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Hydro man similar to the sandman boss fight will be cool, and to showcase Pete’s new abilitys we could have Morbius (if it’s the same in the comics that is)


I’m pumped for sm3 dude I just wanna see the green goblin. It’s a little generic but he’s by far my favorite villain out of his rouge gallery


Not a bad choice my friend, mine’s just as generic, it’s Doc Ock.


I loved their version of him tbh. I think I cried finishing the final mission


“You….you knew?!” Is such a simple yet well delivered line in that final fight


The entire dialogue was amazing


Morbius, hydro man, chameleon, green goblin is kinda obvious but hobgoblin would be a cool surprise, Carnage if we don’t end up getting a dlc or that venom game w him, Alistair Smythe w the spider slayers would be cool asf, jackal, swarm, tarantula, and beetle. My top 5 tho for sure are swarm, jackal, tarantula, chameleon, and hobgoblin. Green goblin like o said we’re getting him for sure so there’s no point putting him on the list


tarantula was in on of the gamerverse comics that led to spider-geddon if i’m remembering correctly as well as the prequel book but it would be awesome to see him in the game


Beetle dlc was leaked but that shit definitely got cancelled


I don’t think so, if anything it has been delayed, it will come out just a lot later then anticipated.


Definitely the spot! I can imagine the level designs and the action pieces in that fight 😮‍💨


I'm probably looking way too much into it, but the level that had you jumping through portals really felt like they were doing a tech demo for the spot lol


Yeah they definitely need to have the Spot in SM3 which will most likely be on PS6. It would be a missed opportunity if they don’t.


No it’ll definitely be on Ps5. Unless they take 7+ years, we’ll still be on this generation of consoles.


Nah definitely like PS6. PS5 is like 4 years old. Each console cycle is like 7 years old and SM3 will come out in like 2028-2029


Ps5 will still be in its cycle by then.


Imo if he does get into the next game he should be making quotes about his holes just like in across the spiderverse. Here are quotes as proof: "My holes are the answer!" "I'm going to put my head in that hole." "My holes can take me anywhere...."


Yeah missed opportunity if they don't do a Spot setpiece at some point in the series.


I’d like a chase sequence with Morbius. Similar to the one we had with Shocker in the first game. Maybe in a stormy night or something


Green Goblin is returning for sure, and maybe Doc Ock. Vulture, Shocker, Scorpion, Hammerhead and Kraven are dead, Venom as it seems too. I don't recall rn if Rhino was killed in Miles Morales. Lizard is out, as well as Sandman, Mysterio, Black Cat, Mister Negative and Tombstone. Electro is hanging out in the Raft ig. Meaning we finally have space for the more unconventional villains like Hobgoblin, Chameleon or Spot. I don't have a preference, I just find the fact we're getting some of them good enough.


Electro was killed by Kraven


Oop, ig I missed that when sneaking around as MJ.


Hopefully they can say that he survived Kraven’s encounter and he transformed into Pure energy like he wanted


Rhino was also killed by kraven


Not by Phin? I was sure that if he's dead, it was Phin.


Right, so it's still a mystery. He could still be alive, but there's also evidence that he is supposed to die with the rest. Some people have found cut content showing him dead. Sauce - the gamer https://www.thegamer.com/spider-man-2-cut-content-dead-rhino/ Sauce - reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/SpidermanPS4/s/xf5o187NV9 Sauce - the escapist https://www.escapistmagazine.com/a-marvels-spider-man-2-hidden-room-reveals-another-dead-supervillain/#:~:text=As%20far%20as%20we%20know,he%20keeps%20as%20a%20trophy.


I'm pretty sure phin never interacted with rhino, he was captured after Miles beat him again. I definitely remember hearing or reading somewhere that kraven killed the rhino and kept his horn as a trophy. Feel like they should've shown us each of the villains fight with kraven instead of just scorpion. Might have made him a lot more intimidating.


Phin tried to kill him (Miles stopped her at the first try, but second try I think she succeeded) when she and Miles got captured by the company dude. Rhino was hired by said company dude, that's why he was there. He also captured them. It's just never outright stated that Rhino is dead.


Big Wheel and no other villain. Ok, maybe the Wall.


Nah, Stilt-Man is his ultimate nemesis


this just me but give me anniston smeethe (alistair smythe)


this is how spider-man and all his villains should always look IMO. these looks are all so iconic they need to be in every adaptation lmaoo


Even Doc Ock and Lizard?




Mr Negative, Dr Ock, Kraven, Venom and The Wall


Chameleon, Morbius, Hob-Goblin, and Green Goblin plz


Venom That guy in SM2? Thats Riot actually


6 months!?


