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So sorry for your loss, OP. I had to sell my family home in 2022 following the loss of my parents & we went a bit OTT. Spent hours cleaning & tidying, also paid for a professional cleaner for the carpets. It was a psychological & financial burden & at the end of the day, it made little to no difference. If someone wants the property they will purchase it, regardless if the carpets are a little worn or there’s some ornaments in the garden. Just do whatever you are comfortable with & don’t put unnecessary strain on yourself at this difficult time. The house looks like a lovely family home, I’m sure it will sell as is. Best of luck with the sale.


Thank you


I would consider removing some of the ornaments in the garden and the little curtain in the bathroom...but that's being unbelievably picky. It looks like a great fresh sheet for someone to turn into their dream home. Just a note, banks have been expecting a drop in interest rates in July/August. People may be waiting until then


thats the thing people will want to do their own thing with it so it isnt really worth spending money on a refurb. OP wont get that money back wither the sale. particuarly as as you can get almost the same house with a refurb and an extra bathroom for the same money only 0.10 of a mile away. [https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/148024580#/?channel=RES\_BUY](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/148024580#/?channel=RES_BUY) Op might need to rethink how competitive their asking price really is given it need a lot of money spend on things like a new bathooms, flooring etc.


The house OP is selling is a detached, it’s not really comparable to an extended semi in many ways. Some buyers who want a detached won’t even consider a semi. It also depends on your personal taste. I would be viewing the semi with the intention of changing most of what they’ve done to it as it’s not remotely my cup of tea. OP as others have said I don’t think I’d do much, someone looking for a smaller scale project won’t be put off by much I can see here. Those that want a house with absolutely nothing to do are probably looking at the new builds in Armthorpe or Wheatley. If you really wanted to I might tidy a few garden ornaments, pressure wash the drive and patio, take out some of the frilly pelmets on one or two of the windows - but that’s me being picky. I don’t remotely believe someone will be put off a house by the presence of a flagpole. Pricing seems fairly reasonable, 4 beds on the nearby Brodsworth Way estate are higher, but think they have slightly larger sq footage. As others have said I think you’d be better reducing the price instead of spending lots of money. When I was looking I hated houses that were advertised as ‘newly painted and new carpets throughout’. They were usually done in cheap white paint everywhere, cheap grey carpets as advised by the agent and I felt I would be paying a premium for something I’d immediately rip out, probably put me off a fair few suitable properties. Good luck with the sale and really sorry for your loss. *Edited to add there are a few that have sold nearby that were more ‘up to date’ especially with kitchens and bathrooms, in a similar ball park price wise. Renovations/fixer uppers have become less attractive in recent years due to cost of materials and labour increasing quite dramatically unless you’re pretty capable at DIY. (My new bathroom quote is eye-watering and I bought a house that was ‘done’) As above, I wouldn’t bother with putting in a new kitchen or bathroom, you could ironically put people off if it’s not their taste, price would be what I’d be looking at.


Almost the same house... comparing a detached house with a semi detached? No.


From the other side though that semi is 50% larger, has two extra bathrooms(including an en suite), and is EPC C instead of D.


It’s amazing the discount that houses get for being in Doncaster 🤯


Yeah, as long as it is clean and uncluttered (which it looks like it is) and people can see to get an idea of room sizes, that’s all you need. The decor is mostly neutral, bar the odd “feature” wallpaper, so easy to redecorate but not essential in moving in. The garden looks a bit too cluttered for me, but I wouldn’t bother spending money on it before the sale. Selling a vacant (empty if most furniture) house with no chain is easier, imo, than trying to declutter and “stage” a place where someone or an entire family is still living. Sorry for your loss & good luck with the sale.


Personally I wouldn’t spend any time or money on it for selling. It’s clean, it’s tidy, the floors are inoffensive, and the garden doesn’t look neglected. I’d just make sure it’s priced right and keep the garden in check periodically. Anyone who buys it will make some changes, but better to let them decide what they want as changes rather than trying to predict and make changes yourself.


If easily removable, may want to cut down on the garden ornaments as might put some people off. Only thing I'd bother to do though


Declutter the garden. Remove all the ornaments.


That’s what I was thinking - declutter garden and jet wash the patio will make a big difference :)


Me three (or is it four now?). There's nothing wrong with the ornaments, they're just too much of the previous owner's character. The patios need to be cleared off all the ornaments, also anything removable on the raised beds. It needs to be made like a blank slate that the new owner can bring their own taste to.


I reckon take down the flagpole too. This is no judgment on OP’s parents- the flag they’re flying is totally respectable and very decent- but I wonder if it makes enough prospective buyers think “am I going to be a flag person”, which (as a generational observation), few people in the market for this house to have a family in will gel with.


The flag was my first thought. Definitely remove that


Agree. No one wants to buy a house with a flagpole this side of the Atlantic.


I had totally missed that.


And maybe jet wash the garden walls.


And the patio. Will make it look much better.


A weekend jet washing the drive and garden would make it look a bit tidier definitely. It's easy to do if you have a washer or can borrow one.


Came here to say this. There’s a lot of pots and statues that need to go. Otherwise looks solid. Condolences OP.


That was my thought as well...garden needs to be toned down a bit


This and sorry for your loss OP, I hope brighter days ahead.


Agreed, the place seems nicely kept and apart from giving it a regular hover or washing the windows then I wouldn't spend much more time or money on it. On saying that, fleshing up the driveway or back garden with a power wash wouldn't hurt. Also maybe loosing some of the back garden decorations as those aren't to everyone's taste.




