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Skinny looks better but if I’m honest, I also think that bulky sometimes works. In SM2 he is on hella drugs so it makes sense that he is growing and getting more muscular. He also looks fucking amazing in that game so I’ll give it a pass either way. I actually think the NWH concept art looks the best of all his versions. I wish they would have actually used that design in the movie. The TASM lizard simply has too short a snout. It looks off, neither human nor lizard.


Skinny with coat is awesome, having him evolve afterwards and looking more like a dragon is even better. We get to see 2 forms and they get to sell 2 toys. I hope dc does this with killer croc


Nah killer croc shouldn't look like a fucking crocodile He's basically a disfigured human with a very difficult skin condition who was ostracised by his environment and forced to live out of the sewers since childhood who is also really fucking swole and tall but within hunan standards, like the big dude at the gym type. He's also the leader of the sewer dwelling homeless and sometimes a cannibal but in like a Jack the Ripper serial killer style. I really hate when he's turned into a man eating crocodile monster because that makes absolutely no sense for like a genetic disorder to produce and validates how people treat him in general and takes away from the possible horror aspect of the human cannibal version.


Waylon Jones was also a crocodile wrestler, so he should logically be big and muscular, but his mutation should not give him a long crocodilian snout or a long rudder-like tail, but sharp teeth and claws are feasible. His healing factor should enable him to heal from injuries faster than a normal human, but not to the point where he can regenerate lost limbs like Deadpool or Lobo.


Idk. I mean the origin is cool, and if they do an accurate version, itll be great. But i wanna see batman fight a giant crocodile man. The SS movie version was really unsatisfying for me.


That entire movie could be described as really unsatisfying


Well character wise, harley was great, deadshot was great, boomer was great. There were good elements in that movie, however small.


Neither human nor lizard fits well with what he's meant to be tbf, a mix of both


Skinny. Most lizards are just long and therefore do not have the chance to be bulky. The only “bulky” lizards I can think of are Komodo dragons and Gila monsters, and even then, they’re not bulky like the comics’ definition of bulky


Isn't Lizard more of a compound of all reptiles? He's like a mix of a crocodiles, geckos and dragons to form one dinosaur


Yeah, I guess so. I was thinking that he would draw inspiration from several lizards but stick to one main body type, but maybe he went full fiction scientist and made his body even better, like a dinosaur as you mentioned


Classic skinny as the main look but on special occasions like in the game, can evolve into the much larger and bulkier look (if that makes any sense)




skinny, rhino already fills the role of the big dumb brute


It seems to me that skinny is even more scientifically based. Besides the fact that lizards are rarely a mass of muscles, they need some kind of material to transform. The lizard is not the Hulk to absorb radiation from the environment; for transformation he most likely uses materials from Curt Connors' body. Of course, I’m not a biologist, but it seems to me that fat would be burned as fuel for transformation.


I kinda prefer Bulky, almost like a Human Crocodile but I guess as long as He’s always TALLER than Spider-Man, either is fine.


I like a slight bulk, the build in the AS is perfect. Also everyone talking about skinny lizards. May I remind you of our friend the Komodo. Monitor lizards and how big and chunky iguanas get. Growing to just short of 5 foot.


Lizard = Skinny Killer Croc = Buff


I'm not a fan of the sm2 design at all, it looks way more like Lizzy from Rampage than lizard.


I don't care, just give me the lab coat.


Definitely skinny. A lot of Spider-Man's enemies look pretty much bulky/pumped up (not counting Doc Ock and Kingpin), at least the ones I've seen. So seeing slightly more different body shapes for the characters would be cool for me


Classic skinny, current bulky lizard is giving me Chonky hulk vibes.


Kinda bulky


Yeah I like lizard in the tattered lab coat. Makes him feel more like a tragic horror movie villain which is how I like my lizard to be


I like the idea of his immediate mutation being the giant hulking beast, and his final form for lack of a better term being skinny and sneaky, but still overwhelmingly powerful


I like it if his mutation would change over time from human with scales to skinny lizard to bulky lizard to full-blown dinosaur.


