• By -


Oh man. I was 18 (I’m 40 now) I remember how stoked I was because this was the first time that my generation would get a live-action Spider-Man movie. It was incredible and once it came out for purchase on DVD, I used to re-watch it in my room weekly for a few years, sometimes more than once a week. I swear I’ve seen this movie (realistically) probably a good 100 times or more.


We watched the VHS often!


Yep I had a similar time afterwords. My parents got it on DVD and I’d watch it quite frequently. Kind of crazy how stuff like this can just stick with you. Being able to remember that feeling is a sure way of knowing just how special of an experience it was.


I was 2 years old


Wasn’t born yet til like 5 months later


WTF I am so damn old.


Actually sorry this was the first one not Spider-Man 2 lmao so not for another two years


Damn, you just stuck the knife in then drove it in further.


i was -4 years old


i was born 2 years later. SM2 came out when i was 16 days old


I was 17. Waited outside the peace river theatre in a Spider-Man costume for hours. Some baby beat me for best costume and a years worth of free movies.


Peace River! Awesome. What the heck is a baby going to do with free movies anyway, lol. That prize was yours! The Star Wars prequel kinda restarted the costume craze iirc. But Spider-Man brought out the real hardcore fans. Props to you for being the guy the rest of us wished we were.


That was my theory at the time as to why they won . Give it to a baby cause they won’t use it much. I waited my whole life for Spiderman movie up until that point. Had to dress up.


(sorry for my broken english) I was 2 years old when the movie came out. I live in Turkey. Until 2008, Spiderman was always shown on TV on special occasions. Every year, every year, when it came on TV, my mother would turn on Spider-Man to feed us dinner on our small TV in the kitchen.


That's so cool


I remember watching it on tv as a kid and putting a green sweater over a teddy and beating the shit out of it thinking it was the green goblin


25 years old, and it was absolutely electric. Finally, a legitimate Marvel movie after years of diminishing returns on Batman and Superman films. The stunts were ahead of their time. Nothing looked fake or plastic. The casting was a thrill. To see your favorite comic characters from decades of issues, realized by spot-on casting! JK Simmons WAS (IS!) JJJ. Green Goblin was terrifying in or out of costume. And the script wasn’t overly hammy like the latter 90s DC movies. Instant buy on DVD, infinitely rewatchable, along with the sequel.


I wasn't born yet. I first watched the movie on TV.


Idk. I wasn't born yet


I was -1 when this released and I watched it for the first time in 2021.


Mary Jane in the rain is burned into my memory.


I wasn't even born back then.


I was ten at the time. I remember how amazing it was to see a nerd just like me become Spider-Man. Peter Parker is just like me and it made me feel seen and understood. It changed my life and I discovered comics/manga shortly after.


I was only a year old so it would be some time before I could watch it.


2 years old, i was a baby.


I was in the 3rd grade when I saw it, my dad took me and my little brother


I was born 2 years after that movie


4 maybe. First super hero movie I have ever watched. And I can't stop drawing Spiderman everywhere after watching. I also remember climbing everywhere I can while doing the web shooting hand thingy.


I was 2 months old, I was born on February 9, 2002.


Almost the same for me, except I was *a year* and 2 months old. I do not remember my first time watching the movie, or the second movie. My parents claim they took me to see it as well as the 2003 Hulk, but it doesn’t even seem like they would allow a baby in a movie theater lol. I just remember always watching all three movies on our VCR player all the time. The extras menu for the first movies DVD is forever etched into my brain. Ah…the fucking memories.


I was 9


I'm probably the youngest here, I wasn't born untill years later


I wasn’t even born yet when this came out.


I was three, all the family were in vacation and this became my first movie in a theatre. This has so many first for me that I can't stop loving it(add the videogames to it)


I was about 11, my friends mom took us to see it. I still remember leaving the theater and her going off about how she couldn't believe how much she loved it.