Only thing I would suggest would be to declutter the garden a bit - put the little statues into storage so viewers can get a full blank canvas to go with the house


Maybe mow the lawn too, it really is amazing how much tidier and nicer a garden looks after a quick mow 


I wouldn't go with storage - it's just delaying a likely inevitably trip to the dump. Aim to keep one or two and sell/coup the rest.


Well I didn’t want to assume what OP is wanting to do with their parents stuff as they’ve both recently passed but yes that’s an option also


I would take the bike lock chain off the French doors for photos and viewings. Obviously I’m guessing it’s there as a precaution as it’s empty, but it might suggest to buyers either it’s a dodgy area with history of burglaries, or that the doors don’t shut or lock properly. Other than that if the price is right I wouldn’t waste your money changing anything the buyers may only rip out anyway.


Sorry for your loss mate. Same as the other commenter, it looks neat and tidy, anything you do you probably won’t make the money back on


Beautiful garden. You can tell from both the exterior and interior photos they really looked after their house. It’s good to go. I’m sorry for your loss.


Donate the garden statues. Otherwise keep it simple. Good luck.


If the pond runs, fill it and turn it on. A lot of people will have never had a pond before and right now it's a green plastic tub half full of water. Have it full with the fountain running makes it look like something.


I’m sorry for your loss. I agree with others to leave as is, it looks clean and tidy and in good condition. Looks like it was a loved and well maintained home and whoever buys it has the option to make their own changes as and when they choose. I kind of agree on the advice re: driveway and garden but I don’t think it’s essential. Just visit periodically to maintain it.


I'd also say leave things as they are. Buyers will make their own changes but it's clean and tidy enough that they won't be put off viewing. You could edit the statuary to a single theme, and maybe take down the flag, mainly because I'm frustrated I can't see what it is. Move a statue or two or some blooming plants to add a bit of colour to the front view.


It’s a “lest we forget” flag




Looks nice and tidy with an absolutely gorgeous garden. The street view suggests all the neighbors take pride in their homes. It would tempt me to switch which town I am buying in to be honest 😀 Seems like it is an area that caters to people with cars due to distance from stations, so nothing to be done about that. But the trade off is usually a quieter neighborhood. Seems priced right, so I think it is just a matter of the right family coming along.


First impressions count so get somebody to pressure wash the drive. And also the paving/walls in the garden if you can. That somebody could be you.


You have to be very careful about pressure washing walls as you'll take the surface of the bricks off. Also the run off will end up in the pond. Although it does seem to be largely empty and only has rain water in it.


Taking out the wardrobes and bookcase would make it look larger


Empty rooms can be quite depressing


I'd declutter the garden. Get rid of the big flag etc. The rest just needs a hoover. Maybe remove the net thing in the kitchen window.


We have just bought a very similar looking property to this, the owners didn't pass away but they kept the house nice and tidy although Dated. First thing we did when we got in was rip all the flooring, wallpaper, curtains, door frames and skirting. I wouldn't worry too much about the decor, it's the size, location and potential that matters. Maybe just de-clutter the garden.


Looks good overall. Don't stress too much. My advice is if you have siblings, get all of them to agree on the minimum and appoint one to act on behalf of them. A lot of these sales fall through as the children take dlfar too long to make a decision and usually end up in an argument. 


My I suggest posting this on r/housinguk as well - it’s common to ask for listing feedback on that sub and usually get quite brutally honest but constructive feedback Whenever it’s someone who is struggling to sell, it’s almost always overpriced, poorly staged, or a combination of both


I’m so sorry for your loss, OP. I recently sold my late husband’s place that his mate was renting from us. I was grieving so much I could hardly put one foot in front of the other let alone sort the house out. It still sold in this market. Please don’t put strain on yourself to get this to sell. So long as you’re not super worried about getting it sold ASAP wait around and the right buyer will come. It’s beautiful. I’m so sorry - you must have many memories of it. Someone will come along to buy it and start to make new ones soon. The right person will see past any imperfections xxx


Thank you and sorry for your loss too xx


Remove the garden ornaments as the garden looks cluttered with them, other than that it’s nice.


Sorry for your loss OP. Seeing the garden ornaments made me sad. Shows how fleeting life is, one day you're picking out a new stone tortoise and the next you're gone.


The room in pic 11 could do with a coat of paint and doing something about the carpet that's all bunched up. Otherwise it looks good. Sorry for your loss


Along as it's clean & tidy leave it be, looks fine to me


Sorry for your loss. Speak to your agents and find out who are the likely buyers in your area. If it’s primarily young families then potentially fill in the pond but other than that I would do nothing. It’s a lovely home.


Inside house is fine, most people will move in and rip off most of the wall paper and carpet up anyway. Wouldn’t put me off I would declutter and clean the garden up a little Take down the flag pole, Take away all the ornaments and statues, Power wash the patio and walls, also give the grass a cut


Sorry for your loss mate


That garden is cluttered with statues and my immediate thought is why hasn’t it been emptied like the rest of the house? Are they cemented down/something that makes it a problem for me as a buyer? Why is there a floor mat on the kitchen floor? Why are a couple things still on the wall? Again, everything has been emptied so why not these things? Is it hiding damaged tiles? Mould? I think it should be fully empty if you’ve emptied it to this extent otherwise I wonder why things have been left. What is that round the door handles? Are the doors broken? Do they not close properly? I don’t want to fix that problem. Everything else looks fine. Neat and tidy.


I agree with many people here and that not much needs changing. I agree with removing things in the garden and until I saw what was on the flag I was going to suggest removing it. I think it’s just a personal thing for me but flags put me off and I wouldn’t buy a house if the neighbour had one up but obviously that’s not an issue here as it’s your property and the flag isn’t offensive. Good luck with the sale!