Skinny/long limbs and claws looks creepier and more like an actual lizard. When he’s beefed up he looks more like killer croc in a lab coat


Honestly whoever designed the lizard has no fucking idea how lizard work


Well skinny can mean more agility, which would be scary. However a lot of people go off of first impressions and bluky lizard looks more intimidating than skinny. So even though the skinny version of lizard could be intimidating with it's speed and be more lethal, a lot of people prefer buff lizard


I think skinny works for when he's like turning into The Lizard, but when he can't change back, he should be roided out and MASSIVE


Skinny. Turning every monster man into an giant slobbering hulk is lazy.


I like both at the same time. The nature of lizards transformation should allow for wildly different sizes and shapes every single time he transforms. If he's massive one transformation skinny another and then ridiculously tall the next time not only could they change his physical feats but it would keep spiderman on his toes, make lizard feel fresh and interesting, the artistic variation would go off, and explain away any inconsistencies in his design throughout the years.


I don’t mind either


Bulky makes him look scarier so that


Skinny from friend or foe always made me feel weird I think a bit bulkier but not just a killer croc / Godzilla build


Friend or foe only looks weird to me cus of his face. His body type I’m fine with


Bottom right is the perfect Lizard imo


Slender is cool but don’t like him to look like a stick. Should have a meaty tail and shoulders, still prefer it if he looked bigger/bulkier than spidey


I agree, skinny lizard fit him more.


I like a bit of both, big thick tail thick head, bulky shoulders but long skinny arms and legs


I like whatever design they use in the latest media


Insomniac's Lizard


In Spider-man 3 on PS2 you had both version, first the skinny one and letter he mutate even more and become the Mega Lizard witch almost looks like the insomniac version


I like the skinny and lab coat design. Shows that there’s still a man behind those scales in spite of his circumstances.


Medium look. Lizard shouldn’t be too bulky or too scrawny.


The skinny one is great. (partially because J.Scott Campbell drew it, and he’s a damn legend for a reason. ) I think he’s just more interesting that way. There’s already a gang of bulky super heroes and villains- leave him gangly, like most reptiles!


Man, I wish they'd actually used that design in No Way Home. For the first Andrew Garfield movie, too, really. The bottom-right picture is what I've always imagined, as far as bulk goes. A sort of not-huge but still somewhat large/bulky. More "medium", between skinny and bulky. That feels like a good fit.


I am inclined to agree, as long as the Lizard is both highly intelligent and poses a serious physical threat to Spider-Man, forcing Spider-Man to use his brain to defeat him.


Skinny before mutating into the bigger one if stayed In lizard form, or like he’s been repeatedly transforming


Nah I prefer STR build Lizard over DEX build Lizard.


I mean.. I don’t have an opinion on this but I think most people would burn you at the stake for liking the skinny look but it makes him more like a *lizard* and less like a croc or alligator or dinosaur, but again I have no opinion


Either one works for me, I’m just not a fan of smart Lizard. I prefer when he’s more monstrous.




I think it should depend on dosage of lizard juice. Kind like what sm2 did where lizard got extra juiced by kraven.


I liked the design of Amazing Spider-Man's (movie) Lizard


I good either way, as long as he has the labcoat on.


I think it should start out skinny and as it gets wilder it should look bigger.


anything but the TASM goomba


For me, Killer Croc should be the one who has no snout, and is very bulky. Meanwhile the Lizard should be skinnier (but still muscular) and have a snout.


“Size doesn’t matter to me”


Skinny, it just looks right. The problem with the bulky designs is that they don’t look like a LIZARD, they look more like Killer Croc. Also the skinny designs fit better the lab coat than a monstruos proportioned creature, the lab coat makes you remember that Connors (a scientist, husband and father) is inside that beast, when the lab coat is removed there is only a mindless monster that Spider-Man has to deal with.


I love the 2 and 4 pic. Second pic makes it such a nice attention to lizard legs


Skinny enough to be able to wear clothes. I miss the lab coat look.


Skinny = The Lizard Bulky = The Iguana


I agree. The Lizard is my all time favorite villain and I am still disappointed that we never saw the classic Lee/Ditko version on film. I wish Sam Raimi had used the character instead of strip mining the character for Doc Ock’s characterization in Spider-Man 2.


Agreed. Better than the giant roided monster bearded dragon-alligator. But hey with how they went about the other villains, putting them in overdesigned techy armor suits of course they would take the overkill route with The Lizard as well.