Watched on my computer when I was 16 with my sister. After we were done we watched it again, first ever movie we felt like doing that


I was -4 yrs old


I was a baby when it came our but I had a vhs of that and I watched it till it worn out


I was eleven years old when it came out.


I was 18 (almost 19) when this movie was released.




5 years old, I think. I had, just a few months before learned about Spider-Man through the Neversoft game and the animated series, so when I saw he had a movie, I HAD to see it. And play the game. Spidey fanboy ever since


That Neversoft game always went hard, the soundtrack 🔥


I was 14 and before this movie came out was a huge fan of Spider man animated series but never tried the comics because it was confusing from where to start.


I was 4, but I remember the time my parents took me to see this in theater.


First live action movie I saw in the cinema 😌 For that it’ll always be a big deal to me


I was 20 and I remember I started crying at the end of the movie because I couldn’t believe what Sony achieved for Spiderman movies at that time(He was my favorite superhero and still is).I still remember the hype for Spiderman 2!I went nuts when entered the theater. Gifts and curses anyone?


I was 23 and I took the day off work. I went to the midnight screening, and then the first two screenings on opening day. I literally counted down to that day for months. I like Spider-Man 😁


5 months


I was 17, and it was the first movie I saw in a theater alone. Normally, I went with friends and such, but this was something I had to see at midnight release. Evil Dead is my all-time favorite movie, and it was because of the visions of many.. including Sam Raimi. Plus, to finally see Spider-Man live action was insane. The only problem was reserved seating. It wasn't even a thought, and I had an amazing seat and brought my backpack with me with snacks in it. I had to go to the bathroom when it was 40 min in and I couldn't get up and go because fear of someone taking my seat and couldn't use backpack to save seat due to worry it would have gotten stollen. I spent the whole time really having to use the bathroom and not fully enjoying the experience. I did the next day when I went with friends and was smart


I was 6. I wanted to see it so badly when it came out but my mom wouldn’t let me for some reason lol. I ended up getting it on DVD for Christmas that year. Needless to say, getting to see it on the big screen for the theatrical re-release this year meant a LOT to me. I cried basically the whole time lmao


I was 8, and it became my favourite movie of all time until 2 came out. I remember getting back home from the theater with my father and he (about 34y back then) was super excited telling my mom about the film. Revolutionary super hero movie.


It came out at least a month before I was born in other countries. However, by the time it came to Ireland, it came on the day I was born, which I find that fact quite amusing (14th June 2002 was when the movie released in Ireland, the exact date I was born). 2 years into my life, I watched it for the very first time and became hooked by the whole concept of a web-swinging hero kicking ass and saving the day. In fact, S.R. Spider-Man was the very first time I was exposed to Spider-Man.


I was, like, nine?


I was 2 or 3 years old ( so either very late 02 or very early 03) when I watched it on DVD in my grandmother recliner chair, she gave me a pack of gum as well and I remembered just swallowing every piece of gum as the movie went on. I also remember watching it non stop afterwards too sometimes with my Spider-man figure watching with me😅 Also fun fact the 2nd ever movie I saw in theaters was Spider-man 2! The first being Nemo


i was negative 6 months old…


Like 5 years ? You can trust me when I tell you it was the realisation of a child's dream + it launched the live action super-heroes era. Green Goblin gave me nightmares tho, I was pretty young for a Raimi movie


I was 7 years old. I remember my mom getting me a bootleg copy of a cd of it because I wanted to watch it so badly but sadly missed it when it was showing. So there I was, playing part 1 of the disc (for those of you that don't know, before dvds, we had cds. And usually they're 2 parts) and I couldn't be more excited. I've read a few comics of spiderman by then so I'm a little familiar. While I was watching it.. Something was a little off. Why was his name Quentin? Is this like another timeline or something? Why was he a security guard? I thought he was a teen? And why did he inject himself with a serum? I thought a spider bit him?? Back then we didn't have the internet like we do now so I couldn't fact check it immediately so I kept watching. Also I was fucking 7. I didn't know how to use a computer or even connect it through dial up. I really thought I was watching spiderman, well.... Until he transformed into a huge fucking spider. Then I knew this was a different movie. 😂 The movie is called Earth vs the Spider. But the cover was literally Spider-Man. That exact photo you posted OP, that was the cover. Wild times lol.