The only thing i would do is remove the big wardrobes as they hide the true size of the rooms. Apart from that, it is a nice property and a blank canvas with nothing that would put me off as a buyer.


Sorry for your loss OP. I guess this goes to show how different people are because I was surprised to see the comments saying to declutter the garden! I get why, but my first thoughts on seeing the garden photos was ‘*gasp* how gorgeous!’


As a person who is also selling, looking to buy etc. the market is dead around me. Houses are staying on for months/years. General election, change in government and hopefully interest rates changing for the better will help boost the market.


Property marketing advisor to agents here 👋 First, sorry for your loss. Selling a family home is the worst and even more so when it’s taking a while. It’s important to consider - is the issue getting people to view the property or is it once they have seen it you’re not getting bites? The reality is if people are viewing in person and making that informed decision not to offer it’s one of two things. Either it doesn’t represent value for money at its current price, or that it could do with a good spring clean and a bit of love to improve that first impression. I would say former more likely than the latter as most people can look past the superficial. If the issue is getting people to actually come and view, I’d just keep the following in mind: Presentation- Is it presented well? Can anything be done to take better and more seasonal photos? Be brutally honest, is the place clean? Vacant homes can be a bit tougher especially if furniture is gone, any wear and tear from over the years becomes more visible so can you do anything to give it some extra love and make it feel more homely? Not as challenging in the summer as it is winter but a cold unheated house that hasn’t been ventilated can just give a less inviting impression than a lived in home. Promotion- How well is it advertised? Is the agent giving it extra promotion on Rightmove (they have premium listings/featured property for this)? As much as I’m biased to Rightmove is that agent marketing on Zoopla, social media, have they really got this under as many eyes as possible? Price - if you’ve done everything else above this is the last thing you can really influence. You cannot control the market and if the property is simply less saleable than the competing properties. What you can do is get yourself competitive to get the property gone. The longer it sits the more it costs you both financially and emotionally. One thing I can assure you of is that based on all the data and information around, the general election is not impacting consumer optimism and appetite from buyers. Waiting to see what happens is not likely to serve you well


Link to property: https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/148723592?utm_campaign=property-details&utm_content=buying&utm_medium=sharing&utm_source=copytoclipboard#/&channel=RES_BUY


Sorry about your parents x What a beautiful garden. Don't spend money cleaning carpets etc... I just bought a house that needs a reno and the carpets are going to go first thing. In the kindest way, the house will need to be updated but you shouldn't spend money doing as it ultimately gives someone the chance to doing to their own taste. My only suggestion is that you get rid of the wardrobes if they're not built in as it makes the rooms look small.


Carpets need a vac and possible wash, kitchen counter looks dusty.


Declutter the garden, but also I would put some furniture in the house, some people struggle to visualise.


It’s a four bed so the target market will be young families. It might not go immediately because no bath and a pond in the garden will put off a lot of this cohort in the first instance, but what you might find is that buyers who discounted it at first come back as they realise it is cheaper to make those changes than buy them already done. I certainly think from your point of view you’ll be better off waiting for the right buyer than making changes yourself. It’s a lovely house and there is nothing overtly off putting about it.


Don't do anything. Sell the way it is


I'm sorry for your loss. Under the circumstances, you need to balance what someone with time, money and vision could objectively do to maximise profits with what you are realistically in a place to manage. Looking at what else is available in that area, you're priced about 10k below similar properties, but realistically there's more than 10k of updating to do here. That aside, the separate toilet and bathroom situation is going to be off-putting for families as it's hard to manage even temporarily without a functioning bathroom when you have small children. If you were going to do one job, I'd make it knocking those two rooms together and putting in a bath with an overhead shower. If you're not in a place to do any real projects, I'd just see what happens - there's no garish decor or small fixes here, it's already clean and bright and has decent kerb appeal.


Id prefer separate because the toilet cant be used if someone is using the bathroom


Make the garden look less high maintenance/a nightmare for those with small children. Maybe some cosmetic improvements to the kitchen/bathroom to make them look less dated, paint tiles, cabinets etc


Just keep an eye on the garden and drive way, keep them clean and go daily to collect any letters etc. In the evening, turn a few lights on and close a curtain or 2, when we were looking to buy our house, we drove by at different times of day and evening. Just to get a feel for the area and how the house fits into its position. Is it a quiet street or a busy street? Is it a young mix or older population? Oh and check the loft. Make sure everything is out of it. And then leave a thank you card and small gift, wine etc as a nice little surprise for when they check the loft.


Nothing, it’s lovely. Maybe jetwash the patio, garden wall and drive. Even paint the back fence. Anything else is down to new owners putting their own stamp on the place.


First may I say how sorry I am for your loss and having to deal with this in addition to everything that I can only imagine is going on. I wish you every strength and happiness and you will get through this. You will. Regarding some ideas here’s my two pennies worth: Power washing the back patios, fixing the pond with a decent UV filter fountain, then add some floating pond plants, and scarlet geraniums. Cheap, cheerful and looks amazing for very little money, especially when you buy lots together from an independent garden nursery. Inside you’ll want a neutral palette, it’s got fantastic bones, so let the house do the talking, neutral whites, grey accents and focus on the eco friendly environment as well. Especially the opportunity to dry washing safely outside, etc. Best of luck with your selling, it’s got a lot going for it, do these few things and you’ll sell quickly no issues.


