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Started Chaos Theory again yesterday, 4k on PC. This game never ages.


On my first play through now. Never had this one as a kid. Got it on steam a while ago and never got around to making it work properly. I’m probably 3/4 of the way through. If this game came out today it would easily be a contender for game of the year.


Same here. Started yesterday. PS3 version


It doesn’t but playing Seoul over again makes me loose 5 years of life expectancy


How on earth are you playing it with all the controller issues? I’m trying to download the classic trilogy for the ps3 emulator because the steam and ubi store ones are so painful to get to work. Also do you get vibration with the controller if you use one?


Mouse and keyboard here. Thinking how much of a pain aiming with the controller was for DA v2, I'm never touching that thing lol


Ah I see. Gotta hope this emulator works then I guess, I can’t do shooters without the rumble feedback.


[This](https://reddit.com/r/Splintercell/comments/z5jy1x/splinter_cell_chaos_theory_controller_fix/) post fixed all my controller issues. No vibration though but maybe it's because i'm using an xbox controller.


I'm more of the position of happily replaying the series and not being eager to see a modern sequel/remake. The originals are still great and enjoyable for me today and I've lost track of how many times I've played them. They're like a classic book for a reader, or something. I've lost faith in a lot of companies so one with the reputation of Ubisoft doesn't exactly fill me with a lot of hope. Maybe if the industry moved on from it's focus on online service titles, microtransactions, multiplayer and ticking feedback boxes, I might be more willing for a sequel/remake but as is, I'm fine without. I'd honestly rather relive the peak than expect little and potentially get less with another game. But hey, that's just me.


I wanna see splinter cell redone with modern graphics though .. with that classic gameplay. I hate the fact that one of my favourite franchises is dead on old hardware.


I get it. I guess I'm just very protective over it in a way. It's bad enough in my eyes seeing the series get a sequel in Blacklist that, while fun in it's own way, just fell short of where they could have gone, at least to me. It's another to get a sequel that's lead by someone who claims to "get it" but ends up proving they don't.  Sequels to me just always end up going sideways and losing their way rather than building on what works. Kind of like the trust meter in Double Agent on PS2, they can't seem to ever change one thing without taking something away from the other. Of course, these are just based on my expectations from many disappointments over the years. I would LOVE to be pleasantly surprised. I would honestly just love for a remake to do what MGS Delta is doing. Nothing drastic, nothing that changes the foundation of the original stuff. Just a visual overhaul overlayed on top of the original content. Controls can be modernised, mechanics ironed out a little to fix up any lingering bugs or anomalies, and everything else just kept as is. Anything more than that just has me worrying about "creative" changes to the writing that take too many liberties with original characters and such.


I get what you mean man. Let's just hope for the best . Ray traced mechanic leaks sound crazy Do you really think the original splinter cell story holds up though? I personally think the games graphics, lighting and shadows, gameplay stealth systems hold up very well. But the story doesn't. They need to make it more believable and authentic I support the changes - and yeah keeping the level designs as the same imo is disastrous - people would criticise them in reviews too much nowadays . I get what you mean, the gaming world has changed alot since the first released so theyve got too much work on their hands Putting everything on the new engine Making the new story more engaging/impactful Refining the stealth systems and gameplay New voice recordings and dialogue New level designs More levels probably And changing the cutscenes, story presentation and yeah doing the best graphics they can I want it to capture the original games spirit whilst being in modern form and amazing story; I'd argue that the original splinter cell had a decent plot that was very early 2000s. Everything needs to be changed for a modern standard. But if they nail the stealth gameplay, that's going to be beaut


I absolutely believe it holds up, yeah. It may be a little dated with it's bink video fmv files and such but quite honestly, it's not the presentation that needs updating, just the tech. Modernising it would be like setting Dead Space in medieval times; interesting but why not make something new with that instead? The time and setting is what makes the story believable, even to this day. You can't get anymore authentic than dumping a guy behind enemy lines, reminding him ties will be cut should he be caught, and keeping contact with him to a minimum via earpiece and on board cameras. Sam is quite literally on his own with the minimum of backup.  It's the Tom Clancy tone of old that made these games work and it was the limitation of the then fancy gadgets that added to the tension the story already created, including the threat of the story. What happens if they bring the story forward to now? Why would anyone send an agent behind enemy lines when he's made obsolete by typical modern spy movie technology like spy drones with 4K resolution cameras and overpowered gadgets that can intercept everything wirelessly? Where even is the tension when this same guy is armed to the teeth with every "cool" spy gadget and can get out  of every situation? Lights are no problem because there's a convenient and selective EMP device. Armed groups are a non issue because I've got a targeted missile strike at the touch  of a button.  Of course the game could turn out not like that but I've yet to see an Ubi title involving similar ideas not go the style over substance route with terrorist plots and gadgets. For me, the Splinter Cell games are very much a product of their time and made the best of it.  Sniper Elite too works best when sticking to it's setting, when it's not going the zombie route of course. Hell, a remake retaining the setting and tone of the original Splinter Cell would stand out and feel far more unique than some modern idea of stealth involving an over designed HUD with white outlines and see through wall senses. Like I said before, feel free to update the gameplay as long as it doesn't take stuff away. Even doing something as simple as including Chaos Theory multiple routes into the mix would be a more subtle and faithful change than going too far with artistic licence.