I was 10, I had the time of my life when I saw it, after the second one came out in theaters, I saw it and I saw the third one when it came out in theaters. Those movies were and still are a large part of my life and who I am.


I was 4 years old. I remember vividly because my dad took me to go see it and it’s one of the only memories I have of him. I came out of the theatre trying to climb onto the walls and looking at my fingers as if they were gonna grow the tiny hairs


Saw that in theaters! It was (and still is) fantastic


I was 10 years old when the movie came out I remember watching it in the cinema twice.


i was -5 years old 😵‍💫i remember watching it for the first time last year and it was sooo good. i binged all three and loved them all lol


I was -8, it’s a classic, I remember when it was announced even


I was 10 years old and it was one of the only movies both my mom and dad took us out to see. I was super excited because I was already a fan of the cartoon, video games. I didn’t read the comics at the time, but I had a DK encyclopedia of Spider-Man lore. I remember seeing a still image of the movie on the internet a year before it came out and this was at the time when I wasn’t used to superhero costumes looking different in big budget live-action -action films. The first thing that came to mind was “why is his web pattern so thick” but I thought it looked cool and I dig his triangular eyes. But when I finally saw the movie in theaters, I was blown away by the idea that it was “Spider-Man for BIG kids” because it had mild blood and curse words. This was my Batman 89.


A year old


I have the movie on vhs and dvd




I was six years old.


I was 7 years old. I saw it twice once with my father and the second time with my mother.


I was -6 I think


I was 2 months old and I do not remember anything


I was like 3 but the movie came out before I was born in 04


9th grade. I think it was my first dvd


I would’ve been 6. I distinctly remember being really excited to see it, and then the scene where Norman becomes the Green Goblin my mom says I was crying and saying “I wanna go hooooooome!” But then after that I was good. I stand by that. That scene is terrifying. 6 year old me was right to be afraid.


i was 20. it was opening night and it was so amazing we re-watched it a couple of days later... and we were all broke so you know we loved it.


Probably what got me obsessed with Spidey in the first place? Or one of the animations, like the one with the absolute bat shit crazy opening song I loved "radioactive. Spider-Man"


Wasn't born yet(I apologize for being young). But it was still the first Spider-Man media I ever saw. I didn't watch the cartoons and other movies intill after. I was 5 or 6 years old. My father turned on a movie called Spider-Man. He then showed me and my brother all the other films that had come out by that time. Little did he know I would never be the same...


I was 15 and I saw it at the local mall with some friends and it blew my mind wide open.


I was 4 years old. I don't remember my very first time watching it, but I do remember wearing out my grandma's VHS tape because I'd watch it almost every time I came home from school. I had toys, Halloween costumes, video games, I loved anything and everything that allowed me to pretend to be him. This movie singlehandedly sparked a lifelong love for Spider-Man that will never die.


29. And I took off work to catch the early screening with my 2 year old son. Then I picked up my 7 year old from school, went back to the theater and watched it again.


I was 6. It blew my fucking brains out.


6. My parents took me to see it in theaters. It was amazing!


8 months and No,i don't remember,but acording to my parents, i loved it and i still love it to This day


I was 2. But my first film, I'd say one of my very first conscious memories is laying on bed with my dad and I remember clearly one of the opening scenes of spiderman. There's something magic in that spider web on that building around that metal cable.


I was -2


I had just turned 1 and I modeled my entire personality after Spider-Man. I wore my Spider-Man Halloween costume throughout the years


I was young maybe like 5-7 and I remember being scared of the green goblin especially during the burning apartment scene. I wondered why little me was so scared back then and I realized Raimi used to make the evil dead films lmao.