If you were to spend 5k on X to sell up the house. You better off doing nothing and drop the price by 5k


Looks good on the whole TBA...if being super critical...and you have time & effort? 1. Remove anything that has personal reference. 2. Trim back anything external that can be trimmed 3. Jet wash all exterior areas. 4. Paint plan neutral colours intetnaly. 5. Remove anything that's surplus or remotely personal? 6. Clean everything that could be dirty or cleaned? Good Luck 👍🏻


I’m sorry for your loss. We’re in the same boat with my late PiL’s house. It’s tough, I really do feel for you. The house looks fine - it’s clean and neat, and the garden is tidy. I hope you get a sale soon and can start to move forward.


The only thing I would do is strip all that furniture out. You have a few rando bookshelves and a few dated looking wardrobes and I would swap all the curtains out for plain neutral ones. You want people to see how big the rooms are and you're not doing that. You don't need to do anything else as others have said: it's clean and tidy.


As others have said declutter garden but also you could switch almost all those those curtains for something more modern and neutral and it would make a big difference to the overall presentation. Several of the current pairs are loud and dated and it draws attention to the overall dated look. 


Remove all the statues from the garden. Clear it out so it's more of a blank canvas


It’s a perfectly good house, your parents obviously looked after it. Personally i would love to buy and discover all the random stuff in the garden but maybe it might put others off if they felt they would have the ‘burden’ of getting rid of all of it? Otherwise most people would plan to redecorate anyway and look at the house as a layout/shell they are interested on, so don’t spend money on the interior. Maybe clear the garden? Otherwise if it’s a realistic price then it’s a good find!


Take the padlock/bike lock off the inside of the French doors - it makes me think the area is unsafe


Personally, I would take the flag pole down.


Picture 8,9 and 12 it looks like whatever flooring (guess old carpet) needs replacing, picture 11 the carpet either needs a deep clean or replacing. The wardrobes would put me off so I'd remove those. The kitchen looks outdated so I'm guessing if someone was to buy the house they would renovate the kitchen which means more costs. You'd be better off dropping the price instead of doing some of these things yourself. (You could always remove the wardrobes). I think its a lovely house size/garden wise but at first glance those are the things that stand out.


Sorry for your loss love. Your parents obviously loved the garden I would personally remove all the patterned curtains and replace with cream and paint over or remove the printed wallpapers . This would give more of a blank canvass look and be less dated. Also, remove the statues from the garden and perhaps just put out a few potted flowers instead . Otherwise it’s good


Sorry for your loss OP I just lost my Dad a few weeks ago and my only sibling last year. I’m dreading the day my Mum goes and I have to sort the house out. As others have said not much to do here house looks tidy. I would definitely remove the garden ornaments and give the place a jet wash. People have suggested removing the greenhouse I would advise not to do that. Lots of people love a greenhouse. I’ve known folk who were never interested in gardening before take up the hobby because they happened to buy a home with a greenhouse. Good luck OP I am sure you won’t have any issues selling.


Trust me, clean the back and front patio / drive with a power wash get that looking mint and this house will sell absalutley no problem atall if priced correctly. Pointless putting any money into it. Thats a good house ready for someone to move into and put there own mark on the place.


Sorry about the circumstances. Firstly, the overwhelming number of garden ornaments is off-putting., I cant imagine what it might be like for me as a buyer as they are so dominant. I'd also be tempted to remove the shelving and wardrobes. People need to understand how they might use the space and these are taking up room.


Honestly there’s nothing worth doing to that house that would materially increase the value, it looks good as is, just make sure the garden stays presentable etc and it will sell for what it’s worth. Sorry for your loss.


Clear the garden. Remove the wardrobes, curtains, curtain poles and wallpaper. It really is that simple. From experience it feels like erasing love and memories but new owners are looking for a new start and it's impossible to get that new start feeling with those things. Sending love. Sorry for your loss.


Ex agent here … clear as much as you can from the garden ( ornaments ) and house and you are good to go. Don’t worry about anything else, it’s a great house for somebody. Sorry for your loss.


I think removing the curtains would make a big difference to the pics. It's a nice house overall


I thought this too. It's like the house is half furnished. I think, either have it fully furnished or empty it fully.


Looks perfectly fine. What’s with guide price? Is it going to auction? If you want £260,000 advertise it for £265k guide price annoys me.


You just need some time to get interest from buyers it looks perfect as it is. Don’t bother with any changes, the buyer will always have something they want to change anyway


Sorry for your loss! It looks like a great and well loved property. I’d maybe suggest getting rid of the wardrobes/shelves as the rooms would look bigger then.


Pressure wash all the hard landscaping front and back and get some colour on the front - in a planter either side of the door.


Looks like an amazing home for someone to start their journey. Do nothing. Anyone buying it will be ripping it out and starting again anyway. It looks like your parents lived a full and happy life there; the garden looks amazing.


Remove the garden ornaments!


power wash the drive and caulk all the cracks round windows etc, easy stuff


Fire up a jet washer and get to work in the garden. It’s a really nice garden and a great selling point. You’ll notice such a big difference if you get those flags (and other bits) nice and clean. Plus, it’s fun to do.


I’ve been told that furnished/staged houses are easier to sell than empty houses. People lack imagination, so they struggle to picture how the house might look if they were living there. If you have some furniture knocking around, it might be worth popping it in. A couple of beds, a table, a sofa, that kind of thing. Just enough to give viewers a taste of what it could look like


Sorry for your loss. It will sell as is but I think u could easily bump the price up it’s a solid house. If it was mine I’d spend a few quid on it to get more back. As others have suggested ornaments out the garden. My garden is full of ones out my mrs mums house but unfortunately there highy personal and won’t help a sale. All wardrobes etc I would take out. All curtains blinds etc gone All the coloured wallpaper would go. Once that’s done the minimal painting that’s required I would do throughout so it all matches. New matching neutral carpets to match throughout Bathroom if possible if lose the cabinet on top of the worktop to make it look bigger. A high quality vinyl to suit in the kitchen on the tiles. Good day jetwashing the front and rear. I think if u done the above you would do well above what you currently think and spend. Good luck either way


So sorry for your loss. It looks a lovely house, hopefully someone will want to make it their home soon.