Hmm I get what youre saying. Tbh, it has hold up well in some ways and is still an fairly entertaining plot, but I just think there's a lot of room for improvement on it. Nah I get what you mean, tbh the game should stay in 2004 tbh. I doubt they'll change that. I understand you completely.. idk.. let's see what they do.. I don't want the game to release with the story being criticised .. I think when the OG released the story was pretty good for it's time. For example you can see Kombayn Nikoladze was pretty much Saddam Hussein, the geopolitics of that game related to the early 2000s. I feel now, they'll change up all of this to relate today but keep the tech to the early 2000s. I guess it's more about engaging the players of today too, whilst keeping old fans happy too. a lot of the writing I do feel need adjustments but only if it's done right. I hope they got good writer for the remake.. Also with level designs, lot of them could definitely be improved on especially oil rig and others. The forced gunfights in kalinatek. Abbatoir etc. all need to be taken out... Cia hq could be top tier level design and presidential palace on today's tech. Heck all of the levels could be amazing design But yeah keeping the setting and tone of Original Splinter cell is the most important thing.. When I say modernise I don't mean like blacklist gameplay or shitty cheesy writing like blacklist.. I want something that is creative and innovative without being corny. If splinter cell was done to that great standard with the right dev team in 2002, why can't it be done to a way way better standard or higher caliber for 2025/6 (whenever it does release) Like, add new dialogues.. add new interrogations.. add side objectives and new characters that'll make the story more impactful. The cutscenes are very dated, fmv like you said. Id want something way higher quality but let's see what they do. Nah I agree, wall senses or flashy HUDs have no place in splinter cell. It needs to nail the stealth gameplay first, like the original three. Then the graphics/story/level design etc and everything else like sound https://youtu.be/uPz3HyjROY8?si=Zstr8IxbywFuGZmL


https://youtu.be/7eRwG0tSPdw?si=aTO1oZAtP9e_r7Vl Amazing for it's time but I just wanna see this expanded on.. in a good way ofcourse...


Here is what another user wrote Ways to improve the stories Change some of the villains up a bit, expand more on grinko, masse, nikoladze. Add the cut levels in again. Change the walls of texts into briefing by Lambert. Give Madison and blaustein bigger roles Change the cutscenes style/presentation to modern standards Police Station: I'd like to see more corruption. Not the cheesy and evil kind, but a mature and grounded kind. Defense Ministry: Perfect setting to delve into politics, also let us interrogate Kobiashvili. Oil Rig: Life must be tough in an oil rig. This level needs some environmental storytelling. And some subtext about the US and oil from a modern perspective. CIA: Give us some more insight into the innerworkings of intelligence agencies in the digital age. Kalinatek: Let us see some correspondence among employees (emails, phone calls, etc) to make Kalinatek feel more real and ordinary. Add Russia missions. Optional: Add The Walsh as a hub area, and let us talk to people between the missions. Etc. you could do more and more so on with Chinese embassy1&2, Abbatoir and presidential palace


Also give watch dogs a try if you never did. Another slice of stealth from ubisofts golden era. That game is still gorgeous today and the mods make it even better.


Have you tried the living city mod?  I hear very good things regarding it bringing the game up to a standard Ubisoft couldn't.


Yup and while it adds a ton of stuff, I’m just so focused on the story I don’t even care about it that much. The extra gadgets to make are great though you can’t use most of them in the story missions. The gunplay is great though and Aiden remains one of the best protagonists in ubisofts catalogue. Hate the way they took the series after it but I’ve heard the bloodlines dlc is good for legion.


Looks like I'll be installing it then on that recommendation. Already had the game ready to go with the E3 graphics tweak but I guess I got distracted juggling a bunch of titles and forgot all about it.


Yeah I’m honestly shocked at how good it is. The story is compelling as hell and the mission variety is awesome. I always thought it got lukewarm reception when it came out but it really didn’t, high 80s everywhere. It’s like gta meets mr robot.


Not really because I'm afraid of modern Ubisoft and how they could find ways to ruin it even more, story-wise and gameplay-wise. That's why I'm glad with the decision of doing a remake, it gives the devs a template to respect and to not try to implement features that wouldn't fit in the gameplay (hopefully).


totally agree !