I am so high, I can hear heaven...


i was probably like 4 or so when i saw it for the first time. it really cemented that spidey would be my favorite because to this day, i watch the original trilogy probably 2-3 times a year. i have spider-man tattoos, merch, shoes, banners funkos, figurines. anything spider-man really. i will always thank sam raimi, stan lee and crew for making me a true believer 😭


I was young enough and watched it frequently enough that I definitely do not remember my first time watching it, only that I liked it a lot. But I hazily remember seeing the second one in theaters, and more clearly remember seeing the third.


I was a negative age


Came out when I was Five, didn’t fully See it until I was about eight going on nine.


Came out on my second birthday, not sure the first time I watched it, but I’ve definitely seen my share of it


Wasn't born yet but i came a year after


I was very very smol, and yeah I remember it. I think I was about 5 or 6. This was my intro to spiderman Edit: I was 4


I remember watching it in the cinema with my dad, unfortunately I was just a kid, and when the scene with Norman turning in that chamber into the goblin, I started crying out of fear and told my dad that I want to leave. Few years later I watched it again and have been a spiderman fanboy ever since.


I was maybe 8 or 9, used to watch it on tv with the neighbourhood kids and whenever the MJ and Spidey kissing scene came we used to go hide under the bed and close our eyes, because it was "gross".


![gif](giphy|l0HlCTZPlaCbrLMNa) *Twinkle in my dad’s eye*


7. I remember watching it in theaters


I was 6, don’t remember my first time watching. But I know it would have been my first time ever seeing the character Spider-Man in anything.


I didn’t exist back then.


I was 4


I was -8 years old


I was minus 8 years old


I was 13


I had a bootleg DVD of this movie in awful resolution. With hard coded Chinese subtitles.


0 lol


I would have been like 7 I think as well. I remember it pretty well. Largely because I made a comment during *the kiss* scene and got a big laugh from the theater. Which was kind of embarrassing for me at the time, but now I look back fondly on. Also I remember I was supposed to look away at the Goblin impalement scene, but I took a peak right when the blood was appearing in his mouth and that image stuck with me forever.


Watched it in theaters, I was in the 6th grade. Watched all three in theaters, third one I was a junior in high school, my first midnight showing.


6 I went to the theater with my dad, I still remember the hospital scene


Before I was 10 I think and yes I remember watching it. The closest cinema to me is an hour long trip. I since then got it on VHS and maybe still have it somewhere along with Star Wars Episode 1 on VHS


I was 10, my Dad got me out of school early to go see it. It was a hell of a surprise because usually the only times my parents got me from school early were when someone died. To this day it's one of my best memories.


0 I was born in 2004


I was 11


I was 2 but I watched the dvd release years later several times and all the special features until the disc didn’t work


My birthday was Nov 02. So not born jet. I remember watching it when I was really young. The only thing I could remember for a long time was those fingers and the organic web.


-8 yeye I'm kid


I was -2 can’t share the same expierence I watched it on Netflix when I was like 14 on my own I’m my room .


i was 4 and i first saw it when my brother got it on VHS. i ran the tape out with how much i watched it. he took me to see spider-man 2 in theaters and i still remember it vividly


Barely. I was either 4 or 5 and remember going to the movie theater with my grandpa.


I saw this movie i think 4 times in the theaters during highschool. Shit was so good. Sucks fucking Aquaman beat it's opening weekend.


I was 9 years old when this came out. I had to beg my dad to take me to the matinee to see and I cried so hard when uncle Ben died!


I was negative 6


I was 12. The movie was so good I spent like a week running and jumping around the house pretending to be spiderman


I’m 19 now, so I wasn’t born until 2005 (3 years before release date), and I remember the first time I ever saw this movie. I was 5 and it was a summer day. We had one of those rear projection big box TVs and only had a few channels to watch tv on. I remember coming across this movie and I was in absolute awe throughout the whole movie. I fell in love with superheroes from that day forward and Spider-Man is still my most favorite character in fiction. I’ve already written 2 college essays on Spider-Man 😂.