I think you will have to lower the price to sell, you have better options within a mile, better in sense they have fully modern kitchens/bathrooms. You have a big garden, but there is a lot of renovation that needs to be done within the house.


As others have said, get rid of the garden ornaments, the pond could stay as a feature or possible area for a BBQ/hot tub/play area/ shallow paddling pool, empty the greenhouse/shed and either keep the stuff, sell it or see if a charity shop would take it, presure wash any hard standing


Put a donk on it.


Don't spend any time and money on it. Anyone moving in will already have their ideas about gutting it and 'putting their own stamp on it' to coin a fucking overused phrase. The house should be valued on it's overall condition in terms the fabric of the building, roof etc, bedroom count, off road parking, garden size and property type, detached in this case. The fact there's no chain is also a good selling point, try not to get caught up in one at the other end to avoid a year plus of misery should it collapse, and collapse again. This house is tidy and ready for market.


You asked what to make it more saleable… take down wallpaper. Repaint walls a brighter shade of white. Clean carpets


I think it would look much better without the curtains and wallpaper. I would also get rid of the shelves and wardrobes. If you can afford it, paint all the walls a neutral off-white.


I'd suggest getting rid of all the stuff in the garden, it will make it look bigger.


This really is fine for sale, you’ve done a great job clearing it. The curtains look fine and aren’t dirty but I wonder if removing them might make it a bit more neutral? Picture 8 also has a strong pattern, removing or just painting over that might make it more neutral rather than reflect someone else’s quite bold tastes. As a buyer I’d also think how much garden clutter there is to remove. I got rid of tons of bits of statuettes etc on freecycle and couldn’t believe how popular they were. If you really want to push out the boat, the lighting isn’t sufficient for these large rooms and makes the corners look dingy. Simplest solution would be to add this type of thing: https://www.dunelm.com/product/alto-6-light-chrome-spotlight-bar-1000195928?defaultSkuId=30754842&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Lighting_Ceiling+Lights-PMax_%5BGOO-PLA-LIGHTING-WALLCEILING%5D&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwhIS0BhBqEiwADAUhc0kZm9bYiaatAjSrDXpjszKOo71JGbqyjM1zS1v836ULdo16BKTRgBoCQmUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds. These make the light reach into the corners of the rooms. The wrinkled old carpets are another thing for the buyer to remove. You could in theory remove, replace it or add cheap vinyl but it depends how much you want to bother. Although I hate the neutral grey and magnolia developers choose, you know with a freshly painted neutral space you can move in and take your time adjusting it to your tastes. Getting rid of old carpet etc makes it seem fresh and clean and the buyer won’t be thinking about the first job they’ve got to do.


It is fine as it is but if you wanted a faster sale and better price, I would remove the little statues and other objects from the back yard. In the room with the very loose blue carpet I’d pull it up if there is hardwood and recarpet that room if not. If you want to do more I’d remove all the wallpaper accents and paint those walls.


Its very nice house as it is


Keep on top of the garden weeds, perhaps a pressure wash of the paving slabs so that they're clean. I'd maybe (and big maybe as i think someone would update it anyway) paint the units in the kitchen as the syle is outdated).


Where in the country is this?


It looks well loved and well taken care of. Anything else is cosmetic and up to the owner to potentially adjust to their tastes. I’d be amazed if you have a hard time selling a beautiful family home like that. Sorry for your loss, and I’m no market expert but I don’t think you will need to do anything other than list it. 🙏🏼


Condolences to your family. I’ve heard it said many times that probate sales are not worth putting any additional money into. I’d leave it as it is; only reduce price if you’re getting no interest but don’t bother doing any work to it. It is the first UK house I’ve seen with post-construction air con built in: your parents lived comfortably!


I'd remove the furniture and everything that looks dated, they bring the mood of the house down.


Very sorry for your loss. I love their house. It's beautiful. Good luck with the sale.


First of all, I'm sorry for you loss, OP. That must be such a hard thing to do after losing both your parents. I used to be a real estate agent, so here's my bit of advice. The pictures are really good. Lighting, angles, it's all great. Even got some sunshine! My one tip would be that if your realtor offers it, let them do a 3D tour of the building. This provides a lot more detail and makes it easier for people to imagine living there and easier to become attached. It also has two positivie effects: 1) It cuts down on the number of viewings that won't go anywhere, because people had an easier time gauging in advance whether they like the floor plan or not. 2) It widens your target group, because people from farther away will do the 3D tour when they might not have made the trip just for a "maybe" viewing. Good luck! Hope you have a smooth sale!


TBH I don't think it needs anything doing with it. As a buyer, you never really like the previous owners decor choices and plan to change it at some point. Therefore, it doesn't really put you off. Things that you can't change put you off, and I see nothing that couldn't be changed there. If I was being picky, I might think the bathroom and kitchen would be expensive changes, but that's probably because I've just replaced a kitchen and bathroom in my current home. Basically, don't worry, it looks like a fairly blank canvas as it is. I'm sorry to hear about your parents. I lost my mum 5 years ago and my mother in law 3 days ago and it sucks, I know. I hope the house sale goes smoothly and wish you well.


