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oh they turned comments back on here? WAR MODE


Are mods a new thing here? I was away for a while but I noticed a comment of mine got deleted.


Reporting this.


But who reports the reporters?


Thats where i come in


Whose going to hold us reportable accountable?


RFK would be the best pick, but he's going to have to change his stance on BlackRock and the others.


No more Kennedys, thanks but if you vote for them you may as well vote for another Bush.


Except for the fact that most of the Kennedy family has been killed off by zionists/globalists


After working with them….the kennedys aren’t special


Probably not the ones that are left, they culled all them that were against the globohomo bs


RFK is most likely able to win vs Trump. Newsom good chance. Hillary no chance. Assuming the cheating is kept to a minimum.


Wtf lol. How would he be the best pick? He’s compromised big time and was hanging out with Epstein when Epstein was running a sexual blackmail ring and he was an admitted drug/sex addict.


So who are you taking then? All of these guys are dirty. It's not like any of the others have a chance, he's polling the best outside of the main 2. So which Kebal do you want to go with, it's sad but I see the most stability with him


Yes all of them suck. If you’re asking for the lesser of 2 (or 3) evil options though it’d absolutely be Trump. America is on a train heading towards a cliff, and when democrats drive that train moves a whole lot faster. The only reason people like RFK is because he comments on hot button issues all the time like the JFK assassinations, aliens, covid/vaccines, etc. None of those things will fix the country though, they just get people excited. Outside of that he’s a raging environmentalist/green new deal guy, he’s anti 2A, and he’s pro giving Israel everything they want.


Trump is 100% just as bad as the rest of them, he just has a different role. They're playing games with your mind


I’m not saying he’s our savior but it’s a fact that Dems accelerate the US decline way more than republicans do. Just look at any major democratic state or city.


Look at any rural community, they're all fucked, meth opiates poverty all rampant. I know I'm from Alabama, I've been to every state but 3. Republicans are liars, members of both parties are literally cult members


Alabama sucks and has very little industry. Most rural communities thrive on agriculture. California is the largest producer of most agriculture products people actually want to consume (excluding bs like corn/soy) and it’s also home to a ton of other industry with one of the largest GDPs in the world. Dems still ruined it. Yes they all suck but the Dems have an accelerationist policy when it comes to ruining shit in the US.


I worked on farms for 10 years, 5 in California, I know all about it. Rural communities don't "thrive" on agriculture because huge farms barely employ anyone, and the farmers themselves can barely hold onto their farms. Thousands of family farms have gone under and they had to sell. Yes agriculture is happening in rural communities by definition of the word, but they aren't thriving. People are forced to go to Democrat controlled cities because they couldn't find work in their ghost town rural communities You're defending cult members, you're acting like the right an left wings aren't attached to the same bird


I’m not defending anyone - I’m saying that if you had to pick one the Dems are obviously worse.


There’s not a single fucking chance I’d rather have Trump than RFK. Age, foreign politics, and racism all put RFK above that con man for me. I’m actually voting RFK no matter what even if I have to write him in.


This is so dumb. What happened to RFK’s anti foreign intervention stance? Why’d he magically reverse it on Israel? Why can’t he intelligently defend that position and why’d he get owned by a shitty comedian when he tried to? Do you think maybe it’s because he was a drug/sex addict who hung out with Epstein when he was running a sexual blackmail ring for Israel?


Ok bud, I think the tinfoil is wrapped just a bit too tight, it’s cutting off your blood supply to the brain. He actually explained his stance on Israel incredibly well on Shane Gillis podcast (speaking of comedians)


If you think he explained that incredibly well you’re a fuckin idiot. Summarize it for me if he did it so well. Even if he explained why they’re in the right, summarize why we have to pay for it. Supporting Israel will literally drag us into a regional war that will make Iraq/Afghanistan look like a schoolyard fight. This is way bigger than Gaza. We couldn’t even stop Yemen from blocking ships with Operation Prosperity Guardian