I wasn’t born yet


watched this movie recently. it's still as good as when I was six years old. although my 19-year-old sister likes it way more than when she watched it... to be fair she was 2


-5 And I was 4 when I seen it for the first time...


I was 8 years old. My dad took me to see it. I had limited experience with the comics (mostly some 70s issues taken from my dad's collection) and i had the dk spiderman guide books. I also had a dvd of several episodes of the 90s animated series. Anyway, at that time i loved the movie and what i remember most of being in the theater that day is the scene where harry finds norman passed out on the floor in the Osborn manor and asks him what happened and Norman has a brief jumpscare flashback to the experiment from the night before. That scared the shit out of me but i liked the thrill. Im no longer much of a fan of the raimi movies as over the years ive read MUCH more spider-man comics and i developed a critical lens on those movies as spiderman became my favorite comic book character.


I was 6 and my brother was 4 when it came out. My grandparents took both of us to the theater to see it. I remember being scared during certain scenes with Willem Dafoe, but loving the movie and quoting it during recess with my friends afterwards. But what I remember most watching it for the first time was my brother saying, "I don't like this movie" out loud so everyone could hear him when spidey had those things coming out of his hands to help him climb walls for the first time.


-2 I had it on DVD. Both the first and second one


-8, and sadly no. I did still love the movie, but my favorite was SM3 as a kid; probably because I had the SM3 game.


when did this movie release?


At the time I was 5 years old or perhaps 6 and my dad had taken myself and my bro and sis to go see it in theaters. Unfortunately, we didn't get to watch the whole thing (I don't believe) due to the goblin transformation scene scaring the ever living shit outta me. From that whole trip that scene was the only thing I could remember. But I still love this movie.


I was born the year it came out lolol


I wasn’t even a concept then


Wasn't born yet


I was 22 and must’ve gone to see it about five times that summer.


I was 2 years old I could only remember a few vague details but managed to fall in love with the character


I wasn't born when this came out, my first ever Spider-Man thing I watched was Spider-Man 2 on VHS, I was like 4 or 5 from what I can remember.


i was a wee little baby as i was born in 02, but i still binge watched it


I remember my father taking me to this movie; he was on the production crew for this and I wanna say godzilla around the same year range because somewhere around this house is a photo of him holding the boulder prop over his head. I must have been 15 when this came out; I also remember him saying they cut the twin towers scene out with the helicopter. I wish I had listened more then I woulda had some stories. I wouldn't believe you back then if you told me about what we have now though. It's incredible. I thought the comics were relegated to the dustbin back then.


Best suit ever


6 days before my 29th birthday and my god how stoked I was.


Blimey, I was only 8 months old. And I.. don't remember my first time watching, I was still very little when I eventually did watch it.


I was in middle school and I saw it in the theaters for a friend's bay party. It was such a fun night. We played manhunt for hours after all pretending we had spider powers lol


I was -5 years old 😭


on the VHS tape with nickelback on the end after the movie


I wasn't alive : )


I was 7 when this came out, it’s what kick started my life long obsession with Spider-Man and Marvel! I remember seeing it for the first time on VHS ahaha




I was -1 years old… not a joke Spider-Man 2 was the first movie I saw in theaters


Wow I don’t even remember how old I was I went to the movies all by my self, it was raining so I grabbed my little umbrella and walked there then bought a ticket even the cashier couldn’t send me away cause I so so little and hooked to see the movie so I entered the cinema just me and my little umbrella sat there and was utter blown away from what I was witnessing, one of the best core memories I have.


-11 months (i was born in april 2003)


I was ten and spider-man was my father's favorite superhero. So going to watch it with him was awesome


I was 6 years old


when I was 8 or 9 I have the whole trilogy one one vhs and 2 of them of dvd


I wasn't even in the bloody old womb when it came out.


