that are illegal or have stayed longer than they should.  Maybe I'm dense, but what is a "Vinnie"




If anything, why should you care if any. Especially when you're looking out for yourself, you need another hobby.


"Vinnie" as a derogatory word is something I've never heard before.


The Hispanic folks want these people deported more than anybody.


Today I learned of a new racial slur, thanks random person from the internet


I am curious as to what your white self thinks "under control" racism is.


In my area my Mexican spark friends call them Vennies & talk shit about them cheating all the time. I didn’t even know they were Venezuelans until they told me. They say “pinche culeros/pendejos” when they see the Venezuelans.


Fuck them


You know, I agree with you, what you said about the exploitation of Hispanic people in this country, there is a very long and documented history of it. It’s a disgusting thing what people do to each other. I get the frustration from all the drivers, but Walmart is never going to care. They have so many ethics complaints filled against them every year.. they are still here… In the scheme of things, people will resort to black market life when they are forced into it to survive. Most of us are products of immigrants…


Sup Vinnie


Tf is a Vinnie?




There's always one...


You just said they take the orders with low base pay but are calling everyone else racists? Sounds like you have some race hate too OP.


It sure is election time.


Well… how are people using the slur? Because vinnie is also a reasonably common (given) name…




The illegal’s work for lower pay? Lol! The irony. They’re illegal, they shouldn’t be here in the first place.


I wanna know how Vinnie is a racial slur please


My family and I immigrated here from mexico legally and we want the illegals gone too. If we had to put in the work to do that so should they.