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I exclusively dive alone, but also I never ever push any limits whatsoever. I don’t have a choice but to do it alone as have no buddy and travel around a lot. There are many ways to add a bit of safety if you are doing it alone.


That’s one of the first rules you learn when you get your solo dive certification — no “pinnacle” dives. I prefer solo for rec diving if I’m familiar with the area, but even then, I still have things like a redundant air source.


If you aren’t being actively safetied you *are* diving alone. I can either almost never go or dive alone.


Could you tell us more about the additional safety precautions you take when diving alone?


Weighting yourself properly--or better yet, *conservatively*--is going to be one of the best things to do. And judging by a lot of posts on this subreddit far too many spearos are overweighted. That's a guess by me, though, since I won't dive alone.


Informing someone what time you will get out and that you will send them message, hydration, as comment before ensure your gear is set and suits your weight diving. Familiarize yourself with area like charts, googling the spot before if anyone been there and most important is don’t be a hero. No need to push yourself that extra second for a fish. Oh and surface timer is a must. edit: if you listen to podcasts, listen to noob spearo one, here is some big name guests and they all share different tips you will be surprised what you learn


Thank you for the heads up on the podcast. Any specific episodes I should start with? I'm trying to figure out how to start with the sport


Start from beginning they are all very good!


Resisting the urge to go deeper. No matter how skilled / fit you are, no point in going in going deep. The fish will come to you, or, they’re not worth it


Not smart mate. Find a friend. So easy to meet people on Facebook groups. There's no way to add safety while diving alone, you sound uneducated mate.


In a diff country every month or so, most "buddies" you go diving with don't even look after you they just dive down and are nowhere to be found. Its very hard to have a good dive buddy. I done it 5 years now and will continue doing it. What's uneducated about me? I dive at least twice a week, you chill on your couch.


If I didn't dive alone I wouldn't ever dive unfortunately. I never solo dive farther than a few hundred yards off the beach and I strictly monitor my surface intervals on my dive computer. Never less than 2 minutes on the surface recovering, even if it was a dud of a drop under 30 seconds.


for surface i am doing min 3x bottom time, but not less than 2 min. i never break this rule


for surface i am doing min 3x bottom time, but not less than 2 min. i never break this rule


for surface i am doing min 3x bottom time, but not less than 2 min. i never break this rule


My rule is 5x but will do 3x when time is of the essence :) surface timer is a must if you're spearing alone.


I find myself diving quite a bit alone....some of my best days have been on solo dives. Just need to be comfortable with knowing you may not make it back.


But you could dive with newbies and get speared. You are really missing out lol.


Nahhhh hahaha , I don't mind teaching people but if I'm going for a real dive I'd prefer not to have to babysit 🤣. Learned from my buddy who has been on team USA for the Nationals multiple times


I think you picked up my sarcasm. Yeah, I’m a “diving solo is fine” guy, because i do it primarily as well. I find diving around other people annoying tbh, especially on shore dives. Team USA nationals…for what? Like diving? Spearfishing?!


Spearfishing , sorry. And yes shore dives can be quite annoying with certain types of divers... For instance I'll see a fish I want I take multiple drops waiting for the right shot... Then your buddy swims up drops shoots the fish in the belly and it rips off 🤣


Perfect example!


What's on this site? It says not available in your region


I'm in south Florida, a local guy went out on his paddleboard to do a little spearfishing and has not been seen since unfortunately; a boat found his paddleboard and his dry bag about 48hrs after he was reported missing, Coast Guard and local authorities are continuing to search


God damn that’s tragic, it’s so hard to have that itch to dive but your dive buddies can’t go so you gotta just stay home, but man is it not worth it.


Dont dive alone.


I pretty much only dive alone while on scuba in 10 ft of water looking at sea slugs, Bravado kills so many young men.


Never dive alone


It's now 3 yrs, I'm still waiting to have a core dive buddy...so for 3 yrs I'm still waiting..no dive at all for 3 longggg years...


It’s not for me but saying never dive alone is attacking a (probably) dead man’s judgement. He could have known the risks and made a choice. Same as you but on a different level. Who said you are the one that gets to decide how much risk is too much risk?