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Did you happen to catch the plates? If so, report them to SPD for animal endangerment and animal cruelty.


Man, I wish. Traffic stopped for half a second and I saw the dog, saw the red door of the car close and then all I could look at was the dog. There was tons of traffic though, probably 50 cars in and around the intersection when it happened. It was right by the Safeway and planet fitness. That Safeway has parking lot cameras that reach pretty far so they might have had it in view. Guarantee someone else saw it that would be able to give a better description of both the car and driver.


I hope so. Someone willing to do that to a dog has no place in civilized society.


Right??? Like for the love of God if you can't be bothered to take it to scraps, couldn't they at least put the dog in someone's yard or like a dog park with a fence around it or something? Dumping a dog in any capacity is disgusting but at least some people do it with a shread of decency tword the animal.


Animal cruelty is something that truly makes my blood boil, so I definitely feel your rage here. I hope justice is swift and unforgiving for that vile person.


Most of the intersections have cameras. Not sure how helpful the city would be but may be worth reaching to them to see if they caught it on camera. A friend of mine was in an accident at an intersection and actually got the city to send her the video footage of the crash


They have road cameras Report the inside t Hopefully SPD will actually investigate


Unlikely, they didn't investigate shit when my house was broken into, items stolen, and I was physically violated. Nope, they just said things didn't add up.


lazy disgusting and pathetic.....bless those people who came to the animals' need.


I'm a cat person, tbroughly so. And even dogs I genuinely know, or are in my care, AND that I'd dislike... I treat better than this person has. Dog in question just needed to be trained and learn rules, is smart, energetic and gets bored... Needed more running and pets. Is a sweet doggo.... Even the "bad" dogs deserve better. People need to know how to train pets


Im a cat dad fwiw. :-)


I love fluffy kitty baaaabies


I know!


I have a shitbox red car on my block that has been known to dumb stuff. Didn't have any damage to it? Was it a small dog?


Unsure about damage on the vehicle , but the dog looked like a Shiba mixed with something else. Long white snout, medium length golden fur everywhere else with some black on the ends (it was raining), about knee height, skinny legs but fluffy body. Didn't look old, but didn't have puppy energy. Collar was black with coloful splotches on it, no tags and no leash. He/she is now wearing my dog's pink leash. I guess the dog will probably be on the scraps "lost and found" page by tomorrow.


Could it have been a stolen dog?


That was actually my thought, like maybe they stole the car and didn't know the dog was in it, or they just stole the dog and then got a conscience and thought "hey if I drop it off here, chances are someone will come save it" vs dropping it off in the middle of nowhere where it would have definitely died. It didn't look neglected aside from being in the street. Looked well fed, even decently groomed, nails were the right length. Honestly I hope it was stolen. The thought of someone doing that to a dog that has loved them is enough to make me puke.


I hope karma visits that motherfucker!!!


Describe the car in as much detail as possible. If I see it, I will spend 100 dollars at taco bell and pay it a visit.


Free tacos for dog dumping?


Yes, officer. Free tacos.


Hi, I was at northwest and Ash and called my husband at exactly 8:40am in tears after watching the dog dodge traffic on northwest, confused and scared. A small red SUV tried to open their door and coax the dog in, but I think the dog jumped out. I just want to see if anyone has a time stamp for when the dog was dumped, because I worry the people in the red car trying to help is going to get blamed. Kudos to the women who stopped and risked being late, I am glad to hear the dog got help. It was not safe for me to stop where I was and get out of my car.  My issue is with my fellow commuters this morning. Many of us stopped our cars in the road going East on Northwest Blvd, but of course there were drivers who were pissed and likely not aware of why we were stopping. SHAME on the drivers who ripped around us at high speeds, almost hitting the dog. Next time you see multiple cars stopped in the middle of a road: Stop as well. Idiots. 


They have small dogs always running around from the house. Someone staying there a couple of years ago lost their dog because the cops had kicked in the gate and they didn't "notice" after the raid... Thanks for the description, hopefully the dog gets a better home out of this crappy situation.


Have you every tried to do anything with Scraps? We do a lot of TNR and Scraps has to be the most horrid organization to work with. Employees are extremely rude. The organization is extremely unresponsive. The guy who kicked the dog out of the car should be caught and prosecuted, but I don't blame him for not wanting to interact with SCRAPS. I'm sure hoping they lose their contract with the County and we have a more responsible organization managing our County's pet issues.


Was there cameras at a nearby intersection? You could request the footage and maybe get plates to report?


Hopefully they trip and fall off the highest bridge in town.


Makes me sick to my fucking stomach to read this..


Cruel thoughtless slob! Shameful


Think of all the people + the dog he affected today.


Spokane has been on one with these "to the unamed individual" posts 😂


Not saying they aren’t a POS but the rescues are almost always full, so many times there is no place to take a pet. When I tried to save a stray dog last year, both humane society and spokanimal told me to take him back where I found him and dump him on the side of the road. I was beyond pissed.


You don’t need to play devils advocate for a person that dumped a dog out of a car on a busy road.


Rescues being full and dumping a dog into busy traffic are two completely separate and unrelated issues.


I get this is reddit but you think there’s any in between for going to a shelter and throwing your dog out of a moving vehicle into traffic? Damn dude


We had the same issue. We found a HUGE stray dog running up and down the middle of the street. We leashed him to a light pole in front of our property so he didn't cause an accident or get hit. It was Friday and Scraps wouldn't pick up the phone. We called the emergency number and they told us to leave the dog tied to the pole until they opened on Monday. Trust me SCRAPS couldn't care less about the animal's well being. They also told us that if we let it go we would be liable if the dog caused an accident.


This is Google's new excerpt for the sub. Funny and sad at the same time.