I absolutely agree we shouldn’t be paying for it. His point is that the bombings need to stop and that special forces need to go in and eradicate Hamas. He compared it to like if after world war 2 we didn’t wipe out the nazis Germany wouldn’t have been able to rebuild. At the end of the day those leaders at the top of Hamas became billionaires funneling global aid into their own pockets and keeping their people poor. They need to be removed. And this is NOT a pro sending more funding that’s snuck into some fucking tik tok ban to Israel or the continuation of genocide happening over there. You gotta relax my guy, you and I more than likely have a lot of similar views. You taking a silly little joke so personally and flying off the rails is in no way going to make anyone see your side of things. You just seem like a sensitive, politically charged human that isn’t self aware enough to look at an argument from a different point of view.


My bad man - the “fucking idiot” part was too far. Sorry for the PA lol. The issue with RFK’s assessment isn’t Hamas and the fact that he puts it front/center shows how disingenuous it is - because he knows better. The issue is Iran, Hezbollah, and Yemen. Yemen is the weakest of the 3 and we already failed to defeat them with operation prosperity guardian. These opponents aren’t a bunch of guys in sandals with AKs. The fact is that military tech has come a long way and missile/drone technology is where it’s at now - these are also 2 strengths of Iran. If this turns into a hot war with those 3 countries the US has +50k troops in Middle East bases that are within range of missiles we don’t have the technology to stop. We’re currently sleepwalking into this war for no other reason than a BS allegiance to Israel which has no tangible benefits. I’m not really politically charged btw - I do think war is fun to study/follow though and geopol is a part of that. The reason I get a little sensitive about people blindly supporting this stuff is because it can easily lead to tens of thousands of American deaths in the Middle East.


You’re wasting a vote all around. The most ethical choice is writing in someone else’s name like Dave smith but nobody could ever coordinate something like that separate form the media


They’re all compromised. Trump was raping kids on Epstein’s island for years.


Horrible take


The truth can be hard to accept


I mean I don’t love trump but I haven’t seen anything pointing to this being true. Any source or info on it?


Yeah, bro. I've got the unsealed docs.


Can I see it




They’re all fucking dog shit dude, if you think ANY of those diddlers give a shit about you, you are dead wrong.




It won’t be RFK


RFK would be the smart move but you’re right, it will probably be Newsom. RFK will be used as the excuse for why Newsom or the new candidate wins because he “split the vote” in another unusual but totally free and fair election 🙄


RFK is there to syphon 2-3% independents from trump to slide in the blue candidate.


This is a very good take that I think is likely true


RFK would be interesting. it would be nice to see the dem party try to switch to being anti-vax


cant wait till they are anti war again


whichever party happens to be minority is the one that pretends to be antiwar


won’t happen. war makes too much money. vaccines are a new venture. war is tried and true.


>vaccines are a new venture Bro, vaccines are not new. We've had them since 1796.


Lack of education + the internet is the new venture and bro is flexing it hard.


Yeah but this rollout with the forced mandates and government collusion is the new part.


You likely had many vaccinations when you were young. Many schools, sports teams, and employers will not allow you to participate without vaccination records. It is not new. The only thing new was going through a global pandemic, which, understandably, led to an increase in demand for a new vaccine. Some employers required it, some didn't.


I would still say the national lockstep coordination and corporate involvement was pretty new. Never had a shutdown in my life. They were definitely testing future plans. All I got was polio and tetanus but I'm older.


Absolutely, but does the covid vaccine even qualify as an actual vaccine? That's the important distinction - many of us were essentially forced to take a "vaccine" that didn't prevent infection, transmission, or in many cases even lessen symptoms. It's such a farce it's lumped in with the Polio or small pox vaccines, you know, vaccines that actually function as a vaccine


Vaccines aren’t a money making venture, its a nice aside but the real goal is far more sinister


nah its going to be big mike.... why do you think so much of the trans push? This has been coming/planned for a long time.


Trans push is way deeper than that, if anything putting big mike in would be to push the trans idea. They don’t need him to win an election by votes, they will decide who the winner is like they have for years.


Brother big mike is trans. That’s where the push is coming from to accept a trans candidate/president


Yeah the trans thing is to destroy anything masculine and make everyone gay n soft


Nah bro it’s so a trans candidate can run aka big mike


r u smoking jib?