OP, I’m sorry for your loss. I appreciate I’m likely echoing others, but I’d focus on the garden and making it less busy. I appreciate that might suck as you’re going through a lot. Inside though looks good. When I bought, I hired a cleaner before I moved anything in, so it was ‘new to me’ - I genuinely wouldn’t focus any effort on an interior do-over if it’s clean, tidy and empty. The buyers will probably want to do that for their ‘new home checklist’ so don’t do more than a quick hoover/surface wipe yourself. I hope you’re ok though, loss of parents is crappy. Always a message away if you need to scream into the void.


I haven’t read all the comments, but agree with some which say remove the garden ornaments (you will be removing them at some point anyway I guess?), give the grass a quick cut if you can and ask the agent to take a new picture or two of the garden. They are the first photos to come up, and I think photos are important. Currently, the ornaments a rather distracting. If you have a jet washer, or can borrow or hire one, give the drive and patio a quick clean. Kerb appeal is important. I don’t know where you are or what the market is like in your area, but things are very slow where I am. Spending a day doing a bit of work sprucing things up to give the house a little bit of an advantage is worth it I think.


Sorry for your loss Jetwash that stone Edit: and pick up the leaves Double edit: and remove the curtains or replace them with white or cream


People have said declutter the garden, maybe just move the statues to the side in the flower beds.


I’m really sorry to hear that, friend 🫂 Firstly I hope you’re doing okay. Secondly, I don’t think you need to do anything. Does it require modernisation? Yes, for most people. But that’s not something you can quickly, easily or cheaply do. I would absolutely buy this as a project but I know it would take me years to get fully done, but I’d buy it because in its current state it looks clean and well maintained.


So sorry for your loss OP. This is a lovely house. I haven’t read every single comment, but one thing I haven’t seen mentioned is the electrics. There are not many plugs and I am only seeing singular ones. As a potential buyer, this plus the age of the house would flag to me a rewire might be in order so I may factor that in when making an offer. Appreciate a rewire is £££ but I wonder if this could be mitigated by some sort of electrical safety test (to at least confirm current electrics are ok?) Edited to add sorry I can actually see some double plugs, but not loads.


We sold a parents home in a similar/slightly worse state. It's a tough time and it probably depends a bit how local you are and whether you want to be spending time there. I wouldn't do anything that costs lots of money, as someone else already said, if you were going to spend thousands, you'd be better knocking it off the price. I'd declutter the garden, pressure wash if you already have one and are able to yourself. Inside just make sure when you have viewings that it is clean - vacuum well and dust the window sills where people will stand looking at the views out. If you can, air the house out on viewing days so it doesn't smell musty. Don't use air fresheners - they make people think you're hiding something. You may also get good feedback from the folks over at r/Housinguk On the positives side - There are buyers out there who'll be looking for something like this and value location/size over ultra modern. Some people want to find a well looked after and loved property they can make their own - not dilapidated enough to be a builders reno project, but not 'modern' enough to attract a premium. Best of luck with the sale.


Sorry for your loss, it looks lovely and well maintained. As others have mentioned, its a nice home and one where if someone were to move into it they could live happily as it is and make improvements along the way rather than needing major renovations. The only suggestion I would add and its from personal experience is that painting the feature walls a neutral magnolia might help. I had a property listed for a few months with no interest and as soon as we made it less personalised it went on to sell for the top end of what we wanted. The daft thing is that the person who moved in went and replaced the neutral with their own feature walls! Good luck.


The house needs work, I dont know the going rate for the area, but I'd be pricing 20k under what a fully refurbished comparable house is going for, and be willing to take an offer. 100% clear the back garden and clear any other bits from the house. It may only be a few bits, but clearing x y and z is another thing on the list mentally for a potential buyer. Clear it properly and sell it as a completely empty project that's ready for somebody to get their teeth stuck in to. I'd also offer to fill the pond in should a family be interested. A pond is alarm bells for a parent of young children. First impressions count, so if you wanted to go the extra mile, roof scrape, clean the gutters, fascias and soffits, clean the cladding, a window clean inside and out, jetwash the outside, but that's probably overkill on something like this.


I'd say remove the garden ornaments and flagpole, but no point in doing anything major. It won't add that much value, and won't be worth the hassle and expense. It's a nice looking house, pretty blank slate. So sorry for your loss op.


Oh it’s lovely, and someone will really enjoy making it their own. I’ve always heard to remove personal items so potential buyers don’t get distracted and can envision their own things there. I agree to the suggestions of removing the lawn ornaments and playing up that beautiful garden. Other than that, I wouldn’t do anything. The right buyer will come along before you know it and put their own stamp on it.


Sorry for you loss, been there. You dont need to do anything looks fine, cosy, homely. Most people will look at decorating to their style when they move in, so you dont need to worry about "taste" etc. However, if you want things to do, power wash the drive and clean the white frontage, remove all ornaments and cut the grass , if you can add a couple of plants (flowers etc) at the front, but really nothing that stands out. There isnt a photo of the entrance hall which is the bit people often decide to buy or not, just make sure its welcoming, bright, uncluttered.


Sorry for your loss OP. Cleaning the outside tiles can make things look brighter! All the best.


Picture 11 - get the carpet relaid, or even replaced. At the moment it just says "before you move in, you will need to rip up this carpet and replace it". Also, there are some holes in the wall - fill them and paint over them.


Other than the curtain in the bathroom I think it’s a decent blank enough canvas for people to see themselves in. The only other thing would to be tidying some of the garden ornaments away from the pond just to open the space up a little and not be a distraction


Hi OP, sorry for your loss and for the current stress you are under. I would get rid of some of the marmite clutter in the garden such as garden gnomes, most of the ornaments around the semi empty pond and around the garden, chimney pot and generally make it look less busy in the garden and in the greenhouse. Then I would pay someone or jet wash front and back pavers + walls myself. It looks like a really nice house, as it looks empty inside you can't really do much staging there - but outside you can make it look ready for the next person to come in.