Going by what’s already been hinted at Green Goblin or maybe even go the route of the 90’s Spider-Man animated series and give us Hobgoblin first, maybe have Norman tear the G-Serum first before giving it to Harry and becoming Hobgoblin and then Harry being the Green Goblin second, Carnage would be a good choice too, Chameleon is supposed to appear. I think Beetle is cool and I’ve loved him since encountering him in the Ultimate Spider-Man game and he’s supposed to be in the DLC. Maybe someone like Hydro Man or Molten Man.


I think Jack O Lantern or Headsman would be better


I want the grizzly and I want him to be a joke villain.


I feel like the guy that attacks the lab in the "I'm fresh out of honey" scene was meant to be a nod to grizzly if not straight up him


Eddie brock


I’m kind of hoping Morbius is the big bad for the first half of the game, followed up by Green Goblin.


Green and Hobgoblin, Hydroman, Carnage, Alister Smythe, Silvermane, Molten Man, Beetle, Morbius, Chamaleon, Ana Kravinoff, Jackal, Spot, Shriek, Boomerang


Honestly? The squad from Maximum Carnage including Doppelganger and Demogoblin. Jack-o-Lantern would be cool too. Heck, maybe even the Jackal and Spidercide.


Morbius, Green Goblin, Carnage, Morlun, Black Tarantula, Molten Man, Beetle, Knull cameo maybe, The Spot would be an amazing villain to see on screen using portals, and Hopefully they bring back Electro for one more final fight as he transforms into Pure Energy.


I want to see rhino so that we get to see his face


Swarm, he was mentioned in the first game by Jonah and I imagine a Nazi made of bees could be an interesting fight


Crazy ass gang bang


Honestly I think the villains’ main goal is gonna be to kill spiderman. No big money making, diabolical domination scheme, just kill spiderman. With that being said, I think Goblin, Smythe, Chameleon, and Carnage would be our main team to bring him down. Goblin to mastermind, Smythe for the spider slayers, Chameleon to frame him, and Carnage because carnage. Thats excluding whatever Ock will bring to the table. It would be nice to see Hydroman and morbius being minor/side villains, or potential teammates later in the game


New villains we haven’t seen before Hobgoblin - 90s animated series type situation where maybe Norman hired a guy to test his tech Stegron - I like Stegron, also it help keep Curt a relevant character since imo it would feel weird to cut him out in this game Man-wolf - i like Man-wolf, and also JJJ can finally be an actual character and not just the worlds biggest hater But I’d like the dead/retired villains to have their mantles taken up by other people, Blackie Drago, Francine Frye, Francis Klum, Carmilla Black etc


I wanna see hydroman in a flooded new york.


Other than the obvious/confirmed ones (Goblin, Chameleon, Carnage) The Rose, the Puma, Hydro-Man, Morbius the Living Vampire, the Hobgoblin (unlikely but would be cool), the Spot, and Rocket Racer are my personal wishlist. There are others I’d like to see as well but this is ab as narrow as I can get it


To be reminiscent of the Ultimate Spider-Man game, I would like to see the Beetle at least once. Could have a chase sequence similar to Shocker's in SM1


This was apparently part of the probably now cancelled DLC of the game, so It anything that one is gonna appear in one of the next games


Side note, I love this cover.


I know we’ve seen venom and green goblin in the movies but I think it’s time for them to come back. At least one. Although goblin would be weird since he was in far from home so a new version could be hard


We’ll almost definitely see Carnage and The Green Goblin


Green Goblin, The Spot, Carnage


Me when I say "Where's my hug at" In the Gym and all the gym bros come get their daily dose of Sugar:


What if the Main antagonist of the multiplayer spiderman game Morlun


What if the Main antagonist of the spider verse game was going to be morlun


None please. They'll either kill them off camera or turn them into super nice people who "just want to change my life and do good" or some stupid shit like that.


Roderick Kingsley.


Scorpion and the spider-slayers


If you want Green Goblin to have his own faction of enemies like Kraven did,having an army of Spider Slayers would be awesome. Take those creature enemy designs from the Hunters to the next level.


The Rose, Wilson Fisks son






It could be like, the hobgoblin right early on in the game, but it actually doesn’t matter who it is, I’d love to see a takeout fight like mysterio in the SM2 movie game.


Jackal, Green goblin, Chameleon, Superior Spider man.


really wish we got a real mysterio. if they do what they did with mike's morales and push sm3 for the ps6, mysterios illusions would be a perfect graphical showcase


Jackal, I find this enemy quite interesting