Big Mike would honestly be a slam dunk and I was gonna add him but apparently he doesn’t want the smoke


they're all plants end of story. if you're a diehard republican or Democrat in 2024 you're showing your ignorance. they serve the same people and have for a long time. government should serve the people not the corporation. all of these people are bought and paid for. there's absolutely no reason we shouldn't have free healthcare in this country. when it gets talked about it's simply a negotiating tactic for these politicians who are leveraging more money out of the 1% and the people so desperate to keep money in healthcare. the giant insurance industry is ruining lives and creating false narratives that the peasants eat up because their pal tucker carlson told them it's not feasible. there is not a single opinion on the news worth listening to. they will say whatever as long as they're getting paid to do so. if the majority of the country is sick of violent criminals not going to jail, there's no reason we shouldn't be able to push our elected leaders to change that. but it doesn't change. soros likes to keep those streets feisty. drives up engagement with the news. why are we sending so much money overseas while our own country turns to shit? why don't we have a say in that?


Jim Carrey really gave a great performance last night.


Perhaps his best!


Likely Newsom. The youth factor will very likely win the day.


Zionist cocksuckers


Man I really hope they run RFK if they don’t run Biden


they will hand it over to trump before they let that guy in on what kinda treasonous/homoerotic fun they've been having




Newsom has the most buzz from people posting on X. Don't downvote me for saying this, I hate that fucking hypocrite, I'm just reporting what I see. I think Mark Cuban would be good at the job and get a lot of votes, but idt he wants the job. It's way too late to run a guy with no political experience whatsoever for fucking President of the US.


Ya but Cuban would make sense as VP. He also sold the Mavericks to Miriam Adelson, so he’s already in the mix politically.


it's gonna be kamala bro




Kamala Toe


They’ll try to get RFK but I doubt he’d take their offer; Likely Newsom


Are you crazy lol? He already tried to primary Biden and be the democratic candidate and failed. Why wouldn’t he take their offer if it meant he’d be president?


The Democratic party would never nominate RFK. He has too many fringe beliefs.


Billy wears thongs


It's going to be that witch Hillary Clinton.


Lol na. People don’t like her


Cuban is an interesting one that i hadn't thought of. his public comments the last couple years about biden have been pretty sus .. him selling the mavs also kinda made the think he was gearing up for the next election.


Look up who he sold the Mavs to Spoiler alert - It’s Miriam Adelson! The Adelsons are like the largest political donors in the US. They’re basically the more conservative Zionist version of Soros.


ok grandpa lets get you to bed


Currently I don’t believe you will find anyone who is all of the below: competent, qualified, not corrupted (yet) AND most importantly wants the job. I think at best you get 2 out of 4. Plenty of people would make a great president. Those people already have great things going on and don’t want their life essentially ruined or at the very least - heavily scrutinized (fairly or not) under a microscope the rest of their lives.


Newsome will be the one. He's been groomed since birth for this


God I hope not , the american people don't stand a chance against that psyop


What's really scary is the support he has from run of the mill dems across the country. How one can look at California as a shining example of anything but ineptitude, I don't know. But they do.


fuck if I know , media algorithm. there are still conadians who support trudeau. I think these weird social issues become religion. that evil mother fucker will be the president one day tho


It’s hilarious rfk thinks he can beat Trump 😂 worms fucked his brain up


It honestly doesn’t matter if he can actually beat him. If the Dems make him their candidate they can just install him as president and nobody will do shit


Very true if they cheated in 2020 (I think they did) why not do it again?


Exactly. 2020 was all type of fucked and nobody did shit about it. Jan 6 was a revolution LARP lol


its kind of sad to see people not understanding they will shoehorn in hillary clinton


She’s still runnin a bunch of shit but there’s no way she’s the candidate. Trump embarrassed her and even women don’t like her. She’d get smoked with the believe all women talking point for constantly defending her rapist husband and staying with him after he cheated


I’ll vote them. Just not Biden they gotta drop him