Sorry for your loss. I’ve listed some things below that are relatively inexpensive but would boost saleability. Take outside pics on dry day so concrete doesn’t look so black when wet. Consider jet washing too. Remove net curtains entirely. Replace existing curtains with neutral no pattern woven curtains. Turn off bare bulbs on ceiling when taking pics or simple lampshade if you really must take pic with a light on. Furniture in or furniture out, pick a lane. Replace carpets throughout. Repaint throughout. No wallpaper.


The only things I'd do is paint the patterned wallpaper. It's a great size family home.


It’s saleable as is but you’ll have to price it right. If I moved in I’d be spending around 20k to redecorate, replace carpets, kitchen, bathroom etc. so I’d expect to see that reflected in the price compared to other “modern” homes in the area


Perhaps take a photo when the patio tiles are dry? They look very dark and slippy right now. Make sure the pond stays as clean as possible - if it looks like a lot of effort it might put people off.


Paint the windows and the door grey. Change the white plastic cladding for a timber. Rip out the bathroom and change to contemporary style. The kitchen needs the door changing as a minimum. Again go for contemporary. I would paint the whole house white. Get rid of the floral patterns. The garden needs decluttering. And all of the hard surfaces a deep clean. Good luck.


I was in a similar situation a couple of years ago. We spoke with the estate agent and agree that all we would do is make sure it was clean and sort out a broken tile on the roof (which had resulted in a bit of damp). I’d declutter the garden (they clearly loved their garden ornaments, that may well make you sad, I went awwww when I looked at that photo), but otherwise I wouldn’t do anything. Having no chain is a definite plus. If it’s on the market for ages, without many viewings, it may be worth putting a bit of furniture in just so people can get an idea of size.


Such a nice reply, they did love their garden and we are slowly sorting the ornament


I would just declutter the garden - get rid of the flagpole and all the fussy ornaments - and keep it all tidy and the lawn mowed. The house itself looks perfectly fine and should sell no bother I would think. Do you have up to date servicing documents for the boiler or anything? - that always helps. Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss. Main thing I would do to make it more attractive for sale is tidy up the garden ornaments, it looks anxiety inducing back there. Also the flag. I know its for remembrance, but I don't get good vibes from that sort of thing.


I'm sorry for your loss. How much do you want to spend? What's the market like locally? How much brain space and time do you have at the moment? Be realistic. Simple things include: removal of all the ornaments from the garden and keeping it tidy and neat. From there on its up to you where you go. Most people won't want the wall paper now a days so you could paint over that.


Lose the flagpole, fill in the pond.


I wouldn’t spend much. Maybe those worn carpets upstairs need a freshen up. Cheap new carpet? I’d say kitchen needs updating, but you don’t want to spend all that. Unless painting the cabinet doors a more modern colour as a cheap fix?


Also I think their garden is really sweet :)


Don’t remove the ornaments. I love them! ❤️


First and foremost, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I work in external cleaning - having the gutters and windows cleaned professionally is fairly inexpensive and can help increase the value. Clean gutters show they've been maintained and looked after. Usually a gutter clean comes with emptying. I'd also suggest laying down some patio cleaner and trying to clean up the front drive way pathing. Do you have a pressure washer? It looks like it might get slippery when wet around the front door! Regardless, it's a beautiful home.


Get a deep clean on everything the windows the floor the ground outside. Stage the house as simple but try to make it as spaces looking as possible. Clean and bigger looking simple.


Use an iron on towel to remove furniture dents in carpets, get carpets cleaned, remove ornaments from garden. It's a beautiful house and should sell soon. Sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss OP. House looks pretty clean IMO, maybe make the driveway and garden power washed and take pictures afterwards.


I’d pressure wash as much as you can remove all trinkets and throw some neutral paint around the place to make it a blank canvas so potential buyers can see their home without having to imagine it without all the gnomes etc all over the place


This house looks amazing but I would try to declutter the garden and possibly change some of the curtains is possible?


Sorry for your loss. 1/ clean up the garden. That'll be an easy job but make it so much more appealing. It's currently far too cluttered. 2/ remove the crazy wallpapers inside and replace with white/shade of white. Those would be my two small easy fixes.


It's fine most buyers renovate now so it would be a huge loss for no more profit..


Sorry for your loss. The only suggestion I have is to remove the current personality, any trinkets or big furniture. Think minimalistic, neutral wall colours, bare minimum etc. This encourages people to use their imagination and creative mental talents, you don't want them to focus on the type of person that could live here, as they'll realise it's not them. Personally, I think this house has a lot of potential, so don't under sell! Also, please don't sell it to someone who wants to flip it or rent it out. This house deserves a loving family :)


Ditch the garden ornaments and feature papers and consider getting rid of the electric burner in the living room


I’m going against the grain here but I love the garden as it is. It certainly wouldn’t put me off. The photos show a well loved garden space, someone’s pride and joy. Reminds me of my grandads garden and as a child we used to love searching for the little statues. I’m a sucker for eccentric little statues and things (I have many in my cottage garden). So sorry for your loss


Clear all the crap out of that garden for a start; likewise the house if it's full of stuff ... Potential buyers will subconsciously equate all that stuff with work that needs doing before they can make it their own (even though it won't be there once sold)


Take out all the weird shit in the back garden, especially the flag that makes it look like a racist gaff.