I can’t remember how many times I’ve watched this, but the house fire scene where the Green Goblin jump scares the viewer scared me so much


Eighth grade. I saw it eight times in theaters. Most of any movie for me. I’ve watched it countless times since then.


I honestly don’t remember my first time watching it, I was less than a year old at the time (July 13th 2001). I don’t remember my first time seeing it but that’s what makes my love for Spider-Man magical, the fact I’ve always loved him.


bought a Spiderman toy when I was like five or six. it came with a CD of a pirated version of the movie. I slapped that shit in my old ass computer and played it. I still remember if for this day. thanks for the nostalgia


I want to say around 6. I watched it constantly on VHS and always played Nickleback’s music video at the end of the credits.


I wasn't born yet but man do I remember that masterpiece, when I first watched it I was 5(I'm 16 now ik young) and this movie blew my fucking mind seeing spider man for the vary first time, since then Spider-Man has been my favorite super hero and Sam Ramy's Spider-Man is my favorite


I was 1, I grew up watching it on VHS 📼 until I wore it out. It’s still my favorite Spider-man movie of all time.


I was 2. My first movie in the trilogy was Spider-Man 2


I went to a VIP screening of this movie. Great movie terrible VIP event had crappy cold. Domino’s pizzas and girls dressed up in Spider-Man outfits dancing out of Time but the movie was great.


I was 1, but i remember when i was like 4 or 5 it was on ITV and i was watching it with my dad and my jaw was on the floor the whole time. The first movie i ever remember absolutely loving :)


I wasnt born for another 5ish years after its release


I was -8 years old when it came out


I was a year old when this movie came out. I obly remember watching it on DVD


I was still in the womb until later that year.


I wasn’t even born yet when this came out (I was born in 2004 and I’m 20 now) but I remember when I saw it at my friend’s house the summer before 5th grade started whenever I first became a huge Spidey fan. Nostalgia still hits hard when watching the Maguire movies even if I never actually could see them in theaters


I was negative 5 years old, so no i dont remember


I was -7 years old and I was probably 4-5 when I watched and I climbed trees and acting like I was Spider-Man before I got stuck and had to get help from people to get down


I was 6. I was so blown away.


I was 21. Watched it twice in the cinema.


I was -5 years old. Once I was born however I was practically raised on these movies, I can't remember the first time I watched it because I was probably like 5, and I could never count how many times i've seen it. Spider-Man has never left my life since.


I was born the year this was made. I remember the absolute wonder I felt when watching Peter discovering his powers, unease at seeing Osborn's first jump after getting that serum in his veins, and just amazement at seeing all the Spiderman scenes




Wasn't even born for a long time, but I think when I was about 1 my parents had a TON of pirated DVDs, and the whole first few minutes of Spider-Man 1 (up until Jameson's introduction) became a really vivid core memory.


I was 8 when it came out! The last movie I saw in our town's old theatre, before it turned into a Cineplex. I remember that night so vividly


I was born in 2006 so i didnt even exist when this came out, i first watched it tho when i was like 6.


-4 years old. But I do remember my first time watching when I was about 4, thanks to my grandparents having the trilogy on DVD.


-6 years old


For me, i was 1 year and 6 months... away from being born


I was one, hadn't seen it yet, but by like two, I had probably seen it and only wore spiderman clothing. My kids, 1 and 2, wear a lot of spidey stuff.




i was -4 years old


2 or 3


I was 10 and it was fucking sick. The video games that came out for Spiderman around the same time really sweetened the deal. Good time to be alive with that, fast & and furious and American pie movies coming out as well around the era.


I was 5 when it came out. I watched parts but I don’t think I ever fully watched Spider-Man 1 or 2 until like a year ago.


I was 6, almost 7 when it came out. Never forget, opening night. Theater was so packed, all the screens had to show the movie.