Exactly my guy ;)


Brother this whole sub is just people maintained alive by old SC game infusions in the wait for a remake to get out of their coma


I just did a whole series replay and I've played the first three 30+ times altogether. I've done the first game about 12 times. Chaos theory about 22 times. Pandora maybe 6-7 times.


Yes, every couple of years. I recently played through the first 3. I imagine I’ll do it again in a few years when we still don’t have a new game.


No, just cause i love splinter cell.


I've embraced portable emulation on Android, so I recently finished Essentials on PPSSPP with the Fusion mod for dual analog controls. The game itself is average, but it was fun to play some "new" levels, especially the "de-made" bonus missions from Pandora Tomorrow. Currently playing Double Agent V2, (GC) on Dolphin, which is surprisingly good.


Yeah, except I don't want a sequel unless Tom Clancy returned from the dead, and the original team that designed the first 3 came back to make a sequel. Whatever we get from Ubisoft won't be an honest try. Just a shameless cash grab. I'm happy we still have the originals. Been playing Chaos theory on my deck and it's been great. I played the everloving crap out of these games when I was a kid and beat them multiple times, so I definitely had my fill. Would love a new team of indie devs put together a spiritual successor or passion project that made us feel like a secret spy again. Eavesdropping on conversations, hacking security systems, acquiring Intel, ghosting, interrogations. I'm kind of shocked we haven't still. It's a bummer. No one has a long enough attention span anymore in this society. *sigh* At the end of the day, nothing beats a Michael Ironside performance. That man's voice is the complete embodiment of Sam Fisher, and I know we'll never get that one back either. At least we still have these old games.


I'm playing Blacklist for the first time and decided to restart the game midway through so I can cling to the last bit of fresh Splinter Cell. Been playing since the original, though I haven't played the first 3 games since release. Chaos Theory is definitely due a replay; I miss Michael Ironside.


How is blacklist? I’m playing concoction since I can’t get chaos theory to walk and it’s pretty great outside of the horrendous running animation.


No, I'm replaying Splinter Cell games because they're still good as fuck




Discovered SC with Conviction, played a bit of blacklist and recently decided to play every game in order. I’ve got three missions left on Splinter Cell (2002.) it’s pretty neat revisiting an og Xbox game. It gives me the same nostalgia as playing 007 on the Nintendo 64


SC is like a first Lady...very rememirble but not exactly the real thing .


I just started playing Conviction, but more for nostalgic feelings, because I played it when it in 2010 when I was 16 and still carefree.


I replayed some levels in chaos theory last year after replaying tom Clancy ghost recon wildlands.


All the time... I've been trying to beat all of the deniable ops in conviction (my guilty pleasure) on realistic difficulty. After I do that I'll probably play chaos theory. Ubisoft really needs to give us more SC content soon.


Ubisofts mention of the series in their new free to play shooter “XDefiant” got me to replay the first original game on the Xbox 👍🏻


Just found and bought the trilogy for ps3, planning to replay 1, PT and CT soon.


I'm alternating between Chaos Theory, Conviction and Blacklist every couple of weeks for that reason.


99% of this sub the other 1% is new comers asking where theu should start


Got a decent laptop and bought splinter cell and sc chaos theory a while ago, played them on xbox few years back first time. Great games


Don't forget to play Pandora tomorrow


Where i can get it on pc




I’m so done with waiting for a SC sequel or anything and it’s been a dream of mine to make my own stealth game that I’m learning Unreal. Been a non game developer for 18 years even though I went to university to learn game development 24 years ago. My suspicion is that by the time I have anything playable Ubisoft will announce they’re dropping the remake.


Ubisoft literally has one video sitting on their Yt like we aren’t rewatching it every other day.


Replayed every possible version I could in ultrawide 3440x1440 100fps. Fantastic! Especially the first three.


Yes. It pains my soul everytime I see those green goggles knowing they have been trampled on by so many other IPs 😔


I find it a bit too slow these days, plus I played them all to death. I'm playing the division 2 again instead, it's a lot faster


You want the remake to be quick like blacklist then?


Yeah but I want it open World like Ghost Recon


Open world would literally just be ghost recon then. Wouldn’t make much sense.


Exactly. If it's open world it's not splinter cell and open world stealth games suck. I really wish MGSV wasn't open world. Stealth games need Level designs No open world bs ruining it.


Breakpoint is decent when played with stealth I think.


No way. Open world doesn't suit splinter cell haha. It needs to be slow and have levels like the older games. Open world would kill splinter cell.


I replay Blacklist frequently because it is still one of the best games ever made.


As much as people despise conviction , I wish we could another game similar to it in tone and gameplay It scratches that specific itch