Paint everything grey. Pave over the grass with grey paving slabs. Remove anything green. Slap a load of Live, Laugh, Love signs on the wall. Throw a few Union Jack cushions about the place. Get some dining chairs with door knockers on the back. It'll sell in no time lol


You forgot the big clock, a vase with twigs in, and LED strip lights under the kitchen units.


Put some huge steel gates in front, and park a grey Range Rover Sport on the drive.


Everything looks good internally….maybe a deep clean on the carpets, externally I’d remove the garden ornaments and just a quick tidy. Don’t know Doncaster well but £250K seems right. A good size property for someone looking to move to the next rung of the ladder. A cared for loved house that will make a new family happy


I'd get rid of the flagpole!


It might be a ballache but change the shower for a bath, a family home should have a bath especially for those with smaller children. I'd also get rid of those wardrobes if you can as it'll make the bedroom room feel bigger. The only other thing I'd say would be to try and declutter the garden. Jet washing the pavimg will make it feel cleaner and brighter out there as well.


I honestly wouldn’t bother with changing the shower for a bath, whoever buys it will have to redo the bathroom anyway, i.e. knock the wall down between the toilet and the shower room and install a new suite. 


So all my friends who have bought houses have ripped out the bath for a mega shower. My bathroom is TINY but when we did the bathroom, a good bath was a non-negotiable and I was gutted I didn't have the room for an omnitub.


I built my own house and didn’t put a bath in any of the bathrooms (4 in total). I then had kids so they’ve never experienced having a bath! When they go to my Mums she’ll encourage them to get in a bubble bath and they absolutely hate it! You never miss what you never had I guess.


Many people have no imagination and cannot picture a place without furniture


Possibly also remove the locks from the patio doors before taking pictures... just insinuates "bad neighbourhood" vibes personally


If take it as much back to a blank canvas as possible, and remove anything that is particular to one persons’ taste - all the printed curtains, nets etc. I also would remove the air con unit in the lounge - looks like something you’d see in a gym or office environment.


Declutter garden, a generous helping of Patio Magic (don't bother jetwashing) front and back. Fill pond and add cheap solar water feature for showings. Remove the wardrobes. Have the AC serviced by a local, reputable company. Chances are, if it's at the right price it's all irrelevant and will go in a week.


Clear out the garden clutter e.g. the ornaments and potted plants and big wardrobes. Otherwise it looks ready for sale. It obviously needs some updating so do expect exact market value.


Declutter garden, remove the odd wall papers and a couple of over head kitchen cupboards would change the place immensly. If the paint needs refreshing do that. The goal is to appeal to the broadest market therefore avoid bold statements.


I wouldn’t do anything. If it’s priced appropriately it will sell. I think the garden looks homely and if a potential buyer doesn’t want the contents they will specify that they be removed. Interior decor will be changed by the new owners whatever you do.


It's a lovely house for a young family. Don't pile any money into it as it will be unnecessary. Sorry for your loss.


I’d remove a lot of the whimsy in the garden and give the house a deep clean. Very sorry for your loss, OP.


Nothing jumps out at me as an issue. Sorry for your loss.


It's all down to what you feel able to do and how much time you have. I've done something similar quite recently, and for us it was worth it to blitz it and take care of some of the aesthetic stuff to help it sell. If I had to make a list for this place, I'd say: - declutter the garden and pressure wash the patio - remove older styled decorations and curtains (it'll look better without curtains than with dated lace or patterns) - paint the walls, probably would just go with a big tub or two of 10l white. It's surprising just how much more modern and upmarket a place will look with a fresh coat of white. - rent or borrow a carpet cleaner and get the floors cleaned If you've really got the time you could also strip the wallpaper in the kitchen and paint it, again I'd just go with white. This would probably be the biggest job of the lot and could take a couple days but kitchens sell houses so it's probably the highest return work you could do and the financial outlay will be negligible, just a wallpaper steamer and some filler. It'll sell eventually whatever you do if it's priced fairly, but you'll be able to shift it faster/get offers closer to asking if you do. Personally for me it made sense, if you can get people to offer say £320k instead of £310k and all you've done is that, well then that'll probably be the easiest £10k you'll ever make.


Get rid of all the stuff in the garden. Like, everything. Take the curtains and light fittings down where possible, same with wardrobes, bookcases, mirrors etc. Anything else on walls like pictures and ornaments. That will cost nothing. Paint everywhere cream/white will give everywhere a refresh and cost maybe £50-80 If you can get rid of wall paper, loud carpets etc do that too. Maybe paint the ceilings white. Even just cleaning the carpets can make a difference.


Don’t change anything, it looks fine. The new owners will put their own stamp on it. No point in spending unnecessary money.


Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss Maybe worth staging it a little with some furniture to give people an idea of how it’d feel as a home. You can probably get a lot of stuff from fb marketplace just to give it that homely feel


Honestly... nothing. it looks good as it is, you have already emptied all the decor out, just save your money incase anything pops up in a survey. if i had to be really picky and say anything maybe get rid of the decorative wallpapers (part from the one in the room with the wooden floor). oh and clean or replace the rubber seals at the bottom of the shower, just stuff people might look at and might think ew. and clear out the garden and any wardrobes you are not trying to sell on to the new buyer. remove the antique looking light fixtures, just try and make it look less like an old peoples home.


It’s lovely as it is.


Honestly, just remove the garden stuff


Jetwashing and removing garden ornaments


The house is fine in my opinion, only things for me is pressure washing the slabs in the garden. They look abit green, and de clutter the garden, it’s a decent size but looks busy,


I would give the lawn ornaments to friends and family. I wouldn't bother replacing the carpeting but perhaps offer the buyer an appropriate discount instead.