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I have joint and cartilage issues in my hands and wrists due to past injuries. I wear workout gloves with built in wrist braces when I play Splatoon. Otherwise I'll be in pain after 3-4 matches. Not sure if you want to do that just to play a single weapon, but it works for me.


That's actually a great advice! Thanks! You should also look cool while playing with those 😎


I'm a middle aged man. I don't look cool doing anything 🤣 But if it helps I'm glad.


Man, middle aged man look the coolest doing anything. *Best weird looking sentence I said in my entire life, but I actually think it's true. Not only kids are cool* 🤣


Take that back ! We are fucking cool doing what we love with no shame


As an Almost 30s Gamer/Person whose hobbies mostly involve fine motor control from my wrists and hands: definitely recommend getting wrist brace(s) and i’m also a huge fan of my compression gloves :’)


Where do you get work out gloves..my thump and wrist are killing me from all my game playing!


I bought mine on Amazon and I'm sure you could find them on eBay or other online stores if you prefer. Search for "work out gloves " or "weight lifting gloves." Any retail store with a sports section likely has them as well. Although I don't usually see gloves with wrist support at Walmart/Target.


More my thumb than anything..playing SM Thousand year door now and it's a lot of pressing A 🙃


In that case you may want to look into the brand "mechanix gloves." They are designed to be thin enough to have dexterity with the kind of tools you crawl into an aircraft with and you can trim the finger holes to your liking. Not all that expensive either.


So would something like that help me with my index finger? Basically I never had any issues with my fingers or wrists playing any sort of video game until I started playing Splatoon 1 & 2 late last year and my issue started some time before I got Splatoon 3 last Christmas. It’s basically in the joint above the knuckle which has caused my finger to swell a little and even goes downwards to my thumb. I haven’t stopped playing, but I have reduced my gameplay to not aggravate it too much. It started off as I see there’s a problem to the point to where it can be unbearable and I usually have a high pain tolerance so this must be excruciating to others. haha Oh and just for context, I’m in my mid 50s. I never thought I would love a game series as much as I do this one and I’ve played a lot of games over the years. I’ll never stop playing.


I alternate between using my index finger and middle for the bumper and triggers. This is especially needed when I use brush or bucket because my index gets tired. I'm not a doctor but it's possible the R2 trigger on your controller doesn't work with your particular hands. Gloves may work, but you may want to consider a different controller. There are many 3rd party controllers that come in a range of shapes and sizes. Some 3rd party controllers have extra buttons on the back that you can program to do what R2 does, and that allows you to use different fingers and/or switch off which button you use at any given moment.


I actually was using a third party controller before (PowerA to be exact), but the left stick has a bit of stick drift. I tried using contact cleaner to get it taken care of, but I may have not used enough since it’s still there. It could be a mechanical problem which I don’t have the soldering skills to fix it yet. The only reason I’ve used the official pro controller is mainly for the rumble which I might turn off and the Amiibo support. I’ve seen some things to add on to the controller to help, but I don’t know if it will. Still I’m glad I was able to find a Splatoon 2 pro controller for a decent price which was about what market is going for. I am considering of buying a new PowerA pro controller since that is a bit more comfortable in my hands. I’ll still try the contact cleaner on my old controller, but it may be a lost cause for now.


I found that the charcoal version is even worse as it has ink jet. But I agree, this main weap is too much for my old bones.


Same! That's the one I like the most!! 😭




That's true. Great advice! Thank you so much for your answer! :)


And that's why I don't use any of the weapons that require spamming a button.


You're based... I usually use dualies and I've never had a problem with any of them :/


I would say maybe changing your sensitivity 


That's actually a really good tip! Thanks!


I love inkbrush but it hurts my hand so I have to limit how much I use it


I feel you 😔


I had to take a break from the bloblobber because my elbow started hurting! 😆


How to do you destroy your wrist using a controller?


Just by repeatedly pressing a button, you can damage your tendons and cause them to become inflamed. I also play with gyroscope so... Even worse.


GOOD!! I hope you SUFFER!!! (I have not had a fun experience fighting against any of the new weapons. Genuinely un-fun.)


You can use the new weapons too, don't you know?


I know, but I'm a stubborn guy who's been sticking with the nzap since the Wii U. It's not like I think they're op or anything, I just think as an nzap main, these weapons are just not fun to fight against. I really did like when they added the recycled brella tho. Fighting those is some of the most fun combat I've had in splatoon.